Basic Word List II - Ivy Global

Basic Word List II - Ivy Global

Basic Word List II - Ivy Global


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43 entice attract, lure emotions44 fervor passion emotions45 grating irritating emotions46 gravity seriousness emotions47 gruff stern, harsh emotions48 impassioned passionate emotions49 infatuation foolish love, obsession emotions50 infuriate make angry emotions51 insufferable intolerable emotions52 intuition, intuitive instinct, gut feeling emotions53 lackluster dull emotions54 miffed offended, upset emotions55 mirth gaiety, merriment emotions56 morbidity excessively gloomy emotions57 ornery unpleasant emotions58 paranoia irrational fear emotions59 poignant emotionally touching emotions60 repressed suppressing emotions emotions61 reserved quiet emotions62restrained,restraint unemotional, controlled emotions63 romanticizationthe act of being overly sentimental oridealisticemotions64 sensational amazing, shocking, scandalous emotions65 sinister evil emotions66 sullen sulky, brooding emotions67 surly bad-tempered and rude emotions68 testy irritated, peevish emotions69 vexing annoying emotions70 wistful yearning, melancholy emotions71 avid eager energy72 boisterous violent, unrestrained energyexuberant,exuberance lively, enthusiastic energy7374 fanfare spectacular public display energy75 humdrum dull, monotonous energy76 incite provoke, encourage energy77 invigorate inspire, give energy energy78 monotonous dull, repetitive energy79 sedentary not moving or active energy80 serene calm energy81 sluggish lacking energy energy82 subdued quiet, restrained energy83 suppress restrain, subdue energy84 threadbare worn out energy85 turbulence state of confusion or agitation energy86 accommodate make better, yield friends and enemies87 beneficent generous friends and enemies<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

88 complement serving to complete the whole friends and enemies89concord,concordant harmony friends and enemies90 enmity hatred friends and enemies91 glacial cold, unfriendly friends and enemies92 gracious graceful, compassionate friends and enemies93 intrusive interfering, intruding friends and enemies94 malicious, malice spiteful, bitter friends and enemies95 meddle interfere friends and enemies96 mock(ery) mock friends and enemies97 momentous very significant friends and enemies98 obliging agreeable friends and enemies99 sarcastic, sarcasm mocking friends and enemies100 scoff mock friends and enemies101 tactful considerate, discreet friends and enemies102 avenger someone who wants revenge give up?concede,103 concession give up, admit defeat give up?104 daunting intimidating give up?105 defer delay, put off give up?106 docile yielding give up?107 incentivesomething that encourages action oreffortgive up?108 insurmountable impossible to overcome give up?109 irrepressible incontrollable give up?110resignation,resigned give in, acquiescent give up?111 resilient irrepressible, quick to recover give up?112 retract take back give up?113 rigor strictness give up?114 submissive yielding give up?115 toil labor give up?116 undaunted courageous give up?117 undermine weaken give up?118 unhindered not obstructed give up?119 valiant courageous give up?120 withstand oppose, resist give up?121 apprentice trainee, novice knowledge and skill122 austere, austerity simple, self-disciplined knowledge and skill123 bigotry intolerance, prejudice knowledge and skill124 certitude confidence knowledge and skillcognitive,cognition relating to knowledge knowledge and skill125126 composure calm state of mind, self-possession knowledge and skill127 connoisseur expert knowledge and skill128 conundrum riddle, dilemma knowledge and skill129 counsel advice knowledge and skill130 counterproductive tending to hinder rather than help knowledge and skill<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

176 impoverished poor money177materialism,materialistexcessive interest in money orpossessionsmoney178 pilfer steal money179 proprietor owner of a business money180 worldly worldly, materialistic money181 apolitical having no interest in politics politics and tradition182 apologist defender of a cause politics and tradition183 avant-garde vanguard, daring politics and tradition184 chauvinistsomeone with a prejudiced belief inhis/her superioritypolitics and tradition185 diplomatic tactful politics and tradition186 domestic relating to the home/nation politics and tradition187 elitismthe belief that society should begoverned by a small group of superiorindividualspolitics and tradition188 outlandish bizarre politics and tradition189 par standard, average politics and tradition190 radical extreme politics and tradition191 rehash rework, reuse politics and tradition192 subordinate lower rank, inferior politics and tradition193 theology religion politics and tradition194 tyrant, tyrannical dictator politics and tradition195 universality comprehensiveness, generalization politics and tradition196 exalt praise praise and criticism197 exemplary excellent praise and criticism198 fawn try to gain favor by flattering praise and criticism199 hail praise praise and criticism200 repulse disgust praise and criticism201 snub deliberately insult praise and criticism202 accolade award pride203 aloof detached pride204 haughtiness condescendingly proud pride205 integrity completeness, dignity pride206 swagger walk or behave arrogantly pride207 antidote remedy that counteracts poison science208 artifact human-made object science209 catalyst something that triggers an event science210 distillation (the process of creating a) purified liquid science211 erosion wearing away science212 haphazard random science213 heterogeneity diverse, not uniform sciencehomogeneous,homogenization uniform in structure science214215 immutable not changeable science216 insulation isolation, maintenance of heat science217 predator one that preys on another science<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

