Youth Work Ireland present The Irish Youth Music Awards (IYMA)

Youth Work Ireland present The Irish Youth Music Awards (IYMA)

Youth Work Ireland present The Irish Youth Music Awards (IYMA)


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YOUTHWORKIRELANDPresents the<strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Youth</strong><strong>Music</strong> <strong>Awards</strong><strong>IYMA</strong> Information Pack‘Be Part of It’<strong>IYMA</strong> Information PackSaturday 27 th April 2013Liberty Hall <strong>The</strong>atre,Dublin 11

YOUTH WORK IRELANDGuidelines to the <strong>Irish</strong> <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Awards</strong>Set Up….Get the word out, we’re back!Poster and information about upcoming project seeking applicants.It is from this campaign that we will establish final structure of event framework(amount of applicants from each region etc).Turn Up ….Stick your name in the hat!A <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Work</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> Re<strong>present</strong>ative goes to each location for a logisticalassessment of current amenities relating to musical equipment and rehearsal spaces.Outline guidelines to the competition section of project.Q&A session.(Notes): Already at this stage of the project, we feel that knowledge and experiencebeing brought directly into the lives of the young people involved, will be of greatencouragement, and will demonstrate directly to them, that their qualities can beacknowledged and appreciated at a very high level in areas which they may havefound very difficult to attain, possibly even insurmountable.Thumbs Up ….Pick the Act you think will win for your area!<strong>The</strong> goal of the local competition is to select 1 act and 3 songs, but it is the methodwe have chosen to employ here, which we feel will create a sense of belonging to ateam, and indeed a community, in a very positive sense.A competition will be held in each location, to select one act, which will thenre<strong>present</strong> that location in the Dublin Final.Because some regions will have more applicants than others, we have devised a ‘cell’structure. See ‘cell structure’ below.<strong>The</strong> competition will be judged by the bands and artists themselves.<strong>The</strong> winning act will then be referred to as the ‘Re<strong>present</strong>ing Act’. This act will thenbe prepared and sent to Dublin, by a team built from non-re<strong>present</strong>ing acts, toperform 2 songs, one of their own, and one from one of the non-re<strong>present</strong>ingacts(song will also be selected by vote).(Notes): We have used similar methods in workshops to encourage team building. Aseverybody cannot go and re<strong>present</strong> their area on the Dublin Day, this method ofcross responsibility brings a great sense of individuality within a team framework.<strong>The</strong> writers of the songs want the performing act to do well with them. This alsoopens up a wider support within the community, as it’s not just a band going off tofind their fortune, as they now directly re<strong>present</strong> several other artists in their locality.<strong>IYMA</strong> Information Pack2

Meet Up / Sign Up ….the 23 Jobs, let’s get busy!From the non-re<strong>present</strong>ing acts (i.e. the acts remaining at home), a team will beselected and built, to send the re<strong>present</strong>ing act off in style, at a ‘Farewell Gig’ (ie ashow before the Dublin show, to allow everybody a chance to review their work).This team will need to include:a. Facebook Teamb. Stage Teamc. Audio and Photo Teamd. Image Teame. Press Teamf. Fundraising Teamg. <strong>IYMA</strong>s Logo Design Teamh. others (SEE 22 JOBS LIST).All of these positions, or ‘jobs’, will be filled at random, by drawing straws. If anindividual does not wish to take on his or her selected ‘job’, they will need to find avolunteer to ‘job swap’Descriptions of these jobs, along with hints etc will be available onwww.youthworkireland.ie(Notes): This is the centre piece of the project. It is within this section of the project that areal sense of value and belonging can be encouraged.It’s easy to belong to something negative (ie gangs, drugs, alcohol), but this will be aunique opportunity for individuals to find themselves taking part in really positive lifeexperiences, which they can build on later in their own lives.<strong>The</strong> ’23 Jobs’ will be a fun experience, while actually also an extremely valuable asset.<strong>The</strong>y will bring young people into direct contact with creative challenges and outletssuch as photography, songwriting, management, computer skills, team work,achievement though discipline, debating skills, and other positive, confidencebuilding experiences.<strong>The</strong>y will witness and partake in a microcosm of the music business, interacting attimes with real individuals from the top end of the <strong>Irish</strong> music world.<strong>The</strong>y will see how the industry works, and how people need to work together toachieve common interests.This is the area where we hope to instil a sense of pride of one’s self, and one’scommunity, while encouraging the individuals’ own desires for their future.Krank It Up….Rock the Area before you go to the <strong>Awards</strong>!<strong>The</strong> priority here is to foster individual strengths, irrespective of ability. This takesplace after the local ‘Farewell Gig’, and marks will be awarded for good teamwork inpress and radio coverage, Facebook usage, technical professionalism, enthusiasm &farewell gig financial success i.e. turnout.<strong>IYMA</strong> Information Pack3

Show Up....<strong>Awards</strong> day, Dress Nice!Starting with a ‘Demo Dip’ session with Jackie Hayden from Hot Press Magazine, andWilly Kavanagh, Head of EMI Records <strong>Ireland</strong>, and Chairman of IRMA. Any act orindividual who wishes to have an appraisal of their Demo tape openly critiqued inthis manner is welcome to bring along their Demo on the day. All Demos will beplaced in a hat, and 10 will be selected randomly for critique. Jackie Hayden is one ofthe original founders of Hot Press Magazine, and also holds the distinction of beingthe man to discover U2. Willy Kavanagh is one of the most influential figures inmodern music.This is not the X-Factor, and there will be no cruel disembowelling of people’s efforts.This will be a positive, constructive exercise, in the company of one of <strong>Ireland</strong>’s mostrespected music business personalities. Artists should not feel in any wayintimidated by this great opportunity.Break for refreshments.Next phase of the day will take the shape of an open workshop. Jackie Hayden fromHot Press Magazine, Willie Kavanagh from EMI records, Craig Kingma from Top 6Records (<strong>The</strong> Picturehouse), Barry Ennis (top music promoter), Willie Ryan (<strong>Music</strong>barrister for <strong>The</strong> Corona’s), Alan Hennessy from Rapture <strong>Music</strong> Group, DavidWilkinson from IMRO, Dermot Lambert from Garageland and many other keyindustry figures will all be available for one-on-one discussions and questions ontheir specialised areas. <strong>The</strong>se areas will cover 1) Press, 2) Making a Demo and WhatTo Do with It, 3)Getting a Record Deal, 4)How To Get Played On Radio. Thisworkshop will be open and free moving, allowing participants to move from table totable, spending time at each one if they so choose.Break for refreshments.Next phase of the day involves live performances, and judging by panellists.A winning region will be selected on this evening.Tune Up….Record an album!Winning region will spend 5 - 7 days in Ashtown Recording Studios in Dublin,recording a ten song album.Every individual from that region, or Cell, appears on the album in some way oranother.Album to be manufactured and discussions are currently under way as to how torelease to shops, online, etc.Album will be featured and reviewed by Jackie Hayden in Hot Press Magazine.For Further Information, please contact: Dermot Lambert on 085 851 5035 orGeraldine Moore on 018584506 or gmoore@youthworkireland.ieSupported by:<strong>IYMA</strong> Information Pack4

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