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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Profile: Geert Wilders<strong>THE</strong> KEY SPEAKER at the Muhammad cartoon exhibition isDutch politician Geert Wilders, a name synonymous withstrident anti-Islamic views.Wilders is the most successful counter-jihadist politician inthe world. He is founder and leader of the Party for Freedom(PVV), which is currently leading in the Dutch opinion polls 1 .Wilders has described Islam as the “ideology of a retardedculture” 2 and compared the Qu’ran to Hitler’s Mein Kampf,labelling it the “fascist Koran”.He has called for the Qu’ran to be banned and said thatthe Dutch constitution should be re-written to stop allimmigration from Muslim countries. He supports paidrepatriation of Muslim immigrants and wants all ‘Muslimcriminals’ to be stripped of Dutch citizenship and deported“back where they came from”.In 2008 Wilders commissioned the making of ‘Fitna’, a filmwhich explored (what he viewed as) Qu’ranic-inspired actsof terrorism. This highly controversial film was shown in theBritish House of Lords at an event organised by Lord Pearsonand Baroness Cox.Wilders has received hundreds of thousands of dollars infunding from counter-jihadists in the US. Principle amongthese is David Horowitz’s Freedom Centre.Over the past few months Wilders has championed theMuhammad cartoons issue. He was present at Pam Geller’scartoon competition in Texas, which was attacked by gunmen.He has used one of his party political broadcasts in late June2015 to display these cartoons to a Dutch audience, and hehas offered to attend a cartoon event in Denmark.1 July 20152 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/feb/17/netherlands.islamGeert Wilders withPam GellerMeanwhile, another image showed Muhammadbrandishing a sword ready for a fight. His eyes wereblacked out while two women standing behind him inIslamic dress had only their eyes uncovered.Set against a backdrop of growing Muslim anger andresentment at the ‘war on terror’, the publishing ofMuhammad’s image was considered political anddeliberately offensive.The publication in the Jyllands-Posten led to aninternational boycott of Danish goods and a withdrawalof diplomatic relations by many Muslim countries withDenmark. Riots erupted across the world, with up to 200people reportedly killed in protests in dozens of countries.Danish and other European diplomatic missions werealso attacked, as were churches and Christians in Pakistanand Egypt. In India, Haji Yaqoob Qureishi, a minister inthe Uttar Pradesh statement government, even offereda cash reward for the murder of the editor of the Danishnewspaper.Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen describedthe controversy as Denmark’s worst internationalrelations incident since the Second World War.Despite a public apology, Jyllands-Posten was alsotargeted. There were numerous plots against the paper’scartoonist and in 2010, five years after the cartoons werepublished, police shot a would-be assassin who had gotinside the cartoonist’s house. Several others, includingas recently as 2013, have been convicted with plotting totarget the newspaper or the cartoonist.The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo took up theHOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 7

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Profile: Anne Marie WatersANNE MARIE WATERS has not always been linked to thefar-right counter-jihad movement. For many years she was aLabour Party member and spokesperson for the One Law forAll campaign, which strives for equal rights and opposes allreligious oppression. She was also a council member of theNational Secular Society.It was only in 2013 that she began her drift to the right.Waters joined the Labour Party in 2003 1 and became an activemember in her local constituency party, where she fulfilledthe role of constituency secretary. A trained lawyer, she wasalways a strong supporter of women’s rights and bitterlyopposed their persecution at the hands of religion.One Law for All founder, Maryam Namazie, first remembersWaters at a demonstration against Sharia and religious laws,which was held opposite Downing Street in June 2010. 2“We asked her to speak but she was nervous and worried aboutthe Al-Muhajiroun and UAF [Unite Against Fascism] activistswho stood together against us.”From there, Waters become more involved and certainly moreactive. Later that same year she added her name to a letter inThe Guardian 3 demanding that the-then Pope should not begiven the honour of a state visit.In 2011 Waters stood for election to become Labour’sparliamentary candidate in South Swindon, but Namazie’ssupport – she is disliked by some Muslims – proved too muchfor some local members and she was roundly defeated.A couple of years later, she stood in Brighton Pavilion but herincreasingly strident views on Islam, and her habit (like manycounter-jihadists) of conflating the dangers of Islamist extremismwith the ‘threat’ posed by all Muslims and immigrants, angeredmany of her local party members. One even described her as“the worst possible PPC” for the seat. 4In July 2013, whilst a spokesperson for One Law for All,she debated the famous (Muslim) journalist Medhi Hasanon the question of whether Islam was a peaceful religion.Attacking those who said that she was promoting hate and amisrepresentation of Islam, she read out a long list of Islamistterrorist attacks and curtailments of freedoms and inequalitiesunder Islam.“It is the actions of Muslims that is creating the fear of Islam,”she explained. 5 Hasan demolished many of her argumentsduring an impassioned rebuttal at the Oxford Union event.Tensions were beginning to emerge between Waters andNamazie, though these were largely hidden from the public.Namazie was becoming increasingly uneasy with many ofWaters’ views.“She was not making any distinction between immigrants andMuslims and the Islamic Right movement,” Namazie toldHOPE not hate.She also became increasingly concerned withthe online friendships Waters was makingwith EDL supporters. In an exchange ofemails, seen by HOPE not hate, Watersdefends these links, claiming that it wasimportant to work with everyone whoopposed Islamism.Things really came to a head after Watersintroduced Stephen Lennon, who hadjust left the EDL, as a “special guest” atthe 2013 Passion for Freedom festivalwhich she helped organise.Sharing Namazie’s disquiet was journalistNick Cohen, who was on the platform asLennon was introduced. 6The relationship between Namazie andWaters totally broke down and a few weekslater Waters left the organisation.The autumn of 2013 appears to have been akey moment in Waters’ move to the right.She began writing regular blogs for theScandinavian counter-jihadist blogsite,Dispatch International, on subjectssuch as Sharia law, immigrationand ‘Muslim crime’.Magnus Nielsen withAnne Marie Waters8 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>She also used this blog to publiclyresign from the Labour Party, attackingmulticulturalism and immigration inthe process.In April 2014 Waters stepped downfrom the National Council of theNational Secular Society but thereasons for this remain a mystery andthe organisation’s campaign directorrefused to comment. 7In the same month Waters launchedSharia Watch UK, to monitor the socalled‘intrusion’ of Islamic law intoBritish society. The launch event washeld in the House of Lords with the activeparticipation and support of Baroness Cox. 8Waters released a special report intoSharia law in the UK at this launch event.Entitled Britain’s Blind Spot, it sought to“highlight and expose those movementsin Britain which advocate and supportthe advancement of sharia law inBritish society.” 9In addition to listing a whole number of Muslim organisationswhich she classified as extremist, she also spoke out about theHalal meat industry, which she claimed was funding terrorism.“It is our belief that funds from the halal industry are beingused by Islamist groups to enhance the power of sharia law inBritain and around the world.“Sharia Watch UK believes that there is sufficient evidence tosuggest that halal funds are, at least in part, helping to fundIslamist terrorism globally.”Understandably, this report was widely attacked and ridiculed.Undeterred, Waters continued her journey to the right. Shespoke at counter-jihadist events in Scandinavia, where sheblamed Islam as a religion for child grooming and intensifiedher attack on liberals and progressives in society.She had also switched her political allegiance from Labourto UKIP, the populist anti-immigrant party, announcing onher website that it was “the only party with the courageto denounce the dishonesty and hypocrisy of ‘politicallycorrect’ and disingenuous political speech, and to understandits dangers.” 10In May 2014 she was selected as the party’s candidate forBasildon and Billericay, but this proved short-lived as the partyhierarchy shunted her out to make way for a candidate who hada better chance of winning.Waters eventually ended up as UKIP’s candidate for theheavily multicultural area of Lewisham East in London.Given her views on immigration, it was always going to be atough call to get elected.By the end of 2014 she was fully immersed in the counterjihadmovement, speaking regularly at EDL demonstrationsand on platforms alongside those well known for theiranti-Islam views.1 http://www.d-intl.com/2013/10/07/open-letter-to-labour-leadermiliband-your-policies-fill-me-with-fear/?lang=en2 http://www.onelawforall.org.uk/successful-day-against-sharia-andreligious-laws-in-uk/3 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/sep/15/harsh-judgmentson-pope-religion4 http://www.leftfutures.org/2013/06/anne-marie-waters-the-worstpossible-ppc-for-brighton-pavillion/5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CdR1Jd5wag6 http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2013/11/liberalismislamism-and-racism-the-right-is-as-bad-as-the-left/7 Email exchange 14 July 20158 http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/04/24/lawyers-launch-antishariah-initiative/9 http://www.shariawatch.org.uk/articles/special-report-sharia-law#.VaTiCIsnXlI10 http://www.annemariewaters.org/why-i-am-proud-to-stand-for-ukip/HOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 9

