22. CELJE – MESTO MLADIH?Nenad VraneševićMesto Celje je zelo raznoliko mesto, mešanica zgodovine in sodobnosti, ki ima kaj ponuditiobiskovalcem vseh starostnih obdobij, še posebej pestro ponudbo pa nudi Celje mlademuobiskovalcu. Ker ima Celje zelo raznovrstne srednješolske programe katere obiskuje skoraj10.000 dijakov in ima že tudi več kot 4.000 študentov, je utrip mladih opazen na vsakemkoraku. Ali vas zanima žur, kulturne prireditve ali pa rekreacija, za vsakogar se najde nekaj.Prva stvar, s katero se ukvarja večina mladih, ki pride v mesto Celje je seveda žur. Tu so vospredju predvsem lokali v samem jedru mesta, kot sta Branibor in pa Local. Malo ven izmestnega jedra imamo Planet Tuš, kjer si ob ogledu filma marsikdo privošči še rundo bilijardaali bowlinga, tam pa se lahko v večernih urah tudi zabavamo in plešemo. Poleg takšnih mest zažur je Celje pogosto mesto manjših, bolj intimnih koncertov. Takše redno prireja Mladinskicenter Celje ter za tiste bolj umirjene Kino Metropol in Plesni forum Celje. Mesto Celje ima tudištevilne prireditve celotno leto posebej zanimivi za mlade pa so v zimskem času Dnevi kulture,kjer se lahko sprehodimo po Umetniški četrti ter si ogledamo razne performanse in koncerte.Poleti nas pričaka Poletje v Celju, kjer lahko vsakdo najde nekaj za svoj okus na številnih openairprizoriščih razpršenih po celotnem mestu. Tukaj si lahko ogledamo razne gledališčepredstave, performase, koncerte ter uživamo v vodeni jutranji telovadbi. Ob koncu oktobra paje zelo zanimiva vedno bolj privlačna prireditev Ples čarovnic, kjer vsako leto Stari grad Celjepostane zlovešč grad poln čarovnic, čarodejev in celo hiše strahov. Stari grad je tudi drugačedestinacija, ki vedno privlači turiste pa naj so to mladi ali stari. Za tiste bolj zgodovinskoozaveščene mlade turiste pa je tu seveda še Muzej novejše zgodovine in Pokrajinski muzejCelje. Tudi tistim, ki so bolj športni tip ima Celje kaj ponuditi. V zimskih časih s polno paroobratuje smušiče Celjska koča, ki vas bo navdušilo z svojo unikatnostjo, v toplejših časih pa jeglavna destinacija pohodnikov in bolj adrenalinskih kolesarjev. Tudi drugače je v Celju zeloveliko kolesarskih poti, urejenih še več pa tistih, ki so neurejene in vodijo po gozdovih, ob rekiali jezeru. Seveda boste po vseh teh dogodivščinah utrujeni in lačni. Za to bo poskrbelMladinski hostel v samem centru mesta, kjer boste imeli na dosegu roke tako bolj klasičnerestavracije kot so Štorman ali picerija Koper kot tudi razno ponudbo hitre hrane.Kot je razvidno je ponudba za mlade pestra in jo je težko strniti in opisati vse vrste prireditev indogajanja, ki ga nudi mesto Celje. Zato je moje priporočilo mladim, ki jih ponese pot v Celje, dasi vzamejo par dni časa (saj vsega ne boste zmožni okusiti v enem dnevu) in si sami ogledajokaj ima vse jim lahko mesto Celje ponudi.Celje – city for the young?Celje is a very versatile city, a mixture of history and modernity and has something to offer tovisitors of any age, with an especially abundant list of events and places for young visitors.Because Celje has many different high school programmes which enlist almost 10.000 pupilsand also already has over 4.000 students despite having a relatively young university, theeffect of young people on Celje is evident on every step. Whether you're interested in parties,cultural events or recreation, there is something for everyone.The first thing on the mind of most young people coming to Celje is naturally to party. Yourneeds for a fun time and dancing can be met in bars and pubs in the strict center of town such

