M. A. Syllabus under CBCS - Dibrugarh University

M. A. Syllabus under CBCS - Dibrugarh University

M. A. Syllabus under CBCS - Dibrugarh University


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Details <strong>Syllabus</strong> of the M.A. 4 th Semester Programme in Education <strong>under</strong>Choice Based Credit System: Session 2009-2010Course No. : EDN 40310Title of the Course : Economics of EducationName of Course Teacher : Mrs. Asomi ChalihaCourse Objectives:1. To develop an <strong>under</strong>standing of the meaning, nature, scope, functions and importanceof economics of education.2. To familiarize the pupils with interrelationship between education and economics costand production in education, recent trends in economics of education.3. To develop an <strong>under</strong>standing of the education as an economic good, investment,industry and a consumption activity.4. To acquaint the learners with education as a tool of economic development and humancapital formation5. To enable the students to <strong>under</strong>stand Man Power planning, educational planning,economic aspects of educational planning etc.6. To acquaint the learners with taxonomy of cost and benefits of education, input-outputrelationship etc.7. To familiarize the pupils with different aspects of financing higher education.Unit Topic No. of No. ofLectures TutorialsUnit – I Meaning, Nature and Scope of Economics of Education 2 1Historical Retrospect of Economics of Education (world 2and Indian Perspectives)Functions and Importance of Economics of Education 2Analogy of Economics to Education 1Concept and significance of cost and production in 2 1EducationEconomic transactions concerned with Education 1Recent trends in Economics of Education 2Unit – IIEducation as an investment activity (personal, social and 3 1national aspects).Education as a consumption activity ( concept,2significance and strategies )Education as an Economic good (meaning,2 1characteristics and Significance )Education as an industry (concept and characteristics) 1

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