Issue 31: March 2001 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 31: March 2001 - Youth Work Ireland

Issue 31: March 2001 - Youth Work Ireland


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eported having experienced at least one of thespecific forms of harassment/abuse, 2 out of 3young women and 2 out of every 5 young menreported having had more than one experience.1 1 in 3 young people bad been followed flashed atand/or had nasty sexual comments directed at them.Most of these incidents had occurred duringadolescence with the majority of perpetrators beingmale.1 Being pressured to have sex was reported by 15%of the young people, whilst being forced to have sex(5%) and being sexually assaulted (6%) wasreported by a minority.1 Young women reported far more incidents ofadolescent non-consensual sex and sexual assault.The majority of perpetrators were over 18 andknown to them1 7% of young people reported being hit by a partner(8% of young women, 6% of young men), but1 in 8 young women reported being controlled by apartner compared to 1 in 20 young men.1 Overwhelmingly, when young people toldsomeone about their experience, it was a friend thatthey told.1 Violence and Abuse are a large part of youngpeople's lives, either through personal experience orknowing someone. Vast majority support each otherand do not look outside themselves for help.Support Needs of Young People1 60% of young people would use "adult" supportservices as they see them as being confidential anda way of accessing advice and information.1 78% of young people want issues covered by thisresearch discussed in schools, although over halfwant this done by outsiders.1 Young people are an important source of supportto each other, however many expressed concern atthe limits on them to do anything which requiredmore than this.1 Young people have high levels of contact withharassment, abuse and violence - many youngpeople know of someone In theirfamily/friendships/community groups who hassuffered harassment, abuse or violence.2. Young people demonstrated a lack of clarity aboutdefinitions of rape, assault and harassment.3. Young men and women demonstrated differingviews about double standards consent and how toyes and no to sex.4. Young people had high levels of exposure topornography and a majority of young women havingsome contact with pornography.Irish <strong>Youth</strong><strong>Work</strong> Scene 55. Young people had difficulty disclosing theirexperience of violence, harassment and abuse dueto lack of appropriate support structures andservices including life skills education.RecommendationsWomen's Aid as a result of the information gainedthrough their provision of services and researchstudy recommend the following:Services1 Funding for design and production of specificallytargeted and appropriate promotional materialswhich will encourage young people to considerexisting helplines.1 The development of further support servicestargeted at young people, e.g. protection andintervention services, one-to-one and outreachservices.Awareness and Training1 A public awareness campaign providinginformation and awareness materials and mediaactivity in relation to violence and abuse directedspecifically at young people.1 A public awareness campaign in relation to theaccessibility and impact of pornography, in particularin the home, via the Internet.1 Training for teachers, youth workers and serviceproviders in relation to disclosure and referral in thecase of violence and abuse.Prevention1 A mainstreamed prevention education programmedelivered by appropriate services. The programmeis a response to the necessity for education work, inrelation to violence and abuse and should includesessions on lifeskills, awareness, strategies tochange and challenge and to provide support andinformation. External service providers in responseto young people's requests as voices in thisresearch would deliver the programme.For more information, please contact:Teresa O'Donnell or Rosie McGlone,Women's Aidat 01 874 5302 or 087 919 2457,orDenise Charlton at 087 243 8603<strong>March</strong> <strong>2001</strong>IssuEsIssuEsIssuEsIssuEsIssuEsIssuEs

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