Moshiach On Air

Moshiach On Air

Moshiach On Air


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2 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 5773יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד3<strong>Moshiach</strong><strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>The inside storybehind the satellitesYud Shvat 5753“Nizkorim v’Nasim” 5753-5773Marking 20 years since 5753-- הי'‏ תהא שנת נפלאות גדולותמאתיים שנה להסתלקות - הילולא דכ"ק אדמו"ר הזקןשישים ושלש שנה לנשיאות ומאה ועשר שנה להולדתכ ‏"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"א

4 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Table of contentsIntroduction .............................................................................. 5The complete story ............................................................... 7“Something special must be done forYud Shvat” .............................................................................. 8Yoman Yud Shvat HaGodol 5753 ............................... 11Appendix .................................................................................. 31The Worst of times and the Best of Times ................. 32NO QUESTION ABOUT IT! .............................................. 36The Ultimate Test ................................................................. 40Personal responses ........................................................... 46“<strong>Moshiach</strong> In Gazeten” .................................................... 55“Chayolei Beis Dovid”Oholei Torah Zalchayoleiotz@gmail.comLayout and design: LYGinsberg770@gmail.com

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 5773Introduction5In connection with the Yom HaBohir, Yud – Yud-Alef Shvat,marking 63 years since ‘kabolas han’sius’ of the Rebbe and 20 yearssince the holding of the ‘satelite-hookup’ in 5753, when Anashchassidei Chabad from around the world accepted upon themselvesthe malchus of the Rebbe Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> and millions ofpeople were exposed to the message of the ‘b’suras haGeulah’ andthe fact that the Rebbe is Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> who is going to takeus out of Golus immediately, we are pleased to release this specialkovetz containing:1) Part <strong>On</strong>e: Containing a write-up from the events leadingup to the ‘hook-up’ translated from the Kfar ChabadMagazine and detailed Yoman of the events leading up tothe event and the special event itself. The Yoman is basedmostly on the Yoman Beis <strong>Moshiach</strong> – 770 which wasprinted for a couple of years following 27 Adar I 5752 (andhas been translated now for the first time) and we alsoincluded details from what can be seen on video.2) Part Two: 1) Containing write-ups of speeches and articlesof chassidim and shluchim discussing inyonei Geulahu’<strong>Moshiach</strong> and publicizing the identity of <strong>Moshiach</strong>. Two ofthese articles were printed in the Chabad Magazine in5754.2) A special section containing tens of responses of theRebbe to shluchim and Anash in America and around theworld about their peulos in ‘kabolas hamalchus’. Thissection is a selection of “Personal Responses” section of theimportant sefer, “And He Will Redeem Us – <strong>Moshiach</strong> InOur Time” (“Chayolei Beis Dovid” – Yeshivas Chabad

6 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Lubavitch HaMerkozis 770 – Tishrei 5755), see there formore maynos on this topic.In anticipation that immediately we will be zoche to see thehisgalus of the Rebbe Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> shlita “melech b’yoifyov”and we will be zoche to hear from him the Torah chadoshah andthe entire world will recognize his malchus and call out the‘hachrozah’ which expresses our deep hiskashrus to the Rebbe andbrings his hisgalus in the Geulah NOW:“Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v’RabbeinuMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed!”“Chayolei Beis Dovid” Oholei Torah ZalMarking 20 years to Yud Shvat 5753לזכותכ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"אלרגל שישים ושלש שנים לנשיאותויה"ר שיראה הרבה נחת משלוחיו,‏ חסידיו,‏ובניו תלמידי התמימים בפרטוכלל ישראל בכלל,‏וכשם שבישר לנו בשורת הגאולה,‏כן יבשר לנושכבר בא הגאולה בפשטות בפועל ובגלוי,‏ויגאלנו ויוליכנו קוממיו ת לארצנו,‏ונשמע תורה חדשה מפיותיכף ומיד ממ"ש,‏ נאו !-

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 57737The CompleteStory

8 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Not often does a Chasidic gathering take place on aninternational scale, and not every day does an event takingplace within Chassidic circles receive such a large amountof media attention. But on a certain special Sundayevening, it DID happen. The full story of the events leadingup to this historic event when the declaration of ―YechiAdoneinu Moreinu v‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> LolamVoed‖ was heard from one end of the world to the other.Translated from an article in the ‗Kfar Chabad‘ MagazineIt all began at the initiative of several ‗Chassidishe yungeleit‘, Jewswhom the Rebbe‘s call of ―Lebn mit <strong>Moshiach</strong>‖ was taken to heartseriously, and bringing the Geulah is what they are involved in dayand night. They learn inyonei Geulah u‘<strong>Moshiach</strong> and publicize theb‘surah tovah that ―Hinei zeh <strong>Moshiach</strong> bo‖ in every way possible. Inshort, real ―<strong>Moshiach</strong> Yidden‖.These avrechim keep in touch with each over on a steady basis.When they call one another and ask ―how is everything going?‖ theydon‘t have to finish their sentence. It‘s obvious that they mean ―How isit going with the peulos in inyonei <strong>Moshiach</strong> u‘Geulah‖. Some of themlive in Crown Heights, some in Montreal, some in Eretz Yisroel. Theseare the three main locations but they are, in fact, spread throughoutother countries and continents as well. These ‗yungeleit‘ meet fromtime to time, share ideas, offer suggestions and plan new peulos. All isgeared is one direction – to make more of a ‗koch‘ in inyonei<strong>Moshiach</strong> and Geulah; not to let this subject descend from the mind ofthe public.Starting from Simchas Torah this year, when almost every day weare zoche to see the holy face of the Rebbe shlita in 770 and Anash andthe Tmimim sing to the Rebbe ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘RabbeinuMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed‖ – Anash in general have perused

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 57739their task with more enthusiasm – to be infused with the concept of<strong>Moshiach</strong> even more and inform as many people as possible to getready for his coming.In reality from Simchas Torah started a totally new stage in the‗hisorerus‘. A month afterwards in chatzrois kodesheinu was held theannual Kinus HaShluchim HaOlami. This is the occasion during whichshluchim from around the world gather together in the presence of theMeshaleiach, the Rebbe shlita, make a cheshbon of the past yearspeulos and plan on next year‘s plan of action.This year like in past years the conference covered a large array ofsubjects. Many different panels took place dealing with the wide arrayof activities the shluchim are involved in throughout the year. Butnevertheless, the undermining drive of the kinus was inyonei<strong>Moshiach</strong>. The Kinus was held in light of the special mission that theRebbe gave the shluchim in his sicha to them last year – ―to prepareyourself and the world to greet <strong>Moshiach</strong> Tzidkeinu‖. During thekinus, which lasted several days, this subject was discussed time andtime again; what had been done in this field over the past year andhow the mission could be successfully achieved as soon as possible.Following the kinus began several months of massive undertakings ininyonei <strong>Moshiach</strong>. In Eretz Yisroel the peulos were implemented bythe many Batei Chabad under the direction of Merkaz Tzach. And inthe United States and other countries there also took place extendedpeulos. The ―International Campaign to Bring <strong>Moshiach</strong>‖ (Mateh<strong>Moshiach</strong>), under the direction of R‘ Shmuel Butman, expanded theiractivities.During Chanukah a Mitzva Tank Parade took place in Eretz Yisroelpublicizing the message of ―Boruch habo Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>‖ tomillions. There were some who disagreed regarding this publicitymethod, however, at the end of the day all did agreed that this peulahcaused a strong push in raising the public interest in the concept of<strong>Moshiach</strong> and Geulah.

10 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>In the meantime, together with the simchah from the fact that theRebbe has begun to come out in public and we have been zoche to seethe Rebbe practically every day – time is passing and the Geulah stillhas not come. The Golus has continued and the Rebbe shlita – mayHashem send him a speedy refuah shleimah – continues to suffer forthe sake of Am Yisroel. The heart of every Jews, surely every Chossid,finds no comfort.And amidst all of this is approaching Yud Shvat. During themeetings of the aforementioned yungeleit it was heard again andagain ―something drastic must be done for Yud Shvat‖. All wereenthused with the feeling that the spiritual awakening of the day mustbe utilized to the fullest, that something new must be done, somethingthat would bring the global excitement in <strong>Moshiach</strong> to a totally newlevel.In the end a suggestion was accepted which gained publicity inthe ―Kol Koreh‖ of the three central Lubavitch organizations ofRabbonim throughout the world – the Badatz of Crown Heights, VaadRabbonei Chabad HaKloli and Beis Din Rabbonei Chabad in EretzHakodesh, including tens of Lubavitcher Rabbonim the world over.The proclamation was publicized among Anash, printed in the ―KfarChabad‖‘ Magazine, and spread like wild fire…

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 5773Yud Shvat HaGodol575311Kol Koreh of Rabbonei Lubavitch: ―During the kinus wewill proclaim together in a great voice; accepting uponourselves the malchus of the Rebbe Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>‖:The Rebbe is seen, his face beaming, encouraging thesinging with his holy head | <strong>On</strong> Leil Yud Shvat 5753 aworld-wide satellite hookup took place in which the Rebbeencouraged the singing of ―Yechi…Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>Lolam Voed‖ | we present Before our readers a specialYoman describing the events which took place prior andduring this historic event | ―Nizkorim v‘Naasim‖ 5753-5773Chassidim world-wide will accept the Malchus of the RebbeMuch excitement is in the air in preparation for the ―Yom HaGodolvha‘Kodosh‖, Yud Shvat, when Klal Yisroel will mark 43 years since thebeginning of the leadership of the Rebbe; the day on which it will beheard from all four corners of the earth, in the presence of the Rebbeshlita, the cry ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>Lolam Voed‖. This event will be seen and heard live the world overthrough the Worldwide Lubavitch Communication Centre (WLCC). Inconjunction with this kinus will take place also the completion of aspecial painting which the Rebbe requested to be drawn. Mr. MichalShwartz who drew a special painting of Yemos Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> has askedthe Rebbe shlita regarding celebrating its completion on Yud Shvat, andhas received the Rebbes haskomo.

