Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society

Isis Current Bibliography 2006, Vol. 97 - History of Science Society


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Exegesis in the Engraved Title-Page <strong>of</strong> Clavius’<br />

Opera mathematica (1612).” In O’MALLEY et al.<br />

[ref. 1428], 291–313.<br />

1574. RICHARDS, Sean E., and Peter BARKER.<br />

(Eds.) A Companion to the Sidereus Nuncius Facsimile.<br />

Oklahoma City: Byzantium Press, 2004.<br />

Boxed with GALILEI [ref. 1560]. Contains: Sean E.<br />

RICHARDS, “Creating a Letterpress Facsimile <strong>of</strong> the Sidereus<br />

Nuncius,” 1-7; Peter BARKER, “Galileo and the Sidereus<br />

Nuncius,” 11-34; Galileo GALILEI, “Sidereus Nuncius: A<br />

Page by Page Translation,” [37-98].<br />

1575. SCHWARZ, Ingo. “Alexander von Humboldts<br />

Korrespondenz mit Ludwig Michael: Johannes Keplers<br />

Übersiedlung nach Sagan.” Sudh<strong>of</strong>fs Arch. 88<br />

(2004): 1–9.<br />

A study <strong>of</strong> the roles <strong>of</strong> Humboldt, Michael, and Dorothea von<br />

Sagan in the 1859 publication <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> Johannes Kepler’s<br />

MSS.<br />

1576. SPRANZI-ZUBER, Marta. “Galileo’s ‘Dialogue<br />

on the Two Chief World Systems’: Rhetoric<br />

and Dialogue.” Arch. Int. Hist. Sci. 55 (2005): <strong>97</strong>–<br />

114.<br />

1577. TINGUELY, Frédéric. “L’Oeil de verre : la<br />

rhétorique de l’autopsie dans le Sidereus Nuncius.”<br />

Arch. Int. Hist. Sci. 55 (2005): 83–95.<br />

1578. WANG Guoqiang. “Exploring the Genesis <strong>of</strong><br />

New Astronomy.” Chinese J. Hist. Sci. Tech. 26<br />

(2005): 349–357.<br />

Essay review <strong>of</strong> Rhonda MARTENS, Kepler’s Philosophy and<br />

the New Astronomy (2000).<br />

1579. YAO Licheng. “On the Date <strong>of</strong> Tianwenlue’s<br />

Author Coming to China and Other Backgrounds.”<br />

[Translated title.] In Chinese. Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu<br />

24 (2005): 156–164.<br />

On the Jesuit Emmanuel Diaz and his work in China in the<br />

17th century.<br />

1580. YOUNG, Gregg De. “John Greaves’ Astronomica<br />

quaedam: Orientalism and Ptolemaic Cosmography<br />

in Seventeenth Century England.” Indian J. Hist.<br />

Sci. 39 (2004): 467–510.<br />

340-111. ASTROLOGY<br />

1581. ROOS, Anna Marie. “Israel Hiebner’s Astrological<br />

Amulets and the English Sigil War.” Cult.<br />

Cosmos 6, 2 (2002): 17–43.<br />

1582. TERIO, Simonetta. “Keplers Horoskop des<br />

Kaisers Augustus.” Translated title: [Kepler’s Horoscope<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Emperor Augustus.] In German. MHNH<br />

5 (2005): 241–260.<br />



1583. BARTHÉLEMY, Georges. “Newton découvreur<br />

du poids de toutes choses.” Rev. Hist. Sci. 57 (2004):<br />

135–159.<br />

1584. BIENER, Zvi. “Galileo’s First New <strong>Science</strong>:<br />

The <strong>Science</strong> <strong>of</strong> Matter.” Perspect. Sci. 12 (2004):<br />

