The Physics of Spallation Processes

The Physics of Spallation Processes

The Physics of Spallation Processes


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4.2. NUCLEAR PHYSICS MODELS 37<strong>The</strong> boundary crossing estimator is the current J.∫ π ∫⃗J i (⃗x, t) = 2π sin θdθ dE cos θ ˙Φ i (⃗x, E, Ω, ⃗ t) (4.4)0ETo estimate the average fluence on a boundary, the factor 1/ cos θ for each particlehas to be added, where θ is the angle between the particle’s direction and the normalto the surface at the crossing point. <strong>The</strong>refore the current is equal to the fluenceonly if all particles pass perpendicular to the surface.<strong>The</strong> density <strong>of</strong> particles or number <strong>of</strong> particles per volume element dxdydz is∫n(⃗x, t) = d ⃗ ∫Ω dE ˙Φ i (⃗x, E, Ω, ⃗ t)/v (4.5)4π E<strong>The</strong> energy spectrum <strong>of</strong> particles can be expressed by∫˙Φ i (⃗x, E, t) = dΩ ⃗ ˙Φ i (⃗x, E, Ω, ⃗ t) (4.6)Essentially two classes <strong>of</strong> numerical procedures and special techniques have emergedfor solving the transport equation and finding expedient solutions to particular problems.On the one hand there are deterministic methods; the transport equation is discretizedusing a variety <strong>of</strong> methods and than solved directly or iteratively. As thereare the “straight ahead” approximation [Pas62, Als65], the “spherical harmonics” BLapproximation[Ben67, Joa63] and the methods <strong>of</strong> “discrete ordinates” (S N method)[Car64, Car68]. Secondly Monte-Carlo methods [Car75, Kah54] are found. <strong>The</strong>y constructa stochastic model in which the expected value <strong>of</strong> a certain random variable isequivalent to the value <strong>of</strong> the physical quantity to be determined. <strong>The</strong> expected value isestimated by the average <strong>of</strong> many independent samples representing the random variable.Particle tracks or histories 1 are generated by simulating the real physical situation. <strong>The</strong>reis not even the need to invoke the transport equation for more elementary operations.Only the complete mathematical description <strong>of</strong> probability relationships is needed thatgovern the track length <strong>of</strong> individual particles between interaction points, the choice <strong>of</strong>interaction type, the new energies and directions and the possible production <strong>of</strong> secondaryparticles. Especially for 3-dimensional problems S N methods and Monte-Carlo techniquesas used in the current work turned out to be most advantageous.4.2 Nuclear physics models<strong>The</strong> predictive power <strong>of</strong> the models discussed in the following can be judged and rankedonly in comparison to high quality experiments. <strong>The</strong>se experiments likewise serve thecomprehension <strong>of</strong> the physics implemented in the codes.<strong>The</strong> main objective is the development <strong>of</strong> powerful and accurate models for the description<strong>of</strong> nucleon-nucleus spallation reactions, based on microscopic many-body theory.1 <strong>The</strong> experience a particle undergoes from the time it leaves its source until it is absorbed or until itleaves the system is called the particle’s history4π

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