Poetry In Motion: The Russian Blue - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders ...

Poetry In Motion: The Russian Blue - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders ...

Poetry In Motion: The Russian Blue - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders ...


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MINI OMNI AMMIM. I■ AIM. ■NMMOM II1= IMII I=MM IM NMI IM WM IMMIMO MI ■ MIWMMEM M= mdlOM MI ■11 IMMI■111111MMMBWM MN NMI---INN■• =INNNE■1NM =I OM OM UM ■IININMI NM MI OM MMNM •MNM IOWMIl■ 'MOW ■• =MObyMarge Jacksonhe Doberman Pincherof <strong>Cats</strong>," one judge exclaimed ashe placed this elegant creatureon his judging table. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong> male stretched high on hisslim long legs, gracefully extendedhis lengthy muscularbody, turned his majestic headtoward the spectators and imparteda serpent type gaze withhis vivid green eyes. Oohs! andAhs! were expressed by the captivatedspectators, overwhelmedby the countenance of this magnificentbreed. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong> withhis regal bearing, instantly loseshis dignified pose when a fluffyfeather comes into view. Like akitten he playfully and swiftlysnags the feather with lighteningaccuracy. He tilts his head to oneside and prankishly swats at thefeather with a subtle sense ofhumor that never ceases to delightand amuse.MAGNIFICENTLY ELEGANT is thebest description of the RUSSIAN BLUE, a NAT-URAL BREED, not created by man in a crossbreedingprogram. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> has beenmistaken as the old <strong>Blue</strong> Maltese by older spectatorsat cat shows. <strong>The</strong>y have also been calledArchangel <strong>Cats</strong> and Foreign <strong>Blue</strong>s.Older cat fanciers and breeders are familiarwith former articles such as "Sing <strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong>s" and "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>" by William Palmer,and Will <strong>The</strong> Real <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>,Please StandUp" by Bob Hazlet, as well as the article by DianeSeidel (Diana Doernberg) entitled "Gone <strong>Blue</strong>."Diana presents an invaluable view of the <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong> bloodlines, the breeders and the cats whohave helped the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> breed achieve anincreased degree of recognition. <strong>In</strong>geborg Urciaalso gives us a look at the early history of thebreed in her article entitled "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>."All the above articles are noteworthy and I urgeany novice to absorb the contents of these writings.However, for those who have just recentlyjoined the cat fancy, I will briefly summarize thehistory in retrospect.PROBABLE ORIGIN. As with any NATU-RAL BREED, no one is absolutely certain of theorigin or the ancestry. It is a natural breed becauseman did not have a hand in creating it. OnlyMother Nature knows its contents. It is believedthat the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> originated near the ArchangelIsle off the coast of Russia. Here, this heartybreed, in order to survive in the harsh arcticweather of Northern Russia, developed theirsense of sight, hearing, and smell. This may alsoexplain their speed, intelligence, and coordination.<strong>The</strong> arctic winters caused the coat to becomea plush double coat. <strong>The</strong> inner coat iscomposed of short dense hair that provides insulationfrom the cold and the outer coat provides aprotective covering to repel water and snow.Changes in the temperature, daylight, and darknessalso caused the coat to change. <strong>The</strong> silvertipping in the coat was affected by the length ofthe day and natural light. Today's <strong>Russian</strong>s aremostly kept indoors in artificially heated, cooled,and lighted facilities. This upsets the natural biologicalrhythm governing the coat cycle. Knowledgeablejudges take this into consideration whenjudging the <strong>Russian</strong>s who are obviously kept indoorsor those who live year round in warmerclimates. Sailors from the Archangel Isle, off thecoast of Russia, are credited with transportingthese magnificent cats to England and Scandinavia.However, the first recorded <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> wasreported to have appeared in a cat show at thefamed Crystal Palace in London during 1875 asthe "Archangel" cat.