Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society


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terra tra Roma e Parigi all’inizio del XVIII secolo.”<br />

Nuncius 20 (2005): 95–152.<br />

1768. SCHLIESSER, Eric. “Wonder in the Face <strong>of</strong><br />

Scientific Revolutions: Adam Smith on Newton’s<br />

‘Pro<strong>of</strong>’ <strong>of</strong> Copernicanism.” Brit. J. Hist. Phil. 13<br />

(2005): 6<strong>97</strong>–732.<br />

1769. ZUIDERVAART, Huibert Jan. Van “Konstgenoten”<br />

en Hemelse Fenomenen: Nederlandse Sterrenkunde<br />

in de Achttiende Eeuw. Nieuwe Nederlandse<br />

bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der geneeskunde en der<br />

natuurwetenschappen, 58. (663 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)<br />

Rotterdam: Erasmus, 1999. ISBN: 9052351430.<br />



1770. DRAY, Philip. Stealing God’s Thunder: Benjamin<br />

Franklin’s Lightning Rod and the Invention <strong>of</strong><br />

America. (xviii + 279 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New<br />

York: Random House, 2005. ISBN: 0812968107.<br />

1771. EULER, Leonhard. Opera Omnia. Series<br />

3, <strong>Vol</strong>ume 10: Commentationes physicae ad theoriam<br />

caloris, electricitatis et magnetismi pertinentes.<br />

Edited by Patricia RADELET-DE GRAVE and David<br />

SPEISER. Includes appendix by Karine CHEMLA.<br />

(cxcv + 415 pp.) Basel: Birkhauser, 2004. ISBN:<br />

3764314699.<br />

1772. FRANKLIN, Benjamin. Experiments and Observations<br />

on Electricity. Commentary by I. Bernard<br />

COHEN. Octavo Digital Editions. (1 CD-ROM.)<br />

Oakland, Calif.: Octavo, 2003. ISBN: 1891788132.<br />

CD contains digital images <strong>of</strong> each page <strong>of</strong> this book, cover<br />

to cover. Reviews: [ref. R302]<br />

1773. GEROGIOGAKIS, Stamatis D. “Spekulation<br />

und Physik im 18. Jahrhundert. Lomonossow,<br />

Kant und Lavoisier in Sachen und Äther.” Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch.<br />

28 (2005): 255–264.<br />

1774. HAYASHI Shin-ichiro. “Henry Cavendish: An<br />

Eccentric Natural Philosopher and His Work.” [Translated<br />

title.] In Japanese. Kagakushi Ken. (Chem.) 31<br />

(2004): 179–194.<br />

1775. KOHNO Toshiya. “Joseph Priestley’s Research<br />

on Electricity.” [Translated title.] In Japanese. Kagakushi<br />

Ken. (Chem.) 32 (2005): 85–103.<br />

1776. LICOPPE, Christian. “A French Mid-<br />

Eighteenth Century Crisis in Experimental Natural<br />

Philosophy: Nollet’s Electrical Shows vs. the Devious<br />

Ways <strong>of</strong> Franklin’s Electrical Atmospheres.” In<br />

DASTON and POMATA [ref. 1675], 123–135.<br />

1777. NOZAWA Satoshi. “Johann Bernoulli’s Mechanics:<br />

Reevaluation Based on the ‘Loix de la Communication<br />

du Mouvement.’ ” [Translated title.] In<br />

Japanese. Kagakusi Ken. (Hist. Sci.) 45 (<strong>2006</strong>): 1–10.<br />

1778. PATY, Michel. “L’élément différentiel de<br />

temps et la causalité physique dans la dynamique de<br />

d’Alembert.” In MORELON and HASNAWI [ref. 21],<br />

391–426.<br />

1779. ULLMANN, Dieter. “Chladnis Beiträge zur<br />

Raumakustik: Zum 250. Geburtstag des Gelehrten.”<br />

NTM 14 (<strong>2006</strong>): 1–8.<br />

1780. VIARD, Jérôme. “Le principe de D’Alembert<br />

et la conservation du ‘moment cinétique’ d’un<br />

système de corps isolés dans le Traité de Dynamique.”<br />

Physis 39 (2002): 1–40.<br />

350. Eighteenth century 87<br />

350-113. CHEMISTRY<br />

1781. AKEROYD, Michael. “The Lavoisier-Kirwan<br />

Debate and Approaches to the Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Theories.”<br />