12 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>During the entire week a hugeamount of work has been put in thatthe kinus should be a success and atrue Kiddush shem Lubavitch, whichit is sure to be having received thebrochah of the Rebbe. As relayed bythe Rebbe‘s Secretariat that duringthis week when the details of theplanned kinus were read to theRebbe, the Rebbe shlita nodded hishead in approval and gave his brochah.Shvat 5753According to the plan b‘ezras Hashem next Sunday, at 5 o‘clock (NewYork time), the kinus will begin. Tens of thousands of Jews will gatherthroughout the world and in 770 – Beis <strong>Moshiach</strong> - the main kinus will beheld. First, several Mashpi‘im and Rabbonim will speak regarding thespecial times which we find ourselves in ―Yemos Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>‖, in theRebbe‘s own words, and the great zchus that we have to be mekabel themalchus of the Rebbe Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> on this special day.Afterwards the artist, Mr. Michael Shwartz will speak and followingMaariv with the Rebbe‘s appearance on the balcony (which is expected tobe at around 6:00), all will proclaim ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘RabbeinuMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed‘, and in Beis <strong>Moshiach</strong> will also be heardthe hachrozah from throughout the entire world. Following this theabovementioned artist will conduct the completion of his work andb‘ezras Hashem we will also experience the end of Golus and the hisgalusof the Rebbe shlita Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>.It should also be noted that the call signed by the Rabbonimencouraging everyone to participate has made ripple effects throughoutthe entire Chabad-Lubavitch community; by Anash, Nshei u‘bnosChabad, the mekurovim and especially the Tmimim; everyone ispreparing and looking forward to the great day. In all Lubavitcherschools the children are also being educated to prepare themselves forthe event, and have accepted upon themselves to add in their Torahlearning and fulfillment of Mitzvos.

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577313Rabbonei Chabad Issue A ‘Strong Warning’In wake of commotion caused by rumors spread regarding a‗coronation‘ which is due to take place during the kinus on the upcomingSunday – the Rabbonim decided to put out a letter which negates theholding of the event. The following is a translation of theirannouncement:Being that negative connotations have arisen in connection to thekinus which is to take place on the eve of Yud Shvat; connotationswhich are deemed to bring to a chillul shem Lubavitch etc. we havefound it appropriate to warn 1) that it is prohibited to be broadcastthe event on any media, television, radio etc. 2) The concept of a‘coronation’ is negated. 3) The entire hookup is meant only for Anashand not for anyone who is not part of Anash being that that thepublicity will cause more damage than it will do good.The entire event is only for Anash and not the ‘chutzah’.Signed: Beis Din of Shchunas ‘Kan tzivo Hashem es habrocha’. VaadHaRabbonim Hakloli. Vaad Rabbonei Anash of Eretz HaKodesh.To Organize a World-wide Hookup in Three daysFollowing Minchah in the Rebbe‘s Minyan today one of the respectedshluchim of the Rebbe (in the United states) stood up and protestedregarding the shameful words which were spoken and printed in theinternational press as a follow up to an interview given to the popularnewspaper. the Jewish Week . In this interview a certain member ofAnash spoke degradingly regarding <strong>Moshiach</strong> Hashem shocking KlalAdas haChassidim…but still nothing had been done about it until one ofthe shluchim, as mentioned above, got up and expressed hisdisappointment in public today in Beis <strong>Moshiach</strong>. It should be noted, that

14 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>all those gathered in 770 expressed their support and began singing―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed‖.The program of the kinus which will take place on this upcomingSunday, b‘ezras Hashem, received today for the second time the approvaland brochah of the Rebbe shlita. The organizers presented in their letterall the details of the kinus, including the plan to broadcast the kinus liveby use of ‗satellite‘ to the entire world. And as mentioned above the Rebbegave ―haskomo u‘brochah‖ to the entire program.From the second this was received nothing could limit the amount ofenergy put into the kinus by those working for ‗Mateh <strong>Moshiach</strong>‘. Itshould be noted also that it was not easy to find a company that waswilling to organize and broadcast the kinus by satellite at such shortnotice (three days!). <strong>On</strong>ly the Rebbe‘s brochah for the kinus gave theorganizers the koach to be able to carry through with theirunprecedented idea.In honor of the upcoming international event a special kovetz in Englishwas printed: Kuntres “Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‟Rabbeinu MelechHa<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed” brings before its readers a selection of translatedsichos of the Rebbe about the hachrozah of “Yechi HaMelech”. Theintroduction was written in a very “raiche” style and we therefore present apart of it before our readers:We find ourselves in midst of the task of “binyan hamalchus” of the Rebbeshlita. We must be the ones who “build” his koach hadibur through “soundingthe shofar” – the great shofar of redemption, the crowning and greeting ofMelech <strong>Moshiach</strong> by declaring “Yechi HaMelech”! Bearing in mind thefamous words of the Rebbe shlita‟s that this declaration adds vitality to thelife of the Melech and having merited to see how the Rebbe himself hasreceived this cry, we must continue “with the greatest zrizus, connected withsimchah and chayus” (sichas 2 Nissan, 5748) with the greatest and sincerestpassion and fire from the very essence of our souls to cry out Yechi AdoneinuMoreinu v‟Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed!We must continue to live this concept night and day until it penetrates us,our families and our entire surroundings until the entire world knows thatthere is a Melech among Am Yisroel. May it be Hashems will that thishachlotah alone will bring the refuah shleimah and hisgalus MalkeinuMeshicheinu, immediately and m‟toich simchah v‟tuv leivov!

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577315The Rebbe Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Approves the Plans for the ‘Satellite’Today theShchunah wasplastered with theoriginal Kol Korehof the Rabbonimregarding thespecial kinus onSunday. Next to itwas pasted signswhich stated thatthe Kol Koreh wasread to the Rebbeshlita who noddedhis head inapproval of itscontents.The Kol Korehcalling Anash toparticipate in theKinusA Unanimous Decision: “Ein Acher Divrei HaMelech Klum”!Less than 24 hours are left to the great kinus, and the preparations haveentered into ‗high gear‘. The organizing committee operating out of theoffice of the Mitzva Tanks of Reb Dovid Nachshon and comprising ofReb Shmuel Butman, Reb Menachem Geralitzky, Reb Yaakov and RebShmuel Shpritzer, Reb Leibel Alevsky, Reb Moshe Rubashkin, Reb Yossi

16 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Pariz, Reb Zushe Zilberstein and others – who worked day and night toensure that everything should run smoothly.As mentioned above, on Wednesday the Rabbonim (Chavrei HaBadatz)had signed a letter prohibiting the involvement of any media in the grandkinus. However, this evening the Rabbonim gathered urgently regardingthis very issue, this in wake of the haskomo of the Rebbe shlita lastThursday to all details of the kinus – including the hookup by satellite.This haskomo, was given in writing by the Mazkir, Reb Leibel Groner,and upon receiving this information the Rabbonim gathered to write aletter nullifying their previous letter at the earliest opportunity, inaccordance to the dictum ―Ein achar dvar hamelech klum‖.―Harotzim yotzu dchufim b‘dvar HaMelech (Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>)‖ and sent itto all Chabad communities throughout the world, in order to nullify theletter which had been sent to them on Wednesday (by Agudas ChassideiChabad). The following is a free-translation of its content:In light of the clear agreement and brochah of the Rebbe MelechHa<strong>Moshiach</strong> shlita (which was communicated by the Mashbak RebLeibel Groner) to hold the satellite (hook-up) on Sunday, 9th of Shvatat 5:00 PM, this is to pronounce that “Ein l’achar dvar hamelech klum”(and thus the message publicized in the name of the Badatz regardingthe above is null and void).Signed: Rabbi Yehudah Kalman Marlow, Rabbi Yitzchok HaCohenHendel and Rabbi Mordechai Shmuel AshkenaziIt should be noted that despite the above, many obstacles were put inthe way of the organizers (!), something which almost brought theorganizers to give up, if not for the brochah of the Rebbe shlita whichstood by them. Much effort was put into publicizing the big event inthe media and inviting all the different radio and televisionstations to cover it.

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577317The Kinus Receives Headlines in the World MediaToday is the day when it was revealed to all that the Rebbe shlita is theone who was chosen by Hashem to redeem Am Yisroel from the bitterGolus in which we find ourselves. A day when we experienced a taste ofthe Geulah, with multitudes of people from across the world declaringwith one heart ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>Lolam Voed‖.From the amount of the last minute opposition and nisyonos placed inthe way of the event, it can be understood the great importance ofholding this kinus.Throughout the night the Bochurim (mainly of ―Kvutzah Nun-Gimmel‖) worked to prepare 770 for the great event. A lot of work was putinto taking out the benches from Beis <strong>Moshiach</strong> in order that all theparticipants would be able to come and see the Rebbe at this special time,which will b‘ezras Hashem also complete this Golus. Early in the morningthe media had already began talking about the event and by afternoon itwas already a top news item. The feeling in Crown Heights, the DaledAmos of Nosi Doreinu, was somewhat festive. It is without a shadow of adoubt that similar feelings were shared by Anash and the Tmimimthroughout the world. All waited with abated breath for the appointedtime to finally arrive.At 12:00 PM the satellitehookup crew arrived andparked on EasternParkway opposite 770. Asan interested crowdgathered around the‗mobile unit‘ and its crew,someone went over tothem and warned themthat they better not enter770 with the equipment orthey would be taken toThe satellite unit is seen parked outside of 770

18 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>court! The Chillul Hashem could have been even worse if not for thequick intervention of the many Chassidim present. At around 12:30 the‗<strong>Moshiach</strong> beepers‘ beeped - ―Mincha now‖ they read. The massivepreparations had to be put on hold as thousands of shluchim, guests,Tmimim, Anash and stam simple Jews filled 770 from wall to wall. At12:45 the Rebbe entered the special room next to the balcony. After theRebbe finished Korbonos the blinds were lifted and Davening began.After Davening the Rebbe came out to the balcony and the second thecurtain was drawn open the singing of ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinuv‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed‖ bursted forth from thecrowd. In addition brochos of ―Shehechiyonu‖ were heard from thoseorchim who were now zoche to see the Rebbe for the first time. TheRebbe reviewed the crowd and encouraged a little with his head. TheRebbe also looked at the clock to his left – a newly-placed ―Boruch haboMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>‖ sticker (with a picture of the Rebbe) placed above it.During Chanukah 5753 was held a first of its kind Mitzva Tank Parade. <strong>On</strong>the 25 th of Kislev some ten tanks left Dan in the north of Eretz Yisroel. Foreight days they paraded through Eretz HaKodesh eventually reaching itsmost southern city of of Eilat. The parade was held bearing the slogan“Boruch habo Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>”, publicizing the Rebbes nevuah of “Hineizeh <strong>Moshiach</strong> bo” and the identity of <strong>Moshiach</strong>. The revolutional Paradereceived prior “haskomo u’brochah” from the Rebbe on two occasions.A day prior to the “Boruch habo” sticker (which was later replaced with asign) being placed in 770 it was public knowledge that during that ShabbosParshas VaEra, the Mazkir had shown the Rebbe a “Boruch habo” sign andhad informed him that signs like these were being put up throughout EretzYisroel on the highways etc. and the Rebbe nodded several times and evensmiled, Following their lead the Mitzva Tank Office of Lubavitch YouthOrganization also had the message of <strong>Moshiach</strong> proudly displayed on theirnewly bought Tank and when pictures of it were brought before the Rebbe,the Rebbe looked through the pictures and gave his brochah..