<strong>The</strong> earliest history of these cats is related byProfessor Cornevn, an early French scientist ofthe University of Lyons. Dr. Joumand, author of"Les Races des Chats" (1926) on the works ofCornevin, says of the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>: "Where a catis he has been taken, and following up the oldtrade routes you will find him. Russia, Sweden,Norway, and Denmark possess him. He is alsofound in England as an imported <strong>Russian</strong>." MissKit Wilson of England says, "<strong>In</strong> the North the<strong>Russian</strong> cat is no doubt as ancient as the Egyptiancat is in the South." She describes the <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong> as similar to the Siamese in body contour,with a long, svelte body, thin whip-like tail,wedge-shaped head, the short coat of blue thickplush-like texture having a frosty tipped appear.ance. <strong>The</strong> legs are long, feet small, neat, and wellrounded. Large ears, wide at the base and fairlytransparent skin. Ear tips pointed rather thanround.During World War II, the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> becamean almost extinct breed. After 1945 a reconstructionprogram was planned for this almost depletedbreed. One source states that enthusiasticbreeders decided to turn to the Siamese. <strong>The</strong>combination of a Siamese called Lela Do andGelding Mokey, a cat whose origin is unknownbut <strong>Russian</strong> in appearance, are said to have developedthe Dunloe line, along with a few otherolder <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s. With this unification, the<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> assumed a great resemblance to theSiamese and was temporarily referred to as Foreign<strong>Blue</strong>. <strong>In</strong> 1948 the Governing Council of theCat Fancy accepted the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> as a breed.At that particular time the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> head waslong and narrow with a sloping forehead. <strong>The</strong>coat was short and glossy, and the legs were long.Yet another source states that the English usedthe British <strong>Blue</strong> or <strong>Blue</strong> Domestic in their breedingprograms to continue the breed due to thelack of available <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s at this particulartime.It seems to be agreed that, the Scandinavians,on the other hand, used the <strong>Blue</strong> Point Siamesefor the same reason, producing the first true<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> in Sweden, Anita of Finlandia.<strong>The</strong> result was two different types of <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong>. This contributed to the coat color problemsome <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> breeders are occasionally experiencingtoday; in which not all kittens in thesame litter are blue.<strong>The</strong> English developed the plush pale coloredcoats with silver tipping and the finer boning; butthe eye color was not vivid green. <strong>The</strong> Scandinaviansdeveloped the better head, body type, eyecolor and wider ears, but darker coat color. Sinceboth types were imported to the United States,the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s being shown at that particulartime did not have all the features required in theCFA Standards. Judges were finding that some ofthe cats excelled in some parts of the standardwhile lacking in other parts. It was confusing toboth the judges and fanciers alike. Finally the<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> breeders found that by breeding theEnglish and Scandinavian lines together, a newimproved model was created which fit the showstandard better and created more uniformity inthe breed. This type of breeding also improvedfertility and encouraged larger litters. Breedingthe English and Scandinavian lines together wasan influencing factor in the new growth and acceptanceof the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> breed.It is said that in the 1930's Mrs. Clinton Lockeof Chicago imported some <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s fromMrs. Carew-Cox that had a narrow skull, longface and large pointed ears. No one seems toknow the disposition of these cats. Reports saythat later in 1947 Mr. C. Commaire of Texasimported Dunloe Jan, and <strong>Blue</strong> Silk. <strong>The</strong> Dunloeline was the start of the modern <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> inthis country. Mr. Commaire then imported catsfrom Scandinavia for use in his breeding program.Articles indicate that the Hillcrest linescome directly from these cats. Finally in 1948<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> became the final name for this intriguingbreed.Some of the breeders that we find at the earlypart of our pedigrees are Mrs. Peg Caulkins,Felinest Cattery, containing English imports suchas the Moeller line, who gave us GRC FelinestSilver Dollar, known as Buck. <strong>The</strong> sire of this wellknown male was CH Hoeller's Baltika of Felinest