as Branibor and Local. Not far from the center lies Planet Tuš, where you can watch a movie andthen go for a round of billiard or go bowling and in the evening hours the dance floor wakes upto the beats of the DJ or the sound of live music. It’s the prime spot for parties. On the otherside, if you want a more intimate experience Youth center Celje regularly hosts smaller concertsas well as Kino Metropol and Dance forum Celje who offer a more relaxed atmosphere. The cityoffers numerous other events throughout the year but in the winter time we have very popularDays of culture, where you can take a walk down an Arts district and see various performancesand concerts. The summer time is filled with different open-air stages across the city. Here youcan find theater shows, performances, concerts or guided morning exercise. At the end ofOctober the increasingly popular Dance of the witches is held at the Old castle Celje, which istransformed into a sinister castle full of witches, wizards and even a haunted house. HoweverOld castle Celje is a spot for young and old alike at any time of the year (you will have troublefinding a more spending castle then as this one). For those young tourists more interested inhistory we definitely recommend a visit to the Museum of modern history and the Regionalmuseum Celje. There is something for the more athletic types as well. During winter you have infull operation the ski resort Celje hut, which will overwhelm you with its uniqueness, and insummer time becomes the main destination for hikers and the more adrenaline bikers. Inaddition to that there are many biking trails around Celje, especially the ones that lead throughforests, by the river or by the lake (and no worries if you don’t have a bike with you, the Youthhostel Celje lends them free of charge). Certainly you will be very tired and hungry after all theseadventures in our fair city. Not to worry, the Youth hostel Celje, lying the heart of Celje, will takecare of that and you will have in your arms reach a number of more traditional restaurants suchas Štorman or Koper as well as a wide variety of fast food stands.As can be seen there is a lot to see and do if your young and in Celje, which is why it is hard todescribe and list all of the events and things going on. That’s why I recommend any youngtourist passing Celje to take a couple of days (you won’t be able to experience it all in one dayafter all) and see for themselves what the city of Celje has to offer.

as Branibor and Local. Not far from the center lies Planet Tuš, where you can watch a movie andthen go for a round of billiard or go bowling and in the evening hours the dance floor wakes upto the beats of the DJ or the sound of live music. It’s the prime spot for parties. On the otherside, if you want a more intimate experience Youth center <strong>Celje</strong> regularly hosts smaller concertsas well as Kino Metropol and Dance forum <strong>Celje</strong> who offer a more relaxed atmosphere. The cityoffers numerous other events throughout the year but in the winter time we have very popularDays of culture, where you can take a walk down an Arts district and see various performancesand concerts. The summer time is filled with different open-air stages across the city. Here youcan find theater shows, performances, concerts or guided morning exercise. At the end ofOctober the increasingly popular Dance of the witches is held at the Old castle <strong>Celje</strong>, which istransformed into a sinister castle full of witches, wizards and even a haunted house. HoweverOld castle <strong>Celje</strong> is a spot for young and old alike at any time of the year (you will have troublefinding a more spending castle then as this one). For those young tourists more interested inhistory we definitely recommend a visit to the Museum of modern history and the Regionalmuseum <strong>Celje</strong>. There is something for the more athletic types as well. During winter you have infull operation the ski resort <strong>Celje</strong> hut, which will overwhelm you with its uniqueness, and insummer time becomes the main destination for hikers and the more adrenaline bikers. Inaddition to that there are many biking trails around <strong>Celje</strong>, especially the ones that lead throughforests, by the river or by the lake (and no worries if you don’t have a bike with you, the Youthhostel <strong>Celje</strong> lends them free of charge). Certainly you will be very tired and hungry after all theseadventures in our fair city. Not to worry, the Youth hostel <strong>Celje</strong>, lying the heart of <strong>Celje</strong>, will takecare of that and you will have in your arms reach a number of more traditional restaurants suchas Štorman or Koper as well as a wide variety of fast food stands.As can be seen there is a lot to see and do if your young and in <strong>Celje</strong>, which is why it is hard todescribe and list all of the events and things going on. That’s why I recommend any youngtourist passing <strong>Celje</strong> to take a couple of days (you won’t be able to experience it all in one dayafter all) and see for themselves what the city of <strong>Celje</strong> has to offer.

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