HP Integrity NonStop BladeSystem

HP Integrity NonStop BladeSystem - Vnug.biz HP Integrity NonStop BladeSystem - Vnug.biz


Java programming model on NonStopsoonEnterprise Javaapplication tiersPresentationServices (application)PresentationServices (browser)Business Services(workflow)Open sourceframeworksSpring Web-Services /Axis2Spring MVC / MyFacesSpringPersistenceServicesDatabaseHibernateDatabaseFuture product plans, dates, and functionality are subject to change without notice

The SASH stack• Category leaders with active community support• Spring (Business logic framework)• Axis2 (Web services framework)• Server Faces (Web framework)• Hibernate (Persistence framework)• Vendor support• BEA WebLogic, IBM Websphere, Oracle AppServer haveexpressed support for Spring• Analyst endorsement• “Spring threatens Java EE” (Gartner)• “… organizations should consider alternative frameworks such asLAMP, Spring, Hibernate, RoR, and Microsoft .NET, which offersimpler and more productive programming models.” (Burton Group)Gartner: Trends in Platform Middleware, Sept. 2007Burton: JEE 5: The Beginning of the End of Java EE, July 2006

The SASH stack• Category leaders with active community support• Spring (Business logic framework)• Axis2 (Web services framework)• Server Faces (Web framework)• Hibernate (Persistence framework)• Vendor support• BEA WebLogic, IBM Websphere, Oracle AppServer haveexpressed support for Spring• Analyst endorsement• “Spring threatens Java EE” (Gartner)• “… organizations should consider alternative frameworks such asLAMP, Spring, Hibernate, RoR, and Microsoft .NET, which offersimpler and more productive programming models.” (Burton Group)Gartner: Trends in Platform Middleware, Sept. 2007Burton: JEE 5: The Beginning of the End of Java EE, July 2006

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