Prof. Mohamed Mostafa El-Sayed Khedr MD - Beirut Arab University

Prof. Mohamed Mostafa El-Sayed Khedr MD - Beirut Arab University Prof. Mohamed Mostafa El-Sayed Khedr MD - Beirut Arab University
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Supervision:Supervising Master and <strong>MD</strong> thesis in Pharmacology & Anesthesiology.Conferences:Sharing and participating in different conferences held within Egypt &Lebanon particularly those on Pharmacology, cardiovascular, diabetic andallergic disorders in addition to medical ethics & medical educationconferences.Books: Writing and preparing books in Pharmacology to Medical students andpractitioners and to Dentistry and Nursery students in collaboration withsome of the staff members of the Pharmacology Department at Alexandria<strong>University</strong>. Translating the 17 th edition of “DAVIDSON’S” principles and practice ofMedicine” to <strong>Arab</strong>ic Language with one of the staff members of ourFaculty.- Master Degree Thesis in Pharmacology of Dr. <strong>Khedr</strong> MM (1984). Study ofpossible increase of hepato and/or nephrotoxicity of cephaloridine andfurosemide by the prior administration of the ketogenic substance “Acetone”in the rabbit.- Ph.D. Thesis in Pharmacology of Dr. <strong>Khedr</strong> MM (1989). Effect ofadministration and sudden withdrawal of some beta-adrenergic receptorblockers alone or combined with nifedipine or ramipril (HOE-498), on somecardiovascular and hormonal parameters.- Master Degree Thesis in Internal Medicine of Dr. <strong>Khedr</strong> MM (1992). Studyof mucosal and sub mucosal vasculature, Helicobacter pylori and protectivecapacity of gastric mucosa in portal hypertension.

List of published papers:1- Effects of administration and sudden withdrawal of some -blockers on some cardiovascular andhormonal parameters in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Accepted in the Annual Meeting ofGerman Pharmacology Society, September, 1989 KOIN.2- Effect of long-term administration of combined treatment with propranolol and ramipril andsudden withdrawal of propranolol on some cardiovascular and hormonal parameters inspontaneous hypertensive rats. Accepted in the 7 thInternational Symposium on VascularNeuroefector Mechanisms. Bonn, Fac. July 8-11, 1990. Abstract in Blood Vessels, vol. 27, No.1,1990.3- Evaluation of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor in Bilharzial corpulmonale. BulletinAlexandria, Faculty of Medicine, 1991, No.1, vol.27.4- Possible alteration of some cardiovascular and hormonal parameters after abrupt withdrawal ofpropranolol or guanfaction following chronic mono- or combined therapy in spontaneoushypertensive rats. Bulletin Alexandria, Faculty of Medicine, 1991, No.5, vol.27.5- Propranolol withdrawal and thyroid function in the rabbit. Bulletin Alexandria, Faculty of Medicine,1991, No.5, vol. 27.6- Effect of volatile anaesthetics halothane and isoflurane on hepatic function in cirrhotic rats. Journalof Egyptian Society of Pharmacology. 1992, No.1, vol.11.7- Comparative study between Tramadol Hydrochloride and Pethidine Hydrochloride in rats. Acuteand chronic effects. Journal of Egyptian Society of Pharmacology. 1992, No.1, vol.11 (Jan.).8- Comparative effects of Pinacidil (potassium channel opener) and some anti-arrhythmic agents onOuabain - induced arrhythmia on anaesthetized dogs. Journal of Egyptian Society ofPharmacology. 1992, No.2, vol.11 (July).9- Interaction between Guanfacine and Imipramine on blood pressure, heart rate and brain monoaminesin normotensive and DOCA-hypertensive rats. Journal of Egyptian Society of Pharmacology.1992, No.2, vol.11 (July).10- Study of the possible cardiovascular effects of cimetidine during acute myocardial ischaemia inanaesthetized dogs. Journal of Egyptian Society of Pharmacology. 1992, No.2, vol.11 (July).11- The possible hepatic and renal toxic effects of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Journalof Egyptian Society of Pharmacology, 1993, No.1, vol.12.

