The Physics of Spallation Processes

The Physics of Spallation Processes

The Physics of Spallation Processes


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Chapter 4<strong>The</strong>ory/Models4.1 Transport equationPhenomena in radiation physics and particle transport <strong>of</strong> leptons, baryons, mesons andenergetic photons can be described by the Boltzmann integro-differential equation settledin 1872. <strong>The</strong> equation will be briefly described here, because Monte-Carlo and deterministicapproaches employ solutions <strong>of</strong> the equation for neutron and gamma-transport. Itis a continuity equation in phase space consisting <strong>of</strong> three space coordinates, the kineticenergy and the direction <strong>of</strong> motion. Solutions <strong>of</strong> the Boltzmann equation which hereare just briefly presented in order in introduce some nomenclature are evaluated in moredetail in the literature for reactor physics [Eme69] and for fusion technology [Dol82]. <strong>The</strong>non-relativistic Boltzmann equation can be written as( )1 ∂ ˙Φiv i ∂t=++I{ }} {− ⃗ Ω∇ ˙Φ iII{ }} {∑[∫ ∫jIII{ }}]{S[ ∂ ˙Φi∂E − ˙Φ i2Eσ ij(⃗x, E B → E, ⃗ Ω B → ⃗ Ω ) ˙Φj(⃗x, E B , ⃗ Ω B , t ) dE B d ⃗ Ω B ]− σ i (⃗x, E) ˙Φ iIV{ }} {ln 2− ˙Φi + ∑ ln 2b ijvE 1/2,i jV{ }} {+ Y i (⃗x, E, Ω,vE ⃗ t) (4.1)1/2,iwhere ˙Φ i (⃗x, E, ⃗ Ω, t) is the angular dependent unknown flux, i.e. the number <strong>of</strong> particles<strong>of</strong> type i in the volume element dxdydz at ⃗x at time t, in the energy element dE at Ewith a direction <strong>of</strong> motion within dΩ at ⃗ Ω, multiplied by the speed v i <strong>of</strong> the particle. Itgives the number <strong>of</strong> particles per cm 2 , per MeV, per steradian and per second at a givenlocation at a given time.(I) the first term in Eq. 4.1 reflects the translation/reduction <strong>of</strong> the phase space−div [ ⃗ Ω ˙Φi (⃗x, E, ⃗ Ω, t) ] = − ⃗ Ω∇ ˙Φ i .(II) considers the particle nucleus interaction (energy, angle and particle type are changed).σ ij(⃗x, E B → E, ⃗ Ω B → ⃗ Ω ) is the macroscopic cross section for the production <strong>of</strong> i-35

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