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577319The giluy lasted for two and half minutes and the time was 1:03. [Theattempt before Minchah to foil the event forced the organizers to raise anoutcry in public after the Rebbe‘s Minyan. In their announcement theycondemned this appalling action that besides causing a Chillul Hashem,was done clearly against the holy will of the Rebbe shlita (on repeatedoccasions) that the satellite be held…What a shame that things had to come to this. As is understood thisoutcry had the expected effect and from now on the hands of theopposition were tied…]Following Minchah the final touches to prepare Beis <strong>Moshiach</strong> for thegreat occasion were done. The hookup crew entered the building, Rabbi‘sAlevsky and Shprizter arranging that the cables be put high up, far out ofthe reach of anyone seeking to sabotage the event. The bochurimprepared on the side of the Aron Kodesh a special platform, covered thesouthern side of 770 (next to the windows) with nice red cloth – in orderthat 770 should look nice and beautiful (like in the Chanukah Live‘s). Allwas ready for the kinus which was set to begin at 5:00…Crown Heights was humming with excitement…. Everyone wasdressed in Shabbos clothes. As 5 o‘clock approached a huge crowd wasseen streaming on their way to 770. People from all over came by car andby bus to Beis <strong>Moshiach</strong>. Many came hours in advance in order to get agood place from which to see the Rebbe.As the clock ticked and the appointed hour came closer, 770 becamefuller and fuller until the Shul was packed to its full capacity.Special ‗pyramids‘ to the left of the Rebbe‘s special room and in theezras noshim were designated to all of the media, who indeed arrived inlarge numbers, including many of whom had not been in ChotzerLubavitch for a long time. The organizers offered much appreciation tothe work of ‗the opposition‘, for as a result of the noise and commotionmade in the press the media swarmed Beis Chayenu with TV stations asfar as Japan coming to cover the great event.

20 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>The Stage is Set, Everything is Ready…By the southern side of 770, to the right of the special room, beneaththe big windows a platform was prepared for the kinus. <strong>On</strong> the wall wasplaced the huge painting – the work of the artist, Mr. Michal Shwartz – of―How the world will look when <strong>Moshiach</strong> will come‖. Next to the paintingwas a sign reading―Celebrating A Vision TheHistoric Siyum of thePainting ―When <strong>Moshiach</strong>Comes Yud Shvat 5753‖ (as isknown it was the Rebbe whoencouraged him to makethis painting). Under it wasthe shtender of the MC – andnext to him stood manyimportant Rabbonim,Chassidim and importantpeople.The MC R. S. Butman in front of the picture,R. Y. Kahan is seen on the rightTen minutes before the beginning of the hookup the MC, director ofMateh <strong>Moshiach</strong> and Tzeirei Agudas Chabad HaMerkozis (Tzach), RabbiShmuel Butman, took advantage of the minutes remaining to explain tothe great crowd gathered the need and importance for the satellite to berun smoothly, asking that everyone hold the proper decorum during theevent.At 5:00 the kinus began as planned, with the reciting of Kepital Tzedik-Alef, for the speedy refuah of the Rebbe, zol gezunt zein. The RebbesChazan, Rabbi Moshe Teleshevsky, recited the kepital posuk by posuk,the entire crowd reading after him.Hashem Should Give the Rebbe the Directive to Reveal HimselfAfterwards the MC began the program, first and foremost stressing animportant point making clear to the press and through them to the entire

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577311world ―black on white‖: This kinus is not a ‗coronation‘, it is merely agathering in which the Jewish people is asking of Hashem that He givethe Rebbe the directive to be revealed and take us all out of Golus to theGeulah and all those gathered answered with a thundering ―Amen‖.Following this clarification Rabbi Butman gave over a fundamentalnekudah from the well-known sichah of Shabbos Parshas Shoftim 5751,in which the Rebbe states clearly that the announcement of ―Hinei zeh<strong>Moshiach</strong> bo‖ is a nevuah and explained how the Rambam rules that anevuah for the good must be fulfilled in actuality. It was also discussedthe Parshes read at this time discussing Geulas Am Yisroel fromMitzrayim – how Moshe Rabbeinu came to the Jewish people and toldthem that ―the time of your redemption has arrived‖ and how at thebeginning they didn‘t believe him, but in the end he was successful. Andso too now there are those who are trying to get in the way of themessage of the Moshe Rabbeinu of our generation, but it is certain thatthe Rebbe will succeed and take us all out of Golus to Eretz Yisroel, verysoon.Next was discussed the need to get ready for the revelation of<strong>Moshiach</strong>. Rabbi Butman explaining that being that we have beenpromised with a clear nevuah that <strong>Moshiach</strong> is on his way, the Rebbe isasking of each one of us, to prepare ourselves spiritually. Just assomeone would prepare and clean out his house to welcome an honoredguest so too we must prepare ourselves to be ready for this greatestmoment of all time. The MC reminded his listeners of previous nevuos ofthe Rebbe that have come to pass. ―This is the same Rebbe who said thatwe shouldn‘t be worried when Saddam Hussien was shooting Scudmissiles at Eretz Yisroel and the same Rebbe who said just a few weeksago that we shouldn‘t be worried about the hurricanes in Florida and inHawaii. This is the same Rebbe to whom hundreds of thousands ofpeople from all walks of life have turned to for the past forty-three years,and relied on his advice in matters of life and death. Now it is this sameRebbe who is telling us that <strong>Moshiach</strong> is coming and begging us to makethe appropriate preparations.‖Afterwards the first speaker of the evening the Morah D‘asra, RoshBeis Din of Crown Heights, Rabbi Yehudah Kalmen Marlow, was calledup to speak. Rabbi Marlow spoke short but measured words regarding the

22 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>auspiciousness of this time for hiskashrus to the Ilono d‘chaya. The Ravfinished with a brochah that Hashem should send a refuah shleimah tothe Rebbe shlita and that all chassidim merit to be mekusher with ahiskashrus amitis.Publicizing Yechi is on the Rebbe’s “plaitzes”Next Rabbi Schneur Zalmen Gourarie was called up to speak in thename Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch Hakloli HaMekozi.Rabbi Gourarie noted in heartfelt tones the greatness of the day – theday when the Rebbe accepted the nesius 42 years ago and how on this dayChassidim gave themselves over to the Rebbe b‘m‘sirus nefesh. Now,forty-three years later, he implored his listeners, let us together acceptthe Rebbe, not only as Rebbe, but as Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>. Let us takeadvantage of this special opportunity to call out to Hashem from thedepths of our neshomo and give ourselves over to the Rebbe with ourentire being - Nefesh, Ruach, Neshomo, Chaya and Yechidah.Rabbi Gourarie also made mention of the fact that the inyan of saying―Yechi‖ is something which has been done in the Rebbes presence nowfor several months and has received his explicit approval. This issomething which is ―on the Rebbe‘s plaitzes‖, he said, and it is wrong foranyone to stand in the way of this significant inyan. The misconceptionof a ‗coronation‘ was also discussed. Rabbi Gourarie explaining that ifone says that the ‗hachtorah‘ was only today this means that yesterday,chas v‘sholom, the Rebe was not Melech HaMoshaich, and it isunderstood that this is the opposite of all we know and believe in.Rabbi Butman translated Rabbi Gourarie‘s words negating the notionof ‗hachtorah‘ and invited the Rav of Kehillas Lubavitch of Montreal,Rabbi Yitzchok HaCohen Hendel to speak divrei brochah.

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577313Hundreds of Rabbonim Rule: The Rebbe is ‘B’chezkas <strong>Moshiach</strong>’Rabbi Hendel began his speech bringing the attention of the tens ofthousands of the listeners and viewers world-wide to the Psak Din signedby hundreds of Rabbonim, including many veltishe Rabbonim,qualifying the Rebbe as being <strong>Moshiach</strong> according to Halochah andsuggested that atthis ―Ais Rotzon‖ –the day the Rebbebecame Nosi Yisroel– it be read again.After reading thePsak Rabbi Hendeladded b‘dvorimhayoitzim m‘halevthat being that somehave gotten up andsaid mockingly that―several women andAnash havegathered and madefor themselves a<strong>Moshiach</strong>‖ – let it bemade clear hereb‘rabim that in the“B’rov shira v’zimrah”12 Adar I 5752: The Rebbe receives a“ tof Miriam” with a broad smilemerit of the righteous women we were redeemed and we will beredeemed; and b‘zchus those who were moser nefesh for Yiddishkeit inRussia and in America; who brought the Oibershter into the heart ofevery Jew – in their merit the Rebbe shlita will have a refuah and willbring us all to Eretz Yisroel ―gezunterheit un freilicherheit‖ in accordanceto the Psak of the Rabbonim. Rabbi Hendel ended b‘brochah that the dayshould finally come when all Jews and all nations of the world will knowthat ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> LolamVoed‖.

