2013 Intermediate School Prospectus 2013 - Kowhai Intermediate ...

2013 Intermediate School Prospectus 2013 - Kowhai Intermediate ...

2013 Intermediate School Prospectus 2013 - Kowhai Intermediate ...


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<strong>Kowhai</strong><strong>Intermediate</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Prospectus</strong> <strong>2013</strong><strong>2013</strong>201\\3

<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediatePrincipal’s Welcome<strong>Kowhai</strong> VisionWe learn. No Exceptions.<strong>Kowhai</strong> GuidingPrinciplesNew Zealand’s First<strong>Intermediate</strong> <strong>School</strong>My warm greetings to children, parents andcaregivers–especially to those considering enrolmentat <strong>Kowhai</strong> <strong>Intermediate</strong> <strong>School</strong>.This prospectus is designed to introduce our schooland how it meets the needs of young adolescentslearning and growing through the exciting middleyears.<strong>Kowhai</strong> exists for learning. Our motto expresses this:We Learn. No Exceptions.” Our expectation is thateveryone in our school–students, staff andfamilies–will take a ‘can-do’ attitude to learning, believingthat we can all extend ourselves.●●●●●Treating others with kindness, fairness andconsistencyShowing acceptance and understanding ofindividual differencesCommitment to the highest quality ofteaching and learningPromoting our Treaty of WaitangiresponsibilitiesTaking pride in and responsibility for ourenvironment<strong>Kowhai</strong> <strong>Intermediate</strong> <strong>School</strong> was established inOctober 1922, the first intermediate school inthe country. Originally called <strong>Kowhai</strong> Junior High<strong>School</strong>, it catered for Forms 1 to 4 and was basedon an American model. In the 1920s primaryschooling was the end point for many childrenso the Junior High <strong>School</strong> was designed to helpstudents explore their ‘aptitudes, abilities andinterests’ with a view to continuing in secondaryschooling or taking up a ‘suitable career’. Bythe 1950s, New Zealand had defined its ownapproach to middle schooling and <strong>Kowhai</strong> wasdesignated an ‘<strong>Intermediate</strong> <strong>School</strong>’, catering forForm 1 and 2 students.Of course, a booklet like this can only give a taste ofour school, so I invite you to come and visit <strong>Kowhai</strong>at a time that suits you. I will be happy to showyou around the school so that you can see it in actionand feel the pulse of a school with a strong sense ofits purpose: to have young people learning.House shieldsWelcome to <strong>Kowhai</strong> <strong>Intermediate</strong> <strong>School</strong>,New Zealand’s first intermediate school.Paul DouglasPrincipalKo taku toa he toa takitiniMy strength comes from whanau andthose who came before me.Visit www.kowhai.school.nzprospectusprospectus

<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate“ Five thingsI want you toknow aboutthe essenceof <strong>Kowhai</strong> ”4. FUN ANDCHALLENGEThe adolescent years are high energy! Our childrenare becoming more independent and arekeen to try out new things. <strong>Kowhai</strong> deliberatelycaters for this liveliness and inquisitiveness. Eachyear there is a rich variety of co-curricular activitiesavailable. Camps are an excellent setting forchildren to safely explore life outside the nest.<strong>Intermediate</strong> level is the age for attempting newsports and proving yourself in the ones at whichyou already excel. Children can learn a musicalinstrument, form a band or participate in othercultural and performance groups. Fun and challengeare vital ingredients to the middle schoolyears at <strong>Kowhai</strong>.Education Review OfficeExtracts from our 2011 report.“The school has a positive ERO reportinghistory and has maintained its corevalues of caring, pride, inclusion andhigh expectations for all students.”“The well maintained and spaciousenvironment supports students’ wellbeing,safety and learning. Staff and thecommunity are proud of their school andthe wide range of opportunities that itcontinues to provide for students.”1. LEARNING TO LEARN<strong>Kowhai</strong> is committed to teaching children how tolearn. While there is an abundance of importantknowledge and vital skills that they need to learn,we don’t see children as empty buckets to befilled up with information. We believe childrencan learn to become critical thinkers,making sense of information, not just collectingfacts. Learning to learn sets us up for the futurechallenges that lie ahead of us.2. QUALITY TEACHERSPrincipal Paul DouglasLarge-scale studies confirm that it is the teacherthat has the biggest impact on students’ learning.The <strong>Kowhai</strong> team possesses academic rigor andis