Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - Tangipahoa Parish Schools

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - Tangipahoa Parish Schools

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 - Tangipahoa Parish Schools


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TANGIPAHOA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD PROCEEDINGSJUNE 7, <strong>2011</strong>The <strong>Tangipahoa</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> School Board met in regular session <strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 7,<strong>2011</strong> at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board room, 59656 Puleston Road, Amite,Louisiana with President Rose Dominguez presiding.MEMBERS PRESENTS: Ann Smith, Gail Pittman-McDaniel, Andy Anderson,Al Link, Brett Duncan, Chris Cohea, Eric Dangerfieldand Sandra Bailey-SimmonsMEMBERS ABSENT:NonePresident Dominguez led the Pledge of Allegiance.It was moved by Ms. Cohea, seconded by Ms. Pittman-McDaniel, to approvethe Board minutes of May 24, <strong>2011</strong>, May 31, <strong>2011</strong>, and <strong>June</strong> 3, <strong>2011</strong> as distributed.Hearing no objection, the motion was adopted.Superintendent Mark Kolwe and Mr. Mark Vining, <strong>Parish</strong> Athletic Coordinator,recognized and presented plaques to the <strong>2011</strong> All State Composite Team Athletes: Vernell Banks Hammond High Football Crystal Gonzalez Hammond High Basketball Millard McElwee Hammond High Soccer Marcus Lamb Loranger High Basketball/Football Erin Biggs Ponchatoula High Soccer/Swimming/Track Courtney Vicknair Ponchatoula High Soccer/TrackMs. Bailey-Simmons recognized the recipient of the Enos “Jake” Bailey, Jr. Aboveand Beyond Award, Theresa Hamilton – Supervisor of Federal Programs.Mr. Bret Schnadelbach, Chief Financial Officer, read the resolution regardingadopting the <strong>2011</strong> Millage Rates.President Dominguez asked if anyone wished to speak in Public Input regardingthe <strong>2011</strong> Millage Rates. No one spoke in Public Input.It was moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Duncan, to adopt the <strong>2011</strong>Millage Rates. Hearing no objection, the motion was adopted.TANGIPAHOA PARISH SCHOOL SYSTEMRESOLUTIONBE IT RESOLVED, that the following millage(s) are hereby levied on the <strong>2011</strong>tax roll on all property subject to taxation by the <strong>Tangipahoa</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> School System:Hammond District #1Hammond District #1 – Accelerated ProgramChamp Cooper District #106Kentwood District #107Ponchatoula District #108Sumner District #116Constitutional District #100Independence District #39A<strong>2011</strong> Actual3 mills0 mills2 mills7 mills1.75 mills17 mills4.06 mills15 millsBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper administrative officials of the<strong>Parish</strong> of <strong>Tangipahoa</strong>, State of Louisiana, be and they are hereby empowered,

TANGIPAHOA PARISH SCHOOL SYSTEM ____ _ JUNE 7, <strong>2011</strong>authorized, and directed to spread said taxes, as hereinabove set forth, upon theassessment roll of said <strong>Parish</strong> for the year <strong>2011</strong>, and to make the collection of thetaxes imposed for and on behalf of the taxing authority, according to law, and that thetaxes herein levied shall become a permanent lien and privilege on all property subjectto taxation as herein set forth, and collection thereof shall be enforceable in themanner provided by law.The foregoing resolution was read in full, the roll was called on the adoptionthereof, and the resolution was adopted by the following votes:YEAS: Ann Smith, Gail Pittman-McDaniel, Andy Anderson, Al LinkBrett Duncan, Chris Cohea, Eric Dangerfield, Sandra Bailey-Simmons and Rose DominguezNAYS: NoneABSTAINED: NoneABSENT: NoneCERTIFICATE:I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the resolutionadopted at a regular Board meeting held on <strong>June</strong> 7, <strong>2011</strong> at which meeting a quorumwas present and voting.Amite, Louisiana, this <strong>June</strong> 7, <strong>2011</strong>._____________________________________Mark Kolwe, SecretaryIt was moved by Mr. Link, seconded by Ms. Bailey-Simmons, to approve thePersonnel Committee Report contained on the agenda. Mr. Dangerfield abstained.Following are the reports as approved:PERSONNEL COMMITTEE – JUNE 7, <strong>2011</strong>:ITEM AThe regular Agenda and Addendum #1 was presented by Mr. Link, chairperson.It was moved by Ms. Bailey-Simmons, seconded by Ms. Dominguez, to approvethe items contained in the Agenda and Addendum #1. Mr. Dangerfieldabstained. Hearing no objection, the motion was adopted.TEACHER – TRANSFERS1. Patricia Bratcher, Teacher, From: Florida <strong>Parish</strong>es Detention Center, To:Ponchatoula Junior High2. Margaret Penton, Teacher, From: Hammond Westside Primary, To: NatalbanyElementary3. Linda Braziel, Teacher, From: Roseland Elementary, To: Champ CooperElementary4. Jacquelyn Haynes, Teacher, From: Ponchatoula Junior High, To: TuckerElementary5. Jennifer Dunn, Teacher, From: Tucker Elementary, To: Ponchatoula JuniorHigh6. Laronda Varnado, Teacher, From: Independence High, To: Amite High7. Brookes Kelly, Teacher, From: Amite High, To: Independence High8. Roxanna Giordano, Teacher, From: Hammond Junior High, To: Florida<strong>Parish</strong>es Detention Center9. Lisa Gros, Teacher, From: Hammond Eastside Primary, To: Midway ElementaryITEM B2