In EARLEY [ref. 374], 293–301.<br />

1782. BERETTA, Marco. (Ed.) Lavoisier in Perspective.<br />

Abhandlungen und Berichte, n.F., 21. (213<br />

pp.; ill.) Munich: Deutsches Museum, 2005. ISBN:<br />

3924183074.<br />

Contributors include: Christoph MEINEL, F. Larry HOLMES,<br />

Trevor LEVERE, Peter HEERING, Patrice BRET, Jean-Pierre<br />

POIRIER, Alfred NORDMANN, Ferdinando ABBRI, and Mi<br />

Gyung KIM. (from review, Hyle) Reviews: [ref. R72]<br />

1783. FAUQUE, Danielle. Lavoisier et la Naissance<br />

de la Chimie Moderne. (230 pp.; ill.; bibl.) Paris:<br />

Vuibert, 2003. ISBN: 2711753530.<br />

Reviews: [ref. R278]<br />

1784. JACKSON, Joe. A World on Fire: A Heretic, an<br />

Aristocrat, and the Race to Discover Oxygen. (414<br />

pp.; bibl.; index.) New York: Viking, 2005. ISBN:<br />

0670034347.<br />

1785. KAISERFELD, Thomas. “Chemistry in the War<br />

Machine: Saltpeter Production in Eighteenth-Century<br />

Sweden.” In STEELE and DORLAND [ref. 1480],<br />

275–292.<br />

1786. KAWASHIMA Keiko. “Marie Anne Lavoisier<br />

(1758–1836): une vie, deux révolution, la révolution<br />

chimique et la Révolution française.” [Translated<br />

title.] In Japanese. Kagakushi Ken. (Chem.) 31<br />

(2004): 65–95.<br />

1787. KIM, Mi Gyung. “ ‘Public’ <strong>Science</strong>: Hydrogen<br />

Balloons and Lavoisier’s Decomposition <strong>of</strong> Water.”<br />

Ann. Sci. 63 (<strong>2006</strong>): 291–318.<br />

1788. KLEIN, Ursula. “Contexts and Limits <strong>of</strong><br />

Lavoisier’s Analytical Plant Chemistry: Plant Materials<br />

and Their Classification.” Ambix 52 (2005):<br />

107–157.<br />

1789. KUHNO Toshiya. “Priestley’s Chemistry as<br />

a Branch <strong>of</strong> Experimental Philosophy.” [Translated<br />

title.] In Japanese. Kagakushi Ken. (Chem.) 32<br />

(2005): 201–216.<br />

1790. MAUSKOPF, Seymour H. “Chemistry in the<br />

Arsenal: State Regulation and Scientific Methodology<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gunpowder in Eighteenth-Century England<br />

and France.” In STEELE and DORLAND [ref. 1480],<br />

293–330.<br />

1791. SEITZ, Frederick. “Henry Cavendish: The<br />

Catalyst for the Chemical Revolution.” Notes Rec.<br />

Roy. Soc. Lond. 59 (2005): 175–199.<br />

See also Terry QUINN, “Plates from Royal <strong>Society</strong> Publications”<br />

Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 59 (2005): 215–218 on<br />

the experiments <strong>of</strong> Cavendish.<br />

1792. SIMON, Jonathan. Chemistry, Pharmacy and<br />

Revolution in France, 1777–1809. <strong>Science</strong>, Technology,<br />

and Culture, 1700-1945. (vi + 189 pp.; bibl.;<br />

index.) Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005. ISBN:<br />

0754650448.<br />

1793. WATANABE Yoshiaki. “Charles Hatchett<br />

(1765–1847).” [Translated title.] In Japanese. Kagakushi<br />

Ken. (Chem.) 31 (2004): 47–52.<br />

1794. WATANABE Yoshiaki. “The American Chemical<br />

<strong>Society</strong> and Joseph Priestley.” [Translated title.]<br />

In Japanese. Kagakushi Ken. (Chem.) 32 (2005):<br />


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