highly trained in current best teaching practices.Our teachers understand young adolescents andlove working with this age group. This passioninspires and challenges our students. Our teachersare skilled at identifying obstacles to children’slearning and capitalising on children’s strengthsand interests to urge them towards excellence.Quality teachers are not just good at their subjects,they are quality people.3. ATTENTION TOLITERACIESBeing literate means to speak, read and write effectivelyso you can make progress in life and interactsuccessfully with people and ideas. We have provenand consistent literacy programmes in every classacross the school.Other literacies are important, too. Understandingand communicating in the language of number(numeracy) is critical. Our staff are well-equippedto move students on to the more advanced mathematicsthey will encounter at high school. Digitalliteracy provides skills and tools for a new world ofpossibilities that our children must master as theyconnect with and navigate the ocean of ideasavailable via the internet. Learning other languagesallows our children to understand other culturesmore fully and to move between them confidently.We pay careful attention to each of these literaciesbecause we aim to produce richly articulate youngpeople.5. PERSONALISEDLEARNINGOur school is set up to identify and meet theneeds of individual learners; to personalisetheir education.At <strong>Kowhai</strong>, students have their own teacher whogets to know them really well. We believe thatat this age children still need a good deal ofnurturing and understanding to get the bestfrom their schooling. A classroom teacher–rather than a subject specialised teacher–isable to help students work through dilemmas,solve problems and meet challenges by bringingtogether learning from a range of disciplines.This is consistent with the intent of the NewZealand Curriculum.To personalise your child’s learning, weinvolve parents at the very start of theschool year to learn from you aboutyour child and set significant learning goalsfor each year. Streaming occurs within theclassroom to ensure that every student isworking at the appropriate level. Students withspecial strengths or needs have supplementaryprogrammes to ensure that their learningis truly personalised and not merely a generic‘course’.“Students are well engaged in learningand are progressing and achievingwell.”“Teacher and student relationships aremutually respectful and focused onlearning. Students are positive abouttheir learning and their engagement isfostered through supportive and inclusivelearning environments. Teachershave high expectations of students ascapable learners.”“There is a strong focus on students’strengths, high expectations for theirlearning and on providing meaningfuland relevant learning contexts.”“Students are confident, capable and enthusiasticlearners who benefit from anextensive range of academic, cultural,extra-curricular activities andleadership opportunities.”(ERO has determined that the next review will be carriedout in four or five years.)prospectusprospectus

<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediateLocation<strong>Kowhai</strong> is a central Auckland intermediate school ofabout 400 students, located in Kingsland on OnslowRoad, between Dominion and New North Roads.The school community is decile 6 and the maincontributing schools are: Gladstone Primary, MtEden Normal Primary, Edendale Primary, NewtonCentral Primary, Owairaka Primary, Mt AlbertPrimary and Richmond Road Primary.ZoneThe school has a zone (streets listed on p.15).Students living within the zone have an automaticright to enrol. Out of zone enrolments are acceptedand we can usually accommodate thosewho apply before the end of Term 3.<strong>School</strong> OrganisationThe school is organised into teams comprisingboth Year 7 and Year 8 classes. These teams arenamed Whanau Takahe, Whanau Whero, WhanauKotuku and Whanau Pounamu. This arrangementprovides healthy interaction between Year 7and 8 students and supports the pastoral care ofstudents. The safety and well-being of ourstudents is of prime importance. Each whanauis led by an experienced senior teacher.Facilities<strong>Kowhai</strong> has spacious and attractive grounds andthe Board of Trustees is committed to retainingthese wide open spaces. There are eighteenclassrooms, a music room, performance room,four technology rooms, two computer suites,canteen and large school hall, which has recentlybeen refurbished. <strong>Kowhai</strong> also has a largeindoor competition swimming pool. The Ministryof Education has allocated $1.6 million for refurbishmentprojects, commencing <strong>2013</strong>.CurriculumThe <strong>Kowhai</strong> Curriculum is developed from the NewZealand Curriculum and includes all eight