Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society


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82 340. Seventeenth century<br />

Contents: Bernard HŒPFFNER, “As a Prelude : Bringing Meloncholia<br />

to Book,” 12–19; PETIT [ref. 1658]; ALTBAUER-<br />

RUDNIK [ref. 1407]; CRIGNON-DE OLIVEIRA [ref. 1647];<br />

GABRIEL [ref. 1385]; PIGEAUD [ref. 1666]; INGRAM<br />

[ref. 1653]; LAWLOR [ref. 1695]; SAAD [ref. 1920].<br />

1649. CURTH, Louise Hill. “The Medical Content <strong>of</strong><br />

English Almanacs 1640–1700.” J. Hist. Med. Allied<br />

Sci. 60 (2005): 255–282.<br />

1650. FISSELL, Mary Elizabeth. Vernacular Bodies:<br />

The Politics <strong>of</strong> Reproduction in Early Modern<br />

England. (viii + 283 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford:<br />

Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. ISBN: 0199269882.<br />

Reviews: [ref. R289]<br />

1651. FLECK, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “A morte<br />

no centro da vida: reflexões sobre a cura e a não-cura<br />

nas reduções jesuítico-guaranis (1609–75).” Translated<br />

title: [Death in the center <strong>of</strong> life: Reflections<br />

on curing and non-curing in Jesuit-Guarani missions<br />

(1609–75).] In Portuguese. Manguinhos 11 (2004):<br />

635–660.<br />

1652. GRENE, Marjorie. “Descartes and the Heart<br />

Beat: A Conservative Innovation.” In BUCHWALD<br />

and FRANKLIN [ref. 128], 91–<strong>97</strong>.<br />

1653. INGRAM, Allan. “Death in Life and Life in<br />

Death: Melancholy and the Enlightenment.” Theme<br />

issue: Melancholy and Material Unity <strong>of</strong> Man, 17th–<br />

18th Centuries [ref. 1648]. Gesnerus 63 (<strong>2006</strong>):<br />

90–102.<br />

1654. KRUGER, Lawrence. “The Scientific Impact<br />

<strong>of</strong> Dr. N. Tulp, Portrayed in Rembrandt’s ‘Anatomy<br />

Lesson.’ ” J. Hist. Neurosci. 14 (2005): 85–92.<br />

1655. MCGOUGH, Laura J. “Demons, Nature, or<br />

God? Witchcraft Accusations and the French Disease<br />

in Early Modern Venice.” Bull. Hist. Med. 80 (<strong>2006</strong>):<br />

219–246.<br />

1656. MEISE, Helga. “Diagnose und Therapie<br />

von Krankheiten im Neuen Wurtz= vnd<br />

Kräuter=Calender 1649–1672.” In MAHLMANN-<br />

BAUER [ref. 1247], 933–952.<br />

1657. NUI Yahua. “A Study on Two Earliest Translations<br />

<strong>of</strong> Western Anatomy.” [Translated title.] In<br />

Chinese. Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu 25 (<strong>2006</strong>): 50–65.<br />

On 17th-century Jesuit translations and the influence <strong>of</strong><br />

Vesalius.<br />

1658. PETIT, Caroline. “Mélancolie et méthodisme :<br />

traduction originale et commentaire d’un texte de<br />

Prosper Alpin, 1553–1617.” Theme issue: Melancholy<br />

and Material Unity <strong>of</strong> Man, 17th–18th Centuries<br />

[ref. 1648]. Gesnerus 63 (<strong>2006</strong>): 20–32.<br />

1659. RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ, Rafael Ángel. La<br />

introducción de la medicina moderna en España: una<br />

imagen de nuestra renovación científica (1687–1727)<br />

desde la Teoría de la Ciencia de Thomas S. Kuhn.<br />

Colección Alfar Universidad, 137. (307 pp.; bibl.)<br />

Sevilla: Ediciones Alfar, 2005. ISBN: 8478982418.<br />

1660. RUISINGER, Marion Maria. “Misreading Pictures:<br />

Fabricius Hildanus (1560–1634) and the Cure<br />

<strong>of</strong> Spinal Dislocation.” J. Hist. Neurosci. 14 (2005):<br />

334–340.<br />

1661. SAKAI Shizu. “Translation and the Origins<br />

<strong>of</strong> Western <strong>Science</strong> in Japan.” In GÜNERGUN and<br />

