農業政策金融の課題と再編への考察 - Tokyo University of Agriculture

農業政策金融の課題と再編への考察 - Tokyo University of Agriculture

農業政策金融の課題と再編への考察 - Tokyo University of Agriculture


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24 31 ,**- +31/ : / +31* + , + , ,**, : ++ +333

25 +0 + /** 0 +333 *,3 . *,3 . +0. , ,**, 1 - . +3/- +3/2 +32. 2 GDP X +30+ +302 +33* Y +32/ 32 +312 +. +32/ +323 Y , ./ * . 3- X X t / ./ t+ t+ +33* , R * . 1, +33+ GDP+ +32* *3- ./ -** GDP -** /** 3 ,**- /** FSA Farm Service -** /** Agency

26 31 ,**- FSA 30 +. +32- : +3- Lender <strong>of</strong> Last Resort FSA +* +333 22* .. 2,. . 2 3-.1 3, -,/./ 0, 0.. .- 0/ . + +/ ++ +0 ,**- +, +330 +302 +33, +- -// +330 ,**, Working Paper Series, No. *,-F*., The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Tokyo</strong>. +32- +31+ ,**- /* +, ,**- 03Adams, DW. ( +321)Attempting The Impossible While Ignoring The Fundamental In Rural Financial Markets +322 01 Adams, DW. ( +33, ) Taking a Fresh Look at Informal Finance, INFORMAL FINANCE IN LOW-INCOMECOUNTRIES,WESTVIEW PRESS. ,**- / +. ,**- 2 ,

27The Implications <strong>of</strong> the Reorganization <strong>of</strong> GovernmentProgrammed Loans for <strong>Agriculture</strong>Kenji HIGURASHI(<strong>Tokyo</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>)The foundations <strong>of</strong> Goverment Programmed Loans for <strong>Agriculture</strong> (GPLA) were established duringthe ’/* s and the ’ 0* s. GPLA has been expanding by through the influence <strong>of</strong> the agricultural and ruraleconomy. However, GPLA has complex problems because <strong>of</strong> the existence <strong>of</strong> +1 kinds <strong>of</strong> loan systems.GPLA includes both funds <strong>of</strong> the public sector and private sector. The former is needed to raise thesupplementary function <strong>of</strong> policy measures by way <strong>of</strong> assisting private business. On the other hand,private financial sector need to raise the supplementary function <strong>of</strong> policy measures.Agricultural policy changed from a policy based on the Agricultural Basic Law to a new policy basedon the Food, <strong>Agriculture</strong> and Rural Basic Law in +333. However, the foundations <strong>of</strong> GPLA have notchanged. This paper considers the problems <strong>of</strong> political finance, factors in the decline <strong>of</strong> the financialfunctions and implications toward reorganization <strong>of</strong> the GPLA.The problems <strong>of</strong> GPLA are the decline supplementary policy measures because <strong>of</strong> the decliningdemand for the loans. This paper points out ( + ) exclusion <strong>of</strong> lending GLPA because <strong>of</strong> the rising rate <strong>of</strong> thesubsidies for agricultural investments, (,) decline <strong>of</strong> the character <strong>of</strong> the low interest rate as GPLA underthe Heisei recession, and (-) the future anxiety <strong>of</strong> borrowers basing on slackening <strong>of</strong> the agriculturaleconomy. Implications for the reorganization <strong>of</strong> GPLA, the conclusion <strong>of</strong> this paper, is a thoroughgoing <strong>of</strong>the reform <strong>of</strong> the supplementary policy mesures to support private business by public finance, as well asthe whole financing <strong>of</strong> rural policy, ( + ) dissolving similar kinds <strong>of</strong> the loans, (,) restriction <strong>of</strong> the kinds <strong>of</strong>GLPA based on financial logic ; the necessity <strong>of</strong> borrowing, by borrowers side, and (-)use as GPLA <strong>of</strong>abundant money in the rural areas.

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