218 prototype model science219 terrestrial related to the earth science220 toxic poisonous science221 vacillate sway from side to side, oscillate science222 volatile not constant science223 aggregate total, whole size, amount, location224 avert turn away, ward off size, amount, location225 behemoth huge monster or animal size, amount, location226 breadth wide range size, amount, location227 converge to come together size, amount, location228 disperse spread size, amount, location229 holistic emphasizing the whole size, amount, location230 inclusive comprehensive size, amount, location231 inconsequential not important size, amount, location232 innumerable too numerous to be counted size, amount, location233 intemperate immoderate size, amount, location234 invert reverse size, amount, location235 meager scarce, poor size, amount, location236 minute (adj.) tiny size, amount, location237 multitudinous abundant size, amount, location238 negligible insignificant size, amount, location239 perpetuate maintain, preserve size, amount, location240 pitiless having no pity, merciless size, amount, location241 plenteous productive size, amount, location242 plentiful existing in great quantity size, amount, location243 proximity nearness in space or time size, amount, location244 remnant something left over, remainder size, amount, location245 remote distant, far size, amount, location246 scarcity, scarce insufficient amount size, amount, locationtemper (verb),tempered moderate size, amount, location247248 temperate moderate size, amount, location249 transcend surpass size, amount, location250 truncate shorten by cutting off size, amount, location251 voluminous large, ample size, amount, location252 artisan craftsperson the senses253 caricature exaggerated portrait the senses254 contour outline the senses255 cosmetic superficial the senses256 dilapidated broken down the senses257 garnish ornamentation the senses258 inconspicuous not noticeable the senses259 indiscernible undetectable the senses260 mosaicart consisting of many different coloredpieces of stone/glassthe senses261 muted subdued the senses262 ornament(ation) decoration the senses263 savory appetizing the senses<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

264 tactile tangible, related to the sense of touch the senses265 taut pulled tight, not slack the senses266 voracious insatiable, having a huge appetite the senses267 belated late time268 clairvoyant psychic time269 contemporary occurring at the same time time270 cumulativegrowing as a result of small steps over aperiod of timetime271 fitful irregular, spasmodic time272 forerunner what came before time273 foreshadow suggest the future time274 foresight ability to anticipate future needs time275 forestall delay time276 hiatus interruption, break time277 impending imminent, about to occur time278 intermittent stopping and starting at intervals time279 novelty innovation, trinket time280 obsolete outdated time281 precedent prior in time or significance time282 precursor forerunner, predecessor time283 predecessor one that comes before another time284 prophetic predicting what will happen time285 regenerate renew time286 renaissance rebirth, revival time287 renovate make new again time288 retroactive applying to a period prior to enactment time289 subsequent following, coming after time290 transitory temporary time291 covert secret truth292 dubious doubtful truthhypocrite,hypocritical insincere, two-faced truth293294 implausible impossible truth295 overt observable, not hidden truth296 paradox a contradiction that is true truth297 skeptic(ism) doubter truth298 swindler cheat, con artist truth299 synthetic artificial truth300 tentative unconfirmed, hesitant truth301 ameliorate make better war and peace302 coerce, coercion force war and peace303 commemorate honor the memory of war and peace304 exploit (noun) heroic deed war and peace305 feat act of courage war and peace306 obliterate destroy completely war and peace307 oppressive burdensome, cruel war and peace308 safeguard protect war and peace<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

309 salvageable able to be rescued war and peace310 squelch crush, trample war and peace311 strain stress war and peace312 turmoil state of extreme confusion or agitation war and peace313 underpinning support, base war and peace<strong>Ivy</strong> <strong>Global</strong>

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