Implementation of Transitional Laws in Serbia 2006

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<strong>Implementation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transitional</strong> <strong>Laws</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Serbia</strong> <strong>2006</strong>Prosecutor’s Office for War CrimesThe Office was founded on July 1 st , 2003, and on July 23 rd , 2003. <strong>Serbia</strong>nAssembly elected Vladimir Vukcevic the War Crimes Prosecutor 688(here<strong>in</strong>after: Prosecutor). Dragoljub Stankovic, Vesel<strong>in</strong> Mrdak, MilanPetrovic, Bogdan Stankovic and Dusan Knezevic 689 were elected DeputyProsecutors.Apart from the abovementioned, completed cases, there are some others<strong>in</strong> the pre-crim<strong>in</strong>al or <strong>in</strong>vestigative phase: “M<strong>in</strong>ic” 690 , “Povlen”, “PustoSelo” 691 , “Cuska”, “Zahac”, “Suva Reka” 692 , “Orahovac”, “Meja” 693 , “MejaOrize” 694 , “Korenica” 695 , “Bistraz<strong>in</strong>” 696 , “Izbice (Srbica)” 697 , “Gnjilane” 698 ,“Bitiqi” 699 and others 700 .On March 1 st <strong>2006</strong>, the Office requested for <strong>in</strong>itiat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>vestigation on twopersons, based on reasonable doubt <strong>of</strong> hav<strong>in</strong>g committed the crim<strong>in</strong>al act<strong>of</strong> crime aga<strong>in</strong>st prisoners <strong>of</strong> war 701 . 702 Victims <strong>of</strong> this crime were AgronBitiqi, Ilil Bitiqi and Mehmed Bitiqi, all American citizens murdered <strong>in</strong> 1999,whose bodies were recovered <strong>in</strong> 2001, <strong>in</strong> Petrovo village near Kladovo. 703Immediately after request<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>stigation <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>vestigation, Districtprosecutor <strong>in</strong> Negot<strong>in</strong>, Miroslav Srzentic was anonymously threatened onthe phone „to be careful, for his own good, for protect<strong>in</strong>g murderers“. 704Srzentic got similar threats <strong>in</strong> 2001. Fatos Bitiqi, brother <strong>of</strong> the murdered,said: “Order for my brothers’ murder was issued by the present GendarmerieChief <strong>of</strong> MUP <strong>Serbia</strong> Goran Radosavljevic Guri”. I saw that <strong>in</strong> the statementgiven to the Investigative judge <strong>in</strong> Kladovo by a police <strong>of</strong>ficer from Prist<strong>in</strong>a.688 See the web site http://www.tuzilastvorz.org.yu/html lat/onama.html, visited on November 25th, <strong>2006</strong>689 Ibid690 12 casualties691 92 casualties692 48 casualties693 103 casualties694 15 casualties695 13 casualties696 1 casualty697 116 casualties698 7 casualties699 3 casualties700 See the web site http://www.tuzilastvorz.org.yu/html_lat/predmeti.html, visited on November 25 th , <strong>2006</strong>701 Crim<strong>in</strong>al Code <strong>of</strong> SFRY, Article 144702 See the web site http://www.tuzilastvorz.org.yu/html_lat/saopstenja/s_01_03_<strong>2006</strong>.htm , visited on November25 th , <strong>2006</strong>703 Investigation on brothers Betiqi murderers, B92, March 1 st <strong>2006</strong>. See B92 web site: http://www.b92.net/<strong>in</strong>fo/vesti/<strong>in</strong>dex.php?yyyy=<strong>2006</strong>&mm=03&dd=01&nav_id=190153&nav_category=64 , visited on November 25 th , <strong>2006</strong>704 The Prosecutor threatened over Betiqi case, B92, March 8 th , <strong>2006</strong>. See B92 web site: http://www.b92.net/<strong>in</strong>fo/vesti/<strong>in</strong>dex.php?yyyy=<strong>2006</strong>&mm=03&dd=08&nav_id=190964, visited on November 25 th , <strong>2006</strong>124

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