262–287.<br />

1585. BUZON, Frédéric de. “Repos ou mouvement<br />

conspirant : Leibniz et les articles 54 et 55 de la<br />

partie II des Principia philosophiae.” Special Issue:<br />

La lecture des Principia philosophiae de Descartes<br />

[ref. 1509]. Rev. Hist. Sci. 58 (2005): 105–122.<br />

340. Seventeenth century 79<br />

1586. CARRAUD, Vincent. “Appr<strong>of</strong>ondir trop et<br />

parler de tout : Les Principia philosophiae dans les<br />

Pensées (note complémentaire sur ‘Disproportion de<br />

l’homme’).” Special Issue: La lecture des Principia<br />

philosophiae de Descartes [ref. 1509]. Rev. Hist. Sci.<br />

58 (2005): 29–52.<br />

1587. CHEN-MORRIS, Raz. “Shadows <strong>of</strong> Instruction:<br />

Optics and Classical Authorities in Kepler’s<br />

Somnium.” J. Hist. Ideas 66 (2005): 223–243.<br />

1588. CHEVALLEY, Catherine. “Ce que Pascal doit à<br />

la physique des Principia.” Special Issue: La lecture<br />

des Principia philosophiae de Descartes [ref. 1509].<br />

Rev. Hist. Sci. 58 (2005): 9–27.<br />

1589. DUCHEYNE, Steffen. “Newton’s Notion and<br />

Practice <strong>of</strong> Unification.” Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 36<br />

(2005): 61–78.<br />

1590. ERLICHSON, H. “Huygens and Newton on<br />

Motion in a Cycloid.” Physis 39 (2002): 407–440.<br />

1591. FELDHAY, Rivka. “On Wonderful Machines:<br />

The Transmission <strong>of</strong> Mechanical Knowledge by Jesuits.”<br />

Special Issue: <strong>Science</strong> Teaching in Early Modern<br />

Europe [ref. 1266]. Sci. and Educ. 15 (<strong>2006</strong>):<br />

151–172.<br />

Study <strong>of</strong> a fictional dialogue between Galileo, Mersenne, and<br />

Paulus Guldin published in 1655 by Jesuit mathematician<br />

Paolo Casati.<br />

1592. FRASER, Doreen L. “The Third Law in Newton’s<br />

Waste book (or, the Road Less Taken to the<br />

Second Law).” Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 36 (2005):<br />

43–60.<br />

1593. GARBER, Margaret D. “Chymical Wonders<br />

<strong>of</strong> Light: J. Marcus Marci’s Seventeenth-Century<br />

Bohemian Optics.” Early Sci. Med. 10 (2005): 478–<br />

509.<br />

The article argues how Marci anticipated two chief features<br />

<strong>of</strong> Newton’s theory <strong>of</strong> light by understanding light through a<br />

chemical theory.<br />

1594. GORHAM, Ge<strong>of</strong>frey. “The Metaphysical Roots<br />

<strong>of</strong> Cartesian Physics: The Law <strong>of</strong> Rectilinear Motion.”<br />

Perspect. Sci. 13 (2005): 431–451.<br />

1595. HOLDEN, Thomas Anand. The Architecture <strong>of</strong><br />

Matter: Galileo to Kant. (x + 305 pp.; bibl.; index.)<br />

Oxford: Clarendon, 2004. ISBN: 0199263264.<br />

Reviews: [ref. R428]<br />

1596. HONMA Eio. “Beeckman between Stevin and<br />

Descartes: The Origin <strong>of</strong> ‘Paradox <strong>of</strong> Hydrostatics.’ ”<br />

[Translated title.] In Japanese. Kagakusi Ken. (Hist.<br />

Sci.) 43 (2004): 31–34.<br />

15<strong>97</strong>. LÜTHY, Christoph. “The Confessionalization<br />

<strong>of</strong> Physics: Heresies, Facts, and the Travails <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Republic <strong>of</strong> Letters.” In BROOKE and MACLEAN<br />

[ref. 1463], 81–114.<br />

1598. MELI, Domenico Bertoloni. “Inherent and<br />

Centrifugal Forces in Newton.” Arch. Hist. Exact Sci.<br />

60 (<strong>2006</strong>): 319–335.<br />

1599. “Open Forum: Newton vs. Hooke on Gravitation.”<br />

Early Sci. Med. 10 (2005): 510.<br />

Open Forum: Newton vs. Hooke on Gravitation. Contents:<br />

Niccolò GUICCIARDINI, “Reconsidering the Hooke-Newton<br />

Debate on Gravitation: Recent Results,” 511–517; Michael<br />

NAUENBERG, “Hooke’s and Newton’s Contributions to the<br />

Early Development <strong>of</strong> Orbital Dynamics and the Theory <strong>of</strong><br />

Universal Gravitation,” 518–528; Ofer GAL, “The Invention

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