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tWC&t6AUIHORITATIVT . Ii{STRUCTIVE . THTERTAINI NGPublistred every month with the best possi.ble features and illustrations and circulatedto Cat Lovers <strong>of</strong> every k<strong>in</strong>d ttrrouqhout tbeworld. Our editorial purpose is :{1) to spread a wider understand<strong>in</strong>g and ^better appreciation <strong>of</strong> all cats, tbeir care andmanagemena(2) to encourage <strong>in</strong> every way the breed<strong>in</strong>g,handl<strong>in</strong>g and show<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> pedigree cats;(3) to work for the suppression <strong>of</strong> every form<strong>of</strong> cruelty to cats !(4) to act as a l<strong>in</strong>k <strong>of</strong> friendship and common<strong>in</strong>terest between cat lovers <strong>in</strong> different parts<strong>of</strong> the world.VOL. 11 No. 4APRIL 1959l'lanag<strong>in</strong>g Editor:ARTHUR E. COWLISHAVI4 CARLTON MANSIONSCLAPHAM ROAD, LONDON, S.W.9American Associote Editor :MRS. BLANCHE \^r'OLFRAMAustrclion and New Zeolond(nrrechnndpnt'MR, F. \^r'. PEARCE, 33 OLD BERO\^/RAROAD, H O RNSBY,N.S.W., AUSTRALIATHE MAGAZII{E THAT SPANS THE WORLD OF CAT LOVERSTIMMY'S SWEETHEART, a little apprehensive here, was lst <strong>in</strong> Silver Tabbiesmd w<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> a C.C. and Best S.H. <strong>in</strong> Show Cup at the January Show <strong>in</strong>Glasgow <strong>of</strong> the Scottish Cat Club. She was bred by Mrs. Andrew Pearson,<strong>of</strong> Bullwood, who has been <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> this delightful variety for ove rforty years.

All over the cat world they are saylng thls lsthe best-eyer cat book. So dontt miss YOURcopy <strong>of</strong> the I st editionA beautifully producedpictorial symposiumOUR CATSBy Arthur E. Cowlishow ond SidneyDenhom, with foreword by theDowager Lady Aberconwoy. RoyalBvo, l28pp, Over 200 photogrophs.Published by Nicholos Koye Ltd.Here is a bool< designed to br<strong>in</strong>g last<strong>in</strong>g pleasureto cat lovers everywhere. !t is the perfect giftbook-amus<strong>in</strong>g, enterta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>formative and<strong>in</strong>structive-and quite unique <strong>in</strong> its presentation.The photographs have been carefully selected bythe Editor from ten years' issues <strong>of</strong> OUR CATSmagaz<strong>in</strong>e. l{ere are beautiful pictures and funnypictures ; pictures <strong>of</strong> cats with famous people andother animals ; pictures <strong>of</strong> the playful kittenand aristocratic champion ; a wonderfu! wealth<strong>of</strong> pictures for everyone chosen for their human<strong>in</strong>terest and livel<strong>in</strong>ess.The sections-some l<strong>in</strong>ked with <strong>in</strong>formative andenterta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g text by Sidney Denham-<strong>in</strong>clude :<strong>Cats</strong> through the Ages, <strong>Cats</strong> and People, Play<strong>in</strong>gwith a Cat, the Hogarth <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cats</strong> (Louis Wa<strong>in</strong>),<strong>Cats</strong> and Smiles, <strong>Cats</strong> and Strange Friends, <strong>Cats</strong>and the Artist, <strong>Cats</strong> as Mothers, <strong>Cats</strong> <strong>in</strong> the Fancy.Price 18s" 0d., plus 1s. 6d. for pack<strong>in</strong>g and postage.(U.S.A. and Canada $3.25 <strong>in</strong>clusive)Orders ond remittonces (mode poyoble to ,, Our Cots ") shou/dbe sent to OUR CATS, 4 CARIION A4ANS/ONS, 378 CUPHAMROAD, LONDON, S.W.9.