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Gates of Vienna(left) Gates of Viennablog masthead and (right)Edward S May<strong>THE</strong> GATES OF VIENNA blogis the single most importantclearing house for theinternational counter-jihadmovement.Run by Edward S. May, underthe name Baron Bodissey, itcarries reports on news andmovement events acrossthe globe, offers a platformfor counter-jihadists to passcomment and, as we haveseen with the El Ingles seriesof articles, disseminates a message of civil war.“My goal is to help leverage such small efforts intomuch larger occasions through the technique of effectiveorganizing,” May wrote in a seminal piece where he explainedthe purpose of the site. 1“The most important characteristic of an effective anti-Islamization network is that it be international. Theenemy’s networks are very international, and radical Islamcoordinates effortlessly across national boundaries. We mustdo the same thing.”Another regular writer on the blog site is Peder NøstvoldJensen, who writes under the name ‘Fjordman’. Fjordman/Jensen is a Norwegian counter-jihadist who was referencedmore than anyone else in Anders Breivik’s Manifesto, whichhe circulated shortly before his killing spree.Like El Ingles, Fjordman also believes that civil war will benecessary to deal with the Islamist threat.1 https://missioneuropakmartell.wordpress.com/ressourcen/distributed-emergence/cartoons and repeatedly reproduced them over the years.In November 2011 its offices were firebombed and seniorstaff had to be offered armed police protection.In January of this year, two armed jihadists stormed themagazine’s offices and killed 12 people, including theeditor and several of the magazine’s cartoonists. Thefollowing month, in Denmark, a gunman opened fire ona meeting discussing free speech and Islam, which wasattended by Lars Vilks, a Swedish cartoonist who hadpreviously drawn Muhammad cartoons. A 55-year-oldDanish filmmaker was killed during that attack, before thegunman went off and killed a Jewish volunteer acting as aa guard outside a synagogue.Never shy to miss an opportunity to exploit a situation andprovoke a reaction, US anti-Muslim activists Pam Gellerand Robert Spencer used their American Freedom DefenseInitiative (AFDI) to organise a cartoon competition in Texas,in early May. The public was encouraged to send in drawingsof Muhammad, with the best to be awarded $10,000.The organisers anticipated trouble and paid an alleged$10,000 to hire 40 local police officers to protect the event.Sure enough it was attacked by two gunmen, both knownby the authorities as local jihadist sympathisers. With thetight security around the event the gunman were left tofire randomly at the building before both were then killedby police.Just like the organisers of the planned London cartoonevent, Geller knew the risks and in them saw opportunitiesto spread her anti-Muslim poison.“I expected that people would come to realize howseverely the freedom of speech is threatened today,and how much it needs to be defended,” she told TheWashington Post before the event. “We were prepared forviolence,” she said. Indeed, her group’s website said “weknow the risks” and that the “exhibit has to be staged.” 2“If we don’t show the jihadists that they will not frighten usinto silence,” the site said, “the jihad against freedom willonly grow more virulent.”Immediately afterwards, along with a huge fundraising drive,she sought to make political capital out of the shootings.“The Islamic jihadis are determined to suppress ourfreedom of speech violently. They struck in Paris andCopenhagen recently, and now in Texas. This incidentshows how much needed our event really was. Thefreedom of speech is under violent assault here in ournation. The question now before is — will we stand anddefend it, or bow to violence, thuggery and savagery?”She was assisted in this by a death threat she receiveddirectly from ISIS, in the name of the Islamic State of theUnited States. In a statement, authored by Abu IbrahimAl Ameriki (Abu Ibrahim ‘the American’), 3 ISIS tookresponsibility for the Texan attack and said they wouldtry again:“Our aim was the khanzeer Pamela Geller and toshow her that we don’t care what land she hides inor what sky shields her; we will send all our Lionsto achieve her slaughter. This will heal the hearts10 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>(left to right) StephenLennon, Robert Spencerand Pam Geller(right) Anders Graversof our brothers and disperse the ones behind her.To those who protect her: this will be your onlywarning of housing this woman and her circusshow. Everyone who houses her events, gives her aplatform to spill her filth are legitimate targets. Wehave been watching closely who was present at thisevent and the shooter of our brothers. We knew thatthe target was protected. Our intention was to showhow easy we give our lives for the Sake of Allah.”A few weeks later the FBI claimed to have smashed a plotby two Boston-based Islamists to behead Geller. She wassuitably outraged but others were less convinced.“Nothing justifies a beheading or a beheading plot, butit’s important to note this. Are you stoking the flames? Doyou on some level relish being the target of these attacks?”CNN host Erin Burnett asked Ms Geller. 4Geller feigned outrage: “Who self-promotes to get killed?”she said, before going on to attack the Southern PovertyLaw Center, which the reporter quoted and had labelledGeller an extremist. “They’re an uber-left group. They don’ttrack jihadist groups. They track patriots,” ranted Geller.Inspired by her confrontational stance, European counterjihadistsbegan to plan similar cartoon events, much to herexcitement and encouragement.First out of the blocks was Anders Gravers, a veteranDanish counter-jihadist who headed up Stop Islamizationof Europe (SIOE) and was chairman of Geller’s StopIslamization of Nations (SION). A few days after the Texasshootings, Gravers announced his intention to display thesame cartoons at a political festival that was to be held onthe island of Bornholm in late June.Pam Geller was jubilant. “A freedom movement isunderway. I am glad of it. Muhammad Cartoon exhibitsare now being planned for Denmark and Holland. 5“There are many of us who won’t be cowed, won’t submitand won’t abridge our freedoms so as not to offendsavages. Freedom of speech is not negotiable in a freesociety,” she added.“We will not adhere to the sharia (Islamic law). Ever.”However, news of Gravers’ plans did not go down welland the festival organisers informed him that he was notto display the cartoons. Gravers put on a brave face anddefiantly told the media of his determination to displaythe cartoons at a future date.In a letter to Geller, he added: “I have send out [sic] a pressrelease that we are not bending down for sharia law andwe of course are going to hold the exhibition very soon inanother place, and we will do the same in Paris, Londonand Madrid – as we will in Copenhagen.” 6Pam Geller reacted with predictable rage: “From Denmarkcomes news of still more capitulation to violent intimidationin the service of the imposition of sharia blasphemy laws.Kudos to my friend and colleague in Denmark, AndersGravers of SIAD and SION, for refusing to submit.”Also taking up the cartoon cause was Dutch politicianGeert Wilders, who had been present at Geller’s cartooncompetition in Texas when it was attacked. In late June heused a party political broadcast allotted to his FreedomParty to display the Texas cartoons to the Dutch nation.“The Islam, the terrorists, don’t want us to show thesecartoons. But terror and violence may never defeatfreedom of speech,”, he told journalists. “We mustprecisely do what the terrorists prevent us to do.” 7A nervous Dutch government took precautions in caseof a backlash, increasing security at Dutch embassies inthe Muslim world and informing foreign governmentsthat this broadcast did not reflect the views of the DutchGovernment or its people.In London, counter-jihadists here began discussions overhosting a similar event.The Labour defectorThe organiser of the London cartoon exhibition is AnneMarie Waters, a former Labour Party member and untilApril 2014 a member of the national council of theNational Secular Society (which campaigns for a seculardemocracy, and a separation of religion and state).A lawyer by trade, Waters came to prominence as a vocalopponent of the treatment of women under Islam, buthas moved politically to the right to the position untilshe became one of the most active and militant counterjihadistsin Britain (see profile).In 2014 Waters established Sharia Watch UK, whichpurported to “document advancement of sharia law inBritain, the methods by which this advancement occurs,and the groups and organisations which promote it.” Ofcourse, it was another hysterical Islamophobic groupwhich tried to demonise the entire Muslim community andIslamic faith. One of its claims was that the profits from theHalal food industry were funding jihadist terrorism.Sharia Watch was launched in the House of Lords with thebacking of Baroness Cox and Lord Pearson, the two peersHOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 11

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Counter-Jihad provocations<strong>THE</strong> INTERNATIONAL ‘COUNTER-JIHAD’ MOVEMENT has formwhen it comes to distributinginflammatory material designedto incite a violent reaction fromMuslims.In 2012 US counter-jihadactivists produced a trailer for ahighly offensive and provocativefilm, The Innocence of Muslims.The film began with footage ofMuslims attacking the homesof Egyptian Christians whilesecurity forces stood by. Itthen switched to cartoonishscenes depicting the ProphetMuhammad as a child ofuncertain parentage, a buffoonand womaniser, as gay, achild molester and a greedy,bloodthirsty thug.The film was the work offour men in California, allinvolved in the counterjihadmovement. It gainednotoriety when a fiery TVpresenter in Egypt made it an issue on hisprogramme several months later.The group issued a statement initially pretending that the filmwas the work of an Israeli Jew and financed by 100 Jews inIsrael, a clear attempt to direct Muslim anger at Jews and fanthe flames still further.Unfortunately, there were many Muslim groups only toowilling to respond to this provocation.This led to protests, riots and even deaths around the world,much to the delight of the filmmakers.Worse still, the media willingly carried the narrative of‘intolerant Muslims’, with Newsweek magazine, for example,carrying a cover photo of screaming protestors, with theheadline: ‘Muslim rage’.A Guardian newspaper journalist called this: “Either a brilliantbid for attention (and readers) or one of the worst editorialdecisions on recent memory.” 1The filmmakers were unrepentant. “Do I feel guilty that thesepeople were incited?,” said Steve Klein, one of the peoplebehind the film. “Guess what? I didn’t incite them. They’repre-incited, they’re pre-programmed to do this.”In another interview, he admitted they expected this violentreaction. 