learningareas:English, mathematics and statistics, science, socialsciences, health and physical education, technology,the arts, and languages.Our curriculum is developed to enthuse studentsabout learning and equip them for the increasing independencerequired at high school. Most strandsand themes are taught across the whole school, withthe aim of generating high interest, sharing ideas andreinforcing learning. Social sciences are studied usinga motivating inquiry learning approach which developsstudents’ critical thinking. Science is taught as astand-alone subject, with an emphasis on hands-onexperimenting and modelling. Over their two yearsat <strong>Kowhai</strong>, students focus on the nature of science,studying themes from the living, material and physicalworlds and planet earth in its solar system.The school is resourced with specialist teachersand facilities in music, visual arts, dance and drama,foods, soft materials, hard materials, electronicsand structures technologies. The emphasis intechnology is on practical, manual learning whichbrings out a different set of skills and capabilitiesto other curriculum areas.Extension OpportunitiesThe Associate Principal oversees the needs of giftedand talented students and she is available todiscuss students’ individual needs with parents.Streaming occurs within each class for Englishand mathematics, so that students learn at alevel that continues to challenge them. Theopen-ended nature of our inquiry learningapproach to social sciences provides deeperopportunities for gifted students to pursue areasof personal interest.Gifted students are encouraged to take part in theICAS exams (International Competitions and Assessmentsfor <strong>School</strong>s, via the University of NewSouth Wales). Students with high level mathematicsability also take part in Otago Maths, aregular problem-solving test from the Universityof Otago.Talent development modules occur over threeterms of the year. These offer a variety of enrichmentopportunities for students in academicsubjects, music, dance and drama, visual art,ICT, science, and technology.Sporting talents are catered for in the sportsprogramme, including Sports Camp.Learning SupportWe have proven success in moving students withlearning needs on to independence and to a levelsuited to high school learning. Our AssociatePrincipal has a strong background in special educationand oversees remedial and support programmesas well as programmes for new speakersof English. <strong>Kowhai</strong> is an inclusive school wherestudents with special needs are integrated intothe school with support. We have contact withagencies outside the school to support studentswith learning and/or behaviour needs.<strong>Kowhai</strong> has a dedicated learning support centre–the Totara Room–with a highly experiencedlearning support teacher providing targetedinstruction for students who need a boost tobring them up towards expected levels ofachievement.We use a computer-based programme called theLearning Staircase, which provides individualisedand motivating activities for students needing literacyand maths support. Students withdrawfrom their classroom for sessions in the TotaraRoom, working individually or in small groups ofstudents with similar learning needs.ICT<strong>Kowhai</strong> provides ICT tools and software thatallow students to learn interactively, to research,manipulate data, design, communicate and usemultimedia. There are two large ICT rooms withan ICT/media expert teacher to support studentlearning in current topics. Each class has a podof computers and a data projector. Broadband isavailable throughout the school.prospectusprospectus

<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediateBi-Lingual EducationMaoriKo te putake o nga tikanga Maori, ko te reo. Thevery essence of Maoridom is the language.<strong>Kowhai</strong> offers quality Maori medium education inWhanau Pounamu. There are three Maori classes–full immersion and bi-lingual–providing an holisticapproach to learning that reflects Te Ao Maori.Te reo Maori and tikanga Maori are integratedinto all Pounamu’s subject areas. Students havethe opportunity to understand, speak, read andwrite in te reo Maori, applying the language intheir everyday environment. Enrolment in theseclasses is by interview.Sports<strong>Kowhai</strong> has a strong and successful sporting traditionand students are offered the chance to trial formany different sports each year. We compete againstintermediate schools in the central Auckland area andif well-placed in a sport, go on to compete in regionalAuckland intermediate sports competitions.Sport is played at two different levels: class and housesport emphasises supporting each other and gettinginvolved; interschool sport emphasises competitiveness,skill and strategy–fair play is