Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2006

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<strong>Implementation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transitional</strong> <strong>Laws</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong> <strong>2006</strong>the Secretariat <strong>of</strong> Interior <strong>in</strong> Jagod<strong>in</strong>a. Urologist <strong>in</strong> Health Center <strong>in</strong> Cuprijasaid that Senad could not perform activities related to long stand<strong>in</strong>g onfeet, work <strong>in</strong> more difficult conditions or any other manual work 917 . Eventhough urologist Doctor Milan Balov advised him to go on sick leave, hedid not want to due to the lack <strong>of</strong> crew <strong>in</strong> Secretariat <strong>of</strong> Interior <strong>in</strong> Jagod<strong>in</strong>a918. Three months after the surgery his illness reappeared 919 .On January 13, 1999, although he was not on sick leave, Senad wassent to medical commission <strong>of</strong> the Interior M<strong>in</strong>istry which ascerta<strong>in</strong>edthe illness and diagnosed it <strong>in</strong> the same way as the doctor from HealthCenter Cuprija 920 . They told him he had to go on sick leave for he also had<strong>in</strong>flammation <strong>of</strong> the right testicle which was operated on. It is said <strong>in</strong> theevaluation <strong>of</strong> Senad Sljivo’s work<strong>in</strong>g ability that: “Evaluation <strong>of</strong> his previoustemporary <strong>in</strong>capability is justified” 921 . Vascular surgeon also established thatmentioned illness was present and on the right leg below the shank therewas life-threaten<strong>in</strong>g thrombus. He advised surgical <strong>in</strong>tervention on thethrombus 922 .Dur<strong>in</strong>g the 1990s, the <strong>Serbia</strong>n M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> Interior formed a Special PoliceUnit whose member was Senad Sljivo. It was the unit Sljivo went with tothe mentioned fields 923 . In 1998 he was aga<strong>in</strong> put on the list <strong>of</strong> this SpecialUnit which was about to go to Kosovo 924 . Due to the mentioned reasons,Sljivo refused to go on this field. Nor his colleagues wanted to go with himbecause they spread a rumor he would, as a Muslim, slaughter them <strong>in</strong> theirsleep 925 . Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Senad Sljivo’s statement, Toplica Jovanovic, at thattime police <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>in</strong> Secretariat <strong>of</strong> Interior <strong>in</strong> Jagod<strong>in</strong>a told Senad thatSredoje Lukic 926 was look<strong>in</strong>g for him because he wanted to chop <strong>of</strong>f hishead him and play football with it. Even some older fellow police <strong>of</strong>ficers,who were on good terms with him, told him not to go on the field becausehe would be killed by the police <strong>of</strong>ficers who did not trust him 927 .Milan from August 6 th , <strong>2006</strong>, is available <strong>in</strong> the Initiative’s documentation917 Sljivo Senad’s complete medical records are available <strong>in</strong> the Initiative’s documentation918 See above under 909919 See above under 917920 Ibid921 Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Sljivo Senad’s work<strong>in</strong>g capability, provided by The Health Care Institute for employees <strong>in</strong> TheM<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>of</strong> the Interior <strong>in</strong> Belgrade, 9 Durmitorska Street, number 82/99 from January 13 th , 1999, is available<strong>in</strong> the Initiative’s documentation922 See above under 917923 See above under 909924 Ibid925 Ibid926 Sredoje Lukic is accused by the Hague tribunal <strong>of</strong> persecutions, murder, <strong>in</strong>human and cruel treatment andexterm<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> the Bosnian Muslims. He surrendered to the Hague tribunal on September 14 th , 2005927 See above under 909166

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