Multiple Correlation Function Approach Library

Multiple Correlation Function Approach Library

Multiple Correlation Function Approach Library


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The f-weighted time average 2 is defined asand numerically calculated for a given temporal profile f(t) byfunction [Ta] = MCF_Taverage(Tprofile, alpha);Input parameters:TprofileAlphaVector representing discretized temporal profile of the magnetic field(see below). By default, a steady profile is considered.Arbitrary positive exponent.The f-weighted time average is approximated by a sum over discretized temporalprofile. This calculation is more accurate for bigger length of Tprofile. Please notethat the result of this function is dimensionless, the usual factor T 3 is not taken intoaccount. Since 2 is negative, the function MCF_Taverage explicitly changesits sign for convenience.Example:Tprofile = MCF_Trectangle(5e-3, 0, 100);Ta = MCF_Taverage(Tprofile, 1)Ta =0.0834This is a good approximation to 2 =1/12 for a steady temporal profile. The integral of squared temporal profileis calculated byfunction [Ta] = MCF_T2average(Tprofile);Input parameters:TprofileVector representing discretized temporal profile of the magnetic field.By default, a steady profile is considered.11

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