Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2006

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Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2006 - Archive

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<strong>Implementation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transitional</strong> <strong>Laws</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong> <strong>2006</strong>Instigat<strong>in</strong>g Racial, Religious and National Hatred,Discord and Intolerance“Whoever <strong>in</strong>stigates or exacerbates national, racialor religious hatred or <strong>in</strong>tolerance among the peoplesand ethnic communities liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong> shall bepunished by imprisonment <strong>of</strong> six months to fiveyears.If the crim<strong>in</strong>al act specified <strong>in</strong> para. 1 here<strong>of</strong> iscommitted by coercion, maltreatment, compromis<strong>in</strong>gsecurity, exposure to derision <strong>of</strong> national, ethnic orreligious symbols, damage to other persons’ goods,desecration <strong>of</strong> monuments, memorials or graves, the<strong>of</strong>fender shall be punished by imprisonment <strong>of</strong> oneto eight years.Whoever commits the crim<strong>in</strong>al act specified <strong>in</strong> para.1 and 2 here<strong>of</strong> by abuse <strong>of</strong> position or authority, orif these <strong>of</strong>fences result <strong>in</strong> riots, violence or other graveconsequences to co-existence <strong>of</strong> peoples, nationalm<strong>in</strong>orities or ethnic groups liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong>, shall bepunished for the <strong>of</strong>fence specified <strong>in</strong> para. 1 here<strong>of</strong>by imprisonment <strong>of</strong> one to eight years, and for the<strong>of</strong>fence specified <strong>in</strong> para. 2 here<strong>of</strong> by imprisonment<strong>of</strong> two to ten years. 834Four Assaults on Zivota Milanovic, Brahman <strong>of</strong>Hare Krishna <strong>in</strong> Jagod<strong>in</strong>aZivota Milanovic was born on August 16, 1961 <strong>in</strong> the village <strong>of</strong> Belica,15 kilometers from Jagod<strong>in</strong>a, where he resides today 835 . He temporarilyresides <strong>in</strong> his uncle’s apartment <strong>in</strong> Jagod<strong>in</strong>a. He is free artist and is currentlyunemployed. He is member <strong>of</strong> H<strong>in</strong>du Vaishnava religious community s<strong>in</strong>ce1984 836 . Today he is Brahman <strong>of</strong> Hare Krishna religious community withtwo <strong>in</strong>itiations. This religious community was registered as back as at thetime <strong>of</strong> the SFRY, <strong>in</strong> the 1980s. Its center was first <strong>in</strong> Ljubljana, then <strong>in</strong>834 Crim<strong>in</strong>al Code <strong>of</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong>, Article 317, see above under 611835 Report on <strong>in</strong>cident <strong>in</strong> the “Zivota Milanovic case” <strong>of</strong> November 18 th , 2005, available <strong>in</strong> the Initiative’sdocumentation836 Ibid154

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