2Last summer another group of counter-jihadists tried thesame tactics again, this time with a six-minute animatedcartoon telling the story of theProphet Muhammad and hischild bride.Titled Aisha & Muhammed:Dramatic Life of a LittleChild Married to the Prophetof Islam, the film containedgraphic scenes of Muhammadraping a young girl as shecried on her bed and wasclearly designed to whip updislike, fear and even hatred ofMuslims, and in turn provokean angry counter-reactionfrom them. 3It was far more distasteful andprovocative than the Innocenceof Muslims film.It was promoted by theinternational counter-jihadistnetwork and produced by ImranFirasat, a Pakistani-born formerMuslim who had been a vocalsupporter of the Qur’an burningFlorida pastor Terry Jones.To give it an international feel,Lars Hedegaard (President ofthe International Free Press Society) and Ingrid Carlqvist,Editor-in-Chief of Dispatch International, two leading actors inthe European counter-jihad movement were interviewed in ashort documentary that followed on from the trailor.“This movie will certainly give you clues as to why Muslimsin Europe are so actively in sexual abuse of little girls,” saidCarlqvist in the movie.The organisers failed in their attempt to cause a reactionbecause the British government intervened and convincedYouTube and Google to remove the film.However, a full-length 47-minute version of Aisha &Muhammed is now available on the internet. 4Hedegaard and Carlqvist were later to distance themselvesfrom the video, but only for fear of their own public safetyrather than distaste for the film itself.Many of those who promoted this film are now pushing theMuhammed cartoons under the guise of free speech.1 http://www.theguardian.com/media/us-news-blog/2012/sep/17/muslim-rage-newsweek-magazine-twitter2 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/26/us/from-the-man-whoinsulted-islam-no-retreat.html3 http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/nick/don-t-give-them-thesatisfaction-38824 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZTTeBqJatE12 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>who hosted Geert Wilders when he screened his anti-Muslim film, ‘Fitna’, back in 2010.The deeper Waters got into the ‘counter-jihad’ world themore extreme she became and the more hardline thepeople she began to engage with.In July 2014 she shared a platform with Lars Hedegaard,President of the International Free Speech Society, andIngrid Carlqvist, a Swedish journalist and the country’smost prominent counter-jihadist. Waters speech wasmainly about grooming gangs but underlying it all, sheargued, was an appeasement by and of the West to Islam.This is a very common narrative among the hardcorecounter-jihadists.Last October, Waters spoke on the dangers of ‘Sharia’ atHyde Park’s famous Speakers Corner. Among the otherspeakers were Toni Bulge, the head of Mothers AgainstRadical Islam And Sharia, which had organised the event,and Charlie Klendjian, secretary of the Lawyers’ SecularSociety. In the audience were Alan Ayling and Ann Machini, 8key figures in the British counter-jihad movement.Chickens coming home to roostAlan Ayling, also known as Alan Lake, is one of the mostimportant and most militant counter-jihadists in Britain.He has provided advice and support to Stephen Lennon(aka Tommy Robinson, the violent founder of the EnglishDefence League, EDL) and even helped him form the EDLback in 2009.Previously active in the Free Tibet movement, after beingbadly assaulted outside the Chinese Embassy duringa protest he become disillusioned with that cause anddrifted towards Christianity. It was at the West KensingtonTemple, a large Pentecostal Church run by Reverend ColinDye in London’s Notting Hill, that his strong views aboutIslam emerged.Among the people he met at this church was an Americanwho now operates under the pseudonym Kinana, and itwas through him that he entered the counter-jihad world.Ayling is part of a small clique of British counter-jihadistswho are completely obsessed with the threat of Islam. Inaddition to Kinana, others in this group included propertymanager and millionaire Ann Marchini; Yorkshire-basedChris Knowles; former tour guide and UKIP candidateMagnus Nielson; and east London-based Darren Marsh.Ann Marchini is one of Britain’s leading counter-jihadistswho provided a crucial link between more respectablecounter-jihadist funders and politicians in Europe andNorth America.Marchini ran a buy-to-letproperty empire from herhome in Highgate, northLondon, and while she hasgiven up some of this workshe still runs a number ofstudent properties.She has attended most ofthe so-called ‘anti-jihad’conferences that have beenheld in different Europeancountries since 2007 andhas been actively involvedin the International CivilLiberties Alliance (ICLA)Ann MarchiniAnne Marie Watersspeaking at the AllFootball Fans/FirmsAgainst Islamisation(AFFFAI) demo in Dudleyin early June 2015HOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 13

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Profile: Pamela GellerAMERICAN BLOGGER, author and political activist,Pamela Geller is a principal leader of the internationalCounter-Jihad movement.Geller co-founded the American Freedom Defence Initiative(AFDI) and Stop Islamization of Nations (SION) and isExecutive Director of Stop Islamization of America (SIOA).She was a leading campaigner against the proposedconstruction of an Islamic community centre in LowerManhattan, New York, labelling it the ‘Ground Zero megamosque’. Her blog, Atlas Shrugs, is one of the ‘go to’ sitesfor counter-jihadists the world over.More recently, she hit the headlines when she coorganiseda Muhammad cartoon competition in Texaswhich was attacked by two known jihadists.A former associate publisher of The New York Observer,Geller promotes a conspiratorial anti-Muslim agendathat emphasises the existence of a concerted Islamicconspiracy to destroy American values.She published Stop the Islamization of America in2011, which she has described as a “practical primerfor patriots”.Among the wild views she holds, Geller believes thatBarack Obama is actually a Muslim. She joined a chorusof other right-wing cranks by insisting that he shouldnot be President because (in their view) he was secretlyborn abroad.Because her views are controversial and extreme herorganisation has been labelled a ‘hate group’ by theAnti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern PovertyLaw Center (SPLC).As well as defending former Serbian president SlobodanMilosevic, she has said that the massacre of 8,000Bosnian Muslims was the “Srebrenica Genocide Myth”and claimed that Muslims are driven by a “desperateHolocaust envy.”In 2010 she called the far-right English Defence League(EDL) “courageous English patriots” and said that peopleshould “support the English Defence League in its effortsto stand for England and the West against the belligerentinvaders and Islamic imperialists.”Much of her work has been done in conjunction withRobert Spencer, the other key anti-Muslim activist in theUS. Together they run SIOA and AFDI.In 2010 Stop Islamization of America sponsoredinflammatory bus adverts in encouraging Muslims toleave Islam. Signs such as “Islam = 1,400 years ofAggression, Murder!’ are regularly seen at protest eventsorganised by Geller.Despite this extremism her views have been embracedby leading political figures including Newt Gingrich,the former Republican Speaker of the US House ofRepresentatives.She is a columnist for American Thinker, Human Eventsand WorldNetDaily. She was cited 12 times (together withher Atlas Shrugs blog) in Anders Breivik’s manifesto.Her provocative and insulting behaviour has given herhuge stature in Europe and she has a loyal followingamong counter-jihadist activists.Anders Gravers, leader of Stop Islamization of Europe, isalso chairman of Stop Islamization of Nations, and Dutchpolitician Geert Wilders has been regular at Geller’s eventsin the US.She is personally linked to many UK counter-jihadists,such as Kinana and Alan Ayling, and as aforementioned,has been a big supporter of former EDL leader StephenLennon (aka Tommy Robinson).When Robinson was imprisoned for travelling to thelaunch of the SION in New York for travelling under a falsepassport, Geller gave $10,000 to help his family.In 2013, Geller and Spencer were banned from enteringthe UK to address an EDL demonstration shortly after LeeRigby was murdered. After a campaign by HOPE not hate,the Home Secretary declared both were extremists whowere likely to stir up trouble.Geller has been actively promoting the Muhammadcartoon initiatives in Europe through her blog and emails.Alan Ayling has also told other British counter-jihadiststhat Geller will fund a cartoon campaign.caption14 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>HOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 15

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>and its predecessors, the 910 Group and the Centre forVigilant Freedom (CVF).She organised the link between German Islamophobe,Patrik Brinkmann, and the Canadian industrialist, BjørnLarsen, who was involved in the Canadian chapter of theInternational Free Press Society, which resulted in theGeert Wilders rally in Berlin in October 2010.Chris KnowlesChris Knowles workedclosely with Marchiniin the 910 Group, CVFand ICLA and is anotherkey organiser in theinternational counter-jihadmovement.Often operating under thenames Aeneas Laviniumand Aeneas Europa,Knowles has been activein the counter-jihad worldsince 2006, first with theBeer n Sandwiches blogsiteand then as co-ordinator ofthe ICLA.Darren Marsh was younger than the others and emergedas a key organiser in the English Defence League (EDL),often acting as a link to Scandinavia counter-jihadistgroups. In April 2011, Marsh, who also sometimes goesunder the name Darren Lee, spoke at a NorwegianDefence League demonstration in Oslo.Also part of this group is Philip Smeeton, an artist and aformer British National Party (BNP) supporter currentlyliving and teaching in Oslo.Publicly, Ayling operates through his 4Freedoms websitebut more privately Kinana runs a private discussion group– the 7/7 Society – which also meets occasionally in pubsin the Holborn/Chancery Lane area of London.This group has formed the backbone of the militantcounter-jihadist scene in Britain for many years. Theyinitially threw their support behind March for England,a small anti-Islamist group that held occasionaldemonstrations, believing it was a suitable vehicle tocreate a street-based anti-Islam organisation.Initially named March for the Flag, it has become knownfor its annual St George’s Day demonstration, normallyheld in Brighton but this year taking place in Blackpool.However, it did little else and because of its southern focushad limited value to Ayling and his