THE RUSSIAN BLUEGRC TSAR BLU'S ZARIN050(-448976 Birthdate: 10/31/87B: Donna J. Fuller 0: D. Fuller/L. Swope/C. StewartPhoto tr. ( hawsSh). the dam was CH Tamara av Kallerstad. dish Imp.). With Buck's ancestry containing.sh Dunloe and some Swedish, his light col-: coat is being seen in many of his offspring.,.71 today..11am Palmer of Valinda, California, Hy-Line--ery, combined the English and Scandinavianand often speaks of CH Hillcrest's Alicia ofLine, a Dunloe cat. While this cat was not the-• example of the breed, it produced excellentshow cats. He credits Diana Doernberg withresting the winning combination. Most of ourshow cats today will have Diana's "Velva"their background. One of Palmer's wellmales being seen in many of the back-.- is of our cats today is GRC Hy-Line's Silver. later owned by Julie O'Neil of Hialeah,- : t. who's sire was GRC Velva's Sky Chief ofne and the dam being CH Hill-Crest's AliciaAnother offspring of Alicia's was;...0 Hy-Line's <strong>Blue</strong>-Prince of <strong>The</strong> Czars, laterby Julie O'Neil of Hialeah, Florida, whoo. s.red by CH Kit-Kin's <strong>Blue</strong>-Bash of Hy-Line.NATIONAL WINNER:3rd Best CatBest Of BreedREGIONAL AWARDS:Best CatBest ShorthairBest Of BreedMrs. Dorothy Lech, Three Crown Cattery, importedthe Swedish lines with the lovely head,body, and emerald green eyes. GRC Pavel ofBraheborg (Imp), and his sister Erosjina of Braheborgwere very good examples.Also important was Mrs. Harriet Zimmerman(deceased), Aberdeen Cattery, who obtainedmost of her cats from Esther Taylor of Atlanta.Georgia. <strong>The</strong>se cats were primarily English Dunloebackground with the plush coats.Partial index of some cattery names and whichlines they were breeding:DUNLOE SWEDISH ENGLISH (mixedwith Dunloe)Hillcrest Braheborg JennymayHoellers Molleby MeadliamBeaver Olsenberg SylphidesEl Rosario's Finlandia ArchonFlo-Mar BellanhojBetty Lou KabbarpsPhillimore Three CrownRe-Run RadedjanEs-Ta DalecarliusSelene TinnerdalensMission CityAddickFlomarAberdeenFollyAccording to CFA records, it was not until1964 that the first <strong>Russian</strong> B ue achieved GrandChampionship in <strong>The</strong> Cat Fanciers' Association

This was a male: GRC Maja Acre Igor II of 3 R's(Fig. 2), owned by Marguerite Swift of Miami,Florida. Igor was a gift from Marjorie Jafee.Marge proudly states that Purina Pet Care andC F A. awarded Igor a trophy for highest scoring<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> for the year of 1964. She comment-• that she has since retired from <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>- reeding.IN THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS theS..ss;an <strong>Blue</strong> has greatly advanced. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong>Biue breeders are now producing a beautiful modelthat fits the modern show standard well and isbeing accepted the world over. We are now see-.ng heartier cats producing a more substantialoffspring with firm long muscular bodies (but nottubular). refinement of boning (but not oriental),:ovely wide ears, good wedge, a sweet expressionwith vivid green eyes and a more plush coat.Evidence of this is in the reports of cat shows held.n different parts of the country where <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong>s are frequently among the top cats in theshows. Primarily the credit belongs to the breedersfor creating a more beautiful and symmetricalcat Utilization of bloodlines, primarily Velva, andothers such as Tsar Blu, Miribu, Lov'n Blu, Jontue.Silverton, <strong>The</strong> Czars, and Roushka, to namea few. have developed a uniformity in our breed.GRAND CHAMPION RUSSIANSATTAINING NATIONAL AWARDSsince 1973 are (names as they appeared inYearbooks):NGRC Miribu's Silver Lining, NGRC Velva's CobaltBaron of Tsar Blu, NGRC Miribu's PromisesPromises (Fig 6), NGRC Tsar Blu's Fitzwilliam,NGRC Miribu's Rhapsody <strong>In</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> (Fig. 5),NGRC Sereshka Alakazam of Kittay, NGRC TsarB.,1 • 5 Zane Grey (Fig. 13), NGRC Silver AcresQuicksilver, NGRC Jontue's Rhythm And <strong>Blue</strong>sof Casein (Fig. 10), NGRC Tsar Blu's Zach,NGRC Harmony of Silver Acres (Fig. 11).Fig. 4Fig. 5PHOTOS OF PROMINENT RUSSIANS. Awardsshown are those submitted by owner or researched.Any awards not shown are due to incomplete informationreceived. Some of the quality <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s ofyesteryear and present day are:(Fig. 3) GRC <strong>The</strong> Czars Silver Sable sired by GRC Kit-Kin's Volga Boatman, Dam - Kabbarps Anja of <strong>The</strong>Czars (Imp.), br:/ow: Ron and Julie O'Neil.(Fig. 4) GRC Hy-Line Blu Prince of <strong>The</strong> Czars. Sire -CH Kit-Kin's <strong>Blue</strong> Bash of Hy-Line, Dam - CH Hil!crestAlicia of Hy-Line, br: William Palmer. ow: Ron and JulieO'Neil.(Fig. 5) NGRC Miribu's Rhapsody <strong>In</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>, male, br:Margot Mellies M.D., ow: Carol and Deborah Probst.Rhapsody won 14th Best Cat Nationally in the 1977-78show season.(Fig. 6) NGRC Miribu's Promises Promises, Sire -Zhivago. Dam - GRC Miribu's Silver Lady. br:/ow:Margot Mellies M.D. Promises was National Best ofBreed in 1975-76 and National top 20 cat.(Fig. 7) Miriam Faulkner's CH Grandyl Tamarask ofThat's A No-No, ow: Richard and Ruby Thompson.