24 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Absolute Trust in the Rebbe’s NevuahAfterwards the Rebbes Chozer, Reb Yoel Kahn spoke in LoshonHakodesh for the benefit of the thousands of Anash and mekurovim inEretz Yisroel watching the events live. Reb Yoel gave over some veryfundamental points and the following is a summary of his speech:―The Rebbes recent shturem regarding <strong>Moshiach</strong> and Geulah can bedivided into two parts. 1) The shturem the Rebbe has made aboutbelieving and anticipating Bias Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> and the need to demandfrom Hashem that the Geulah come as quick as possible. This concept isnot a new one, the Rebbe coming only to reinforce it (and as like he didwith all of the Mivtzoyim – Tefillin, Kashrus etc.)The second part is what the Rebbe announced and asked to publicizethat the Geulah is actually coming very soon, in the Rebbes words:―Higiah zman geulaschem‖ and ―Hinei zeh <strong>Moshiach</strong> bo‖. This issomething new, unprecedented. For until now a Jew had to believe inBias Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> and look forward to it, however, he never actuallyknew if it would happen in his lifetime or not. <strong>On</strong>ly now the Rebbe hasasked to publicize such an announcement as a nevuah (something that noGodol B‘Yisroel has ever done before).The Rebbes call to prepare for <strong>Moshiach</strong> by adding in Torah andMitzvos, is only in order that we shouldn‘t be embarrassed in front of<strong>Moshiach</strong> when he reveals himself. However, regarding the etzemnevuah of the Rebbe that <strong>Moshiach</strong> is coming very soon - this is notdependent on anything, any tnai at all, and it will be fulfilled, without anydoubt, very soon! And I‘m not saying ―im yirtzeh Hashem‖ on purpose!For after Hashem has relayed this message through Novi Doreinu whatmeaning is there to say ―im yirtze Hashem‖! For sure Hashem wants…And our Novi has already proven himself, time and time again, with thefulfillment of all of his nevuos and therefore we must prepare, quickly,for ―the special guest‖. We must ―clean out the house‖ – through theavodah of sur m‘ra and ―beatify the house‖ through the avodah of aseitov, so that we should be ready to receive the great guest, <strong>Moshiach</strong>Tzidkeinu‖.

[“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577315Afterwards theMC passed the mikeover to RabbiYehoshuah Hecht,who was tointroduce the artistwho was going toconduct the ‗siyum‘on the painting.Meanwhile inthe backgroundwas heard the voiceHundreds watch a live hook up atof the Mazkir, RabbiBeis Menachem in Kfar ChabadYehudah LeibGroner, who announced in the name of the Rebbe shlita that hisparticipation in Maariv was the same as his usual participation at TfilasMariv every night and that the Rebbe had negated the concept of‗hachtorah‘.The MC, Rabbi Butman, subsequently translated his message intoEnglish and Hebrew. Not less than a minute had passed when the ‗hookup‘was interrupted with the announcement of Rabbi Yehudah Krinskytranslating into English (for the second time) the abovementionedmessage of Rabbi Groner…Again the Rabbi continued to speak…thanking the Gaboim of 770 andthe members of Aguch for enabling the siyum of the painting in 770.The Rebbe encourages the singing of Yechi for over eight minutesIn the meantime the light in the Rebbe‘s special room turned on (thetime was 5:51) and within a minute the Rebbe entered the Beis Medrash.The crowd began singing ―Oirech Yomim‖ and the blinds were raised.The Shliach Tzibur Reb Yehoshuah Korf davened before the Amud. Uponthe completion of Mariv (at 6:02) the Rebbe shlita came out to the ―porch‖and the curtains were drawn open. Behind the Rebbe were seen allmembers of the Rebbes secretariat, Rabbi Leibel Groner, Rabbi Sholom

26 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Mendel Simpson, Rabbi Binyomin Klein, Rabbi Nissen Mindel and RabbiYehudah Krinsky (and Rabbi‘s ―Ingi‖ Bistritzky and Moshe Klein). Thecrowd immediately began singing ―Yechi‖, but immediately stoppedwhen the voice of Rabbi Hecht was heard announcing that now the siyumof the painting (that the Rebbe had requested) would be performed. Theartist, Mr. Michal Shwartz completed the painting with the word―MaMaSH‖.Interestingly enough the siyum seemed to receive no attention fromthe Rebbe shlita. During this time the Rebbe faced the crowd (and media)to his left. Even when the Mazkir informed the Rebbe of the siyumpointing to the right, the Rebbe nodded with his head – as if to say ―Iknow already‖ - and continued looking to his left.Rabbi Schneur Zalmen Gourarie then blessed the Rebbe saying thattoday forty-two years ago at this time when the Rebbe accepted thenesius and when all of us Chassidim accepted the Rebbe as Rebbe. So tootoday we are blessing the Rebbe with the brochah of ―Yechi HaMelech‖and giving ourselves over to the Rebbe as Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>. And withthat the huge crowd, stretching from the balcony to the back of the Shul,announced ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>Lolam Voed‖ three times and immediately began singing ecstatically―Yechi‖. During this time the Rebbe was seen whispering several times (itshould be noted thatmany times it was seenclearly the Rebbesaying ―Amen‖ after thedeclaration of Yechi)and his face was quiteserious. As the singing,accompanied by theplaying of the violinandkeyboard,continued the Rebbe‘sface beamed. Severaltimes the Rebbe lifted himself up and looked at those standing beneaththe balcony (as usual). The Rebbe also looked in the direction of the

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577317special stand set up for the media who did not stop snapping awaypictures of the Rebbe, Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>.[It should be noted that the event received particularly big attentionwith the popular American Super Ball baseball game being scheduledb‘hashgocha protis for that evening. Millions of Americans glued to theirTV sets and radios heard in the news broadcast run in the recess of thegame about the Rabbi of Lubavitch being <strong>Moshiach</strong> and the Rebbe‘smessage to prepare for <strong>Moshiach</strong>‘s coming with acts of goodness andkindness.]The Rebbe‘s face beamed. Looking to his left and then to his right theRebbe scanned the entire crowd and after a few minutes beganencouraging the singing with his holy head. Several times the Rebbeencouraged the singing strongly for quite a while. The singing went onfor over eight minutes and at the end the Rebbe motioned with his headto close the curtain. The Rebbe was concealed from the eyes of theChassidim, in the midst of encouraging the singing all the while thecurtain was being closed.The giluy went on for ten and a half minutes (a very long time for thattime period) and the time was 6:13. The crowd continued to sing Yechiuntil the Rebbe completely left the Shul.Afterwards Rabbi Yitzchok Hakohen Hendel and all of the Cohenimfrom around the world blessed the Rebbe with Birkas kohanim. Thebrochah being followed with the requests of Rabbi Hendel and Reb YoelKahn ―That it should take place in a way of ―ad mehero yorutz dvoroi‖and that ―Hashem should give the Rebbe a refuah shleimah and give himthe sign to be revealed in all of his glory and bring us all to Eretz Yisroel,immediately‖!Afterwards Rabbi Shiyah Hecht invited the artist, Mr. Michal Shwartz,to speak and he told over emotionally of his long lasting relationshipwith the Rebbe.

28 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>What is the Connection between ‘Kabolas haMalchus’and the ‘Siyum’ of a Painting?Many have asked what is the connection of these two things, aninternational kinus to be mekabel the malchus of the Rebbe MelechHa<strong>Moshiach</strong> and the completion of this picture, and therefore sufficewith the following:Several months ago the artist thought of making a siyum in thepresence of the Rebbe shlita, and upon recommendation of theMazkirus the date Yud Shvat was decided upon. This idea alsoreceived the brochah and haskomo of the Rebbe.In recent weeks, the organizers of the kinus who wanted to hold iton that evening succeeded (through the efforts of Rabbi ShmuelButman, who holds close ties to the artist and stands at the head of the“International Campaign to Bring <strong>Moshiach</strong>”) in convincing the artistto combine the siyum of the painting with the kinus, and received forthis the haskomoh and brochah of the Rebbe shlita.Afterwards Reb Yoel Kahn chazered the Maamer of Bosi L‘Gani 5710as customarily, and a message was heard from Rabbi Berel Lazar, ChiefRabbi of Russia, who said:―The millions of Jews of Russia send their brochos to the Rebbe shlitaMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> and they stand, millions strong, ready for thehisgalus.‖ Rabbi Lazar ended with a heartfelt cry of ―Yechi AdoneinuMoreinu v‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed‖.During this time it was thought that the Rebbe was going to come outagain… but after a few minutes it was made known that unfortunately itwas a ―false alarm‖.Following this Rabbi Hillel Pewsner, Rov of the Lubavitcher Kehillahin France, spoke speaking the hundreds of Chassidim and French Jews

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577319who had gathered for the satellite and ended with the declaration of―Yechi‖ three times.Next Rabbi Moshe Teleshevsky was called up to sing ―SheyibonehBeis HaMikdosh‖, the entire crowd (in 770 and throughout the world)joining him.The satellite ended with Rabbi Butman fulfilling ―the request ofmany‖ that once again everyone throughout the entire world declare alltogether ―Yechi Adoneinu‖.Emotions ran high when Rabbi Butman declared: ―We are now goingto rededicate ourselves once again and we will say it with one voice andour voice will be heard from one end of the world to the other. If we areready, all Jews, throughout the world, with one voice‖ and then all calledout from the depths of their neshomo ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinuv‘Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed‖ and continued singing thenigun.Within seconds the entire Beis Medrash was full of tens of circles ofdancing Chassidim. Eli Lipsker‘s orchestra added much fervor to thedancing.This being especially in light of this being the latest instruction of theRebbe (relayed b‘dibur). As well-known on Rosh Adar II 5752, several daysafter 27 Adar I, the Rebbe was heard saying ―Tiyeh refuah kroivo broivshiroh v‘zimro‖, an instruction which has been put into action almostdaily in the recent months during the daily singing of the ―YechiAdoneinu‖ in the presence of the Rebbe.A feeling of ―kibush‖ was felt in the air… the satellite had been a hugesuccess (though all had hoped and prayed that this event wouldculminate with the hisgalus of the Rebbe as Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>…) as wasclear from the headlines it made throughout world-wide media.

30 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>AfterwordIn the sichos of 5710 the Rebbe speaks at length about howChassidim (and especially Tmimim) must cherish the last sichosand maamorim of the Fridiker Rebbe. Time after time the Rebbedescribes their specialty, being the last message to Klal AdashaChassidim as to what they must involve themselves in until BiasHa<strong>Moshiach</strong>. It is, therefore, surely no coincidence that during thelast years that we saw the Rebbe b‟einei bosor the concept that wasgiven the most attention by the Rebbe was that regarding theidentity of <strong>Moshiach</strong>. This subject was mentioned time and timeagain in the Rebbe sichos during the winter of 5752, somethingtotally unprecedented in previous years of the Rebbe‟s n‟sius.In the wake of this, throughout that year and the year following itmany from among Anash felt that the time had come for KlalYisroel to accept upon themselves the malchus of MelechHa<strong>Moshiach</strong>, something which as explained in Chassidus causesthe Melech to begin ruling in actuality. <strong>On</strong> tens of occasions theRebbe received warmly these gestures, giving his haskomoubrochah to this important step to Geulah. But the biggest pushregarding this subject was the one displayed almost daily with theRebbe‟s strong encouragement, for over a year, of the singing of“Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‟Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> LolamVoed”.The story of the satellite of Yud Shvat 5753 is a reoccurring one.Then, like now, many (including some even from within machanehachassidim) stood in the way of the fulfillment of the holy rotzonof the Rebbe, but in the end the Rebbe‟s brochos pulled throughand the satellite was held successfully, the concepts of „Rebbe‟ and„<strong>Moshiach</strong>‟ being brought to millions.Standing twenty years after these historic events, all of us,Tmimim and Anash, must rededicate ourselves to the fulfill the“only shlichus remaining: l‟kabel pnei <strong>Moshiach</strong> Tzidkeinu b‟po‟elmamash” by learning and teaching inyonei <strong>Moshiach</strong> v‟Geulahand realize the great zchus that we have to publicize and live withthe Rebbe as Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>.Very soon, we will be zoche to the hisgalus, then the entire KlalYisroel and the whole world will cry out the „hachrozah‟ whichpermeates our entire being:Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v’RabbeinuMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed!