friends.Of much greater interest was the United People of Luton(UPL), which had emerged in response to a protestorganised by Muslims Against Crusades, an organisationset up by radical preacher Anjem Choudary and whichprotested against the Anglian Regiment’s homecomingparade in Luton in 2009.Furious at seeing a small group of extreme Islamists wavingplacards which accused the soldiers of being ‘baby killers’and ‘murderers’ and hoping they burnt in hell, a group oflocal football hooligans and right-wing activists decided toretaliate. A demonstration they held in the town a few weekslater led to serious disorder, as 250 football hooligans andothers rampaged through the predominantly Muslim area ofLuton. This event was orchestrated by members of the UPL.Ayling followed the events with excitement. Contact wasmade and UPL leaders Stephen Lennon and Paul Ray wereinvited down to Ayling’s flat in the Barbican, in centralLondon, to discuss setting up a national organisation.At this meeting, another one of Ayling’s inner group, whowas obsessed by military formations, explained how theEDL could best confront the police and Muslim gangs.Extremist viewsAyling and co. are uncompromising in their views. In theireyes Islam poses an existential threat to the West; to themthere is no distinction between Muslims and moderatefollowers of Islam, and Islamist extremists.They believe that Islam has a mission to conquer andthat liberal secularism is allowing its takeover throughimmigration and multiculturalism. This, together withdemographic changes (immigration and higher familysizes among some Muslim communities), means that Islamwill ultimately attempt to “take over” Western society.For Ayling and his counter-jihadist co-conspirators,curtailing what they view as Islam’s expansionist aims isfutile. The authorities are too weak to do what is requiredand a combination of mass immigration and a high birthrate among Muslims means that the conflict is growingever closer.Ayling wrote earlier this year (2015) on his 4Freedomswebsite:“Nation take-over is a defined strategy of Islam,voiced from the first Hadith of Mohammed uptopresent dy [sic] Erdogan of Turkey.”“It takes two forms: Hijra, or Immigration intothe kaffir country, and over-breeding, by havingnumerous babies with numerous wives.“Over-breeding is not just a weapon against thesociety, it is an assault against all of humanity, sincethe planet cannot support any larger population.”The only solution, they believe, is the removal of Muslimsfrom Europe. This can be achieved through deportation,‘as well as making Muslims’ lives so miserable thatthey choose to leave under their own volition. Withgovernments ‘too weak’ to enforce deportation, theonly answer, Ayling and friends believe, is throughconfrontation and civil war.One of Ayling’s close friends, writing under the pseudonymEl Ingles, set out the path to civil war (see box). In a chillingconclusion, the writer predicted a Balkan-style conflictwhich would lead to the genocide of Muslims in Europe.When Anders Brievik went on his killing spree in Norwayin 2011, planting a bomb outside a government buildingand then shooting dead 67 young people at a LabourParty youth camp, Ayling believed the authorities only hadthemselves to blame.“Apparently, in a long screed Anders Behring Breivikposted on line, he did this attack to protest againstthe way that Islam is taking over large parts of Europe.By attacking the leftist politicians that are enablingthis, the chickens have actually come home to roost –altho I’m sure it won’t be depicted that way.”Ayling’s strident views proved to be his undoing. Themedia focused on his controversial beliefs and his role16 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>with the EDL in the days and weeks that followed Breivik’skilling spree. He was suspended from work and virtuallylocked himself away. Even Lennon felt he had to distancehimself from a man whom the media portrayed as anapologist for terror.Others in the counter-jihad network also felt the heatof media attention. The Sunday Times reported on theactivities of Chris Knowles, which led to his suspension andeventual sacking from Leeds council. Knowles and Marchinidropped out of domestic activism and focused more oninternational meetings of the counter-jihad movement.Both attended a Organisation for Security and Cooperationin Europe (OSCE) conference in Warsaw in October 2013,along with key counter-jihadists Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolffand Edward S. May (of the Gates of Vienna blog).Knowles went on to attend the Passion for Freedomexhibition in December 2013, which had been organisedby Anne Marie Waters and the One Law for All campaign.In March 2014 he went to an International Women’s Dayevent in Conway Hall, London, which had been organisedby London Central Humanists and featured Passion forFreedom. Anne Marie Waters was a speaker.Drifting rightwardsIn April 2015, Waters spoke at a public rally outsideDowning Street organised by Mothers Against RadicalIslam And Sharia (MARIAS) Also on the platformalongside her was Magnus Nielsen, one of Ayling’scounter-jihadist friends, and it is clear from her speechjust how much she had bought into that thinking.“For a start the immigration will have to stop, theimmigration from Islamic countries has to stop entirely,”she told the protest. “That’s just the way it is. A lot ofpeople need to be deported. Many mosques need to beclosed down. It really does has to get tough.” 9Placing the blame for this supposed Islamic threatsquarely at the feet of liberal society, she added:“None of this would happen if we hadn’t had the Leftrunning down Western culture for decades, teachingchildren to hate Western culture. Then along comes thisaggressive religion into a country which hates itself: it’s theperfect storm.”Nielsen echoed her thoughts: “This country has been atwar with Islam since Islam was created 1,300 years ago.“In fact, Islam has been the enemy of every democraticand free society ever since. And it’s gaining strength.“And it’s not just a question of burning people or cuttingtheir heads off, it’s an insidious movement to infiltrate allthe organs of government.”Writing on the 4Freedoms website, Ayling was full ofpraise, describing Water’s performance as “brilliant.”Philip Smeeton was equally impressed: “I really love thisAnne Marie Waters lady. She says everything that I havetried to say, just a lot more eloquently.” 10The exchange between Ayling (writing as Lake) andSmeeton soon degenerated and their wider views wererevealed. In a discussion started by Smeeton about howthe media and the police played down the threat posed byIslam, Lake responded:“That Police Commissioner and his cronies are justpart of an inferior species that has got left behind inthe tide of evolution. They will surely become extinctfairly soon, and either be replaced by Muslims, or atougher form of Kuffar. Similarly those 2 reporterswill be replaced either by Muslims singing the praisesof the Sharia, or by Kuffar that don’t have such adelusional and distorted view of reality. It’s going tobe brutal, but then, most species extinctions are.”In an echo of the underlying narrative as espoused byEl Ingles, Smeeton added: “I do hate Muslims, if theyrenounce Islam, only then I will consider how I will treatthem as human beings.”He concluded the post: “There are only two choices;surrender or start deporting Muslims and demolishingmosques.”Ann Marchini (in dark glasses), Charlie Klendijan,Alan Ayling and Anne Marie Waters (far right)confronting a Muslim who objected to their speechesat a MARIAS event at Speakers’ Corner last OctoberHOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 17

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Like-mindedWaters knew Lennon from at least as far back as theautumn of 2013, when she introduced him as a specialguest at a Passion for Freedom event she had helpedorganise to discuss the film Silent Conquest, which wasabout the ‘Islamisation’ of the West. 11Lennon had just publicly left the English Defence Leagueand was trying to mainstream both himself and hisstrident anti-Islamist views. Waters and Lennon clearlyhad a lot in common and in many ways were verysimilar. Strident, proactive and, from the counter-jihadistperspective, fearless.In April 2015, Waters once again introduced Lennon ata meeting, this time at the launch of VOICE (Victimsof Islamic Cultural Extremism), an organisation whichclaimed to “help victims of Muslim grooming gangs, FGM,male victims of Muslim violence in general, and Muslimwomen in fear of their male relatives.”Attended by 55 people, and held in a pub in the City,Waters interviewed Stephen Lennon about Islamophobia,life in Luton and the threat of Islamism. The audience wasmade up of counter-jihadists, leading EDL organisers andseveral UKIP members.The event came just a week after the attack on Pam Geller’sMuhammad cartoon competition, so the whole issuewas fresh in people’s mind. When asked by Waters aboutpictorial representations of the Muslim Prophet, Lennonreplied that he planned to hold a ‘Draw Mohammed Day’.His idea, he told the audience, was to reproduce hundredsof images of Muhammad, painted and drawn by Muslimsover the years and that were currently hanging in galleriesor other buildings around the world. His aim was tohighlight that none of these images had led to peoplebeing attacked or murdered.“If we as free people contribute drawings that reflectIslamic history, then any event of this type will servean informative purpose and cannot be derided ascaricaturing the Muslim “prophet,” just for the sake ofdoing so,” he said on his own website. 12However, there was a purpose behind this plan – and thatwas to reveal what Muhammad “actually did”.