(Fig. 8) GRC Les Joy Val. br: Will Thompson who wasbreeding <strong>Russian</strong>s at that time.(Fig. 9) GRC Silverton's Bozo, br:/ow: Jim Thompson.Bozo received National Award of 2nd Best <strong>Russian</strong> in1980.(Fig. 10) A well known male, NGRC Jontue's Rhythmand <strong>Blue</strong>s of Casein. D.M., br: Carol and DeborahProbst, ow: Liz DeMercurio Watson. Rhythm's RegionalAwards were 2nd Best Kitten 1980-81. Best <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong> 1980-81. Best Cat Great Lakes Region 1981-82.Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> 1981-82. His National Awards were10th Best Kitten 1980-81, 2nd Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> 1980-81, 10th Best Cat 1981-82 and Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>1981-82. Rhythm was sired by GRC Jontue's <strong>Blue</strong>Danube. His mother was GRC Silver Acres Re-Run.Rhythm is now owned by Margot Mellies. M.D.(Fig. 11) No one can forget NGRC Jontue's Harmonyof Silver Acres, better known as Spider. Bred andowned by Carol and Deborah Probst and in 1985-86won Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> and 16th Best Cat, in 1983-84Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> and in 1982-83 won Best <strong>Russian</strong><strong>Blue</strong>.Fig 3

Fig. 11

(Fig. 12) GRC Velva's Diamond Dust, Sire - GRC TsarBlu's Fitzwilliam of Velva, Dam - Nordic Natalie's Songof Velva. Br:/Ow: Bob and Diana Doernberg. DiamondDust won National Award of 2nd Best <strong>Russian</strong> in 1985.(Fig. 13) NGRC Tsar <strong>Blue</strong>s Zane Grey, Sire - GRC Tsar<strong>Blue</strong>s Zorian Grey, Dam CH Velva's Valerie Fair ofTsar Blu, DM. Br/Ow: Donna Fuller. <strong>In</strong> 1979-80 Zanewon CFA National 3rd Best Cat and CFA NorthwestRegion Best Cat.(Fig. 14) GRC Wynterwynd's Tempest, Sire - NGRCJontue's Rhythm and <strong>Blue</strong>s of Casein. Dam - CH IkonLove 'N Kisses, DM, Br: Barbara Janisch/Annette Wilson,Ow: Annette Wilson. Tempest's awards were wonin 1983-84 Midwest Region 2nd Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> and1983-84 Midwest Region 7th Best Cat. Annette saysthat she is proud of the fact that at six years of age.Tempest qualified for the first CFA/Purina <strong>In</strong>vitationalShow.(Fig. 15) Margaret (Peg) Johnson gives us GRC Heartbeeps<strong>Blue</strong>beard, Sire - GRC Sarmarkan's Nicholas,Dam - GRC Tsarista's Tiffany of Heartbeep. Peg statesthat <strong>Blue</strong>beard was 2nd Best <strong>Russian</strong> in the SouthernRegion in 1985-86 and Best '<strong>Russian</strong> in the SouthernRegion 1986-87.(Fig. 16) is GRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Caithness, Sire - GRC<strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Crackerjack and Dam - GRC Snowyfuff'sToast of the Town. Br:/Ow: Brenda Messenger. Brendasays Caithness was 2nd Best <strong>Russian</strong> Nationally in1986-87 and also the same season for the NorthwestRegion she was 8th Best Shorthair Kitten, 4th Best Catand Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>.(Fig. 17) is GRC Nuance's Morning's Fragrant Essence,Sire - GRC Nuance's Andrew Jackson, Dam - Nuance'sMegan Genteel, bred by Marge and Bob Jackson andowned by Peg Johnson.(Fig. 18) GRC Clacritter <strong>Blue</strong> Sonya. Sire GRC VelvaShines On of Samovar, Dam - GRC Clacritter AnnaKatrina, br: Leslie Falteisek, ow: Meredith West. Lesliesays this little lady was sold as a pet and is not to bebred.16 Fig. 18

C.F.A. records reveal that in 1985-86, 657 points wereavailable within the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> breed ChampionshipClass. <strong>In</strong> 1986-87 that figure dropped to 646 points,with 523 points available in the 1987-88 show season1972-73CRC Car-Mac ThornGRC Car-Mac PjaterGRC Fesenbrad's CzarvitchRimskyGRC Fesenbrad's CzarvitchYuricGRC Hy-Line's Shining CountGRC Hy-Line's Silver CloudGRC Kit-Kan Lubov of SatinSongGRC Meri-Rose Nicholoi ofLehigh1973-74GRC Braunhaar's PntGRC Car-Mac ThrelGRC Car-Mac LinneaGRC Grandy/ IvanGRC Hy-Line's <strong>Blue</strong>. NoteGRC Hy-Line's Dr. Zhivago OfTsar BluGRC Hy-Line's Silver MistGRC Hy-Line's Sir Pasha ofJellicleGRC Miribu's Silver LiningGRC Miribu's Tora Tora ofVelvaGRC Norsemen's KiwiGRC Norsemen's Artic ChipperGRC Quiet <strong>Blue</strong>s AlcoaGRC Rindy's Haven RhomeGRC Sahara's Marrianti ofKotickeeGRC Velva's Parfait of ThreeCrownGRC Velva's Vida <strong>Blue</strong>1974-75GRC Hy-Line Silver Bell of TsarBluGRC Grandy, <strong>Blue</strong> SergeGRC Lehigh MursikGRC Miribu's KirstenGRC Quiet <strong>Blue</strong>s So <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Sa-Phy AndrewGRC That's A No No <strong>Blue</strong>VignyetteGRC <strong>The</strong> Czars Silver SableCRC <strong>The</strong> Czars Silver PrinceGRC Three Crown <strong>Blue</strong> NoteCRC Twilight K's NikittaGRC Velva's <strong>Blue</strong> Moon OdomGRC Wives Cobalt Baron ofTsar BluGRP Car-Mac LarsGRP Kit-Kin's Caesar of Tao-LuGRP Velva's Zainie1975-76GRC