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577331Appendix

32 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>By Aharon Dov HalperinEditor of Kfar Chabad Magazine*Editorial Article of the Premiere Issue ofkfar Chabad Magazine (Shvat 5754)There is no question that we now live in very turbulent and historictimes for the world in general, and for the Jewish people in particular.You have to be blind not to see it.We should now look to the relevance of the weekly Torah readings,how Moshe Rabeinu provided Klal Yisrael with leadership and propheticmission during those fateful times that led up to Yetzias Mitzrayim.Long years of living in exile had taken their toll. Golus had numbedour Jewish sensitivities. We were so deep in Golus that we ceased to thinkof Geulah. We were in a stupor, living under ‗Sivlos Mitzrayim‘. Wedeveloped a tolerance and complacency, resigned to our sad reality. Weforgot the Divine promise to our ancestors, to remember to look forwardto the future redemption.But someone came onto thishopeless scene and made an unusualannouncement. Moshe Rabeinustirred up great controversy. Hechallenged the status quo, andintroduced the old/new words of'Pokod Pokadeti" that heralded theGeulah.Moshe Rabeinu's figure loomsthrough history as the model,example and paradigm for Jewish leaders, right down to our own day andage.

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577333Moshe Rabeinu went out to the people, saw their pain and affliction, and led them lovingly, as ashepherd tenders his flock. It moved him to cry out: "Ad Masai?‖ Itbecame his focus and mission to bring the news of redemption to hispeople, to prepare them for it and then he worked very hard to bring theredemption to its fulfillment. It was not easy...From the very beginning at the burning bush, upon hearing Hashemscall of imminent redemption, Moshe becomes very concerned about theindifference, apathy, skepticism and criticism that may greet this news.He pleads. "What if they won't believe me and won't listen to me."Moshe, the great lover of Am Yisroel, is not being negative andpessimistic. He prays for his flock, that they shouldn't face the mostdifficult challenge - the challenge of faith. He tries to develop and arousethis eternal belief andfaith among his people.Moshe understoodthe great difficulty ofhaving lived forhundreds of years in adark exile, and thenhaving to adjustsuddenly to redemption.After being in a darkroom for too long, thesudden burst of light ismomentarily blinding.So much faith isrequired to hear andabsorb the message: "Ihave remembered thepromise."Moshe, the firstredeemer, stands and

34 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>pleads before Hashem. He points to wonders, signs and miracles, so thepeople can get acclimated to hear and accept this great news, to make iteasier for the people to believe and to strengthen their faith in the G-d oftheir fathers and in the imminent redemption. He wants all the people tobe ready and prepared old and young, their sons and daughters.But after Moshe tells them the news of the redemption, things seem togo awry. There are delays and backsliding. Rather than getting better, thedarkness of Golus intensifies and gets worse. Moshe Rabeinu cries out:"Why did you make things worse for the people?!"Moshe Rabeinu knows that he will eventually redeem Am Yisroelfrom Golus. He knows that Golus is coming to an end, that <strong>Moshiach</strong> isimminent.Our Moshe Rabeinu has worked for years, ―to draw Hashem‘spresence down to earth‖ in all directions: North, South, East and West. Hecarries the burdens of his people like the nurse nurtures a young baby. Hecares for each one personally, going out of his way to bring the youngkid who strays from the fold to find the way back.This Yud Shvat, thousands cry from their very hearts and essence tothe <strong>On</strong>e above: "Why are you hurting this people?!Ribono shel Olam! We fully believe in the redemption. But Father inHeaven, since he announced in your name the message of redemption,things have become so much worse for our people, as ―he bears ourillness… carries our pain and suffering… wounded by our sins andoppressed by our wrongdoing"!Amazingly, many people are holding up quite well to this difficulttest. A whole congregation of loyal men, women and children remainconnected with bonds of love to this loyal shepherd and leader, despitethe hard work, shortness of breath, concealment and Hester Ponim. Theirfaith in the redemption has not been shaken or wavered. <strong>On</strong> the contrary,it gains momentum from day to day, despite skepticism that ridiculestheir belief.This week of Yud Shvat: Let us live with "the times."

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577335We live with "the times" - Moshe Rabeinu, our first redeemer, andMoshe Rabeinu, our last redeemerWhen everything is so confusing and people are pulled in differentdirections, we can only go by the words of ‗ben Amram‘. We will not turnto the right or to the left, neither add nor subtract. We are dedicated to theholy teachings of our redeemer. We continue with living faith and aburning desire to see the full and complete redemption, now!We live with "the times" — with Moshe Rabbeinu‘s promise this week:"Don't be afraid. Stand by and see Hashem's wondrous salvation".We "live with the times" — with complete faith, trust and prayer thatvery soon in our days, the whole Klal Yisroel will see ―Hashem's mightyhand‖, and then "believe in Hashem and in Moshe his servant‖.We live with "the times" — ―Moshe and the Bnei Yisroel sing this songto Hashem...You will bring us and plant us in your land of inheritance…the Mikdash Hashem that You established… Hashem will rule forever‖.With one heart, we express our fervent hopes and prayers, in fullbelief in Hashem and his servant: ―Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu vRabeinuMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed!‖Kinus Hashluchim 5754,

36 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>By Rabbi Zalman Gurary(Speech given at 28 Nissan gathering)Two years ago, on 28 Nissan, 5751, in awesome, fiery words, theRebbe shlita, placed in our hands the task of bringing the Geulah. This,therefore, must be our main subject of concern to which we devote ourenergies.Incidentally, Ihave a personalconnection to thissubject and to thatsicha because,immediately after,when I went toreceive from theRebbe a dollar forcharity,hecommented: "It hasmade no impression!" (―Lo noga v‘lo poga‖!) Obviously, he intended thesewords not as an incidental comment but as a powerful, demand to workto bring the Geulah.Before continuing, I feel it necessary to dwell on an important subjectthat pains me: We are all witness to the Rebbe's physical suffering, andtherefore we are obligated by the Torah to pray for him, as the Torah says(Tehilim 107:18-19): "They cried out to G-d in their anxiety... [And then] Hesends His word and heals them."It's true that there is a cause for the present situation: "He is sick fromour sins..." (Yeshayah 53:5). However, instead of using this to justify thesituation, chas v‘sholom, it is better and essential to concentrate oncorrecting our sins that have caused it. There's no need to go into detail,

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577337but unfortunately the sins of machloikes now exist even at our highest,holiest levels. It's true that the Alter Rebbe says in a Maamar that Chevlei<strong>Moshiach</strong> (the sufferings before <strong>Moshiach</strong>'s arrival) will include theinyan of machloikes, but this must not be allowed to serve as an excuse,just as this that "He is sick from our sins" can't serve as an excuse."HaMaseh Hu HaIkar": Lately the Rebbe shlita, has been coming out tosee us, almost daily, after Mincha and Maariv, encouraging the singing of―Yechi Adoneinu‖, all for our sake. But the great question is: What aredoing for him?First and foremost, it's obligatory for each of us to intensify oursaying of Tehilim from the depth of our hearts for the Rebbe's health. Along time has passed since 27 Adar, 5752, and our enthusiasm for sayingTehilim has weakened. We all believe and see that, boruch Hashem,there's been a great improvement since then, and the merit of our Tehilimand fasting must certainly have accomplished much to accelerate theRebbe's complete recovery. It's not enough to work among the entireJewish people to accelerate the coming of the <strong>Moshiach</strong>; it's essential towork simultaneously, in every way possible, for the Rebbe's completerecovery — saying Tehilim just as one would if, chas v‘sholom, a memberof one's family was in such a situation. Indeed, we are all children of theRebbe shlita....Now to the second and most central issue: preparing for the comingof the <strong>Moshiach</strong>:I am not among those who pride themselves with their intellectualexpertise who claim to understand the Rebbe's ‗kavonah pnimis‘. Myconcern is with ‗maseh b‘po‘el‘. Already in the year 5697, the PreviousRebbe, of blessed memory, sent me a letter concerning the "TmimimAlumni Society," and later, too, all assignments given to me have beenconnected with practical deeds. Therefore, I will deal here only withsubjects of practical concern.Years ago, on a visit to Tel Aviv, I heard a story from the renownedGaon and Chossid, Rabbi Shaul Ber Zislin, that made an extraordinarilydeep impression on me:

38 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>In the early years of the Rebbe Rashab's nesius, a group of zikneihaChassidim once discussed which sifrei Chassides to learn. <strong>On</strong>esuggested the Mittler Rebbe's Imrei Binah, another pointed out the specialqualities of the Tzemach Tzedek's maamorim, while a third favored thechassidus of the Rebbe Maharash.Among the Chassidim present was Rabbi Asher Grossman ofNikolayev. Although not among the greatest maskilim, he was known forhis hiskashrus and m‘siras nefesh for the Rebbe. "I don't understand whatthe debate is about," he said. "Whatever the Rebbe is kocht zech, that'swhat we too, have to koch in. If the Rebbe says a maamar chassidusevery Shabbos, that's what he's involved in. So how can there be anyquestion about what to learn?"How does this concern us? I know that there are all kinds of ideas andapproaches for bringing the Geulah. From a purely intellectual viewpoint,it's possible that all of them are or aren't correct. But none of this is ofpractical importance. In practice we see the Rebbe coming out to us twicedaily, and we sing ‗Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v‘Rabeinu MelechHa<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed‘ every time. Why does he come out to us sooften if not for the sake of encouraging activities which hurry the Geula?The Rebbe is quite simply showing us "with a pointed finger" in whichinyan we must be involved in in order to bring the Geulah. Therefore all