12- Study of the possible hepatic protective effect of Histaminergic receptor blockers (H 2 -blockers) onthe drug induced hepatic insult in the rabbit. Accepted in the 13 th Annual Scientific Congress,Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, July 1992.13- Effect of Verapamil and Captopril on Cholinergic stimulated relaxation in isolated aortas fromcholesterol fed rabbits. Bulletin Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, 1992, No.6, vol.28.14- Effect of Verapamil and Captopril on lipid profile and aortic lipids and calcium in cholesterol fedrabbits. Bulletin Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, 1992, No.6, vol.28.15- Effect of halothane, enflurane and isoflurane on digitalis tolerance in dogs. Tanta Medical Journal,1992, No.1, vol.20.16- Effect of propranolol and bisoprolol administration and withdrawal on blood pressure, heart rate,urinary catecholamines and thyroid hormones in SHR. Journal of Egyptian Soc. ofEndocrinology, Metab. and Diabetes, 1992, No.2, vol.24.17- Hepatic and renal injuries following single and repeated halothane and isoflurane anaesthesia inrats. (Biochemical and histological study). Bull. Alex. Fac. Med., 1994, No.2, vol.30.18- Effect of pretreatment with paracetamol on the metabolism of enflurane and isoflurane in rats.Egypt. Journal of Anaesthesia, 1994, No.2 (suppl), vol.10.19- The effect of prazosin, antioxidants and potassium chromate on propranolol induced dyslipidemiain rabbits fed on atherogenic diet. Accepted in the annual meeting of German PharmacologySociety, September, 1996. Published in N.S. Archives of Pharmac. 1996, No.4, vol.354.20- Liver cirrhosis and gastropathy: possible modifying effect by propranolol, pinacidil, verapamil andcimetidine. Experimental study. Journal Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1997, No.1, vol.16.21- The effect of pinacidil monotherapy and in combination with captopril or hydrochlorothiazide onsome cardiovascular and humoral parameters in spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wky rats.Accepted in 2 nd meeting of Egypt Hypertension Soc. 1996, Published in Journal Egypt. Soc.Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1997, No.1, vol.16.22- Study of the cardioprotective effects of different -adrenoceptor blockers, angiotensin convertingenzyme inhibitors and allium sativum (Garlic) against isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis.Histochemical and enzymatic study. Journal Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1997, No.2,vol.16.

23- Possible renoprotective effects of antioxidants, defroxamine (DFO), captopril and lacidipine, ingentamycin and NSAID-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Alex. Journal of Pharmaceutical, 1997,No.3, vol.11.24- Effect of potassium channel modulators on histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells. NewEgypt. Journal of Medicine, 1996, No.4, vol.14.25- Correlative study of long-term administration of different beta-blockers on lipid profile in normaland cholesterol-fed rabbits. Journal Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1997, No.1, vol.16.26- Evaluation of hepatic schistosomiasis in mice after pre- and post-infection treatment withibuprofen. Alex. Journal of Pharmaceutical, 1996, No.3, vol.10.27- Comparative efficacy of adenosine, amiodarone, esmolol and verapamil in management ofhalothane-epinephrine induced arrhythmias in dogs. Alex. Journal of Anaesthesia and IntensiveCare, 1998, No.2, vol.1.28- Effect of pretreatment with acetaminophen or rifampicin on the metabolism of enflurane andisoflurane in rats. Journal Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1999, No.1, vol.18.29-A study on the possible impact of enalapril, verapamil and roxithromycin on rat spongeimplantation model of inflammation. Journal Egypt. Soc. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2001, No. 2 Vol.20.30-Pharmacological, histological and immune-histochemical study of the induced osteoporotic changesin ovarectomized rats and possible protective and therapeutic effects of rofexoib andindomethacin. Bull Alex Fac Med 2005, 41,No 3 .31- Role of potassium channel modulators in morphine induced analgesia in rats.<strong>Khedr</strong> M M ,Afifi E, Galal A, Nasser S.Under press.32- Clinical and radiological evaluation of the effect of alendronate in peri-implant defect regeneration.Amer W, Fayed A A, <strong>Khedr</strong> M M, Sakr D.Under press.33-A study of the possible impacts of ketorolac, indomethacin, celoxib andmeloxicam on rat spongeimplantation.<strong>Khedr</strong> M M, Saaid H, Shahrour RUnder press.

34-Preemptive analgesic effect of ketorolac tromethacin in surgical extraction of impacted lower thirdmolar. Mahalawy A, <strong>Khedr</strong> M M, <strong>El</strong>zard L.Under press.The involvement of K ATP channels in morphine-induced antinociception and hepatic oxidativestress in acute and inflammatory pain in rats<strong>El</strong>ham A. Afify 1* , <strong>Mohamed</strong> M. <strong>Khedr</strong> 2 , Amal G. Omar 13 , Suzanne A. Nasser 3* King Abdulaziz <strong>University</strong>, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jeddah, Saudi <strong>Arab</strong>ia1 Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria <strong>University</strong>, Alexandria, Egypt2 Faculty of Medicine, 3 Faculty of Pharmacy, <strong>Beirut</strong> <strong>Arab</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Beirut</strong>, Lebanon.

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