Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society


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72 340. Seventeenth century<br />



1407. ALTBAUER-RUDNIK, Michal. “Love, Madness<br />

and Social Order: Love Melancholy in France<br />

and England in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth<br />

Centuries.” Theme issue: Melancholy and Material<br />

Unity <strong>of</strong> Man, 17th–18th Centuries [ref. 1648].<br />

Gesnerus 63 (<strong>2006</strong>): 33–45.<br />

1408. NEELY, Carol Thomas. Distracted Subjects:<br />

Madness and Gender in Shakespeare and Early Modern<br />

Culture. (xiii + 244 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Ithaca:<br />

Cornell Univ. Press, 2004. ISBN: 0801489245.<br />

Reviews: [ref. R658]<br />

330-153. PHARMACY<br />

1409. ACOSTA, Cristóbal. Tractado de las drogas, y<br />

medicinas de las Indias Orientales, con sus plantas<br />

debuxadas al biuo por Christoual Acosta ... En el<br />

qual se verifica mucho de lo que escriuio el doctor<br />

Garcia de Orta ... (2 vol.: ill.) Madrid: Agencia<br />

Española de Cooperación Internacional, 2000. ISBN:<br />

8472328678.<br />

Republication <strong>of</strong> a 1578 text.<br />

1410. ANAGNOSTOU, Sabine. “Jesuits in Spanish<br />

America: Contributions to the Exploration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Materia Medica.” Pharm. Hist. 47 (2005):<br />

3–17.<br />

1411. PAROJCIC, Dusanka, Dragan STUPAR, and<br />

Mirjana STUPAR. “The Municipal Pharmacy in Kotor,<br />

14th–16th Century.” Pharm. Hist. 45 (2003):<br />

31–36.<br />


1412. CASTILLO MARTOS, Manuel. Bartolomé de<br />

Medina y el Siglo XVI: Un Sevillano Lleva la Revolución<br />

Tecnológica a América. (271 pp.) Sevilla:<br />

Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, Delegación de Educación,<br />

2001. ISBN: 8495122529.<br />

1413. CONNOLLY, David E. “Problems <strong>of</strong> Textual<br />

Transmission in Early German Books on Mining:<br />

‘Der Ursprung gemeynner Berckrecht’ and the Norwegian<br />

‘Bergkordnung.’ ” Diss. Abstr. Int. A 66/12<br />

(<strong>2006</strong>): 4035.<br />

Dissertation at Ohio State University, 2005. Grotans, Anna<br />

A. UMI pub. no. 31<strong>97</strong>821. 695 pp.<br />

1414. HILLS, Helen. “Architecture and Affect: Leon<br />

Battista Alberti and Edification.” In GOUK and HILLS<br />

[ref. 509], 89–108.<br />

1415. LUU, Liên. Immigrants and the Industries <strong>of</strong><br />

London, 1500–1700. (xiii + 366 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)<br />

Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2005. ISBN: 075460330X.<br />


1416. JAIME LORÉN, José María de. “Sobre la<br />

primicia hispana en cuanto a los envíos de abejas<br />

europeas a América.” Llull 26 (2003): 595–612.<br />



1417. BACON, Francis. The Instauratio Magna Part<br />

II: Novum Organum and Associated Texts. Edited<br />

by Graham REES and Maria WAKELY. The Oxford<br />

Francis Bacon, 11. (cxxviii + 634 pp.; ill.;<br />

bibl.; index.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2004. ISBN:<br />