Arkhangelsk VeraGRC <strong>Blue</strong>genes Batchelor ofArtGRC Czarina Natasha of Lov'nBluGRC Edgin's Lance of Car-MacGRC Fesenbrad's Czar ChakaKhanGRC Hy-Line's Quick SilverGRC Kate's ShakespeareGRC Katzenburg's Ganda ofJ-SunGRC Les-Joy's VanadiumGRC Lov'n Blu's KseniaGRC Lov'n Blu's Trudy LatishGRC Lov'n Blu's Silver DewDropGRC Miribu's Darlin'GRC Miribu's KhristiniaGRC Miribu's PromisesPromisesGRC Norsemen's Arctic TernGRC Norsemen's Blu PinyonGRC Sa-Phy DevonGRC Sereshka Long John SilverGRC Sereshka ShazamCRC <strong>The</strong> Czars Archangel of<strong>Blue</strong>fishGRC Tsar Blu Flash ofSereshkaGRC Vale's Bonnie PrinceCharlieGRP Thai-Mew's Igor1976-77GRC Abaddon's FaustGRC Hy-Line's <strong>Blue</strong> VelvetGRC J-Sun's Winnie <strong>The</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Lov'n Blu's Revere ofKittaIGRC Lov'n Blu's Robert MorrisGRC Miribu's Rhapsody <strong>In</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Miribu's Silver LadyGRC Miribu's Sparklin KeshkaGRC Miribu's V.I.P. of SilverAcresGRC Roads End Boris ofSherbornGRC Sa-Phy StormieGRC Sereshka Flo <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Sereshka SalarikaGRC Sereshka ShadowfaxGRC Silver Acres CounselorGRC Silverton's NyshaGRC Three Crown CasperGRC Tsar flu's Chip 0' Willyof Zatm 'GRC Tsar Blu's Cyann ofSereshkaGRC Tsar Blu's Dazzling AdonisGRC Tsar Blu's FitzwilliamGRP El-Bee-Jay's <strong>Blue</strong> SpriteGRP Katzenburg's KorvaIgorovitch1977-78GRC Car-Mac LionelGRC Car-Mac PatinaGRC Gentilesse Jazzy LadyGRC J-Sun's Buttonwillow <strong>Blue</strong>sGRC Lov'n Blu's Charisma ofIkonGRC Lov'n Blu's lmperatritsaSashaGRC Lov'n Blu's Peter PawsGRC Malutka Chuka of KittaGRC Malutka Yasha ofSatinequeGRC Malutka AnyaGRC Meri-Rose Fedore ofBombadilGRC Miribu's Happiness Is <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Naissur Blu's Silver DreamGRC Norsemen's Little Girl<strong>Blue</strong>GRC Norsemen's Winter ChipGRC Pau-nes Winter SpriteGRC Seeneekat's Bell StarGRC Sereshka Adimi of SuntarGRC Sereshka Alakazam ofKittayGRC Sereshka Savoir-FaireCRC Silver Acres Ricky Tic'xyTavvyGRC Silver Acres SolitaireGRC Tsar Blu's Tsargazer ofChadowsGRC Tsar Blu's ZabrielleGRC Tsar Blu's Zorian GreyGRC Tsar Blu's Zsa ZsaGRC Vale's Gandaff <strong>The</strong> GreyGRC Vale's Kristi BluGRC Velva's RachmaninovGRC Zatm HimmelGRP <strong>Blue</strong> Charm's Blu-KrisGRP <strong>Cats</strong>tone's Rasputin1978-79GRC Abaddon's CircleGRC Abaddon's Sirens ofRhetoricGRC Arkhangelsk DvinaGRC Jontue's <strong>Blue</strong> DanubeGRC Les Joy ValGRC Nordic <strong>Blue</strong> ChipGRC Norsemen's KakapoGRC Roushka Casey At <strong>The</strong>BatGRC Roushka High SpiritGRC Sereshka Virginia SlimGRC Songfest's AlfieGRC Suntar's Aces HighGRC Temujin's Eric Van ZipperCRC Twilight X's NordicsGRP Arkhangelsk AleksandrGRP Kate's Plato of GemlynGRP Kate's Shylock of LintonGRP Miribu's Natasha ofRhetoricGRP Roushka MoonrakerGRP Velva's Winkywilli1979-80GRC Kpacka's AriannaGRC Lov'n Blu Misty Morn ofCaseinGRC Lov'n Blu's CharmingChuckGRC Miribu's Midnight Sun ofJ-SunGRAND CHAMPIONS ANDGRAND PREMIERS FROM1972-73 THROUGH 1977-78GRC Silverton's BozoGRC Silver Acres QuicksibterGRC Silver Acres Re-RunGRC Tsar Blu's Dr. AnnGRC Tsar Blu's Tsar Glow of<strong>Blue</strong> PrideGRC Tsar Blu's Zane GreyGRP Lov'n Blu MistyGRP Nordic Gorgonzola ofDenesheGRP Roushka EnterpriseGRP Silver Acres Magician1980-81GRC Jontue's Rhythm & <strong>Blue</strong>sof CaseinGRC Katzenburg's VasiliGRC Les Joy Baron B. V.GRC Lov'n Blu Lot A Promiseof PetrobeGRC Lov'n Blu Buster Blu ofValeGRC Roushka AmandaGRC Roushka Baby Doe ofCentennialGRC Seeneekat's Swiss MissGRC Tsar Blu's ZanetteGRC Tsar Blu's lavaGRC Vale's Bonnie BluGRC Zatm Micki C of Suntar1981-82GRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Simply SuperGRC Casein Serpentine ofBelugaGRC Casein's Maxwell Edisonof RoushkaGRC Ikon PanacheGRC Les Joy Ice PrincessGRC Miribu's CharadeGRC Nordic Silversmith ofRocatGRC Nos Elite's Stud Macho ofNuanceGRC Seeneekat's AldonzaGRC Silver Acres ApplauseApplauseGRC <strong>The</strong> Czars Silver DukeGRC Tsar Blu's Lit'l Donna ofLov'n BluGRC Tsar Btu's Zanadu ofFancypawsGRC Tsar Blu's ZiegfeldCAC flebia's Sakkes<strong>Blue</strong>genesGRC Vindicator Molly <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Vindicator Vodka ofTwilight KGRP EIRee-Jay's Silver Shadow1982-83GRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's HalfpennyGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's TuppenceGRC Jontue's Harmony ofSilver AcresGRC Jontue's Silver Artistry ofShibumiGRC Les Joy Pea-We ofSilvertonGRC Les Joy's Bogie ofFancypawsGRC Roushka WindriderGRC Samovar PolonaiseGRC Samovar's Zehn of NaissurBluGRC Sherborn Green GobbleGRC Silverton's Crestone ofCamiscatsGRC Tsar Blu's Zamanda ofTsaristaGRC Vale's B.K.GRP Les Joy Miss Nikki ofKatstarzGRP Nordic King CanuteGRP Petrobe ElwoodGRP Sherborn PurrGRP Tsarista's CharlemagneGRP Temujin's Tim Titnothy1,01-84GRC <strong>Blue</strong>genes ShadowdancerGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's CrackerjackGRC Casein's Birtha a <strong>Blue</strong>sGRC Casein's Motor CityMadnessGRC Ikon Evensong of GuillpurGRC Jontue Steel Mill <strong>Blue</strong>s of<strong>Kyina</strong>GRC Nordic Silver StandardGRC Roushka Double Play of<strong>Kyina</strong>Cat names and status of each cat are presentedas printed in the Yearbook's GrandChampion and Grand Premier Sections.GRC Shibumi Travis McGeeGRC Tsar ekes Frank ZappeGRC Tsar Blu's Tazscha ofUnikatGRC Tsar Blu's ZachGRC Tsar Blu's Zautiana ofNuanceGRC Tsar Blu's Zephyr ofNuanceGRC Tsar Blu's Zorba of ShanGRC Tsar Blu's Zsartania ofValleyjoeGRC Tsarista's CzarinaAlexandraGRC Tsarista's Tiffany ofHeartbeepsGRC Vindicator SiwiGRC Wynterwynd's <strong>Blue</strong> VelvetGRC Wynterwynd's <strong>Blue</strong> Hawaiiof <strong>Kyina</strong>GRC Wynterwynd's Tempest ofBrandenburgGRP Briarson <strong>Blue</strong>boyGRP Casein's Triple SurpriseGRP Laho's Frederick <strong>The</strong>GreatGRP Nordic Silver ExchangeGRP Sa-Phy Joel1984-85GRC Aegean Big JoshuaGRC Aegean <strong>Blue</strong> MaxGRC <strong>Blue</strong>genes IllusionGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's GooseberryGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Star TurnGRC Heartbeeps George BurnsGRC Kittypiane PrimadonnaGRC <strong>Kyina</strong> IvanGRC <strong>Kyina</strong> Skye <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Les Joy AstridGRC Miribu's <strong>Blue</strong> SerenadeGRC Nuance's Maja GenteelCRC Nuance's SmilingAristocratGRC Sarmarkan's NicholasGRC Sergei Rachmaninoff ofLes JoyGRC Tsar Blu's ZorkGRC Tsar Blu's Zouthrn Bell ofKatstarzGRC Tsarista's Hot As <strong>Blue</strong>BlazesGRC Twilight K's SophiaGRC Tylona's AndromedaGRC Tylona's MinuetGRC Wynterwynd's DiamondDustGRC Wynterwynd's Dressed ForSuccessGRP <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's SterlingGRP Kaybill's BasilGRP Kaybill's IlyaGRP Kittay's Deira of ZehnderGRP Vale's Nicholaus1985-86GRC Aegean <strong>Blue</strong> VelvetGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Fancy GoodsGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Gubbins ofDabruGRC Guillpur SolorettaGRC Heartbeeps <strong>Blue</strong>beardGRC Heartbeeps Pegleg Pete ofKaybillGRC Ikon's Ice Magic ofGuillpurGRC Kathausblus JanessaGRC Kathausblus SasiaGRC Katstarz AlympianGRC Katzenburg's AlyoshaGRC <strong>Kyina</strong> Kosmo of JaigarGRC <strong>Kyina</strong> ShavanoGRC Nuance's StonewallJacksonGRC Roushka Madd MaxxGRC Roushka Sagan <strong>Blue</strong> ofKotsGRC Seeneekat's MiklofGRC Snowyluff's Toast Of <strong>The</strong>TownGRC Stardancer Nikola TestaGRC Tsar Blu's ZallyGRC Tsar Blu's ZolaGRC Twilight K SuzaGRC Tylona's AeolusGRC Velva's Diamond DustGRC Wynterwynd Auld LangSyneGRC Wynterwynd Resolution ofAzurskiIGRC Wynterwynd TrivialPursuitGRP <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's WorthingGRP Casein's Willi BoskovskiGRP <strong>Kyina</strong> IvanGRP Nordic New WinnerGRP Rho's Alexey of Russ*,GRP Wynterwynd Dressed ForSuccess1986-87GRC Aegean <strong>Blue</strong> AngelGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Bubble AndSqueakGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's CaithnessGRC Clacritter Sterling SilverGRC Dorado's <strong>Blue</strong> BearGRC Katzenburg's AljaGRC Kaybill's NinotchkaGRC Les Joy TabequacheGRC Miribu's Am I <strong>Blue</strong> ofFridayGRC Nitesea's Star DustGRC Nordic HallmarkGRC Nordic RaoulGRC Nordic Silver QueenGRC Nordic Silver Viking ofGhostshipGRC Nordic Silverado ofGhostshipGRC Nordic <strong>The</strong> MalteseFalconGRC Nuance's Andrew JacksonGRC Promises JezebelGRC Snowy!uff's MischiefMakerGRC Stardancer Saint ValentineGRC Tsar Blu's ZarlaGRC Tsar Blu's ZorroGRC Velva Shines On OfSamovarGRP Calamento's AndrosGRP Chaskara's IlyaGRP Hy-Line Silver Belle ofTsar BluGRP Kaybill's MoonspinnerGRP Nordic Southern ComfortGRP Nordic VivaciousGRP Stardancer Beach Boy1987-88GRC Aegean PrincessGRC Azurski's RapunzelGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Devon ofTrianonGRC <strong>Blue</strong> Pride's Dicey ofCoralGRC <strong>Blue</strong>genes Keepsake ofWynterwyndGRC Chaskara Dar LavanyaGRC Clacritter Anna KatrinaGRC Kathausblus Mr IceeGRC Katstarz Ashby of AzurskiGRC Katzenburg's JulishkaGRC Kaybill's MistralGRC Kiska FedorGRC <strong>Kyina</strong> Bolt From <strong>The</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>GRC Miribu's Serendipity ofFridayGRC Naissur Blu ChautauquaGRC Nitesea's SashayGRC Nuance's Morning'sFragrant EssenceGRC Nuance's Viva MurrayGRC Roxanastasia Legacy IIGRC Samovar KyraGRC Seeneekat's JadeGRC Shabou KoupavaGRC Valleyjoe's AvaGRC Valleyjoe's Ilona ofKatzenburgGRP Aegean JohnathonGRP Ikon Ice Magic of GuillpurGRP Jontue's <strong>Blue</strong> LightSpecialGRP Kaybill's SnickersGRP Roxanastasia Tuff GuyGRP Shabou LenGRP Tyfona's MinuetGRP Stardancer MouseGRP Zaffer Misha <strong>Blue</strong>