“As Tommy [Lennon] explained on Monday night, themasses have not read the Quran, they have not read theHadith [sayings attributed to the Prophet Muhammad],they do not know about Islam. If we can disseminatethe truth then we have a great chance in assuagingProfile: Charlie (Shah) KlendjianCHARLIE KLENDJIAN, one of the speakers at the forthcomingMuhammad cartoon exhibition, is a Hertfordshire-basedcorporate lawyer for telecoms company EE and secretary ofthe Lawyers’ Secular Society.Klendijan, whose first name is actually Shah, is of Armenianheritage and a keen supporter of the campaign for theUK Government to recognise the massacre of ChristianArmenians at the hands of Ottoman Turks as a genocide.The Lawyers’ Secular Society, which he heads, is “committedto secularism” and campaigns against the use of Sharia law inthe British legal system.A frequent speaker at London-based humanist, atheist andsecular groups, Klendjian pushes for a radicalisation ofhumanist/secular movements, encouraging these groupsto be more outspoken on Islam. Klenjian considers thereto be no “culture of offence” and like many in the counterjihadnetwork, no difference between Islam and Islamism orradical Islam.Klendjian had been involved with One Law for All, but thisrelationship was broken off because of his links with AnneMarie Waters.He is a regular speaker at counter-jihad events, including atthe launch Waters’ Sharia Watch UK, hosted in the House ofLords by Baronness Cox and the MARIAS (Mothers AgainstRadical Islam and Sharia) event at Speaker’s corner inOctober 2014.Klendjian also has a prominent role in the anti-Muslim, satiristmagazine Vive Charlie, which launched in the direct aftermathof the Charlie Hebdo massacre. He is listed on the magazine’swebsite as a patron, and a contributer under the Lawyers’Secular Society.In May 2015, when Sharia Watch UK announced plans fora Muhammad cartoon exhibition in London, Klendjian waslisted amongst speakers.The event has been organised by Vive Charlie, Sharia WatchUK and The Lawyers’ Secular Society.There is no suggestion that Klendjian has associated himselfwith the calls for civil war.18 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Jim Dowsonobjected totheir planscommunities of the affliction wrought by Islamic culturalviolence, which is the intrinsic purpose of VOICE UK.”A week after the launch event for VOICE UK, Watersannounced on her Sharia Watch website that she would“submit a formal question to the UK Governmentseeking assurance that should such a contest be heldhere in Britain, it would be allowed to go ahead withoutcensorship, and the state would protect all involved.”Waters and Lennon hit it off and they discussed joiningforces – once he completed his post-prison licence periodfor mortgage fraud (due to complete in late July thissummer). They toyed with him becoming involved inVOICE UK but ultimately settled on him becoming jointleader, with Waters, of Sharia Watch.Sharia Watch was going to be Lennon’s new vehicle.While there were those in the EDL who still hoped thathe would return to their fold, and even put in requestsfor him to speak at their rallies, he felt he was moving upin the world and in Sharia Watch saw a semi-respectableorganisation which would be more think tank/pressuregroup than street movement.The pair met Lord Pearson, the former UKIP leader whohad brought Geert Wilders over to the UK in 2010, and heagreed to be involved.As both Lennon and Waters were without regularemployment, the idea was for a membership organisationwhere they could earn a living.While the EDL had its own merchandising arm, consistingof t-shirts, hoodies and flags, it was nothing like theprofessional operation that another far-right anti-Islamistgroup, Britain First, had created.Britain First had emerged as a split from the BritishNational Party (BNP) in 2011. It was founded by JimDowson, a Northern Ireland-based Loyalist who hadoverseen the BNP’s fundraising and administration, raising£4m for the party. Alongside him was Paul Golding, aformer BNP official and editor of its publications. Bothhad long fallen out with former BNP leader Nick Griffinand with the demise of both the BNP and the EDL saw anopening for a new group. 13While its actual activist base was to remain small, BritainFirst exploded over social media, with over 700,000 people‘liking’ its Facebook page, thanks to its cunning use ofveterans and animals rights memes which disguisedits true identity. It hit the headlines in the summer of2014, after a series of provocative confrontations withsupporters of Al-Muhajiroun and ‘invading’ mosques andother Muslim buildings.While Lennon had little time for Britain First or PaulGolding (who had emerged as sole leader after Dowsonwalked away in disgust at its mosque invasions 14 ), helooked on enviously at its money-making capabilities.According to Britain First’s 2014 accounts, it had anincome of £159,516 for the year, of which £15,000 wasthrough membership dues and the remainder was fromfundraising drives. 15In addition to this, Golding made as much, if not more,through its merchandising operation.Lennon was itching to get back into the political fray buthis license conditions meant that he was unable to doanything publicly until late July 2015. However, that didnot stop him planning, including trying to see how a neworganisation could bring him in an income.While there was no love lost between Golding andLennon, they were still drawn to each other for their ownself-interests. Golding knew Lennon was the one personwho stood in his way from mopping up the vacuum thathad been left with the demise of the EDL – and all themerchandising opportunities that went with it. With theEDL collapsing, Golding thought Britain First could fill thevoid, as long as Lennon wasn’t going to make life difficult.He decided he could best-neutralise the former EDLleader by being nice to him.Lennon, for his part, had little time for Golding but wasinterested in his money-making operation. By reachingout to the Britain First leader he hoped to discover thesecret in raising the £20,000 a month Golding had claimedhe was making.The two met on a couple of occasions, ahead of BritainFirst’s demonstration in Luton on 4 July 2015. Nothingcame of the meetings but Lennon was convinced of themoney-making potential that lay ahead.A much more intriguing meeting (for Lennon) was withBritain First founder Jim Dowson, whom Lennon hopedcould be convinced to help fundraise for Sharia Watch,the organisation that Lennon was going to co-lead withAnne Marie Waters. At some point in the first half of June2015 they met up, along with Waters and Alan Ayling.Lennon has always played down Ayling’s involvement inthe EDL or influence on him, but it was interesting that hewas invited along to meet Jim Dowson to discuss buildingSharia Watch UK into a viable organisation.The talk moved to reproducing the Muhammadcartoons and how that could trigger a violent backlashfrom Muslims.Dowson, a strong man of faith (albeit an extreme formof Protestantism), was appalled. He took to his KnightsTemplar blog to share his disgust at the plans. In ablog entitled: ‘Private: Warning – Muhammad cartoonprovocations would not serve our cause’ 16 , Dowson wrote:“The stated intention is to mobilise simultaneouslygroups of 40 to 50 demonstrators, with eachgroup going into a different heavily Muslim cityHOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 19

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Profile: Gavin BobyGAVIN BOBY is a Bristol-based lawyer who runs the Law andFreedom Foundation which seeks to limit the building of newmosques and other Islamic centres across Britain.He is an integral part of the British counter-jihad movement.As a planning lawyer, Boby seeks errors in planningapplications coupled with encouraging local opposition tomosque applications.He boasts about winning 20 out 24 mosque applications hehas opposed.Boby’s opposition to mosques is because he sees them ascentres of Islamist extremism and reflective of the growingdominance of Islam in this country.Boby shared a platform with Geert Wilders and StephenLennon in the European Parliament where he proudlyannounced: “We stop mosques”.He also said that with his friend Hanz, the anti-mosquecampaign was expanding into Europe.Boby wants to stop new mosques and reduce the numberalready in existence because he believes they propagateIslam, which is against UK law and is a threat to the West.Boby spoke at the MARIAS protest outside Downing Streetin April of this year, alongside Anne Marie Waters andMagnus Neilsen.– Bradford, Manchester, Birmingham, Luton andeast London are among those named in the Britishsection of the plan – to display the cartoons onplacards,” he wrote.“The belief is that Muslims will be so angry thatthey will start fighting the police in an effort toget at the demonstrators, but that with troublebreaking out in so many places at once the policewill be unable to contain it.”“The plot relies on this fact to envisage that thiswill mean that the resulting violence will spin outof control, leading to a wave of murderous attacksnot just on the ‘useful idiot’ demonstrators but alsoon the outnumbered police force, pubs and non-Muslims in general.“Those behind this insanely dangerous ideabelieve (probably correctly) that heavily armedMuslim drugs gangs will be drawn into the clashesand that Jihadist sleeper cells will also seize theopportunity to come out as militant leaders oftheir community as part of a massive recruitmentand radicalisation drive.“With the same stunt to be pulled on the same dayin countries including Sweden, Denmark, Holland,Germany and France, the people behind the wholeplan believe that there is a real chance of kickingoff a Europe-wide civil war.”Despite being active in the British far right for many years,the thought of being responsible for triggering massdisorder and even deaths repulsed him.“At a practical security level, it’s one thing forPamela Geller, and the SION movement to put onprovocative Mohammad cartoon displays in Texas.Its local population are heavily armed and it hasa Muslim population that would fit into a phonebox and an SUV. So when trouble kicked off therethe assailants (who are, of course, utterly wrong intheir addiction to Islamist violence) where quicklygunned down. Their point was made withoutinnocent loss of life.“But Bradford, Oldham, Tower Hamlets and thesuburbs of Paris, Antwerp and Copenhagen are notTexas. They have enormous populations of youngand often already disaffected and violent Muslimmen, many of whom already despise if not activelyhate their non-Muslim neighbours – a feeling thatis reciprocated.“They are powder kegs just waiting to blow, andwhen they do, thousands of innocent people areliable to die…“…What starts with a cartoon of Mohammad havingsex with a goat (for this is the sort of image waiting togo out) will end with the coffins of little children friedalive in their own homes by the petrol bombs thatare the weapon of choice of communal violence.”Dowson took to the internet to denounce the plotters,publicly going on record to distance himself from thecounter-jihadists. He suggested that their plan was soincendiary that it might well have been a security serviceplot to entrap those genuinely fighting Islamist extremism.20 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Vive CharlieVIVE CHARLIE is an onlinesatirical magazine establishedin the aftermath of theJanuary 2015 attack on theCharlie Hebdo magazineoffices in Paris.It is run by satirist@jihadistjoe and illustrator@noisykafir, with the intentionof bringing together artistsand satirists to producea weekly online satiricalmagazine.Its fundraising website boasts: “We will be mocking andridiculing politicians, celebs, sports personalities, religion,global leaders and topical events.” 