Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society


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132 370. Twentieth century<br />

Commission.” In GRANDIN et al. [ref. 226], 141–<br />

167.<br />

2835. CRELINSTEN, Jeffrey. Einstein’s Jury: The<br />

Race to Test Relativity. (xxix + 3<strong>97</strong> pp.; ill.; bibl.;<br />

index.) Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

ISBN: 0691123101.<br />

On how astronomers in Germany, England, and America<br />

competed to test relativity theory.<br />

2836. CRONIN, James W. (Ed.) Fermi Remembered.<br />

(xi + 287 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Chicago: Univ. <strong>of</strong><br />

Chicago Press, 2004. ISBN: 0226121119.<br />

Includes both essays and reminiscences as well as archival<br />

material (correspondence, etc.). Reviews: [ref. R190]<br />

2837. DEMORTIER, Guy. “Thermodynamique d’hier<br />

mais encore d’aujourd’hui.” Rev. Quest. Sci. 176<br />

(2005): 29–32.<br />

Introduction to a reprint <strong>of</strong> a 1904 article: Aimé WITZ, “Les<br />

températures thermodynamiques et le zéro absolu,” 33–58.<br />

2838. DÖRRIES, Matthias. (Ed.) Michael Frayn’s<br />

Copenhagen in Debate: Historical Essays and Documents<br />

on the 1941 Meeting between Niels Bohr and<br />

Werner Heisenberg. Berkeley Papers in <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Science</strong>, 20; Uppsala Studies in <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Science</strong>,<br />

33. (vii + 195 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Berkeley, Cal.:<br />

Office for <strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Science</strong> and Technology, Univ.<br />

<strong>of</strong> California, Berkeley, 2005. ISBN: 0967261724.<br />

Contents: Matthias DÖRRIES, “<strong>History</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Science</strong> on Stage:<br />

An Introduction,” i-viii; Finn AASERUD, “The Need for a<br />

Dialogue,” 1-6; CARSON [ref. 2698]; CASSIDY [ref. 237];<br />

Michael ECKERT, “ ‘He Who Plays for Vulgar Ears Plays a<br />

Vulgar Tune...’ ,” 23-30; Klaus HENTSCHEL, “Finally, Some<br />

Historical Polyphony!” 31-37; Dieter HOFFMANN, “Copenhagen<br />

Was Not an Isolated Case,” 39-47; Gerald HOLTON,<br />

“What Is Copenhagen Trying to Tell Us?” 49-58; Thomas<br />

POWERS, “Why Heisenberg Did What He Did,” 59-65; Helmut<br />

RECHENBERG, “Documents and Recollections <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Bohr-Heisenberg Meeting in 1941,” 67-74; Paul Lawrence<br />

ROSE, “Copenhagen Interpretation-Heisenberg Version,”<br />

75-88; WALKER [ref. 58]; Finn AASERUD, “Release <strong>of</strong><br />

Documents Relating to the 1941 Bohr-Heisenberg Meeting:<br />

Introductory Comments,” 101-103; Finn AASERUD, “Niels<br />

Bohr Documents: Overview,” 105-107; Finn AASERUD,<br />

“Documents 1-11c,” 108-179. Reviews: [ref. R242]<br />

2839. EINSTEIN, Albert, Max BORN, and Hedwig<br />

BORN. The Born-Einstein Letters: Friendship, Politics<br />

and Physics in Uncertain Times. Introduction<br />

by Werner HEISENBERG; Foreword by Bertrand<br />

RUSSELL; New Preface by Kip THORNE & Diana<br />

BUCHWALD. (xxxii + 235 pp.; bibl.; index.) New<br />

York: Macmillan, 2005. ISBN: 1403944962.<br />

Reviews: [ref. R261]<br />

2840. EINSTEIN, Albert. Einstein’s Annalen Papers:<br />

The Complete Collection, 1901–1922. Edited by<br />

Jürgen RENN. (585 pp.; ill.; bibl.) Weinheim: Wiley-<br />

VCH, 2005. ISBN: 352740564X.<br />

2841. FILHO, Jenner Barretto Bastos. “The Quantum<br />

Debate: From Einstein to Bell and Beyond.” In<br />

CAPRIA [ref. 2830], 205–232.<br />

2842. FRANKLIN, Allan. “The Konopinski-<br />

Uhlenbeck Theory <strong>of</strong> β Decay: Its Proposal and Refutation.”<br />