1 SLTHE YOUNGER GENERATION isnow under way and we are witnessing the influenceof those dedicated breeders who have stabilizedthe breed. For a well balanced specimen, allparts must be in harmony with one another.Some of the- cats presently being shown havemore of the above qualities than others.(Fig. 1), GRC Tsar Blu's Zarin, br: Donna Fuller,ow: C. Stewart/ Donna Fuller/ L. Swope, is mostpromising among the younger generation beingshown this year with enough points to make ahigh national win and will definitely win Southwest'stop honors for a Regional Award.Other quality <strong>Russian</strong>s in the Younger Generationare:(Fig. 19), GRC Heartbeeps Shiver Me Timbers, ahandsome svelte, long legged male, br:/ow: Margaret(Peg) Johnson.(Fig. 20), GRC <strong>Blue</strong>gene's Keepsake of Wynterwynd,br: Mr. and Mrs. John Kethley, ow: J.Kethley/A. Wilson.GRC Roxanastasia Legacy II, br: G. Hester, ow:Schneider /Hester/Anderson.(Fig. 21), A fine gentleman, GRC Tsarista'sAlexi, br:/ow: Lamar and Frances Cobb.Unfortunately not all top show <strong>Russian</strong>s makeit to the judging ring. Many breeders express theirgreat disappointment and heartbreak in having abeautiful show specimen who is unable to copewith the show hall environment. At home theyare playful and loving, however, a sudden personalitychange occurs as soon as the carrier isopened in the show hall. This otherwise affectionatecat finds the show hall environment so unbearablyhostile, that he sometimes becomes unmanageable.Fortunately this in no way reflectson the show temperament of the rest of thekittens from that same litter. Witnessing this,spectators often go home with the wrong impressionof the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>. Many judges are kindenough to try to explain to the spectators thereason behind the cat's disorderly conduct.I would like to encourage all breeders to considerthe health and well being of their cat overthe quest to win a Grand Championship or higherawards. When this cherished feline expresses distresswhile being in the show-hall environment it istime to retire him, not medicate him. It has beenmy experience with GRC Nuance's Viva Murray(Fig. 22) that I can relate to this distress problem.Murray was shown as an adult from May 1986 toFebruary 1987; but in that time he accumulatedenough points to be Southern Regions Best ofBreed and Sixth Best Cat. He placed 29th BestCat in the Nation. He is a very elegant looking<strong>Russian</strong> male with a muscular long hard body,lovely slender long legs, proper wide ear set, nicewedge, expressive green eyes, and light coloredcoat. Unfortunately, in mid-January he began tofeel so distressed out of his home environmentthat he developed a nervous stomach after onehalf hour of being placed in his benching cage.Since his health and well being were more importantto me than winning points, I retired him tostud before the end of the show season. He isnow happy and content with his selective femaleentourage.To illustrate how the aforementioned bloodlinesare related to most of the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s oftoday, I am including Murray's ancestry for yourperusal. Murray's Sire is GRC Nuance's AndrewJackson who's ancestry includes GRC Nos Elite'sStud Macho of Nuance, CH Nos Elite's SummerWillow of Nuance, GRC Hy-Lines <strong>Blue</strong> Prince of<strong>The</strong> Czars, CH Kit-Kin's <strong>Blue</strong> Bash of Hy-Line,CH Hillcrest's Alicia of Hy-Line, GRC Hy-Line'sSilver Cloud, CH <strong>The</strong> Czar's Shado Queen, GRCPam-San's Gray-Gor, CH Felinest Brita Blu of KitKin, CH Hill-Crest's Alexis, CH Hill-Crest's Frikaand GRC Velva's Sky Chief of Hy-Line. Murray'smother is CH Suntar Karina of Nuance who wasFig. 21

Region 6 MidwestGRC VELVA SHINES ONOF SAMOVARB: Diana/Robert Doernberg0: Marcl/Jeff LewandowskiRegion 5 SouthwestGRC SEENEEKAT'S JADE13/0: Thomas J. Brosnan1987-88REGIONALBEST OFBREEDRegion 1 North AtlanticGRC NORDIC RAOULB: Natalie del Vecchio0: N. del Vecchio/H. MetoshRegion 3 Gulf ShoreRC KATHAUSBLUS MR ICEEB 0: Ray/Lori StephensonRegion 2 NorthwestGRC VALLEYJOE'S ILONAOF KATZENBURGB: Ed Yurchick/Dan Lujan0: <strong>In</strong>geborg Urcia(PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE)Region 4 Great LakesGRC KYINA BOLT FROM THE BLUEB/O: Anne/Amanda BrightFig. 22Region 7 SouthernGRC NUANCE'S VIVA MURRAYB/0: Marge and Bob Jackson

