Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society


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28 135. Physical anthropology<br />

484. STOTZ, Karola. “Introduction.” Special Issue:<br />

Genes, Genomes, and Genetic Elements. Hist. Phil.<br />

Life Sci. 26 (2004): 3–4.<br />

Contents: Paul GRIFFITHS and Karola STOTZ, “Genes:<br />

Philosophical Analyses Put to the Test,” 5–28; C. Kenneth<br />

WATERS, “What Concept Analysis in Philosophy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Science</strong><br />

Should Be (and Why Competing Philosophical Analyses <strong>of</strong><br />

Gene Concepts Cannot Be Tested by Polling Scientists),” 29–<br />

58; Richard M. BURIAN, “Molecular Epigenesis, Molecular<br />

Pleiotropy, and Molecular Gene Definitions,” 59–80; Kenneth<br />

F. SCHAFFNER, “Commentary on Stotz and Griffiths, Burian,<br />

and Waters: Genes, Concepts, DST Implications, and the<br />

Possibility <strong>of</strong> Prototypes,” 81–90; Stephen M. DOWNES,<br />

“Alternative Splicing, the Gene Concept, and Evolution,”<br />

91-104; Raphael FALK, “Long Live the Genome! So Should<br />

the Gene,” 105–121; Lenny MOSS, “Commentary on Falk<br />

and Downes,” 123–129.<br />

485. VINCI, Tom, and Jason Scott ROBERT. “Aristotle<br />

and Modern Genetics.” J. Hist. Ideas 66 (2005):<br />

201–221.<br />

486. WATSON, James D., and Andrew BERRY. DNA:<br />

The Secret <strong>of</strong> Life. (xiv + 446 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)<br />

New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003. ISBN:<br />

0375415467.<br />

Reviews: [ref. 3602]<br />



487. ABIR-AM, Pnina G. “Molecular Biology and<br />

Its Recent Historiography: A Transnational Quest for<br />

the ‘Big Picture.’ ” Hist. Sci. 44 (<strong>2006</strong>): 95–118.<br />

Essay review <strong>of</strong> RABINOW and DAN-COHEN [ref. 3619];<br />

Bruno J. STRASSER and Soraya de CHADAREVIAN (eds.),<br />

Molecular Biology in Postwar Europe. Special Issue <strong>of</strong> Studies<br />

in <strong>History</strong> and Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Biological and Biomedical<br />

<strong>Science</strong>s (2002); Jonathan R. BECKWITH, Making Genes,<br />

Making Waves (2002); ANKER and NELKIN [ref. 469];<br />

Frederic Lawrence HOLMES, Meselson, Stahl, and the Replication<br />

<strong>of</strong> DNA (2001); Oren Solomon HARMAN, The Man<br />

Who Invented the Chromosome (2004); Angela N. CREA-<br />

GER, The Life <strong>of</strong> a Virus (2002); William C. SUMMERS, Félix<br />

d’Herelle and the Origins <strong>of</strong> Molecular Biology (1999); Darwin<br />

H. STAPLETON (ed.), Creating a Tradition <strong>of</strong> Biomedical<br />

Research (2004); Jean-Paul GAUDILLIÈRE, Inventer la<br />

biomédecine (2002).<br />

488. BIBEL, Debra Jan. Microbial Musings: A <strong>History</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Microbiology. (xxv + 398 pp.; ill.; bibl.;<br />

index.) Belmont, Calif.: Star Publishers, 2001. ISBN:<br />

0898632110.<br />

489. HUDSON, Robert G. “Mesosomes and Scientific<br />

Methodology.” Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 25 (2003): 167–<br />

191.<br />



490. AZZONE, Giovanni Felice. “The Dual Biological<br />

Identity <strong>of</strong> Human Beings and the Naturalization<br />

<strong>of</strong> Morality.” Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 25 (2003): 211–241.<br />

491. BEARD, K. Christopher. The Hunt for the<br />

Dawn Monkey: Unearthing the Origins <strong>of</strong> Monkeys,<br />

Apes, and Humans. (xv + 348 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)<br />