TANGIPAHOA PARISH SCHOOL SYSTEM ____ _ JUNE 7, <strong>2011</strong>MAGNET TEACHERSHAMMOND EASTSIDE MAGNET:1. Jill Alexander, From: Woodland Park ELCHAMMOND WESTSIDE MONTESSORI:1. Catherine Inzinna, From: Perrin ELCHAMMOND JUNIOR HIGH MAGNET:1. Joyce Diamond, From: Hammond Westside Upper Elementary2. Sandra Moran, From: Champ Cooper Elementary3. Zaneta Grady, From: Hammond Junior High4. Tanya Landry, From: Hammond Westside Primary ElementaryHAMMOND HIGH MAGNET:1. Schellia Robertson, From: Independence MiddleITEM CLEAVES*RESIGNATIONS*RETIREMENTSRESIGNATIONS1. Patricia Cassidy, Para – Independence Elementary, May 25, <strong>2011</strong>2. Kathy LaMarca, Teacher – Loranger High, August 1, <strong>2011</strong>3. Hollie Gerald, Teacher – Amite Elementary, August 1, <strong>2011</strong>4. Melvin Golden, Bus Driver – Hammond, May 20, <strong>2011</strong>5. Sandra McShan, Para – Nesom Middle, May 20, <strong>2011</strong>6. Dion Norman, Teacher – Kentwood High, May 25, <strong>2011</strong>7. Natalee Barbier, Teacher – Chesbrough Elementary, May 25, <strong>2011</strong>8. Elisha Perry, Teacher – Hammond Westside Primary, August 1, <strong>2011</strong>9. Jerry Trabona, Bus Driver, May 25, <strong>2011</strong>RETIREMENTS1. Vernon Barrilleaux, Teacher – Loranger Middle, May 26, <strong>2011</strong>2. Melonie Mitchell, Teacher – Hammond Junior High, July 27, <strong>2011</strong>3. Glenda Potasnik, Assistant Principal, Ponchatoula Junior High, <strong>June</strong> 9, <strong>2011</strong>4. Sandra Boos, Teacher – Hammond Westside Primary, <strong>June</strong> 1, <strong>2011</strong>5. Vernia Simmons, Para – Roseland Elementary, May 26, <strong>2011</strong>6. Audra Winters, Teacher – Kentwood High, <strong>June</strong> 1, <strong>2011</strong>ADDENDUM #1ITEM ATEACHER TRANSFERS1. Mary Terrell, Teacher – From: Spring Creek Elementary, To: Sumner Middle2. Cecilia White, Teacher – From: Hammond Eastside Primary, To: Nesom Middle3. Megan Morgan, Teacher – From: Hammond Eastside Upper, to: PonchatoulaJunior High4. Donna Mauro, Teacher – From Hammond Westside Upper, To: West SideMiddle5. Nancy Stokes, Teacher, From: Sumner Middle, To: Spring Creek ElementaryITEM BMAGNET TEACHERS3

TANGIPAHOA PARISH SCHOOL SYSTEM ____ _ JUNE 7, <strong>2011</strong>HAMMOND JUNIOR HIGH MAGNET1. Lurlene Stratton, From: Amite HighMAGNET TEACHERS – NEW HIRES1. Kim Roberts, Teacher – Hammond High Magnet, August 8, <strong>2011</strong>2. Beatrice Acosta, Teacher – Hammond High Magnet, August 8, <strong>2011</strong>3. Gwen Peters, Teacher – Hammond High Magnet, August 8, <strong>2011</strong>It was moved by Ms. Smith, seconded by Ms. Pittman-McDaniel, to approve thelow bid for the construction of O.W. Dillon Elementary School by Polk Construction,Co. in the amount of $13,009,000.00. Hearing no objection, the motion was adopted.Ms. Smith commended Mr. Michael Holly, and his staff, fir their diligent workwith this project.Superintendent Kolwe informed Board members that the report requesting a listof the expenditures on the Joyce M. Moore vs. TPSB was placed at their seat.Ms. Bailey-Simmons stated this report would be placed on the next Boardagenda.There was no Public Input.In personal privilege, Ms. Bailey-Simmons reported that she had heard severalof the All State Composite Athlete graduation speeches and found them very inspiring.It was moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Ms. Cohea, to enter into ExecutiveSession to discuss the case of Joyce M. Moore vs. TPSB; Rebekah Graham vs.TPSB; Abigail Lee vs. TPSB; Melinda Majesty, et al vs. TPSB and Huey Edwards, etal vs. Hearing no objection, the motion was adopted.The Board entered Executive Session.The Board returned to Open Session.Vice-President Dangerfield reported that discussions were still continuing withthe plaintiff’s attorney in the case of Joyce M. Moore vs. TPSB and the Board believesthat progress is possible.It was moved by Mr. Dangerfield, seconded by Ms. Cohea, to accept thecounsel’s recommendation in the cases of Rebekah Graham vs. TPSB; Abigail Lee vs.TPSB; Melinda Majesty, et al vs. TPSB. Hearing no objection, the motion wasadopted.There was no action in the Huey Edwards et al vs. TPSB case.It was moved by Mr. Duncan, seconded by Ms. Smith, to adjourn the meeting.Hearing no objection, the motion was adopted (6:51 p.m.)Respectfully submitted,Rose DominguezBoard PresidentMark Kolwe, Secretary-TreasurerRecorded by: Cynthia Jenkins, <strong>June</strong> 7, <strong>2011</strong>4

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