Sired by CH Jontue's Diplomat of Suntar whoseancestry includes: Jontue's <strong>Blue</strong> Danube, GRCMiribu's Rhapsody in <strong>Blue</strong>, Arkhangelsk Tru DeeAzuree, GRC Miribu's Promises Promises, GRCMiribu's Silver Lady, CH Arkhangelsk Mikkail,Arkhangelsk Odessa, GRC Silver Acres Re-Run,GRC Velva's Vida <strong>Blue</strong>, CH Miribu's Sunshine,GRC Velva's <strong>Blue</strong> Viking, CH Velva's Miss Behavin,Miribu's Zhivago and GRC Miribu's SilverLady. <strong>The</strong> Dam of Murray's mother is GRC ZatmMicki C. of Suntar. Micki C was sired by GRCZatm Himmel with ancestry of GRC Kate's Shakespear,CH Day Time Nila of Zatm, Miribu'sZhivago, CH Miribu's Dardinella, CH Hy-LineAchilles of Iliad and CH Day Time Catherine. <strong>The</strong>Dam of Micki C. is Zatm Fargenigen with ancestryof GRC Tsar Blu's Chip o'Willy, CH Day TimeKobalt of Zatm, GRC Velva's Williwinky, GRCFly-Line's Silver Belle of Tsar Blu, CH Hy-Line'sAchilles of Iliad and CH Day Time Catherine.THE YEARLINGS. Kitten personalitieswithin the litter may vary from the very shy kittento the most outgoing, from those who do not feelanxiety in a show hall environment to those whodo. <strong>The</strong> show career, of those kittens who showgreat distress in a show situation, should bediscontinued.<strong>The</strong> Cat Fancier's Association birth statisticsreport that 304 <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> litters were registeredin 1987 with an average of 3.2 kittens perlitter. <strong>In</strong> 1988, 268 litters were registered. Malestotaled 454 and females 406 with an average perlitter of 3.2. This was derived from the number ofliving births reported on litter applications.Fig. 25Fig. 23KITTEN PHOTOS(Fig. 23) Just for the sake of showing the "<strong>Russian</strong>Smile" on this kitten, and remembering a desk plaqueone judge displays on her judging table "never trust asmiling cat," is this old photo of GRC Nos Elite's StudMacho of Nuance when he was 3 months of age.Br ow: Marge and Bob Jackson.(Fig. 24) Peg Johnson's photo of two 4 month kittensseed by GRC Heartbeep's <strong>Blue</strong>beard. Dam: GRCRouska Sagan of Kots. Peg relates that the antics ofthese two kittens and their littermate Ivan won them aTV spot as promotion for the 1989 Birmingham. Alabamashow.(Fig. 25) GRC Katzenburg's Julishka at six months of.ige, Sire: GRC Katzenburg's Alyasha, Dam: CH Kat-:enburg's Cricket. Br:/ow: lngeborg Urcia.Fig. 26 GRC Nuance's Viva Murray (right)(<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>) and GRC USAF's MukaRimba of Nuance (Singapura) (left)PERSONALITY <strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>'s personalityhas changed very little over the years. Mostof the <strong>Russian</strong>s that I have known are compatiblewith other breeds, see (Fig. 26). We still find ahighly intelligent cat who is sensitive and shy yetdignified and self assured. He is active, at timesdashing from one room to the other, banking offfurniture with grace of movement, and if alonewill pretend to be pursued. He likes to climb tothe highest place in the home and observe hisdomain. His nature is inquisitive and extremelyloving. Females make excellent mothers andsometimes nurse their young beyond the weaningperiod. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Russian</strong> is most content when in hisowners lap or bed or nestled up against his ownersneck. A nudge with his head or nose, a meaningfulstare, or a gentle touch with his paw willimpart his needs. If an outside screened patio isavailable to him, he is delighted to enjoy therelaxing rays of the sun reaching down from itseminence to gently kiss his aesthetic body, enhancingeach movement of muscle in all itsmagnificence.138ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Marge Jackson has been-:ved<strong>In</strong>g <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s for over twelve years. focusinger attentions on "HEALTH and THE BODY PER-FECT" for her cats. "1 believe," says Marge. "that a:-reeder's credibility is measured by ethical conduct. /am candid about the quality and health of my kittens.My cats are housed in a clean environment with plentyof exercise. I personally dislike caging cats and onlysubmit to this when absolutely necessary." Her first<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>s were purchased from Julie O'Neil, of <strong>The</strong>Czars cattery, who carried the old Hy-Line, Hillcrest,Felinest. and Velva lines. Marge combined these withcats purchased from Donna Fuller of Tsar Blu cattery,who carried the same lines. Donna is well known for herGRC Nuance's Smiling AristocratRegional Award Winner - Best <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>17th Best Cat, Br:/Ow: Marge andBob Jacksoncontribution to enhance the <strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blue</strong> by developingbeautiful cats. Marge then brought in another line with afemale from Sandra McDaniel, Suntar Cattery, carryingthe Jontue, Silver Acres, Miribu, and Velva lines. <strong>The</strong>seformed the foundation for Nuance <strong>Cats</strong>.<strong>The</strong> author, a Florida resident since 1961, attendedthe University of Cincinnati before her quest to seek awarmer climate. Marge is founder and Board Chairmanof <strong>Cats</strong> Exclusive, <strong>In</strong>c., Southern Region Coordinatorfor over four years, and is very active in C.F.A. activities.Her cattery name is NUANCE, in which she hasrecently incorporated a well known lovely little lady bythe name of Rimba, a Singapura. Marge is President ofAssociated Aviation Specialties, with her husband Bob.

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