The Physics of Spallation Processes

The Physics of Spallation Processes The Physics of Spallation Processes
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2.3. THE EUROPEAN SPALLATION NEUTRON SOURCE ESS 152.3.2 Technical design of ESSA spallation neutron source is an accelerator driven facility. The process involving thescientific community that has settled on the functional requirements for ESS has beenlong deliberate and evolutionary. There were rapid advances in neutron science not longafter the first neutron sources were built and utilized. As improved cold neutron sources,neutron guides and advanced instrumentation were developed, the applicability of neutronscattering to a much broader range of science became apparent. New research reactorsand accelerator based sources have been built during the last 20 years. The unanimousdemand for a short-pulse spallation source (proton pulses of 1.4 µs or shorter) resulted insubdividing the task into three major fields of study:1. the injector and the linear accelerator (linac)2. one or more ring(s) for compressing the (long) linac pulses3. the target station(s).Since the 1996 ESS-feasibility study [ess96-III] the reference concept remained largelyunchanged, because only little engineering work has been done in the meantime. Thereforein the following only a brief description is given and the most important changes are summarized.A schematical sketch of the currently anticipated facility comprising the linearaccelerator/compressor-ring/SP-and LP target-station is given in Fig. 2.3 [ess02-III].Figure 2.3: ESS - a possible layout: Artist’s view of the ESS facility showing the ionsource, the linac tunnel leading to the accumulator and compressor rings from where thebeam is distributed to the short pulse target station. The long pulse target station withinstruments is directly connected to the linac.

16 CHAPTER 2. RESEARCH WITH NEUTRONSThe Ion-source and the linear acceleratorNegatively charged hydrogen (H − ) ions are produced by an ion source. As shown asa basic scheme in Fig. 2.4 the ion beams accelerated in a sequence of radio-frequencyquadrupoles (RFQ) and a drift-tube linac (DTL) will be combined in a funneling sectionat an energy of about 20 MeV for further acceleration in a second DTL up to 90 MeV.From there on a linac system of cell-coupled structures (CCL) takes the beam up to itsfinal energy of 1334 MeV. The design is optimized for very low beam losses (≤1 nA/m)in order to allow hands-on-maintenance and repair even at the high energy part. For ahigh current pulsed accelerator the choice between normal or superconducting (sc) highenergy part of the linac is by no means trivial. As a consequence the ESS project has onpurpose followed two different ways: The first is to revise the 96’ [ess96-III] acceleratorproposal in view of the R&D efforts and the second is to look at a SC version basedon the ESS-CEA CONCERT study [Con01]. It appears that both designs are capableof delivering the required performance. Currently ESS is assessing in more details risks,costs and engineering fine-tuning. As compared to the earlier design [Pab99] the normalconducting linac layout has recently evolved to a coupled cavity linac (NCCCL) operatingat 560 Hz [Gar99]. The recently decided modification in operating frequencies from 175,Figure 2.4: Revision of the 1996 ESS accelerator design350, 700 to 280, 560 MHz is a good compromise for various linac stages. The peak bunchcurrent in the main part of the accelerator is reduced by a factor of two compared withthe original reference design as each rf cycle now contains beam. Complete beam trackingwith space charge effects has now been carried out from the RFQ to the exit of the CCL.Beam chopping as required to generate the clean micro-pulses necessary for injection intothe ring will be done at an energy of 2.5 MeV in the two front ends. The majority of lengthof the linac will be taken up by the CCL structure, for which a superconducting versionis being developed to shorten its overall length and reduce operating costs. These savingsshould overcompensate for the additional costs of refrigeration and the more expensivesuperconducting cavities. The final beam emittances are a factor of two and three lowerin the transversal planes and in the longitudinal plane, respectively in comparison to theoriginal design [Pab99]. A high frequency supra-conducting cavity is shown in Fig. 2.5.Details on R&D results for the accelerator are given in refs. [ess96-III, ess02-III, Fil01d,Gol02] and references therein.

2.3. THE EUROPEAN SPALLATION NEUTRON SOURCE ESS 152.3.2 Technical design <strong>of</strong> ESSA spallation neutron source is an accelerator driven facility. <strong>The</strong> process involving thescientific community that has settled on the functional requirements for ESS has beenlong deliberate and evolutionary. <strong>The</strong>re were rapid advances in neutron science not longafter the first neutron sources were built and utilized. As improved cold neutron sources,neutron guides and advanced instrumentation were developed, the applicability <strong>of</strong> neutronscattering to a much broader range <strong>of</strong> science became apparent. New research reactorsand accelerator based sources have been built during the last 20 years. <strong>The</strong> unanimousdemand for a short-pulse spallation source (proton pulses <strong>of</strong> 1.4 µs or shorter) resulted insubdividing the task into three major fields <strong>of</strong> study:1. the injector and the linear accelerator (linac)2. one or more ring(s) for compressing the (long) linac pulses3. the target station(s).Since the 1996 ESS-feasibility study [ess96-III] the reference concept remained largelyunchanged, because only little engineering work has been done in the meantime. <strong>The</strong>reforein the following only a brief description is given and the most important changes are summarized.A schematical sketch <strong>of</strong> the currently anticipated facility comprising the linearaccelerator/compressor-ring/SP-and LP target-station is given in Fig. 2.3 [ess02-III].Figure 2.3: ESS - a possible layout: Artist’s view <strong>of</strong> the ESS facility showing the ionsource, the linac tunnel leading to the accumulator and compressor rings from where thebeam is distributed to the short pulse target station. <strong>The</strong> long pulse target station withinstruments is directly connected to the linac.

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