Species and Their Formation - Laboratory of Visual Systems

Species and Their Formation - Laboratory of Visual Systems

Species and Their Formation - Laboratory of Visual Systems


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SPECIES AND THEIR FORMATION 491(a) Bombina bombina(b) Bombina variegata(c)B. bombina(fire-belliedtoad)24.13 Hybrid Zones May Be Long <strong>and</strong> Narrow Thenarrow zone in Europe where fire-bellied toads (a) meet<strong>and</strong> hybridize with yellow-bellied toads (b) stretchesacross Europe (c). This hybrid zone has been stable forhundreds <strong>of</strong> years, but has never exp<strong>and</strong>ed becausehybrid toads are much less fit than individuals <strong>of</strong> theparental species.B. variegata(yellow-belliedtoad)Area <strong>of</strong>overlapfrom eastern Germany to the Black Sea (Figure 24.13). Hybridsbetween the two species suffer from a range <strong>of</strong> defects,many <strong>of</strong> which are lethal. Those that survive <strong>of</strong>ten haveskeletal abnormalities, such as misshapen mouths, ribs thatare fused to vertebrae, <strong>and</strong> a reduced number <strong>of</strong> vertebrae.By following the fates <strong>of</strong> thous<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> toads from the hybridzone, investigators have found that a hybrid toad is halfas fit as a purebred individual. The hybrid zone is narrow becausethere is strong selection against hybrids, <strong>and</strong> becauseadult toads do not move over long distances. It has persistedfor hundreds <strong>of</strong> years because individuals that move into ithave not previously encountered individuals <strong>of</strong> the otherspecies, so there has been no opportunity for reinforcementto occur.If two species hybridize, we know that they must be similargenetically, but the absence <strong>of</strong> interbreeding tells us nothingabout how dissimilar two species are. Not until modernmolecular genetic techniques were developed could biologistsmeasure genetic differences among species. These techniquesshow that the genetic differences that separate speciesare primarily differences among genes involved with reproductiveisolation. The extensive data gathered on Drosophilaindicate that fewer than ten, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten fewer than five, genesare responsible for reproductive isolation. Individuals <strong>of</strong> differentspecies <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian Drosophila share nearly all <strong>of</strong> theirmitochondrial DNA alleles. All <strong>of</strong> the hundreds <strong>of</strong> species <strong>of</strong>Drosophila that have evolved in the Hawaiian Isl<strong>and</strong>s duringthe past 32 million years, even those that have diverged morphologically,are relatively similar genetically (Figure 24.14).Drosophila silvestrisDrosophila baliopteraDrosophila conspicua24.14 Morphologically Different, Genetically Similar Althoughthese fruit flies—a small sample <strong>of</strong> the hundreds <strong>of</strong> species foundonly on the Hawaiian Isl<strong>and</strong>s—vary greatly in appearance, they aregenetically similar.

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