expected atall levels.Interschool sports played: athletics, cross country,swimming, cricket, softball, volleyball, touch,basketball, netball, soccer, rugby, sevens, hockey,tennis, league, table tennis.The school has two large fields for soccer, rugby,cricket, softball, athletics and other field sports.It has full-size netball and basketball courts andmany other hard court and grassed areas for informalgames and sports. Our large hall is usedin winter for gymnastics, table tennis, badmintonand other indoor sports. We have teachers withspecialist knowledge of coaching various codesand from time to time we bring in coaches totrain students in various sports.Sports CampA week long sports camp is held each year. Up to50 of our top sports people travel to Totara Springs inMatamata to compete against other intermediateschools in a wide range of sports. Sports Campprovides extension for fit, keen and talentedstudents to test themselves competitively.Swimming PoolThere is a six lane, 25 metre, competition swimmingpool at <strong>Kowhai</strong>. This indoor heated complex is ajoint venture with Trent Bray Swim <strong>School</strong>. <strong>Kowhai</strong>students have year-round access to the pool,supported by top quality aquatics instruction,overseen by Trent Bray.In Term 1 the swimming programme is devoted togetting non-swimmers and poor swimmers to a safelevel of competence in the water. In Terms 2 and3 all classes have a programme tailored to individualswimmers’ needs. In Term 4 there are targetedgroup swimming programmes.Club and competitive swimmers at <strong>Kowhai</strong> use thepool all year for training with Trent’s instruction.SamoanThe Samoan bi-lingual class at <strong>Kowhai</strong> is calledGafoa le Ata (the break of dawn). An initiative ofthe Samoan community, the class aims to raise theachievement levels of students through the use ofSamoan language and culture. This is a fulltimebi-lingual class catering for Samoan students, wheretheir Samoan heritage is acknowledged and broughtinto the learning.Both Pounamu and Gafoa le Ata classes areintegrated into all other educational programmeswithin the school, such as Talent Development,music, technology, swimming and all other sports.Up to seven girls netball teams play on Saturdaysand boys and girls play basketball in a midweek competitionat Unitec. A running club and a fitness clubmeet before school throughout the year for studentsinterested in maintaining their fitness at a competitivelevel. The school annually enters a team in theNZ Police physical competency training challenge.For fun and developing house spirit, a Top Teamsgames day is held once a year.<strong>School</strong> teams often practise before or after schoolwith supervision.<strong>Kowhai</strong> is current overall champion having wonover half of the events at the last sports camp.Outdoor EducationThere are many opportunities for students toengage with the world outside of school.Studies often involve field trips. On AdventureDays, students can try new challenges, such asmountain biking, sailing and other outdoorexperiences. There is a camp for the wholeschool at either Carey Park or Totara Springs everyeven year and on the odd years the school hasa marae experience, usually at the NgatiWhatua Orakei marae. Every second year, aski camp occurs at Mt Ruapehu. Students stay ina hut on the mountain. 25 to 50 students attendski camp. For all camps there are fundraisingopportunties to help bring down the cost.Performance ArtsSmall group music lessons are available at amodest cost from outside tutors in brass andwind instruments, guitars and percussion. Ourmusic and dance and drama teachers train rockbands, instrumental groups, vocal groups and dancegroups. These provide extension for students whoshow particular talent in performance arts.Performance opportunities occur each year,including regular school assemblies and the annualVariety Show. Students take part as actors,dancers, singers, musicians, set designers, make-upartists and stage crew. Every second year, theschool enters J-Rock, the stage challenge event forNew Zealand schools.prospectusprospectus