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577339questions on the subject are worthless when we see with our own eyeswhat the Rebbe is instructing us.The Rambam writes that the primary proof for the Maten Torah onHar Sinai is the fact that the Jewish people saw it with their own eyes.When the Rebbe is showing us that he approves, what place is there forany intellectual discussion? The only discussion can be about the wayhow to publicize this, but not regarding the fact that it should bepublicized.I am amazed at all those questioners who are afraid of negativeconsequences. When the Rebbe encourages the song, doesn't he himselfrealize that it is immediately publicized throughout the world? He iscertainly aware, and if nevertheless he encourages it who are we to raiseany doubts of a possible Chillul Hashem etc.?I ask all these questioners: During this same period, you relyunhesitatingly on the Rebbe shlita, in issues affecting life and death.What difference is there between those issues and this one? This scenariorecalls the complaints to Moshe Rabbeinu (Tehilim 78:20): "Can he evengive bread, can he prepare meat for his people?" True, "He struck therock, and water flowed out"(!)We have seen the Rebbe give blessings and they have all come true,yet nevertheless the Yetzer asks "Can he even give bread...?"Imagine if we would ask the Rebbe and he would clearly reply thatthis is the thing that we must do. Obviously, there would no longer be anydoubts. If so, what difference does it make that his reply is given in theform of encouraging the singing of ‗Yechi‘? It's clear as daylight that theRebbe is aware of all associated issues and questions, and neverthelessgives his encouragement!Since we see that the Rebbe is instructing us to work at it, that's allthere is to it! Whoever works in the opposite direction — not to publicizeor work to bring the Geula — may Hashem forgive him! May Hashem helpus all to work with mesirus nefesh to bring the Geulah, just as the Rebbehimself always works with mesiras nefesh in everything he does, andthen we will succeed in our task and actually bring the Geulah b‘po‘elmamash!

40 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>By Rabbi Pinchas FeldmanHead Shliach Sydney, AustraliaExerted from the keynote address at thebanquet of Kinus Hashluchim 5753Avrohom blazed the trail for all Jews. Avrohom our fatherworked with selfless devotion and sacrifice to bringG-d's word to the ancient world of his times. The RebbeShlita, like Avrohom Avinu, has devoted hislife to bringing G-d's word to the twentieth century.It didn't come easy then, and it doesn't come easy nowEach of us, together with thousands of shluchim around the world,serves as the spiritual conscience of the Jewish world. We can do so onlythanks to the leadership of the spiritual giant of our generation—the Rebbeshlita.Upon assuming the nesius, on Yud Shvat5711, the Rebbe declared that we are workingto bring <strong>Moshiach</strong> Tzidkeinu. From then untiltoday, over forty years, <strong>Moshiach</strong> is aconstant theme in all of the Rebbe's talks andwritings. The Rebbe has not moved from hisstatement that we will be the first generationof Redemption.The Rebbe's secretary, Rabbi Binyomin Klein, mentioned the amazingfact that through all the years that he merited to serve the Rebbe shlita, itnever happened even once that the Rebbe's promises didn't fully materialize.Sometimes a bit of patience is necessary, but if we only have the strengthand patience to do exactly as the Rebbe says we will not ever bedisappointed.

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577311The question is asked: What was really so special about AvrohomAvinu's mesirus nefesh?Great things are attained only through hard work; the greater thespiritual revelation the more difficult the task.Hashem, therefore, tested Avrohom many times; ten times. After passingall the tests and doing everything right, one would expect he would enjoy acomfortable life, until the greatest test of all, the test of the Akeidah ofYitzchok his son.The expression that Hashem used when speaking to Avrohom regardingthis last test was ―please take your son‖. It was a request. The TalmudSanhedrin explains that Hashem said: "I ask you, Avrohom. Please don'tdisappoint me; I tested you in the past and you passed the tests. But now. Ibeg of you, be strong and pass this test with flying colors, so they won‘t saythat the other tests were worthless."The meforshim ask: Why did Hashem doubt Avrohom's faith in this test?Didn't Avrohom already prove himself time and time again, beginning withthe total mesirus nefesh of being thrown in a burning furnace, rather thandenying Hashem. Didn't he already prove himself by being ready to give uphis very life for his faith? The explanation is alluded to in the Midrash, whichsays." I and the child will go until here‖, ―let us see what will come of theHashem‘s promise of my having children." Avrohom Avinu wanted to seewhat would happen to Hashem‘s promise that he would have children, nowthat Yitzchok will be sacrificed.The Medrash says that the Satan came to Avrohom and said to him,"Avrohom! How can Hashem want you to kill your son? You have worked sohard to spread Elokus in the world. Such a horrible act of killing your ownson will alienate many people from following your teachings. Are you notconcerned that all your self-sacrifice until this day will be in vain? Thewhole world sees you as the epitome of good and kindness. Now they willthink that you went mad, they will stop respecting your beliefs; they willdismiss you as irrelevant!The Satan indeed had a good argument: "All the souls that Avrohom andSarah brought close to Yiddishkeit will distance themselves from you. Howwill you begin again from scratch at your age? Hashem can't seriously expectyou to do something that will make a mockery of all his promises toyou. Avrohom, be rational! You will be sacrificing your very faith in

42 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Hashem! Maybe you err in understanding Hashem‘s word? Maybe you didn'thear right? Otherwise, what meaning is there for His promise to you thatyou will have children?" Extending Satan's argument, I allow myself tofurther play ―devil's advocate‖.Avrohom Avinu had a Yeshiva, as the Talmud says, "Avrohom sat inYeshivah…‖ We all know well that in order to support an institution you needcommunity support. In order to draw students you need community trust;the existence of the school necessitates that everyone see the head ofYeshivah as a rational person who cares for the community. The Satan saidto Avrohom Avinu, "If you will do this, you will lose the trust and support ofthe public. Your behavior was correct before you built your institutions, butnow that you behave so irrationally, it will destroy all you achieved!..."In light of the above, it is understood, that the test of the 'akeida', the lasttest, was basically different from all the other tests. Here Avrohom didn‘t justhave to sacrifice his physical beingfor the will of Hashem. This was atest of nullification on the highestlevel -absolute surrender of even hisspiritual self, in order to fulfillHashem‘s will.The sign of a true leader,especially the founder of a Jewishnation is absolute surrender of hiswhole being, including all hispersonal spiritual needs and goals.This is the central message thatthe Rebbe gave us to be like AvrohomAvinu, to know that our role in theworld is the role of Avrohom Avinu,regarding whom it is said: "He calledin the name of Hashem", and the Talmud says: 'He didn't only call himself,but caused others to call." It is not enough that we ourselves recognize thegreatness of Hashem, but we must go out to every place where this messageisn't yet known.The Rebbe's leadership always focused on highlighting areas of Jewishlife which had been neglected or forgotten. He brought them to the forefront

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577313of Jewish communal awareness. This was only possible through mesirusnefesh. The Rebbe didn't always adopt easy positions which no one objectedto. He took stands on what was right, even if it wasn't popular. Throughoutthe years, our challenge as shluchim was to popularize unpopular ideas. Thiswas so when the Rebbe began to speak about the ―Baal Teshuvahmovement‖. This was so about Yeshiva education, large families, MihuYehudi, Shleimus Ha‘Aretz and more. In time, after much hesitation, theseideas became better understood by the main stream community.The Rebbe is always challenging. But thanks to dedication and devotionto the Rebbe, the shluchim overcame their difficulties and proceed fromstrength to strength.Now, we face a new unprecedented level and dimension in the years ofthe Rebbe's leadership. The Rebbe gave us a role; to publicize his nevuah — areal nevuah, with all the Halachic implications of prophecy, that ―Hinei hinei<strong>Moshiach</strong> bo!‖The Rebbe keeps emphasizing that <strong>Moshiach</strong> is a real thing; that we needto study about it, talk about it, publicize it, and "live" with it. At last year'sconvention, the Rebbe taught us shluchim that the goal and objective of allour Yidishkeit activities all the days of our life is to "to bring the days of<strong>Moshiach</strong>‖. The life of a Jew is Torah and Mitzvos, and all ―the days of yourlife‖ should - is to "to bring the days of <strong>Moshiach</strong>". The life of a Jew is Torahand Mitzvos, and "all the days of your life" should be penetrated by this maintheme "to bring the days of <strong>Moshiach</strong>."The Rebbe also told us that <strong>Moshiach</strong> should be publicized 'b‘ofenhamiskebel'.What does "b‘ofen hamiskabel" mean? It refers to the example of ateacher and student as explained in Chassidus. When the student is youngand his mind and knowledge are limited, a teacher must use a moshol toexplain the message in an interesting way, according to the student'scapabilities. The Rav must use the moshol in such a way that all the depth ofthe Rav's teaching is clothed in the short message, or moshol. When thestudent works on understanding the real message, he will then understandthe essence. The message we deliver about <strong>Moshiach</strong> should contain the fulldepth of <strong>Moshiach</strong> as explained in the Rebbe's talks. But exactly how andwhat to say, depends on the type of place of every shliach, and everyoneshould judge what is the "b‘ofen hamiskabel" in his place.

44 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Every shliach works to prepare his city so that they will be able tounderstand and know everything. But the shliach must deliver the wordsaccording to the level of the community. The message of <strong>Moshiach</strong> must bedelivered with clarity and strength. Certainly, the fear of unwanted results ispart of the test. When we pass a test, it is clear that things are not as bad aswe imagined it.Just like Avrohom Avinu passed the test and publicized Elokus in theworld with self-sacrifice, so the publicity of the ‗b‘suras haGeulah‘ of theRebbe needs to be done with mesirus nefesh. Certainly the Rebbe himself -more than any other person - knows the possible problems that can becaused by this publicity. Despite this the Rebbe gave us this mission. Wemust utilize all methods possible to prepare the world for <strong>Moshiach</strong>.All of us, like one man with one heart, are devoted to prepare for<strong>Moshiach</strong> with mesirus nefesh, and we must say clearly: There are noopposing camps in Lubavitch!Yet this convention does not impose one approach on everyone. Asbrothers, we give each other our trust and rely on each other, as the Rebberelies on each and every one of us to the right thing. The right way is thatevery shliach will work on success in his city and others will see and learnfrom them. The general direction was given to us by the Rebbe, the Geulah isimminent and the preparation is our main task. Preparations in each specificplace are not absolute. Every one of us should do it to the best of ourpotential. Let us honor each other for the true efforts and faithful work tofulfill the shlichus properly. There are different approaches to what is thebest way, but when the shliach devotes himself to spread the message ofGeulah, we must respect what he does.People ask how can we do so with devotion, when the Rebbe is not well?Without trying to 'justify ' Hashem‘s ways, since understanding ‗hashgochahprotis‘ is beyond human capacity- it is important to know that the revelationof <strong>Moshiach</strong> is associated with <strong>Moshiach</strong>‘s suffering for Am Yisroel, asmentioned in Tanach, Gemorah and Kabballah.The Pardes Yosef explains something interesting on Moshe Rabeinu'swords when he came to redeem Israel: "Pokod Pokadeti - I haveremembered." These words were the 'code' of redemption. The Jews inMitzrayim had a tradition going back to Yaakov Avinu that the Redeemerwill say these very words.