1Currently in its 16th issue, Vive Charlie has 342 patronsdonating a total of $1,618 a month. It’s target is $4,000a month.Katie Hopkins, Michael Sherlock, Robert Spencer andJohn Sparrow are some of the better known supportersof the Vive Charlie, co-sponsor of the Mohammedcartoon exhibition.Katie HopkinsRobert Spencer1 https://www.patreon.com/ViveCharlie?ty=hMichael SherlockJohn Sparrowto be weighing up his options within himself. He wascommitted to the strength of his ideas and the validity ofits case but he accepted that if he was to step back intoactivity there was no going back.If he was ever going to walk away from frontlineactivity then it was now. Perhaps his concerns overWaters’ planning was less to do with her but more to dowith the timing.Although he has had some second thoughts, only a fewweeks ago, at the time of the meeting with Jim Dowson,he was consumed by the coming conflict and the need tore-engage actively before it was too late.Using the same demographic statistics as used by othercounter-jihadists, which showed a rapidly rising Muslimpopulation in the UK, Lennon felt that society would reacha tipping point where conflict would become inevitable.Within 20 years, he believed, Islam would have ‘overrun’Britain and the rest of Europe.Lennon recognised the potential impact of reproducingthe Muhammad cartoons and told people close to him,one of whom told HOPE not hate, that Muslims wouldreact violently and ISIS sleeper cells would be activatedto commit terrorist attacks in the UK. In that event, withthe authorities seemingly unable to contain the ensuingviolence, Britons would take the law into their own hands.Central to this would be ex-soldiers who, Lennon argued ,would not stand by and watch ordinary Britons be killed.Lennon had even reconciled himself to the fact thatinnocent people would die and that the first person tobe killed could be a police officer dealing with riotingMuslims. But again, he accepted, it might be a price worthpaying with the need for wider conflict. The killing of apolice officer would only heighten tensions and increasethe chance of a backlash.He even accepted that he could well be a target forreprisal, but again, he viewed this as a price he might bewilling to pay.Unbeknown to Lennon, he was not the only person whothought that he might be targeted . At one recent meetingof the Kinana’s 7/7 Society, there was a discussion aboutwhat to do in the event of Lennon’s murder.However, with his license coming to an end on 23 July,Lennon was at a crossroads. He could jump back intothe fray, as he had planned to do as co-leader of ShariaWatch and the cartoons, but possibly at the cost to hisown life; or he could step back, at least temporarily, and22 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>The scene in Garland, Texas,after the shooting.continue to attack Islam on social media but not getback actively involved.Lennon’s dilemma was compounded by his need to makemoney. He had not been properly employed for manyyears and even some of money-making opportunitieshe did have were being closed off to him since he wasreleased from prison. While Britain First’s money-makingoperations made him believe that there was money tobe made in the movement, he was also tempted to getback into property development, which he had done sosuccessfully in his pre-EDL days.In the end, it appears that the decision might not have beenhis to make after all. On Monday 13 July Lennon was pickedup by police and returned to prison for breach of licence.With Lennon’s close aide, Hel Gower, voicing concerns thatthe authorities would place new charges on the former EDLleader to ensure he remained in prison beyond his 23 Julyrelease date, the suspicion is that the authorities wanted toprevent him participating in the cartoon exhibition.Pressing aheadDespite Lennon’s doubts and return to prison, AnneMarie Waters appears determined to go ahead with theCartoon exhibition. She has mustered the support of PaulWeston’s Liberty GB and the Lawyers’ Secular Society ,led by Charlie Klendjian, who has spoken at a number ofcounter-jihadist events with Waters.A third organisation putting its name to the exhibition isVive Charlie, a broad alliance of counter-jihadists and freespeech exponents. Among its main supporters is the keyUS anti-Muslim agitator Robert Spencer, alongside thehugely controversial Sun columnist Katie Hopkins andjournalist Mark Sparrow. 18And of course there is Geert Wilders, the person whoWaters is relying on to generate the media interest.Waters remains unrepentant for her actions. In a blog putup on the Gates of Vienna blogsite, entitled ‘Time to take astand’, she denounced cowards and appeasers:“I intend to make a stand, however small. I willorganise an exhibition of Mohammed cartoonsin Central London this September . I have afeeling I’ll get no support form our leaders, andour so-called journalists are already calling me“provocative”. But I am determined. When peopleare being butchered over cartoons, there is onlyone thing for it — more cartoons, and then evenmore cartoons after that.” 19She has even expanded the event from being just anexhibition of the cartoons displayed in Texas to nowincluding a competition element. Supporters will beencouraged to submit their own artwork to Vive Charliefor consideration. 20For all the talk about free speech, the Muhammadexhibition is an attempt to incite a violent response fromBritish Muslims, in the hope (at least by some) of ignitinga spiral of violence and leading to a major conflagrationbetween British Muslim and non-Muslim communities– a conflict they believe is inevitable and desirable.Many Muslims will be deeply offended by any display ofthe cartoons and there will be others who will want tophysically protest against the exhibition: there is a realdanger that any such reaction could play into the hands ofthe exhibition organisers. In fact, some of the organisersclearly want such a reaction. They wish to prove that Islamis an intolerant, reactionary and even violent religion.Others, such as Ayling, hope for a violent response as away of triggering a much wider conflict.It is imperative we respond with calmness andintelligence, so as not to give the counter-jihadists whatthey want. The best way for us to respond is to show aunity and peace between communities that the counterjihadistsboth utterly detest and believe is impossible.1 Knights Templars blog, posted at 2:48pm on 13 June. This blog hassince been taken down2 http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/05/04/why-a-woman-named-pamela-geller-organized-a-prophetmuhammad-cartoon-contest/3 https://shariaunveiled.wordpress.com/2015/05/07/isis-releasesdeath-threat-against-pamela-geller-and-warning-of-future-attacks-inamerica-by-trained-sleeper-cells/4 http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/4/pam-geller-askedcnn-if-she-relishes-death-threats/5 http://pamelageller.com/2015/05/more-muhammad-cartoon-anddrawing-exhibitions-planned.html/6 http://pamelageller.com/2015/06/muhammad-drawing-exhibitionbanned-in-denmark.html/7 http://www.wsj.com/articles/dutch-anti-islam-politician-geert-wildersairs-prophet-muhammad-cartoons-14351631958 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRkotwK9fXY9 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/watch-ukip-candidatesspouting-vile-552650310 http://4freedoms.com/group/freespeech/forum/topics/mirror-reporton-marias-rally-outside-downing-street?commentId=3766518%3AComment%3A165171&groupId=3766518%3AGroup%3A10893411 http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2013/11/liberalism-islamismand-racism-the-right-is-as-bad-as-the-left/12 http://tommyrobinson.co.uk13 http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/hate-groups/bf/14 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/britain-first-founder-quitsover-392381015 http://search.electoralcommission.org.uk/Api/Accounts/Documents/1607816 Knights Templars blog, posted at 2:48pm on 13 June. This blog hassince been taken down17 http://www.shariawatch.org.uk/articles/mohammed-cartoon-exhibituk#.VanuFYsnWFI18 https://www.patreon.com/ViveCharlie?ty=h19 http://gatesofvienna.net/2015/07/anne-marie-waters-its-time-to-takea-stand/#more-3678120 http://gatesofvienna.net/2015/07/the-motoons-come-to-london-onseptember-18/HOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 23

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Planning for War24 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>MUCH OF <strong>THE</strong> counter-jihadist narrative is coded andcloaked to present its adherents as freedom-loving,equality-promoting, human rights-supporting moderates.Counter-jihadists are, after all (in their eyes), counteringthe violent and extremist ideology of “jihadism”.But scratch the surface and you find that they have ansimilarly apocalyptic view of the world – and equallyviolent means to achieve their goals.Some of those behind the London cartoon plot believethat they can ignite a violent backlash from Muslimswhich, in turn, will trigger communal tit-for-tat violenceleading eventually – they hope – to civil war.And it is only then that Muslims can be finally expelledfrom ‘our lands’ and Europe will be ‘saved’.Alan Ayling’s excitable conversation with Britain First’sfounder Jim Dowson, where he described deliberatelyprovoking Muslims into a violent backlash by displayingcartoons of Muhammad, echoed a common belief amonginternational counter-jihadists: namely, that there is noway to reconcile Islam with the West and that the onlyway to stave off an Islamic conquest of Europe is to expelMuslims from European countries.To the counter-jihadists, western Governments arenot only too weak to do this but, via their policies ofimmigration and multiculturalism, are actually helpingthis apparent Islamic ‘takeover’.Publicly, the counter-jihadists will put forward a series ofpolicy initiatives which they want the authorities to putin place. These tend to include a halt to all immigrationfrom Muslim countries, the banning of new mosques, theoutlawing of any form of Sharia, the licensing of existingmosques and imams, and the banning of the burqa.From the English Defence League to the British FreedomParty, from Liberty GB to those counter-jihadists standingfor UKIP – such as Magnus Nielsen and Anne MarieWaters – they have all echoed some or all of these policies.But few, of course, believe that any Government wouldhave the foresight to even contemplate these proposals,let alone the strength of will to see them through.Indeed, much of the wrath of the counter-jihadistmovement is directed at governments and the ‘liberal left’who, they believe, are allowing Islam’s takeover becauseof misguided political