Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2006

Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2006 - Archive

Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2006 - Archive

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<strong>Implementation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transitional</strong> <strong>Laws</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong> <strong>2006</strong>not stipulate the type <strong>of</strong> procedure, the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Law on Out-<strong>of</strong>-Court Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs shall be applied 763 .The Initiative submitted a request for rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> Senad Sljivo to theJagod<strong>in</strong>a District Court, who <strong>in</strong> late 1990s, dur<strong>in</strong>g the NATO bombardment<strong>of</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong>, got fired <strong>in</strong> the Secretariat <strong>of</strong> Interior <strong>in</strong> Jagod<strong>in</strong>a as he rejectedto go to Kosovo as member <strong>of</strong> a special police unit.With this request, the Initiative asked from the Jagod<strong>in</strong>a District Courtto proclaim null and void the decision on Senad Sljivo’s term<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong>employment <strong>in</strong> the <strong>Serbia</strong>n Interior M<strong>in</strong>istry as well as all its effects until themoment <strong>of</strong> the pass<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the decision and to get him back on duty to theInterior M<strong>in</strong>istry where his employment had been forcefully term<strong>in</strong>ated 764 .Also, the Initiative requested that the Official Gazette <strong>of</strong> the Republic<strong>of</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong> publishes the name and data on Senad Sljivo as rehabilitatedperson 765 . S<strong>in</strong>ce the District Court did not submit any return <strong>in</strong>formationon the current status <strong>of</strong> the request, the Initiative called the District Court<strong>in</strong> the middle <strong>of</strong> October <strong>2006</strong> and got the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formation: thenumber <strong>of</strong> the case is REH 2/06 and act<strong>in</strong>g judge is Svetlana Jeremic 766 .Soon after that conversation, the Initiative received an <strong>of</strong>ficial summons forhear<strong>in</strong>g on rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> Senad Sljivo which is scheduled for December28 th , <strong>2006</strong> 767 .763 Ibid764 The Initiative filed a request for rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> Senad Sljivo on May 22 nd , <strong>2006</strong>, available <strong>in</strong> the Initiative’sdocumentation765 Ibid766 Report on telephone conversations <strong>of</strong> Initiative’s researchers with Judge Svetlana Jeremic, available <strong>in</strong> theInitiative’s documentation767 Summons for court proceed<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> the Jagod<strong>in</strong>a District Court, available <strong>in</strong> the Initiative’s documentation135

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