ZVÁRANIE NÁS SPÁJA - Výskumný Ústav zváračský

ZVÁRANIE NÁS SPÁJA - Výskumný Ústav zváračský

ZVÁRANIE NÁS SPÁJA - Výskumný Ústav zváračský

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PRÍLOHAZoznam dokumentov Medzinárodnéhozváračského inštitútu – IIWvypracovaných v roku 2006 – 1. časťVýskumný ústav zváračský – Priemyselný inštitút SR, Bratislava, ako hlavný člen IIW a reprezentantSlovenska v tejto organizácii, obdržal aj v roku 2006 rad odborných a organizačných dokumentovvydaných v IIW. Odborné dokumenty obsahujú prehľady súčasného stavu zvárania a príbuzných procesova najnovšie výsledky výskumu, vývoja a aplikácií týchto procesov od odborníkov zo 48 členských krajínIIW. Organizačné dokumenty obsahujú zoznamy členov IIW, komisií a ďalších orgánov IIW, programa výsledky zasadnutí, výročné správy atď. Dokumenty sú k dispozícii na štúdium v technickej knižniciVÚZ – PI SR (tel. +421/(0)2/4924 6482). Delegáti a experti z radov členov Slovenskej zváračskejspoločnosti majú prístup k dokumentom na web stránke IIW prostredníctvom hesla. Zoznam odbornýcha vybraných organizačných dokumentov je uvedený v ďalšom texte.KOMISIA ISpájkovanie, tepelné delenie a plameňové technológie (Brazing,soldering, thermal cutting and flame processes)I-1159-06 Program/Agenda for C I in Quebec, CanadaKOMISIA IIOblúkové zváranie a zváracie materiály (Arc welding and filler metals)II-1567r3-06 Welding and allied processes – Procedure fordetermining the hydrogen content in arc weld metal – annex a:Recommendations and restrictions in regard of older methodsof measurementII-1584-06 Relations between dilution and characteristics of overalloyedwelded seams on super duplex stainless steelsII-1587-06 Cold cracking tests-revisionII-1588-06 Microstructure and properties of post weld heat treated2.25Cr1Mo weld metalII-1589-06 Nitrogen control during the autogenous arc weldingof stainless steel – the influence of shielding gas oxygen contenton nitrogen absorption/desorptionII-1590-06 Reducing the diffusible hydrogen content of shieldedmetal arc welds by means of fluoride and calcite flux additionsII-1591-06 Comparison of CO 2 and Nd:YAG laser welding of grade250 maraging steelII-1596-06 Consumables for welding of (very) high strength steels –mechanical properties of weldments in as-welded and stressrelieved applicationsII-1597-06 Modern test methods for assessing the hot crackingresistance during welding of high-alloyed steels and nickel basealloysII-1599-06 Low temperature behaviour of standard austenitic weldmentsmicrostructure during creep testing – Part 1: P91 materialII-1600-06 Further investigations of ductility-dip cracking in highchromium, Ni-base filler metalsII-1601r01-06 Evolution of Cr-Mo-V weld metal microstructureduring creep testing – Part 1: P91 materialII-1601-06 Evolution of Cr-Mo-V weld metal microstructure duringcreep testing – Part 1: P91 material evolution of Cr-Mo-V weldmetalII-1603-06 Welding consumables – Solid wire electrodes, tubularcored electrodes and electrode/flux combinations for submergedarc welding of high strength steels – ClassificationII-1604r-06 Welding consumables – Covered electrodes for manualmetal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels –ClassificationII-1605-06 IIW and ISO: Responsibility for documentsII-1606-06 CE Marking of welding consumablesII-1608-06 Matrix of ISO Filler metal draft standards – Status asof July 2006II-1619-06 Result of systematic review of ISO 14372II-1620-06 Selection of iron based electrodes for recovery depositionand hardfacing for impact-abrasive wear conditionsII-1621-06 Standardization agreement among IIW, ISO TC 44and CEN TC 121II-1622-06 TC 121/SC 3 comments on CD 2560Subkomisia II-AMetalurgia (Metallurgy)II-A-111r6-06 Cold cracking tests-revisionII-A-159r2-06 Welding and allied processes – Procedure for determiningthe hydrogen content in arc weld metalII-A-166r1-05 Nitrogen control during the autogenous arc weldingof stainless steel – the influence of shielding gas oxygen contenton nitrogen absorption/desorptionII-A-172r1-06 Reducing the diffusible hydrogen content of shieldedmetal arc welds by means of fluoride and calcite flux additionsII-A-173-06 Comparison of CO 2 and Nd:YAG laser welding of grade250 maraging steelSubkomisia II-CSkúšanie a hodnotenie zvarov (Testing and measurement of welds)II-C-324-06 Low temperature behavior of standard austeniticweldmentsII-C-325-06 How best to test welded corrosion resistant alloys forresistance to hydrogen embrittlement under cathodic protection?II-C-326-06 Further studies of ductility-dip cracking in Ni-base weldmetalsII-C-326-r01-06 Further investigations of ductility-dip crackingin high chromium, Ni-base filler metalsII-C-327-06 SSC/SCC testing of lean duplex Al 2003 (S32003) weldsII-C-328-r01-06 Evolution of Cr-Mo-V weld metal microstructureduring creep testing – Part 1: P91 materialII-C-328-06 Evolution of Cr-Mo-V weld metal microstructure duringcreep testing – Part 1: P91 materialII-C-329-06 The effect of the weld metal chemistry on mechanicalproperties of E11018-M SMAW electrodesII-C-334-06 Relations between dilution and characteristicsof overalloyed welded seams on super duplex stainless steelsSubkomisia II-ENormalizácia (Standardization)II-E-506-06 Matrix of ISO filler metal draft standards – Status asof February 2006II-E-507-06 Welding consumables – Covered electrodes for manualmetal arc welding of nonalloyed and fine grain steels –ClassificationII-E-508-06 Hardfacing classification – Microstructures – Resultof voting on ISO/TC 44/SC 3 N 566II-E-509-06 Modification to ISO 3581II-E-510-06 Provisional results of the second FER Round RobinKOMISIA IIIOdporové zváranie, zváranie v tuhom stave a príbuzné procesy(Resistance solid state welding and allied joining processes)III-1374-06 Friction stir welding of aluminium – generalrequirements – Part 1: VocabularyIII-1375-06 Friction stir welding of aluminium – generalrequirements – Part 2: Design of weld jointsIII-1376-06 Friction stir welding of aluminium – general requirements– Part 3: Qualification of friction stir welding operatorsZVÁRANIE-SVAŘOVÁNÍ | 2/ 2007 67

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