<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediateStudent BehaviourHousesReporting to ParentsHomeworkStudents are expected to take responsibility fortheir behaviour and we expect to support themwith encouragement, advice and discipline.Our prime focus is affirming and encouragingexcellent behaviour, while maintaining fairconsequences for inappropriate behaviour. ThePrincipal and Associate Principal consider theirtime well spent understanding the reasons forinappropriate behaviour and putting programmesin place to help students make positive changes.The school carries out regular safety audits toensure that bullying is reported and dealt with.Our school discipline plan is based on the <strong>Kowhai</strong>Guiding Principles and the following <strong>School</strong>Rules:1. Respect others and yourself.2. Always do your best and allow others todo their best.3. Be in the right place at the right time.4. Look after the school and all property.5. Be responsible for your own things,including correct uniform.The Health programme provides a context forpositive behaviour to be discussed and practised.A weekly Whiz Kids prize draw is held at ourschool assembly. Students receive Whiz Kids cardsto acknowledge their excellent behaviour duringthe week and two cards are drawn forprizes. The school aims to accentuate positivebehaviour wherever possible. At our annualprize-giving ceremony, student success in academia,service, sport, arts and technology, isacknowledged.<strong>Kowhai</strong> has a strong tradition that is reflectedin the school houses–Burns, Parr, Garrard andRudman. Each teacher and student is a memberof one of the school houses. These provide achance for students from right across the schoolto mix together for events and competitions. Thehouse points competition is used as a motivationto become fully and positively involved in schoollife. Houses provide another opportunity forstudents to practise leadership.<strong>School</strong> CouncilEach class elects a school councillor. The councillorbrings the class concerns and recommendationsto the school management or Board ofTrustees. <strong>School</strong> councillors also organise charityevents for good causes outside the school andfundraisers, such as social events, for the benefitof their peers. The school council meets weeklywith the Associate Principal.Health Promoting<strong>School</strong>This is a Health Promoting <strong>School</strong>. A representativecommittee including students, the PublicHealth Nurse, visiting experts and the AssociatePrincipal meet to plan projects that will positivelyaffect the health of our students. These arestudent-initiated and managed projects, whichprovide service and leadership opportunities.Early in Term 1, teachers meet with parents andtheir child to map out learning goals together.Students then maintain a goal-setting journal,which is shared with parents each term. A secondthree-way interview is held at the beginningof Term 2 when formal test results are reportedand the three parties discuss each student’sprogress and further learning goals.Students build up a portfolio of assessed worksamples that comes home to parents at the end ofTerms 2, 3 and 4. The portfolio samples indicatewhat next steps the student needs for furthergrowth and progress.At end of Terms 2 and 4, an Achievement SummaryReport is provided to parents showing thelevel the student is reaching in each learning area.The interim and final National Standards reportsare provided at this time.Keeping in Touch<strong>School</strong> newsletters are sent home with studentsthree times per term. Notices for events are senthome as they occur. We encourage parents toestablish email contact with their child’s teacherfrom the start of the year. Phone messages canbe left via the reception.The school website www.kowhai.school.nz isupdated with events, reports, homework supportand general school information.Homework is set for students each week. It isdesigned to encourage independent study habitsand the practising of concepts already taught inclass, especially in literacy and mathematics.Homework tasks should involve the equivalentof at least 30 minutes work each evening, plussome recreational reading. Most students willstill require some parental encouragement tomanage homework time, but it is intendedthat students complete the work independently.Homework is levelled to suit students’ abilitiesand we expect students to make decisions withtheir teachers about which level to select. Theschool supports students through a homeworkclub that operates on Mondays after school andThursdays before school.<strong>School</strong> Hours andAttendanceStudents in school by 8.30amClasses begin at 8.45amInterval 10.20 - 10.40amLunch eating 12.00 - 12.15pmAfternoon break 1.10 - 1.50pm<strong>School</strong> finishes at 3.00pmLate students report to the office to collect alate pass. Lateness is monitored by the AssociatePrincipal. Unexplained absences resultin contact with parents via text messaging. Theschool requires parental notification of all absences.0prospectusprospectus11