correctness and appeasement.As a consequence, these forces deserve (in the counterjihadists’eyes) to be punished.In May 2010 Alan Ayling, writing under the name AlanLake, posted an article on his 4Freedoms websiteoutlining his belief that “in 20 or 30 years the UK will startto fragment into Islamic enclaves”.He wrote:“It’s time we decide... who we will force in theIslamic enclaves (and who we will execute if theysneak out.) By forcing these liberal twits into thoseenclaves, we will be sending them to their deathat worst, and at best they and their families willbe subjected to all the depredations, persecutionand abuse that non-Muslims worldwide currently‘enjoy’ in countries like Pakistan... It will be great tosee them executed or tortured to death.”Alan Ayling speaking atan EDL demoLake urged visitors to the site to contribute the names ofpeople who should be sent to the Islamic enclaves andmade three of his own suggestions. He suggested that thethen-Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, shouldbe a candidate on the grounds that he “approves of thecreation and use of sharia courts”. He also included PrimeMinister David Cameron and the then-deputy PrimeMinister Nick Clegg.Cameron should “help refine our criteria about whodeserves to die at the hands of the Muslim overlords”,whilst Clegg fit his criteria on the grounds that he was“such an angelic and pure person that he upholds various‘human rights’ issues more important than plebeianmatters of public safety”.Ayling was obviously enjoying himself, but the intent wasserious. In the immediate aftermath of Anders Breivik’smurderous spree, in July 2011, which included bombinggovernment buildings in Oslo as revenge for the Norwegianauthorities’ ‘appeasement’ of Islam, Ayling wrote:“Apparently, in a long screed Anders BehringBreivik posted on line, he did this attack to protestagainst the way that Islam is taking over large partsof Europe. By attacking the leftist politicians thatare enabling this, the chickens have actually comehome to roost – altho I’m sure it won’t be depictedthat way.”DemographicsFellow British counter-jihadist Paul Weston – a long-timeMuslim hater and conspiracy theorist who once belongedto UKIP and now leads Liberty GB – also believed that civilwar between Islam and the West was inevitable.Because of demographic changes and the rising numberHOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 25

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>of Muslims in Britain, he believed that this conflict couldcome as early 2025.In a series of articles Weston wrote back in 2007 and postedup on the infamous Gates of Vienna blog [see box page 10],he expanded on his apocalyptic vision of the future.He believed that the growing Muslim population meantthat by 2025 there would be just two white Europeanyoung men to every one Muslim. Given Muslims’(supposed) predisposition to war and imposing their faith(Sharia law, etc) on the West, conflict would ensue.Like other counter-jihadists, Weston dismissed attemptsto contain Islam and the hope that moderate Muslimswould reclaim their religion. He said that Westernliberalism and appeasement only added to the ‘problem’.With mass deportation not a viable option, all that wasleft was for white European men to fight back.“The wholesale and unprecedented racial andcultural transformation of a continent with ahistory of violent warfare will simply not happenwithout confrontation.“We will simply have to. Not for domination, butfor survival.” 1Echoing Ayling’s predictions, Weston continued:“Somewhere between 2017 and 2030, during aperiod of heightened tension, Islamists in France,Holland or Britain will blow up one church, train orplane too many. Retaliation will begin and they, inturn will respond. So will the spiral begin.“The police are unable to cope now; they will beeven less prepared then. The army will be draftedin, and members of the military who are evenwilling to carry out orders against their neighbourswill find themselves massively outnumbered andoutflanked. Civilians will be massacred. And sobegins the civil war.“When the violence reaches a tipping point everyperson – be they moderate or extremist in theirviews – will be forced to take sides in this war. Therewill be no bystanders, and no civilians. ModerateMuslims will in all likelihood take the sides of theextremists. This war will resemble none of Europe’sprevious conflicts, with their standing armiesmassed along clearly delineated lines. In the comingconflagration, it will initially be civilians, armednot with tanks and machine guns, but with knives,bombs and terror, who will call out the dogs of war.”The NorwegiansWhile Ayling and Weston predicted civil war, both werecareful not to put down on paper their actual supportfor, or even encouragement, of it. They left this to others.Among the most vociferous was Norwegian blogger, PederNøstvold Jensen, who wrote under the name Fjordman.Born in 1975, Jensen has long argued that there is asecret Muslim plot to take over Europe. In his selfpublishedbook Defeating Eurabia, he argued that theonly way to save Europe was to deport all Muslims. Inanother article entitled: Preparing for Ragnorock, forthe Gates of Vienna blog, he said that a combinationof immigration and multiculturalism would eventuallylead to civil war and that people should get ready bystockpiling weapons:“It is likely that we will have civil wars in severalwestern countries because of the ongoing massimmigration,” he wrote in another blog for Gates ofVienna. “This will finally demonstrate how seriousthe situation is and force other Western nations toact”. 2 (page 711) (29 September 2008)“The goal of European and Western survivalists– and that’s what we are, it is our very survivalthat is at stake – should not be to ‘fix the system’,but to be mentally and physically prepared forits collapse, and to develop coherent answersto what went wrong and prepare to implementthe necessary remedies when the time comes.We need to seize the window of opportunity,and in order to do so, we need to define clearlywhat we want to achieve. What went wrong withour civilisation, and how can we survive andhopefully regenerate.”It was hardly surprising that Anders Breivik drawheavily on Fjordman’s work in his own 1,500-pageManifesto, citing his work extensively overseveral hundred pages.Breivik is also believed to have posted a tributeto Fjordman on the Gates of Vienna blog, usingthe pseudonym ‘year2183’.“Keep up the good work mate,”Breivik wrote, in response to aFjordman posting.“You are a true heroof Europe, althoughmost ppl [people]won’t realise this for avery long time.”GenocideBut there is onemore British counterjihadist,writing underthe pseudonym ‘ElIngles’, who is even moreopen about advocatingcivil war.In a series of articleswritten over an eight-yearperiod, El Ingles set outthe need for this violent civil26 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>war, which he readily admitted was likely to end in thegenocide of Muslims. He even suggested how this couldbe achieved.In November 2007 the Gates of Vienna site publishedThe Danish Civil War 3 , a fictional account of the threat ofIslamic takeover in Denmark causing a violent backlash,eventually leading to civil war and genocide.It told the story of communities increasingly cominginto conflict with one another until the dam brokeand there was open warfare. To placate the risingMuslim population, the fictional government created‘Autonomous Cultural Zones’ but still the Muslimswanted more.Then, on one fateful day, Muslim terrorists strike, killing68 people and wounding 174 others. The Danish peoplereact furiously but the Government is too weak to act, andso begins a cycle of violence as people take the law intotheir own hands.This trouble intensifies until civil war breaks out. It is afight to the death.The Danish Civil War was to counter-jihadists what thebook The Turner Diaries, a fictional account of a race warin the US (which inspired the Oklahoma bomber andLondon nailbomber David Copeland), was to neo-Nazis,and the film Red Dawn was to 1980s anti-communists.In his essays, El Ingles expanded on the themes in hisfictional account. Our Muslim Troubles: Lessons fromNorthern Ireland included a section titled: ‘An introductionto Amateur Bomb-Building’ and went on to describe howanti-Muslim paramilitary groups could spark a cycle oftit-for-tat killings that led to civil war and the ethniccleansing of Muslims. 4Norwegian masskiller AndersBreivik wasinspired by thecounter-jihadistswho were callingfor civil warIn the innocuous sounding Aconsideration of the criminalinvestigation, El Inglesdelved further into how ananti-Muslim paramilitarygroup might work,including avoidingdetection and resistingpolice interrogation.The counter-jihadistslike El Ingles and othersare quite open about howvictory will be achieved.In a follow up to theinitial Danish Civil Waressay, titled Surrender,Genocide or what?,El Ingles updated histhoughts and stated thatany attempt to defeatIslam through peaceful orgovernmental measureswas futile.“I no longer believe thatit is possible to solvethe problem that Islamhas become by means ofoption one [encouragingMuslims to leave of their own free will], and Ihave little confidence that even option two [massdeportations] could constitute an effective tool inthis regard. I therefore predict that Europe is beingswept into a position where it will be forced tochoose between relying overwhelmingly on optionthree and surrendering.”Option three was genocide, he said.“Stopping and then reducing the Islamizationof our countries will require a discontinuity, acompletely new dynamic that overpowers theseexisting trends and that must therefore come fromoutside of the existing power structure, which it isnot capable of generating it.”“If violence does erupt in European countriesbetween natives and Muslims, I consider it highlylikely that people who had never done anythingmore violent than beat eggs will prove incapableof managing the psychological transition tocontrolled violence and start killing anything thatlooks remotely Muslim.”“Whatever type of violence we end up seeingbetween Muslims and their host societies (and Ido believe it will be appropriately described by theword genocidal), the Holocaust will not be much ofa reference point. I suspect that the recent conflictsin the Balkans are much more likely to overlapstructurally with what we will see in Europe in thenear future.” 5El Ingles was careful not to reveal his identity but HOPEnot hate has found disturbing parallels between histhinking and the desire for a civil war that Alan Ayling hasso enthusiastically espoused.We do not believe at El Ingles is Ayling, but we do believeit is someone within his inner circle. It may well be themysterious Scotsman who attended the meeting at Ayling’sBarbican flat in 2009, with Stephen Lennon and Paul Ray,when the English Defence League was first formed.At this meeting the Scotsman outlined his ideas abouthow the EDL should organise, including adoptingparamilitary and riots tactics to defy the police andengage with their enemy.Ayling and the Scotsman had clearly hoped that the EDLwould be the paramilitary organisation El Ingles hadproposed was necessary. That was not to be: the EDLcollapsed during violent schism, and the resignation ofLennon in autumn 2013.Now the founders are back and eight years on fromwriting The Danish Civil War, British counter-jihadists areonce again trying to ignite the civil war and genocide thatthey believe is essential.1 http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.co.uk/2007/03/is-european-civil-warinevitable-by.html2 http://www.gatesofvienna.blogspot.co.uk/2008/09/suggestions-forfuture.html3 http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.co.uk/2007/11/danish-civil-war.html4 http://vladtepesblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Troubles_Dossier_Complete.pdf5 http://gatesofvienna.net/2008/04/surrender-genocide-or-what/HOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 27