In BUCHWALD and FRANKLIN [ref. 128],<br />

209–228.<br />

2843. FRANKLIN, Allan. “The Rise and Fall <strong>of</strong> Emil<br />

Konopinski’s Theory <strong>of</strong> β Decay.” In KOERTGE<br />

[ref. 230], 120–134.<br />

2844. FRIEDMANN, Alexander. Die Welt als Raum<br />

und Zeit. Übers. aus d. Russ. Einführung und Anmerkungen<br />

von Georg Singer. Ostwalds Klassiker der<br />

Exakten Wissenschaften, Band 287. (233 pp.) Frankfurt<br />

am Main: Verlag Harri Deutsch, 2002. ISBN:<br />

3817134126.<br />

Reprint <strong>of</strong> a 1923 text by A. A. Fridman (sometimes Friedmann).<br />

2845. GE Neng-quan. “Pr<strong>of</strong>. Qian Sanqiang (Tsien<br />

San-Tsiang) and the Early Efforts in the Development<br />

<strong>of</strong> Atomic Energy <strong>Science</strong> in China.” [Translated<br />

title.] In Chinese. Zhongguo Keji Shiliao 25 (2004):<br />

189–198.<br />

2846. GEIMER, Peter. “Fotografie als Wissenschaft.”<br />

Part <strong>of</strong> a special issue: Fotografie und Wissenschaft<br />

[ref. 2602]. Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 28 (2005):<br />

114–122.<br />

On the epistemological aspects <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> photography in<br />

the experiments <strong>of</strong> Arthur Mason Worthington published in<br />

A Study <strong>of</strong> Splashes (1908).<br />

2847. GUIDONE, Mario. “Il contributo di Giovanni<br />

Giorgi al pensiero relativistico e alla sua diffusione.”<br />

Part <strong>of</strong> a Special Issue: Giovanni Giorgi nella realtà<br />

del suo tempo [ref. 1948]. Physis 41 (2004): 449–<br />

470.<br />

2848. GUSTAFSON, John Richard. “Wolfgang Pauli,<br />

1900 to 1930: His Early Physics in Jungian Perspective.”<br />

Diss. Abstr. Int. A 65/06 (2004): 2338.<br />

Dissertation at the University <strong>of</strong> Minnesota, 2004. Adviser:<br />

Stuewer, Roger H. UMI pub. no. 3137167. 214 pp.<br />

2849. HAO Liuxiang. “Weyl’s Unified Field Theory<br />

and Its Influence.” [Translated title.] In Chinese.<br />

Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu 23 (2004): 50–63.<br />

2850. HARGITTAI, István. The Martians <strong>of</strong> <strong>Science</strong>:<br />

Five Physicists Who Changed the Twentieth Century.<br />

(xxiv + 313 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford/New York:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, <strong>2006</strong>. ISBN: 0195178459.<br />

About Theodore von Karman, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner,<br />

John von Neumann, and Edward Teller.<br />

2851. HENTSCHEL, Klaus, and Gerhard RAM-<br />

MER. “Kein Neuanfang: Physiker an der Universität<br />

Göttingen 1945–55.” Z. Geschichtswiss. 48 (2000):<br />

718–741.<br />

2852. HILGEVOORD, Jan. “Time in Quantum Mechanics:<br />

A Story <strong>of</strong> Confusion.” Stud. Hist. Phil.<br />

Mod. Phys. 36 (2005): 29–60.<br />

2853. HINOKAWA Shizue. “Cyclotron Development<br />

at the College de France in the 1930s.” [Translated<br />

title.] In Japanese. Kagakusi Ken. (Hist. Sci.) 41<br />

(2002): 75–87.<br />

2854. HINOKAWA Shizue. “Cyclotron Development<br />

in England in the 1930s.” [Translated title.] In<br />

Japanese. Kagakusi Ken. (Hist. Sci.) 42 (2003):<br />

65–75.<br />

2855. HINOKAWA Shizue. “Cyclotron Development<br />

in the 1930s—The Origin <strong>of</strong> Big <strong>Science</strong>.” [Translated<br />

title.] In Japanese. Kagakusi Ken. (Hist. Sci.)<br />

45 (<strong>2006</strong>): 34–37.<br />

2856. HOFFMANN, Dieter. “Das Leben danach:<br />

Klaus Fuchs in der DDR.” In KANT and VOGT<br />

[ref. 17], 451–463.<br />

2857. HOME, R.W. “The Rush to Accelerate: Early<br />

Stages in Nuclear Physics Research in Australia.”<br />

Hist. Stud. Phys. Biol. Sci. 36 (<strong>2006</strong>): 213–241.

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