<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediate<strong>School</strong> Fees and DonationsCurriculum Donation (one child):Contribution to school funds helps to provide additional curriculumresources that are not funded by the Government.Compulsory Levy (one child):To cover incidental project materials, such as photocopying, paintsand technology materials supplied by the school.Total (one child):International Students<strong>Kowhai</strong> welcomes international students. Weplace international students in mainstreamclasses with Kiwi students, as well as providingwithdrawal classes to teach oral and writtenEnglish. Students have a designated person tosee to their pastoral care in school and toensure that their accommodation arrangementsare safe and happy. Enrolment as an internationalstudent is made through the Principal.International student enrolment packs canbe requested from our school office.$140$ 60$200Enrolment DatesIn order to carefully plan our classes for the newschool year, we need families to enrol their childrenas early as possible. We ask that all enrolments becompleted by the end of Term 3.We welcome out-of-zone enrolments. To be certainof an out-of-zone place we recommend familiesto enrol by the end of Term 3. Out-of-zone enrolmentsmust be accompanied by the school fees.UniformStudents are required to wear our school uniformat all times during the school day and whentravelling to and from school. The uniform givesstudents a sense of belonging and allows all ofthem to be equally well-dressed.Uniform Supplier:PostieSt Lukes MegacentreWagener Place, Auckland (09) 845-3013GirlsSummer–Terms 1 & 4Culottes-–navy and maroon checkor shorts–navy, plain<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed polo shirt–navy<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed sweatshirt–maroonShort socks–white, plainLeather lace-up school shoes–black, plainor leather sandals–black or brown, plain<strong>School</strong> cap/bucket hat–navy, plain<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed PE shorts and top–navyand goldWinter–Terms 2 & 3Long trousers–navy, plain (optional)Long sleeved skivvy–navy (optional)Tights–black, plain<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed heavy fleece zip-up–navy(optional) Boys<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed rain jacket–navy andgold (optional)BoysSummer–Terms 1 & 4Shorts–navy, plain<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed polo shirt–navy<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed sweatshirt–maroonLong socks–black, plainLeather lace-up school shoes–black, plainor leather sandals–black or brown, plain<strong>School</strong> cap/bucket hat–navy, plain<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed PE shorts and top–navyand goldWinter–Terms 2 & 3Long trousers–navy, plain (optional)Long sleeved skivvy–navy, plain (optional)<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed heavy fleece zip-up–navy(optional)<strong>Kowhai</strong> monogrammed rain jacket–navy and gold(optional)JewelleryThe only permitted jewellery is a single stud ineach ear and/or a watch.HairStudents with long hair must tie it back duringtechnology classes.Hair ties must be either plain navy or black.12prospectusprospectus13

StationeryA stationery pack can be purchased at the schoolat the beginning of the school year. The list of stationeryrequirements is provided at enrolment.CanteenThe school canteen is run by contractors. Studentspre-order their lunches each morning fordelivery to their classroom at lunchtime. Thecanteen is also open at morning interval.Dental ClinicA mobile dental clinic visits the school. Noticeswill be sent home advising of the visit. Clinic: 19Brixton Rd, Mt Eden. Ph 623 4537Health NurseAuckland District Health provide a Public HealthNurse to visit our school to see children with healthproblems or to follow up any who fail hearing andvision tests. She arranges the immunisationprogramme, connecting directly with parents. Studentscan refer themselves to the Health Nursefor advice and she will keep parents advisedand seek consent where necessary. The HealthNurse can be contacted on 639 0200 extension2749.Sick Bay<strong>Kowhai</strong>intermediateOur staff are not nurses, however our office staffhave current first aid certificates. If a child ishurt or becomes ill, they will contact that child’sparent, unless it is a minor matter. We do not holdstudents in the sick bay for long periods. In theevent of a serious emergency, our staff will callan ambulance and advise you urgently. Pleaseremember to update the school if you have achange of contact phone number. Always ensurethat the school has an alternative contact in caseyou are unavailable.TransportTrain services run to and from Kingsland stationwest through Mt Albert and east to Newmarket.The Principal visits Kingsland station afterschool to monitor safety, however, parentsshould ensure their child is fully aware of thesafety considerations when travelling by train.Regular bus services are available alongDominion, Sandringham and New North Roads.Students are encouraged to cycle to school.They must wear a helmet and we urge parentsto ensure that the child