The Physics of Spallation Processes

The Physics of Spallation Processes The Physics of Spallation Processes
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Introduction 32.5 GeV incident proton energy will be subject. As for example the systematics of neutronproduction cross sections and neutron energy spectra as a function of incident protonenergy, target material, and target geometry are not well known or documented in theliterature.The NESSI and the former PS208 collaboration at CERN have—in order to fill thesegaps systematically—performed a series of proton- and antiproton induced experiments[Egi00, Enke99, Fil01, Fil01b, Fil99, Gol01, Gol00, Gol00b, Gol99b, Gol99d, Gol99e,Gol99f, Gol98b, Gol96, Gol96b, Her01, Hil01, Hil98, Hil96b, Hil95b, Hil95c, Jah01, Jah99,Jah96, Jah95, Jah95b, Let00, Lot01, Lot99, Lot98, Lot97, Pie00, Pie99, Pie97, Sch97] usinga highly efficient 4π sr gadolinium loaded scintillator neutron detector [Gal94, Gal01]partly in combination with a 4π sr silicon detector [Boh92, Fig95, Pau92] for chargedparticles. These measurements covered a large range of incident hadron (p, p, π ± , K andd) energies, as well as a variety of target materials and geometries. In contrast to theolder measurements of typically only average neutron multiplicities [Fra65, Rus80, Arm84,Vas90, Nik90, Tak97, Ara99], the NESSI experiments have provided also event-by-eventinformation on these multiplicities.PISA effectively considered as successor of or supplement to NESSI is an experimentcurrently under construction at the internal ring COSY. Recent test-measurements providedfirst data currently being analyzed and briefly presented here.JESSICA is a 1:1 ESS Hg target-reflector-moderator mockup which aims at studyingsub-thermal neutrons using advanced moderators. Time-dependent neutron spectra areinvestigated by Bragg reflection and ’time-of-flight’ (TOF)-methods.The extensive set of benchmark data obtained in the NESSI, PISA and JESSICAexperiments imposes strong constraints on the theoretical modeling of the occurring interactions[Enke99, Gol01, Gol00, Gol00b, Gol99b, Gol99e, Her01, Hil01], and allows oneto calibrate and improve widely-used high-energy transport codes [Fil00, Fil96, Ste98].The accuracy of such codes is critical for the design of high-power target stations, sincethe optimization of geometrically expanded high power target stations will finally rely ongeneral Monte-Carlo particle transport codes having maximum predictive power.In particular above 1 GeV so far only limited data [Fil97, Hsi97, Shu97] were availablefor light charged particles, intermediate mass and fission fragments. Calculated datadeviate as much as a factor of 5-10. With NESSI, H and He production cross sectionswhich are of particular interest for studying radiation damage in target and structurematerials have been measured. Kinetic energy and angular distributions of H- and Heisotopesas a function of thermal excitation energy E ∗ have been deduced [Enke99, Gol96b,Her00, Pie00]–following a procedure described in detail in ref. [Gol96b, Pie00].Unfortunately the experimental setup of NESSI [Enke99, Gol96, Gol96b, Let00] is notsuited for measuring the kinetic energy or angular distribution of neutrons as for examplereported for 800 MeV proton-induced reactions on heavy thick targets in ref. [Rus80] orthick tungsten targets [Tak97]. These spectra would be of particular interest for shieldingrequirements of spallation neutron sources. Published data for 800 MeV p+Pb vary, for instance,by a factor of two at neutron energies above 50 MeV [Rus80, Ami92, Sta93, Mar97].Energy spectra and angular distributions of neutrons have recently been measured at variousincident projectile energies [Ler01, Egi00, Led99, Tit00, Ish97, Mei99]. Isotopic distributionsand kinetic energies of residual nuclides have recently been studied by exploiting

4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTIONinverse kinematics of relativistic heavy ions (at 0.8 GeV/A) on a hydrogen target at GSIDarmstadt [Wla00, Rej01, Enq01, Ben01] and Hannover University [Glo96, Glo01]. A systematicsof proton induced fission cross section data has recently been compiled at Uppsalaand Jyväskylä Universities [Pro01, Rub01]. These additional observables certainly are oflarge interest for assessing the radioactivity and radio-toxicity of target materials and forrepresenting further constraints to the models [Glo01, Kor01, Ler01].This work is partitioned into 8 chapters. Chapter 2 and 3 represent as science case anoverview on present and anticipated research with neutrons and the current methods toproduce them. The projects and aspects in the framework of ADS will be addressed inchapter 2 in particular in the context of high intensity spallation neutron sources as forexample the European Spallation Neutron Source ESS [ess96-III, ess02-III].Chapter 3 presents the different means to produce neutrons in general with specialemphasis on the spallation process and a phenomenological description of the spallationprocess itself including the propagation and development of hadronic and electromagneticshowers in thick target materials as a function of incident proton energy.Chapter 4 will be devoted to the characterization and evaluation of theoretical modelsbeing used in the present work. First the basic ideas and validity ranges of thephysics models are discussed before presenting the realization and implementation withinthe code-packages, such as HERMES [Ste98, Clo88, Fil00c], LCS [Pra89], or MCNPX[Hug97]. In addition to the “standard” intra-nuclear cascade (INC) codes, derivativesof the code Bertini [Ber63, Ber69, Ber70, Ber72], the present study comprises also thetime-dependent Liege INCL2.0 code [Cug81, Cug84, Cug87, Cug97a, Cug97b] coupledwith the evaporation code GEMINI [Cha88]. Relevant key parameters selectable in thesecodes are introduced. The theoretical description of particlular decay modes of hot nucleias for example vaporization, multifragmentation and fission are discussed.Both the application driven as well as the more fundamental nuclear physics or astrophysicsprovoked motivation justifying the investigation of (anti-)proton-induced spallationreactions in the GeV range is discussed in detail in chapter 5.After a brief description in chapter 6 of the objectives and the respective experimentalmethods and setups of the three different experiments NESSI, PISA, and JESSICAcurrently installed at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY (Jülich), chapter 7 is dedicated tocomparing the results of simulation calculations to the experimental data. Such a comparisonhas revealed serious limitations of the mainstream models. Striking deficienciesof the theoretical models are discussed.The overall objective of this work is to obtain a comprehensive understanding andmodeling of nuclear reactions in the 20-2500MeV region, which are specific to spallationphysics aspects. The essential goal can only be accomplished by means of a well-balancedcombination of basic cross section measurements, nuclear model simulations and dataevaluations as summarized in chapter 8.