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577315But the question is: If everyone knew that the redeemer will say thesewords, how is it proof that he is a real redeemer, and not a pretender?He answers this question with another question:Why was Moshe Rabeinu's speech impaired? Yetziyas Mitzrayiminvolved so many miracles couldn't Hashem throw in just one more miracle,and cure Moshe Rabeinu so he could speak perfectly like anyone else?Wouldn't it be nicer if the redeemer spoke clearly?The explanation is that these specific words "Pokod Pokadeti" could nothave been said correctly by a speech impaired person. When Moshe saidthese words, even though he usually stammered - this was the sign that hewas indeed the redeemer, to announce that the Geulah is truly on its way.May we soon hear the Rebbe say his message, with clear speech, and allwill recognize that the Redemption arrived!The Rebbe mentions in his famous letter, that since he was a child, evenbefore he went to cheder, he envisioned the wonderful redemption in such away that would explain and justify all the pains of exile. When the <strong>Moshiach</strong>will come, we will finally understand how all the pain was for the good.We fully believe that the day isn't far when all of Am Yisroel will join usin proclaiming:‘Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu vRabeinuMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed’!

46 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>We present before our readers a selection of answersreceived from the Rebbe regarding publicizingthe identity of <strong>Moshiach</strong>:<strong>On</strong> Hoshana Rabbah, 5752, a delegation of ten women from CrownHeights presented the Rebbe during “Dollars” with a second envelopecontaining signatures of people who had been makebel the malchus ofthe Rebbe as <strong>Moshiach</strong> (the first envelope was submitted Erev Shabbosduring Choi Hamoed Sukkos). The spokeswoman of the delegation said tothe Rebbe, "We, a minyan ofwomen, from” a stubbornnation”, petition the Rebbe toreveal himself before all as<strong>Moshiach</strong>, and take us out ofGolus now!" To this the Rebbeanswered:"Amen. Hatzlocha rabba.Bsuros tovos." He then added,"For the letter, for the pidyonnefesh, and for the names."•In connection to the above, aconference was organized inCrown Heights whose purposewas to arouse people aboutKabbalas Hamalchus. Thisconference received three repliesfrom the Rebbe:1. The response to aninvitation to the conference:"I will bring the enclosed[invitation], b’ezras Hashem, to5725: The Rebbe instructs R’ Avrohom Pariz todestroy flyers explaining theidentity of <strong>Moshiach</strong>Something the Rebbe strongly opposedin earlier years now receives his fullhaskomo v’brochah

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577317the Tzion. v’hazman gromah [it is most timely]."2. His reply to the letter which noted that the conference was beingheld as a result of the encouragement received from the Rebbe onHoshana Rabbah:"May it be very successful. It is timely and appropriate. Azkir alhaTzion"3. The Rebbe responded to the report submitted by N'shei Chabadafter the conference. The report outlined the topics discussed duringthe conference, including the need to arouse the midas hamalchus bythe Rebbe through the Klal Yisroel accepting his malchus; the uniquepower and obligation of Jewish women to bring the Geulah and thespecial importance, to this end, of signing up Jews to accept theRebbe’s malchus. The Rebbe's responded:"Azkir al haTzion once again that you should continue to havegreat and wondrous success in every respect etc."•<strong>On</strong> 3 Kislev, 5752 at “Dollars”, a group of women presented theRebbe with a decorated box containing lists of signatures. Therepresentative of the group approached the Rebbe and said, "BoruchHashem, our activities in the campaign to seek out <strong>Moshiach</strong> haveenjoyed much success in every respect. Indeed, it continues to expandthrough the efforts of N'shei Chabad, reaching throughout the world, andto all the Shluchos. We, nshei u’bnos Chabad, are all mekabel pnei<strong>Moshiach</strong> Tzidkeinu, the Rebbe shlita. May he lead us forward to ourHoly Land immediately."The Rebbe responded:"Amen." (The Rebbe studied the box, and asked :)"Is this for me? Bsuros tovos" (Again the Rebbe gazed at the boxand at the signatures, then added :)"For the hatzlochah of all matters, one must contribute totzedakah; you should be very matzliach, going michayil el choyiluntil you reach "Hashem b’Tziyon" in the Geulah ha’amitisvhashleimah. Brochah v’hatzlochah; hatzlochah rabba."

48 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Melaveh Malkah to Welome <strong>Moshiach</strong><strong>On</strong> Motzoei Shabbos, 28 Teves, 5752, N'shei Chabad organized a festiveMelvah Malkah to welcome <strong>Moshiach</strong>. They merited to receive theresponse, teshuos chein [an expression of gratitude] several times.During the meal, the women wrote a note to the Rebbe. Theyinformed the Rebbe that Jewish women in general, and N'shei Chabad inparticular, are ready to welcome <strong>Moshiach</strong>, and to hear the Rebbe sayingthe “Torah chadoshah”, during this very meal which was taking place.The women concluded their letter saying that they were praying tomerit the Geulah in a miraculous fashion, immediately, MaMoSh.The Rebbe's replied:"All who bless are blessed with the blessing of the Hashem, whoseadded part is greater than the principal part. especially when theblessing given is a unique one, and is given in a unique time. Azkiral haTzion."Immediatelyafter the dinner,Rabbi Chaim BaruchHalberstam ofW.L.C.C. submitted areport to the Rebberegarding the hookupof the event. Inhis report, hereferred to theRebbe as MelechHa<strong>Moshiach</strong>, and tothe dinner as a receptionwelcomingthe Rebbe as MelechHa<strong>Moshiach</strong>. His report detailed locations in the U.S.A. and around theworld which had been connected to the gathering by telephone.Although this was similar to the reports he submitted after eachfarbrengen, this report received the following unusual reply:"I have received your report. Teshuos chein [an expression ofgratitude] for the nachas you have given me and continue to give me.Azkir al haTzion."

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577319A "Melavah Malkah to Greet <strong>Moshiach</strong>" took place on MotzoeiShabbos Beshalach, 5752, under the auspices of N'shei Chabad inaccordance with the Rebbe's instruction to them to repeat it. The Rebbeanswered their notification on the Friday before the event as follows: "Itshould be with great success. It is timely. Azkir al haTzion."•As we have seen, the Rebbe gave wondrous replies bolstering andencouraging this particular aspect of the campaign. Yet, even moreremarkable was the reply addressed to N'shei Chabad of London,England. They had written to the Rebbe in connection with theiractivities on the subject of <strong>Moshiach</strong> in general. The Rebbe responded:"I have received your report and the enclosures. Teshuos chein.Your activities should enjoy much success. Surely you have been incontact with N'shei Chabad here [in Crown Heights] to learn of theirlatest celebration here. Azkir al haTzion."‘Nishtanu haitim’?Some however were still uncertain if the situation had reallychanged. From South Africa R’ Mendel Lipsker turned to the Rebbe inShvat 5752 asking regarding the signatures for kabolas hamalchus andabout petition the Rebbe to reveal himself as <strong>Moshiach</strong>. The rabbiexpressed his dilemma as follows:“..Everyone agrees 100% to the above we only hesitate on account ofour uncertainty that the Rebbe is in favor of such activities. (Being thatin the past the Rebbe has expressed his clear opposition to such matters,saying that it would distance them from learning Chassidus. But nowpeople are claiming that there are indications that the situation haschanged; that now such activities are indeed desirable.) Therefore, Idare ask, is the hour now appropriate?”The Rebbe answered:“It depends on the circumstances of the particular place. The localChabad should clarify regarding this.”'Continue to Inform Me of Good Tidings"A shliach of the Rebbe to Chicago, R’ Daniel Moskowitz, wrote to theRebbe: “The students of our cheder here are animated-involved in thetheme of <strong>Moshiach</strong>. The Jewish community, too, is discussing how in

50 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Lubavitch, there is tremendous excitement about <strong>Moshiach</strong>, and aboutthe Lubavitcher Rebbe being <strong>Moshiach</strong>. We see empirically that whenwe speak about such matters pleasantly and sincerely, our words areaccepted. The time has already come for the Almighty to answer thesupplication of the Jewish nation for the revelation of <strong>Moshiach</strong>,immediately MaMoSh.<strong>On</strong> the eve of Rosh Chodesh Adar 1, 5752, the answer was received:"Continue to inform me of good tidings. Azkir al haTzion."Intensifying Activities after 27 Adar IAfter 27 Adar I, 5752, when the Rebbe suffered his first stroke, manysimilar answers were received. For the most part, they werecommunicated by the Rebbe nodding his head and expressing hissatisfaction of various sorts of activities that publicize the Rebbe as<strong>Moshiach</strong>.Rabbi Leibel Groner, a member of the Rebbe's Secretariat, related ata farbrengen on 11 Nisan, 5752:"A certain woman wrote to the Rebbe, 'Some people are saying thatwhat transpired on 27 Adar occurred as a result of the special activitiesdesigned to hasten the Geulah, as a result of our petitions to Hashemthat the Rebbe should be revealed as <strong>Moshiach</strong>. If this is true,' thewoman wrote, 'ought we to conclude that we should stop suchactivities?'"To this question, the Rebbe did not respond," said Rabbi Groner.“‘Should no answer at all be given to this woman?' I asked the Rebbe."The Rebbe negated this suggestion.“‘Should I answer her at all,' I asked."The Rebbe indicated an affirmative response."I continued to ask, 'Should I notify her that such activities, to hurrythe arrival of the Geulah and the revelation of the Rebbe, should stop?'"The Rebbe negated this.“‘Should I tell her to continue, and to do so in an increasedmeasure?'"The Rebbe responded affirmatively."The above took place on a Friday. The following Sunday, a similarletter was sent. After I read it to the Rebbe, I informed him that I had