0199247927.<br />

With facing-page translations from Latin to English. Reviews:<br />

[ref. R47]<br />

1418. BARKER, Peter. “New Work in Early Modern<br />

<strong>Science</strong>.” Introduction to a special issue. Centaurus<br />

48 (<strong>2006</strong>): 1–2.<br />

Contents: WADDELL [ref. 1616]; TREDWELL [ref. 1328];<br />

BONER [ref. 1555]; FRIESEN [ref. 1709]; HEIDARZADEH<br />

[ref. 1760].<br />

1419. BYRNE, David. “Anne Conway: An Intellectual<br />

Portrait <strong>of</strong> a Seventeenth Century Viscountess.”<br />

Diss. Abstr. Int. A 66/05 (2005): 1931.<br />

Dissertation at Claremont Graduate University, 2005. Adviser:<br />

Olson, Richard. UMI pub. no. 3175048. 163 pp.<br />

1420. CHRISTIANSON, Gale E. Isaac Newton. Lives<br />

and legacies. (xiii + 144 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)<br />

Oxford / New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. ISBN:<br />

019530070X.<br />

1421. DAVIDS, Karel. “Public Knowledge and Common<br />

Secrets: Secrecy and Its Limits in the Early-<br />

Modern Netherlands.” Part <strong>of</strong> a series on craft secrecy.<br />

[ref. 1670]. Early Sci. Med. 10 (2005):<br />

411–427.<br />

1422. EATON, William Rolla. “Boyle on Fire: The<br />

Mechanical Revolution in Scientific Explanation.”<br />

Diss. Abstr. Int. A 66/01 (2005): 200.<br />

Dissertation at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,<br />

2004. Adviser: Hahn, Robert. UMI pub. no. 3163058. 259<br />

pp.<br />

1423. FRIESEN, John. “New Trends in Newtonian<br />

Scholarship: Benefits and Pitfalls.” Ann. Sci. 63<br />

(<strong>2006</strong>): 111–117.<br />

Essay review <strong>of</strong> James E. FORCE and Sarah HUTTON (eds.),<br />

Newton and Newtonianism (2004).<br />

1424. HABERLAND, Detlef. (Ed.) Engelbert Kaempfer<br />

(1651–1716): Ein Gelehrtenleben zwischen<br />

Tradition und Innovation. Wolfenbütteler Forschungen.<br />

(264 pp.; ill.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in<br />

Kommission, 2004. ISBN: 3447051280.<br />

Contents: Detlef HABERLAND, “Vorwort und Danksagung,”<br />

7-10; Jochen HOOCK, “Imago Mundi. Weltbildwandel am<br />

Ende des 17. und zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts,” 11-22;<br />

Karl August NEUHAUSEN, “Engelbertus Kaempfer als lateinischer<br />

Prosaautor. Zum Sprachstil und literarischen Rang<br />

der Amoenitates Exoticae (1712),” 23-76; Nils BÜTTNER,<br />

“Reisebilder - Kunsthistoriche Anmerkungen zu Engelbert<br />

Kaempfers Landschaftszeichnungen und zu den Illustrationen<br />

seiner gedruckten Werke,” 77-104; HABERLAND<br />

[ref. 1622]; HOPPE [ref. 1630]; Michael SCHIPPAN, “Engelbert<br />

Kaempfers Rußlandaufzeichnungen vor dem Hintergrund<br />

der westeuropäischen Kenntnis des Zarenreiches,”<br />

155-188; Monika GRONKE, “Am H<strong>of</strong> von Isfahan - Engelbert<br />

Kaempfer und das safawidische Persien,” 189-198; Ulrich<br />

GOCH, “Das Neue an der Japansicht Engelbert Kaempfers,”<br />

199-210; Roel<strong>of</strong> van GELDER, “Nec semper feriet quodcumque<br />

minabitur arcus – Engelbert Kaempfer as a Scientist<br />

in the Service <strong>of</strong> the Dutch East India Company,” 211-225;<br />

Dieter MERZBACHER, “Engelbert Kaempfers Bibliothek –<br />

Wissenschaftsparadigmen einer Lemgoer Hausund Gelehrtenbibliothek,”<br />

227-242; Robert W. CARRUBBA, “Engelbert<br />

Kaempfer’s Latin Letter on his Decision to Marry,” 243-254.

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