Introduction 32.5 GeV incident proton energy will be subject. As for example the systematics <strong>of</strong> neutronproduction cross sections and neutron energy spectra as a function <strong>of</strong> incident protonenergy, target material, and target geometry are not well known or documented in theliterature.<strong>The</strong> NESSI and the former PS208 collaboration at CERN have—in order to fill thesegaps systematically—performed a series <strong>of</strong> proton- and antiproton induced experiments[Egi00, Enke99, Fil01, Fil01b, Fil99, Gol01, Gol00, Gol00b, Gol99b, Gol99d, Gol99e,Gol99f, Gol98b, Gol96, Gol96b, Her01, Hil01, Hil98, Hil96b, Hil95b, Hil95c, Jah01, Jah99,Jah96, Jah95, Jah95b, Let00, Lot01, Lot99, Lot98, Lot97, Pie00, Pie99, Pie97, Sch97] usinga highly efficient 4π sr gadolinium loaded scintillator neutron detector [Gal94, Gal01]partly in combination with a 4π sr silicon detector [Boh92, Fig95, Pau92] for chargedparticles. <strong>The</strong>se measurements covered a large range <strong>of</strong> incident hadron (p, p, π ± , K andd) energies, as well as a variety <strong>of</strong> target materials and geometries. In contrast to theolder measurements <strong>of</strong> typically only average neutron multiplicities [Fra65, Rus80, Arm84,Vas90, Nik90, Tak97, Ara99], the NESSI experiments have provided also event-by-eventinformation on these multiplicities.PISA effectively considered as successor <strong>of</strong> or supplement to NESSI is an experimentcurrently under construction at the internal ring COSY. Recent test-measurements providedfirst data currently being analyzed and briefly presented here.JESSICA is a 1:1 ESS Hg target-reflector-moderator mockup which aims at studyingsub-thermal neutrons using advanced moderators. Time-dependent neutron spectra areinvestigated by Bragg reflection and ’time-<strong>of</strong>-flight’ (TOF)-methods.<strong>The</strong> extensive set <strong>of</strong> benchmark data obtained in the NESSI, PISA and JESSICAexperiments imposes strong constraints on the theoretical modeling <strong>of</strong> the occurring interactions[Enke99, Gol01, Gol00, Gol00b, Gol99b, Gol99e, Her01, Hil01], and allows oneto calibrate and improve widely-used high-energy transport codes [Fil00, Fil96, Ste98].<strong>The</strong> accuracy <strong>of</strong> such codes is critical for the design <strong>of</strong> high-power target stations, sincethe optimization <strong>of</strong> geometrically expanded high power target stations will finally rely ongeneral Monte-Carlo particle transport codes having maximum predictive power.In particular above 1 GeV so far only limited data [Fil97, Hsi97, Shu97] were availablefor light charged particles, intermediate mass and fission fragments. Calculated datadeviate as much as a factor <strong>of</strong> 5-10. With NESSI, H and He production cross sectionswhich are <strong>of</strong> particular interest for studying radiation damage in target and structurematerials have been measured. Kinetic energy and angular distributions <strong>of</strong> H- and Heisotopesas a function <strong>of</strong> thermal excitation energy E ∗ have been deduced [Enke99, Gol96b,Her00, Pie00]–following a procedure described in detail in ref. [Gol96b, Pie00].Unfortunately the experimental setup <strong>of</strong> NESSI [Enke99, Gol96, Gol96b, Let00] is notsuited for measuring the kinetic energy or angular distribution <strong>of</strong> neutrons as for examplereported for 800 MeV proton-induced reactions on heavy thick targets in ref. [Rus80] orthick tungsten targets [Tak97]. <strong>The</strong>se spectra would be <strong>of</strong> particular interest for shieldingrequirements <strong>of</strong> spallation neutron sources. Published data for 800 MeV p+Pb vary, for instance,by a factor <strong>of</strong> two at neutron energies above 50 MeV [Rus80, Ami92, Sta93, Mar97].Energy spectra and angular distributions <strong>of</strong> neutrons have recently been measured at variousincident projectile energies [Ler01, Egi00, Led99, Tit00, Ish97, Mei99]. Isotopic distributionsand kinetic energies <strong>of</strong> residual nuclides have recently been studied by exploiting

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