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577351communicated his earlier response to the first letter, and that it createdquite a stir. The Rebbe nodded his head in approval. To my question,'Does the first reply then also apply to this [present] letter?' the Rebbenodded his head in the affirmative."Kislev 5753In Sydney, Australia, Rabbi Yoram Ulman, shliach to the RussianJewish community, relates: “After the Kinus HaShluchim 5753 there wasa tremendous renewed interest with regards to giving classes in inyoneiGeulah u’<strong>Moshiach</strong>. When I returned to Australia I wrote to the Rebbeinforming him of my pleasure in teaching my kehillah from RabbiShalom Dovber Wolpo’s book Yechi HaMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>, whichdiscusses how the Rebbe is fitting to be <strong>Moshiach</strong> according toHalachah. I asked the Rebbe if to do so was proper and if it was, for hisblessing for success. The Rebbe in turn approved the class and gave hisbrochah.•In Argentina, the head shliach, Rabbi Tzvi Grumblat, asked theRebbe about the propriety of translating into Spanish a specific chapterfrom the above book, and about distributing it throughout Argentina.The Rebbe nodded his head in consent.Teves 5753Rabbi Yitzchok Springer submittedvarious ads to the Rebbe which he had placedin a number of newspapers (in Yiddish,Hebrew and English). Rabbi Groner readthese ads to the Rebbe, including thepronouncement that the Rebbe is <strong>Moshiach</strong>.The Rebbe gave his blessings.Shvat 5753In France Rabbi Hillel Pewzner, the Rav ofthe Lubavitch community in Paris, wrote tothe Rebbe regarding a conference that was tobe held on matters pertaining to <strong>Moshiach</strong>. Itwas to take place Motzoei Shabbos Bo, in theLetter from R’ Leibel Groner toR’ S.Z. Gourarie confirming theRebbe’s haskomo to the ads inthe news paper

52 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>Sinai School. He also informed the Rebbe about the proposed topics:a) "The time for our Redemption has arrived”b) Preparations for the coming of <strong>Moshiach</strong>;c) The declaration of "Yechi." The third topic was particularlyemphasized and presented as the central point of the gathering.He requested the Rebbe's consent and blessings. In turn, theRebbe approved all of the above.The Rebbe's secretary returned and emphasized the thirdmatter, and mentioned that this part was to be especiallyunderscored. Again the Rebbe nodded his head, signaling his approvaland blessing.•The organizers of the Mitzvah Tanks (belonging to the centraloffice of Lubavitch Youth Organization), submitted pictures of anew tank on which there was affixed a banner with the words"Let's Welcome <strong>Moshiach</strong>" along with a picture of the Rebbe. Theyrequested the Rebbe's blessing for their success. The Rebbe gave hisbrochah.•Several Yeshivah students wrote to the Rebbe about their plansto travel to Petersburg, Russia to publicize <strong>Moshiach</strong>'s arrival, hisidentity, and the need to prepare and be mekabel malchuso. TheRebbe responded to their request for his approval and blessingsby nodding his head in the affirmative.(The Rebbe's secretary relates that the Rebbe nodded in theaffirmative to each detail of their plan.)Adar 5753An ornately decorated card containing the "Shema Yisroel"prayer, and bearing a picture of the Rebbe, was printed. Under theRebbe's picture was a caption reading, “Yechi Adoneinu Moreinuv'Rabbeinu Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> Lolam Voed”. The Rebbe was asked forhis haskomo and brochah.The Rebbe nodded his head in approval. (It is interesting tonote that a few years earlier, when a similar card, with the words"Prepare for <strong>Moshiach</strong>'s Arrival" and a picture of the Rebbe was

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577353presented to the Rebbe, he instructed that this caption and hispicture be removed from it.)Nisan 5753Rabbi Yaakov Blum, a Chabad shliach in Paris, wrote to the Rebberegarding a pamphlet he had written about <strong>Moshiach</strong>. <strong>On</strong>e point ofhis explanation concerned itself with the Rebbe as <strong>Moshiach</strong>. TheRebbe gave his consent and blessing.Iyar 5753Rabbi Shmerl Matusof preparedan ad, "Open Letter to Rabbonim," forthe Algemeiner Journal (Iyar, 5753),which discussed the imminence of theGeulah and included the Psak Dinabout the Rebbe being “b’chezkas<strong>Moshiach</strong>” according to the Rambam.Prior to publishing the ad, RabbiMatusof indicated to Rabbi Klein, amember of the Rebbe's Secretariat,that he would not publish the adwithout the Rebbe's explicit approval.Rabbi Klein read the ad to theRebbe, and related that the Rebbenodded his head in approval.Menachem Av 5753Advertisement printed in theNew York Timesapproved by the RebbeA milestone response from the Rebbe, indicating that publicizingthe identity of <strong>Moshiach</strong> should now be the official Lubavitch policyline, was the Rebbe's consent to use the title Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> inthe Publisher's Preface to his works, published by Kehos - theofficial publishing house of Chabad Lubavitch.A member of the Rebbe's Secretariat informed the Rebbe aboutthe recent Kehos publication entitled, Besuras HaGeulah. He remarkedto the Rebbe, "Melech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong> is written here in theforeword. Does it matter?"The Rebbe indicated that it did not.

54 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>The member of the Secretariat then asked, "This is the first timethat a publication of Kehos has officially written that the Rebbe isMelech Ha<strong>Moshiach</strong>. The Rebbe doesn't mind?"The Rebbe again indicated in the negative."Then may they continue to write this?"The Rebbe nodded his head, giving his approval.•Nevertheless, themost importantanswer which has thelast word in thisentire discussion inthe clearest way isthe one that everyperson was able tosee with his own eyes- the constant dailyencouragement ofthe singing of "Yechi."For over a completeyear, the Rebbe notonly allowed butencouraged thesinging with everyounce of strength andwith complete msirusnefesh. This publicdemonstration by theRebbe on such aregular basis infused all who were present with the certainty thatthe song of "Yechi" and its message was not just appropriate, butimperative.

“<strong>Moshiach</strong> In Gazeten”:“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 5773The ‘Satellite’ receives headlines in the pressin Eretz Yisroel and world-wide55לעילוי נשמתבתי'‏ בת קיילאנלב"ע ה'‏ ש בט תשע"ג‏"הקיצו ורננו שוכני עפר"‏ והיא בתוכם בהתגלותכ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"אתיכף ומיד ממשו לזכותהתלמידים היקריםד ישיבת תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטשקווינסיהי רצון שיגרמו נחת רוח רבלכ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"אע"י הת'‏ השליח אברהם משה שיחי'‏ דייס

56 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>לעילוי נשמתמד"א דשכונת ‏"כאן צוה ה'‏ את הברכה"‏‏"אביר שבאבירים"‏ הרה"ג הרה"ח הרה"תהרב יהודה קלמן בן אברהם יהושע ע"ה מארלא ולעילוי נשמתנפתלי צבי יהודה בן ראובן בערגלעלוי נשמתבתי'‏ בת קיילאנלב"ע ה'‏ שבט תשע"גולזכות התמימים היקריםדישיבת תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטשיה"רקווינס -שיגרמו נחת רוח רב ויביאו תיכף ומיד לידי התגלותכ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"אהוקדש ע"י הת'‏ השליח אברהם משה שיחי'‏ די יסלזכות החתן הת'‏ לוי יצחק שי'‏למשפחת פרידמןלרגל בואו בקשרי השידוכין עב"גמרת מלכה תחי'‏ למשפחת הרשקוביץיה"ר מהשי"ת שיבנו בית בישראל על יסודי התורה והמצוה בחיים מאושרים בכל כפישהם מוארים במאור שבתורה,‏ זוהי תורת החסידות ושיזכו למלאות שליחותם –השליחות העיקרית והיחידה – קבלת פני משיח צדקנו בפו"מ

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577357לעילוי נשמתהרה"ח הרה"ת ר'‏ צבי הירש בן הרה"ח ר'‏ בן-‏ ציוןנלב"ע כ"ז אלול ה'תש"מלחיזוק התקשרותל כ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"אנדבת משפחת וואראוויטשמוקדשלכ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"אע"י א'‏ הת'‏ דישיבת תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטש – קווינסלזירוז התגלותכ"ק אדמו"ר שליט"אמלך המשיחלרפואתמזל טוב בת שמחהוחיים שמעון חנני'‏ יהושע הלוי בן לאהלזכותהרה"ח ר'‏ אהרן יקותיאל שי'‏ גינסבערגומשפחתו שיחיו

58 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>לעילוי נשמתהרה"ת ר'‏ יעקב זלמן חיים בן הרה"ת ר'‏ מרדכי לוי יצחקסעמיועלסנדפס ע"י הרה"ת ר'‏ שמואל מאיר שי'‏וזוגתו מרת נחמה שתחי'‏ומשפחתם שיחיוסעמיועלסלעלוי נשמתקיילא בת בתי'‏נלב"ע ה'‏ שבט תשע"ג‏"הקיצו ורננו שוכני עפר"‏ והיא בתוכם בהתגלותכ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח שליט"אתיכף ומיד ממשנדבת עטא לאה שתחי'‏ ומשפחתהIn Memory of Mrs. B. Dyceand Rachel Page MacIvorSponsored by Ms. S. Ellyce

“Nizkorim v’Naasim” – 5753 - 577359

תנועת צדיק ומכל שכן ראי'‏או שמיעת קול,‏ צריך לפעולשלא ישכח לעד60 <strong>Moshiach</strong> <strong>On</strong> <strong>Air</strong>היום יום י"ד טבתובאותיות פשוטות:‏לאחר שישנה שלימות ד"חיים"‏ שנה לנשיאותו‏)פעולתו ועבודתו(‏ דנשיא דורנו – צ"ל הוספה עיקריתבענין החיים,‏ ‏)גם(‏ ע"י פעולת העם שמכריזים‏"יחי המלך"‏ שתוכנה של הכרזה זו – שכבר הגיע הזמןדהקיצו ורננו שוכני עפר – כ"ק מו"ח אדמו"רנשיא דורנו ועד דהקיצו ורננו דוד מלכא משיחא‏..והמעשה הוא העיקר:‏יש לסיים ולהשלים את ‏"מעשינו ועבודתינו"‏ – כולל גםהבקשה והדרישה ‏"עד מתי"‏וההכרזה ‏"יחי המלך"‏ דוד מלכא משיחאבזריזות הכי גדולה הקשורה עם שמחה וחיות‏)משיחת ב'‏ ניסן תשמ"ח(‏!-...

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