KURIYAMA [ref. 656], 137–157.<br />

Examines Japanese translations <strong>of</strong> European anatomical texts<br />

during the 17th and 18th centuries.<br />

1662. SCHÄFER, Daniel. Alter und Krankheit in<br />

der Frühen Neuzeit: der ärztliche Blick auf die letzte<br />

Lebensphase. Kultur der Medizin, 10. (436 pp.; ill;<br />

bibl.; index.) Frankfurt; New York: Campus, 2004.<br />

ISBN: 3593374625.<br />

Revision <strong>of</strong> the author’s Habilitationsschrift, 2001. Reviews:<br />

[ref. R803]<br />

1663. VANAGT, Katrien. “ ‘Hoe men zich voor brillen<br />

behoeden kan’ <strong>of</strong> de moeizame verspreiding van<br />

optische kennis in vroegmoderne medische kringen.”<br />

Gewina 29 (<strong>2006</strong>): 26–40.<br />

1664. WALKER, Timothy. “The Role and Practices<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Curandeiro and Saludador in Early Modern<br />

Portuguese <strong>Society</strong>.” Manguinhos 11 (supp. 1)<br />

(2004): 223–237.<br />

Examines “the ambivalent place <strong>of</strong> the folk healer” as both<br />

central and marginal in Portuguese popular culture. (from the<br />

abstract)<br />

1665. WOOLLEY, Benjamin. Heal Thyself: Nicholas<br />

Culpeper and the Seventeenth-Century Struggle to<br />

Bring Medicine to the People. (x + 402 pp.; ill.; bibl.;<br />

index.) New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers,<br />

2004. ISBN: 0060090669.<br />

Emphasizes the populist orientation <strong>of</strong> Culpeper, contrasting<br />

him with the royalist William Harvey. Reviews: [ref. R999]<br />



1666. PIGEAUD, Jackie. “Délires de<br />

métamorphose.” Theme issue: Melancholy and Material<br />

Unity <strong>of</strong> Man, 17th–18th Centuries [ref. 1648].<br />

Gesnerus 63 (<strong>2006</strong>): 73–89.<br />

1667. SCHMIDT, Jeremy. “Melancholy and the Care<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Soul: Religion, Moral Philosophy and Madness<br />

in England, 1580–1750.” Diss. Abstr. Int. A 65/12<br />

(2005): 4678.<br />

Dissertation at The Johns Hopkins University, 2005. Adviser:<br />

Marshall, John W. UMI pub. no. 3155677. 402 pp.<br />


1668. BUCHANAN, Brenda J. “ ‘The Art and Mystery<br />

<strong>of</strong> Making Gunpowder’: The English Experience<br />

in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.” In<br />

STEELE and DORLAND [ref. 1480], 233–274.<br />

1669. CANDIANI, Vera Silvina. “Draining the Basin<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mexico: <strong>Science</strong>, Technology and <strong>Society</strong>, 1608–<br />

1808.” Diss. Abstr. Int. A 66/02 (2005): 736.<br />

Dissertation at the University <strong>of</strong> California, Berkeley, 2004.<br />

Adviser: Chowning, Margaret. UMI pub. no. 3165309. 428<br />

pp.<br />

1670. DAVIDS, Karel. “Craft Secrecy in Europe in<br />

the Early Modern Period: A Comparative View.”<br />

Lead article in a series. Early Sci. Med. 10 (2005):<br />

341–348.<br />

Contents: REITH [ref. 1935]; GARÇON [ref. 1930]; STEW-<br />

ART [ref. 1490]; DAVIDS [ref. 1421].<br />

1671. RAVEUX, Olivier. “Espaces et technologies<br />

dans la France méridionale d’ancien régime :<br />

l’exemple de l’indiennage Marseillais (1648-1793).”<br />

Ann. Midi 116 (2004): 155–170.<br />

1672. ZHANG Baichun, TIAN Miao, and LIU Qiang.<br />

“The Evolution <strong>of</strong> Editions <strong>of</strong> Yuanxi Qiqi Tushuo<br />

Luzui (A Record <strong>of</strong> the Best Illustrations and Descriptions<br />

<strong>of</strong> Extraordinary Devices <strong>of</strong> the Far West)

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