Berkeley: Univ. <strong>of</strong> California Press, 2004. ISBN:<br />

05202336<strong>97</strong>.<br />

Scientist’s account <strong>of</strong> human origins with some historical<br />

discussion <strong>of</strong> Cuvier and other paleontologists.<br />

492. CORBEY, Raymond. The Metaphysics <strong>of</strong> Apes:<br />

Negotiating the Animal-Human Boundary. (x + 227<br />

pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.<br />

Press, 2005. ISBN: 0521836832.<br />

493. DOUGLAS, Brownwen. “Notes on ‘Race’ and<br />

the Biologisation <strong>of</strong> Human Difference.” J. Pac. Hist.<br />

40 (2005): 331–338.<br />

494. JIMÉNEZ ARENAS, Juan Manuel. Essay review.<br />

Dynamis 24 (2004): 312–319.<br />

Essay review <strong>of</strong> MALATERRE [ref. 496].<br />

495. La pelle umana. [The Human Skin.] In French,<br />

German, and English. Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e<br />

Società Medievali, 13. (772 pp.) Firenze: SISMEL,<br />

Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2005. ISBN: 8884501431.<br />

Contents: Benjamin BRAUDE, “Black Skin/White Skin<br />

in Ancient Greece and the Near East”, pp. 11–21; Vincent<br />

BARRAS, “Le Galen’s Touch. Peau, objet et sujet<br />

dans le système médical galénien”, pp. 55–73; Philippe<br />

MUDRY, “La peau dans tous ses états. Fards et peinture<br />

à Rome”, pp. 75–89; Anne GRONDEUX, “Cutis ou pellis:<br />

les dénominations médiolatines de la peau humaine”,<br />

pp. 113–130; Jean WIRTH, “La représentation de la peau<br />

dans l’art médiéval”, pp. 131–153; Danielle RÉGNIER-<br />

BOHLER, “Secrets et discours de la peau dans la littérature<br />

médiévale en langue vernaculaire”, pp. 155–182; Guillemette<br />

BOLENS, “La momification dans la littérature médiévale.<br />

L’embaumement d’Hecotr chez Benoît de Sainte-Maure,<br />

Guido Delle Colonne et John Lydgate”, pp. 213–231; Jean-<br />

Yves TILLIETTE, “Nigra sum, sed formosa. Le verset I,<br />

4 du Cantique des cantiques et l’hagiographie des saintes<br />

pénitentes”, pp. 251–265; Nicole BÉRIOU, “Pellem pro pelle<br />

(Job 2,4). Les sermons pour la fête de sanit Barthélemy au<br />

XIIIe siècle”, pp. 267–284; Elisheva BAUMGARTEN, “Marking<br />

the Flesh: Circumcision, Blood, and Inscribing Identity<br />

on the Body in Medieval Jewish Culture”, pp. 313–330;<br />

Michel PASTOUREAU, “Le doigt dans la cire. Cent mille<br />

empreintes digitales médiévales”, pp. 331–344; Valentin<br />

GROEBNER, “Maculae. Hautzeichen als Identifikationsmale<br />

zwischen dem 14. und dem 16. Jahrhundert”, pp. 345–358;<br />

Denis BRUNA, “Le ‘labour dans la chair’. Témoignages<br />

et représentations du tatouage au Moyen Age”, pp. 389–<br />

407; Maaike van der LUGT, “La peau noire dans la science<br />

médiévale”, pp. 439–475; Peter BILLER, “Black Women<br />

in Medieval Scientific Thought”, pp. 477–492; and Joseph<br />

ZIEGLER, “Skin and Character in Medieval and Early Renaissance<br />

Physiognomy”, pp. 511–535.<br />

496. MALATERRE, Jacques. La odisea de la especie.<br />

Edited by Yves COPPENS and Juan Luis ARSUAGA.<br />

(DVD, 90 mins.) Valladolid: Divisa Home Video,<br />

2004.<br />

On the origin and evolutionary development <strong>of</strong> the human<br />

race. Reviews: [ref. 494]<br />

4<strong>97</strong>. PENA, Sérgio D. J. “Explorando a interface entre<br />

a antropologia e a genética [Exploring the interface

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