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Don’t fall into their trap<strong>THE</strong>RE SHOULD BE NO DISGUISING the severity of thesituation confronting us. The organisers of the cartoonexhibition want a reaction – if they didn’t, they would notbe organising the event.At the very least they want a chorus of anger and ragefrom British Muslims, to reinforce the impression in theminds of many Britons that Islam is an intolerant andreactionary religion.“After all,” they will say, “ it is just a cartoon.”At worst, the organisers will get a violent reaction fromsome Muslims, either through a demonstration that turnsviolent or an attack on the exhibition or, even worse, anattack on an innocent person or people simply becausesomeone wants to get revenge.It’s a win-win situation for the organisers and the cause ofcounter-jihadism gets advanced.ResponseThe most important priority is to ensure that the cartoonexhibition organisers fail to incite the response they want.They are setting a quite obvious trap and we must – at allcosts- avoid falling into it.There will be many Muslims deeply offended by thedisplay of the cartoons and many anti-racists who areoutraged with the extremist beliefs of the organisers,but we all have to be a bit cleverer and a bit smarter inour response.That means no direct counter-demonstrations and tryingto reduce the anger of people who might want to take tothe streets.We might feel good about expressing our anger so openlyon the street but our overall position – and the position ofMuslims in the country – will be a lot worse if we fall forthe counter-jihadist trap.There are a lot of people in Britain who are hostileor just suspicious of Muslims. Their views have beencreated, crafted and formed by inaccurate reporting,their own prejudice and the actions of Muslim extremiststhemselves.It will be foolhardy to do something that onlyexacerbates that.SolutionsSo, what should we do?1. Firstly, we need to ensure that people realise that theorganisers are out to incite. This is not a case of ‘freespeech’ but incitement.This is absolutely fundamental and our main priority.If we can change the narrative from free speech toincitement then it becomes easier to engage2. We should not be afraid to have a discussion aboutfree speech and freedom of expression. We needto protect freedoms – and that includes freedomto criticize and mock – but with freedoms comeresponsibilities and limits.Freedom is never absolute.That said, free speech needs to be defendedin principle. We cannot have the ludicrousposition as experienced during the SalmonRushdie affair where institutions, public figuresand politicians supported a fatwa againstSalman Rushdie because either they wereignorant of the issues or too afraid to speak outagainst those most vociferous in their oppositionto Rushdie.We need strength in our convictions.3. We should demand that the authorities do whatthey can to prevent the exhibition from taking place.The Government will be greatly assisted in this if wecan control the narrative.4. More generally, we need the Government andthe police to take the ‘Counter-Jihad’ world moreseriously. It seems incredible that people can soopenly promote civil war and the authorities areeither blissfully unaware or indifferent.Just think what would happen if Muslims had beenso openly discussing civil war, the killing people andadvertising bomb manuals?Not only will this deal with some potentiallydangerous people but it will send out a positivemessage to minority communities.28 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>HOPE not hatein action5. Organise positive events that bring people together.If the counter-jihadists want to use the cartoons todivide us then we should do the absolute opposite.Let’s meet their hate with our HOPE. Not only shouldwe ensure they fail to divide us, let’s also use thisoccasion to celebrate what we have in common.More fundamentally, let’s demonstrate that peoplecan get along together, contrary to what the ‘counterjihadists’think.6. There are obviously some dark clouds on the horizon.Even if we are successful in preventing the cartoonhosts in creating a backlash, we should not kidourselves that the job is done. It isn’t. In fact, it isonly the beginning. Every atrocity, every incidentand every negative report about extremists and theMuslim community seeds the narrative that Islam isincompatible with the West.We need to seriously think about how we challenge thenarrative that there is a clash of civilisations and thatIslam and the West are incompatible.Obviously positive community action can do that butwe need our community leaders, and in particularour national faith leaders, to do more to engagetheoretically and through theology.We need our leaders to help show that Britain can bea peaceful multifaith society, which is tolerant andunderstanding of difference, but also find those spacesand issues which we have in common.We then need our faith leaders to find a way thatproperly disseminates this message across peopleof all faiths.#WEARE<strong>THE</strong>MANYIf the cartoon exhibition passes without incident, and ifwe have brought together local communities and faithcommunities to talk to one another, then not only willtrouble have been averted but the counter-jihadists’ planwill have totally backfired. That has to be our commongoal, surely.For it is in unity that we find strength, and commonpurpose, and in unity that we will defeat all those whopreach hate as their creed.HOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 29

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>Appendix One:The Counter-Jihadist MovementA plethora of organisations, campaign groupsand discussion forums make up Britain’s broad‘counter-jihad’ (CJ) scene. Most are interlinkedand share activists, ideas and activism.Some are more extreme – such as calling forcivil war – than others.4FreedomsAn online discussion forum run by Alan Ayling and “KinanaNadir” to share and distribute articles and views about Islam andthe “fundamental defects in the constructed model of Westernsecular democratic government.”This is the public face of the Ayling/Kinana network.7/7 SocietyA more secretive group of the counter-jihadist scene, the 7/7Society is run by Kinana and holds regular meetings in theHolborn/Chancery Lane area of London.This is the private side of the Ayling/ Kinana network.Law and FreedomA pressure group run by Bristol-based lawyer Gavin Bobythat declares its mission to “promote freedom under law,as we enter more lawless times.” Of course, its sole focusis on Islam and the Muslim community. It has produceda long report claiming that child sex grooming is a directconsequence of Islam and it campaigns to stop the buildingof mosques.Voice UKFormed in April 2014 by Anne Marie Waters and “David Britain”,VOICE stands for Victims of Islamic Cultural Extremism andclaims to “help victims of Muslim grooming gangs, FGM, malevictims of Muslim violence in general, and Muslim women in fearof their male relatives.”Stop Islamisation for Europe (UK)The UK branch of this Europe-wide organisation is weak and lessinfluential than it was a few years ago when Stephen Gash ledit. Today Samantha Herron runs it but newer, more militant CJgroups have usurped its role.Alan AylingGeorge IglerGavin BobyKinana NadirToni BuglePaul Weston30 | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | HOPE not hate

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong>in BritainSharia Watch UKSet up in 2014, Sharia Watch UK describes its mission asdocumenting “the advancement of sharia law in Britain, themethods by which this advancement occurs, and the groups andorganisations which promote it.”Led by Anne Marie Waters, it has the active support ofBaroness Cox.MARIASMother’s Against Radical Islam and Sharia is led by Toni Bugleand is closely linked to Anne Marie Waters and the Sharia WatchUK crowd. It holds demonstrations and protests, including onein April, opposite Downing Street, which was addressed by AnneMarie Waters and Magnus Nielsen.The Discourse InstituteLed by George Igler, a former City-based political policy analyst,the Discourse Institute claims to defend free speech but isselective in the causes it takes on.Igler is an ardent counter-jihadist and in 2012 he spokealongside Robert Spencer and Pam Geller at the launch of SION(Stop Islamization Of Nations).More recently Igler spoke at the launch meeting of Voice.English Defence LeagueA mere shadow of its former self, the EDL still holds regulardemonstrations around the country. While Lennon has walkedaway from the group, many leading counter-jihadists, like AnneMarie Waters, Paul Weston, Toni Bugle and Kinana still attend orspeak at its rallies.Liberty GBA tiny political party led by long-time counter-jihadist PaulWeston. It was formerly the British Freedom Party, andhad Lennon and Kevin Carroll as its deputy leaders. Totallyinsignificant as a political party but Weston is well connected inthe counter-jihadist world.Britain FirstWhile Britain First is clearly an anti-Muslim campaign group, itis on the fringes of the counter-jihadist movement and has nolinks to the other CJ organisations. If anything, Paul Golding is arival and competitor to Stephen Lennon and there is no love lostbetween the two men.Anne Marie WatersBaroness CoxHOPE not hate | <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MUHAMMAD</strong> <strong>CARTOONS</strong> | 31

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