knows exactly whatsafe route to take to and from school. The schoolhas a bike rack onto which students can lock theirbikes. Students can walk safely to and from <strong>Kowhai</strong>and again we urge parents to show their childwhere and how to use the controlled crossings.We always encourage students to travel to andfrom school with others. If your child must cometo school by car, please take care not to stop orpark illegally.Abbey StAce PlAitken TceAkepiro StAkiraho StAlberton AveAlderley RdAlex Evans StAlexander StAlexis AveAllendale RdAltham AveAmandale AveAmbrose StArawa StArgyle StAriki St Williamson Ave to Great North RdAroha AveAsquith AveAuburn StAvenham WalkBaldwin AveBannerman StBasque RdBeaconsfield StBegbie PlBellevue Rd Dominion Rd to Horoeka AveBellwood AveBenfield RdBennett StBond StBoston RdBournemouth RdBraemar TceBrentwood AveBrewster RdBright StBrisbane StBuchanan StBurch StBurgoyne StBurleigh StBurnley TceBurns StBurnside RdBurton StCamden RdCardigan StCargill StCarrick PlCarrie StCarrington Rd<strong>Kowhai</strong> Zone DirectoryCaughey PlCentral RdChallinor CresChapman StCharlotte StChatham AveCobden StColeridge St Williamson Ave to Great North RdCollins StCommercial RdConway RdCooper StCopeland StCornwallis StCouldry StCounsel TceCoyle StCricket AveCromwell StCrummer RdDacre StDean StDerwent StDevon StDiamond StDolph StDominion Rd start (city end) to Paice AveDon Croot StDoreen AveDouglas RdDuart AveDuncan AveDuncan McLean LinkDundonald StEdenvale CresEdenvale Park RdEdenview TceEdinburgh StElgin St Williamson Ave to Great North RdEsplanade Rd Mt Eden Rd to View RdEthel StEuston RdEvelyn StEwington AveExeter RdExmouth StFairleigh AveFenton StFergusson AveFerner AveFifth AveFinch StFirst AveFleet StFlower StFontenoy StFourth RdFowlds AveFowler AveFrance StFrancis Ryan ClGeorge StGlenside CresGordon RdGrande AveGrange Rd Dominon Rd to Henley RdGrant AveGrayson AveGreat North Rd start (city end) to Williamson AveGrosvenor StGrove RdGuardwell AveGundry StHampstead RdHarbutt AveHarcourt StHaslett StHaultoun StHaverstock RdHazelmere RdHesketh StHighland RdHome StHoroeka AveHoropito StHulse AveIan McKinnon DrInwood StJennings StJerram StJersey AveJesmond TceKamahi StKaraka StKarangahape Rd Great North Rd to Motorway OverpassKawaka StKelly StKenneth AveKenyon AveKeppell StKerr Taylor AveKhyber Pass Rd Symonds St to Boston RdKing Edward St Paice Ave to Dominion RdKing StKingsland Ave14 1514prospectus

Kingsland TceKingsway AveKirk StKitchener RdKitenui AveKnight AveKorari St<strong>Kowhai</strong> StLa Veta AveLaurel StLeamington RdLeone TceLeslie AveLevonia StLinwood AveLisnoe AveLloyd AveLocarn AveLyon AveMacAulay StMacKelvie from Williamson Ave to Great North RdMadeira LaneMadeira PlMaidstone StMalvern RdMargaret AveMark RdMarlborough StMarne RdMartin AveMaybeck RdMcDonald StMcLean StMinnie StMonaghan AveMonmouth StMorningside DrMostyn StMountain View RdMountfield TceMt Albert Rd Carrington Rd to Sandringham RdMt Eden Rd from New North Rd and Symonds St toEsplanade RdMt Royal AveMyrtle StNew Bond StNew North Rd from start (city end) to Richardson andWoodward RdsNewcastle StNewton RdNgahura StNiger StNikau StNixon StNorgrove AveNorrie AveNorthland StNorwich StNovar PlNugent StOakfield AveOnslow RdOphir StOwairaka AvePaice AveParkdale RdParr RdPartridge StPhyllis StPickens CresPickett AvePollen St from Williamson Ave to Great North RdPonsonby Rd from Karangahape & Great North Rds to WilliamsonAvePorters AvePotatau StProspect TceProspero AvePunga StPutiki StRaetihi StRaleigh StRanleigh TceRawalpindi StReimers AveRendall StRenton RdRhodes AveRhyde StRichardson RdRichbourne StRocky Nook AveRossgrove TceRossmay TceRoyal AveRoyal TceRuarangi RdRuru StSadgrove TceSainsbury RdSandringham Rd from New North Rd to Mt Albert RdScanlan St<strong>School</strong> RdSeaview TceSecond AveSeddon StSegar AveSelcourt RdSelkirk RdSevern StSeychelles StShaddock StShaw StShorwell StSpringfield RdSpringleigh AveSt Benedicts StSt Lukes RdStable LaneStillwell RdSuffolk StSummit DrSussex St from Williamson Ave to Great North RdSutherland RdSylvan Ave EastSylvan Ave WestSymonds St from New North Rd to Alex Evans StTakau StTanekahe St from Paice Ave to King Edward StTasman AveTaumata StTaupata StTawari StTaylors RdThanet AveThird AveThomas AveTongariro StToroa StTurakina StUpper Queen StVailima StValley Rd Dominion Rd to Woodford Rd and Horoeka StVerona AveView Rd from Esplanade Rd to Horoeka StVinter TceViolet StWagner PlWaima StWairere AveWalters RdWard TceWarwick StWatea RdWater StWatson AveWellgarth StWesley AveWest StWestern Springs RdWeston AveWillcott StWilliamson AveWillis StWolseley StWoodford RdWoodward RdWynyard Rd“The best thing about <strong>Kowhai</strong> is the kind teachers.”16

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