Basic Word List II - Ivy Global

Basic Word List II - Ivy Global

Basic Word List II - Ivy Global


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264 tactile tangible, related to the sense of touch the senses265 taut pulled tight, not slack the senses266 voracious insatiable, having a huge appetite the senses267 belated late time268 clairvoyant psychic time269 contemporary occurring at the same time time270 cumulativegrowing as a result of small steps over aperiod of timetime271 fitful irregular, spasmodic time272 forerunner what came before time273 foreshadow suggest the future time274 foresight ability to anticipate future needs time275 forestall delay time276 hiatus interruption, break time277 impending imminent, about to occur time278 intermittent stopping and starting at intervals time279 novelty innovation, trinket time280 obsolete outdated time281 precedent prior in time or significance time282 precursor forerunner, predecessor time283 predecessor one that comes before another time284 prophetic predicting what will happen time285 regenerate renew time286 renaissance rebirth, revival time287 renovate make new again time288 retroactive applying to a period prior to enactment time289 subsequent following, coming after time290 transitory temporary time291 covert secret truth292 dubious doubtful truthhypocrite,hypocritical insincere, two-faced truth293294 implausible impossible truth295 overt observable, not hidden truth296 paradox a contradiction that is true truth297 skeptic(ism) doubter truth298 swindler cheat, con artist truth299 synthetic artificial truth300 tentative unconfirmed, hesitant truth301 ameliorate make better war and peace302 coerce, coercion force war and peace303 commemorate honor the memory of war and peace304 exploit (noun) heroic deed war and peace305 feat act of courage war and peace306 obliterate destroy completely war and peace307 oppressive burdensome, cruel war and peace308 safeguard protect war and peace<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

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