Table of Contents - Long Island Power Authority

Table of Contents - Long Island Power Authority Table of Contents - Long Island Power Authority


NYCRR New York State Codes Rules and Regulations NYFS New York Facilities System NYH New York Harbor NYISO New York Independent System Operator NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange NYPSC New York Public Service Commission NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYSDOS New York State Department of State NYSEG New York State Electric and Gas NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Authority NYSOGS New York State Office of General Services O&R Orange and Rockland OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ORV Open Rack Vaporizer OTC Ozone Transport Commission PFSP Preliminary Facility Security Plan PJM PJM Interconnection PILOT Payments in Lieu of Taxes ppm Parts per million PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration psi Pounds per square inch PSVA Preliminary Security and Vulnerability Assessment R/P Reserves to Production ratio RFO Residual Fuel Oil RG&E Rochester Gas & Electric RGGI Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative RPM Reliability Pricing Model RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard RPT Rapid Phase Transition RTEP Regional Transmission Expansion Plan Sandia Sandia National Laboratories SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction SCV Submerged Combustion Vaporizer SEQRA State Environmental Quality Review Act SIP State Implementation Plan SNCR Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure SPDES State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System SRV Shuttle Regasification Vessel STL Submerged Turret Loading STV Shell and Tube Vaporizer SVA Security and Vulnerability Assessment Tcf Trillion cubic feet tpy Tons per year TSS Total Suspended Solids TZ6-NY Transco Zone 6 – New York UCAP Unforced Capacity UFL Upper Flammability Limit USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USCG U.S. Coast Guard

VOC Volatile Organic Compound VP Virginia Power WCSB Western Canada Sedimentary Basin WHRU Waste Heat Recovery Unit WSR Waterways Suitability Report WTI West Texas Intermediate YMS Yoke Mooring System

VOC Volatile Organic Compound<br />

VP Virginia <strong>Power</strong><br />

WCSB Western Canada Sedimentary<br />

Basin<br />

WHRU Waste Heat Recovery Unit<br />

WSR Waterways Suitability Report<br />

WTI West Texas Intermediate<br />

YMS Yoke Mooring System

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