One short lifeBv JOAN MERRYPcrseplione, the daughter <strong>of</strong> Certs, spent some part a-l her tri.rtence <strong>in</strong> the lcuer rcorld)T-\\'E\ the 'ffu can hate itsf'(, .o-p..,sations. Last night,,_Jas I lay mrseraDlt Delweensleep and rvakefulne ss u'ithbedside lamp to guide my hand ^ro pills and potions, I r'vasplir.ileged to see one <strong>of</strong> the moreplivate riles <strong>of</strong> the cat r'r'orld.\{y Iittle Burmese queen, Capricc,rras call<strong>in</strong>g her iirst-born, Persephonerhree weeks old at midnight) to takeher first steps <strong>in</strong>to the outside rvorld..\s she lay near my bed, mak<strong>in</strong>g entic<strong>in</strong>glittle mother noises, the baby's headappeared, nide-eyed. around the doornl her cupboard Itontc and lirl)e b1little she emerged rvith sprall<strong>in</strong>g,hesitant gait, onl;' to lurl u'ith sudde:tagilit.v and scamper panic-strickel. backto shelter. Thrcc-four t<strong>in</strong>es the kittencame out and retreatecl. each tirneacir.anc<strong>in</strong>g a little lirrther, and as slregr<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> confidence her r:other, alrvar-sralk<strong>in</strong>g, cdgecl back and back. until u'itha f<strong>in</strong>al desperate sclamble, Persephoneplunged <strong>in</strong>to the shelter <strong>of</strong> her tummynearly rhree feet from her starl<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>t.She u'as not allowed to rest there.'T'riumphantly her mother set upon herand rolled hcr ovcr and orer. tos.<strong>in</strong>gher up <strong>in</strong> the air like a juggler manipu-Jat<strong>in</strong>g a ball with his l'eet. "Ihen shecleaned her-and rvhat a clean<strong>in</strong>g itrvas-until at last a very tired little babyrvas gathered to her mother and fedrrntil sleep overcame her.Persephone is a ver,v special babybecause she is the first grandchild <strong>of</strong>Su'eetiepie, my first Burmese queen andthe most enchant<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> cats. She alsohas her own claim to dist<strong>in</strong>ction andas I watched her so fat and contentedI remembered how she had come by hername and man'elled.Her very bilth n,as surpris<strong>in</strong>g for herrnother had been desperately i1l and she\vas the only one <strong>of</strong> the litter who surtir:edto be born alive. At first Capricerqho had suff'ered too much did not u'anther and it was rather grudg<strong>in</strong>gly thatshe kept the kitten alive from !\rednescla.vnight until noon on Sunday leav<strong>in</strong>gher to f<strong>in</strong>d a substitute for mother love<strong>in</strong> hot rvater bottles and the pipe thatbrought rvarmth to her nest <strong>in</strong> the air<strong>in</strong>gcupboard fron the boiler belou,. Atseven o'clock on Sunday even<strong>in</strong>g Perse*phone had disappeared.Feared the worstThar night and the follou,<strong>in</strong>g day Iransacked the house return<strong>in</strong>g perpetuallyr,' rlre ail<strong>in</strong>g crrphoard Ibr <strong>in</strong>spirarion,ancl all the rime Caprice folloned m,v)rovi menrs rr irh a clo.e but qtriteimpersonal <strong>in</strong>terest. On the rare occasionsthat she left rne she returned,unsuchled, after a very fcr. m<strong>in</strong>utes andrvatch<strong>in</strong>g her bland complacency Ibegan to {'ear that she had deliberatelydisposed <strong>of</strong> an unrvanted child. Atiast she did disappear Ibr an hour butonlv to be discoverecl purr<strong>in</strong>g and bloated<strong>in</strong> the larder.The long day <strong>of</strong>rvatch<strong>in</strong>g and listen<strong>in</strong>gclragged on and it u'as not until afterI I p.m. that I tried the consolation <strong>of</strong> ane\rra deen hnt harh \ftcr thar Itook one last sacl look at the emptybed <strong>in</strong> the air<strong>in</strong>e cupboard. As I turnedarvay I slapped the pipe that had beentire hitten's com{brt-even that 1\'ascold now and then as an echo to theslap I heard a little cry follou'ed by astrong hungry one. The cupboardu'as quite empty and I began to fearhalluc<strong>in</strong>ations until I realized that the

crics wcrc cor<strong>in</strong>s fron un(lcrncath thcfloor.Franticlil.v I prised up a board anclthere <strong>in</strong> the cavitv beside the pipe la1'avery disconsolate baby'. She had beerrthere at least t\\'enty-eight hours andpossibly up to thirtl,-five and must haYepushed her wav dou'n through the vervnarrol\rest <strong>of</strong> ch<strong>in</strong>ks lr,here the floorboarddid not fit precisely arouncl the pipe.So there lvas no possibilitv <strong>of</strong> her nrotherhav<strong>in</strong>g reached hcr to lcetl hcr cl.Lrirrq'that time.Caprice greeted her r.ith pleasnre andwith<strong>in</strong> an hour she u'as rt'arm anclsuckl<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>. She l'as just fir.e davso1d. At a rveck there rvas an appreciablcga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> rveight and norv at three rveeksshe has energed ritir:the outside rvorld and i.<strong>of</strong> Spr<strong>in</strong>g after her sta:ryorld.:iult itrtoi !'pitolne" L. nder-The abot,e was uritten t€n .1.-. t alo and Intust add a .sad postscriff. For Lt'tother tteekPersephone thrited and sreii dqil.t rnrctenturesone---then she cntLgltt d chill anduenL oj her Jood and.flr trl da1.s and ntghtsI.fed her uith a pipette. On the thlrd da.t' .rheu:at greatly <strong>in</strong>proaed and I i.enttued lolea;e her lior aifeu; hour-s but u:hen I rettunedslrc tt as l1 <strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a cold nrner more deadlhan alii'e and I cotld not sate her. ,She hadntade a galLant [ight far surtital but thecards utre sta&ed too -rtrongh, aoa<strong>in</strong>sl het.Had she <strong>in</strong> het short life nade histort ?-Y{#ffi#ffi ;Photo fu ll'ilt-rh,t.\The author's Burmese family <strong>in</strong> their Wiltshire home. Kyneton Chwetais <strong>in</strong> the foreground with her <strong>of</strong>fspr<strong>in</strong>g Cockade, Coquette (now a Champion)and Caprice, mother <strong>of</strong> the Iuckless Persephone,+

much ueight, so he uent an a diet and wasgiaen stuf for his liaer. He is noa 11 lbs.,full <strong>of</strong> fun and pla2s all da2 aith m2 otherSiamese, eats well and dr<strong>in</strong>ks a little uater.But <strong>in</strong> December he started drau<strong>in</strong>g acrosshis third e;telid and has done it more or lesseuer s<strong>in</strong>ce. The uet. has thoroughQ ouerhauledhim, but with next to no result. Another oddth<strong>in</strong>g is that his mottstache and ch<strong>in</strong> arepracticalQ nhite and the outside <strong>of</strong> hisears seem aery sparse aififur.M.R.C.V.S. replies; I can onlyth<strong>in</strong>k that the cause <strong>of</strong>thc harv appearirrgmust <strong>in</strong> this case be due to some oculardisease. It would seem very necessary foran eye specialist to exam<strong>in</strong>e al1 parts <strong>of</strong>the eyeball and the conjunctiva whilstthe cat is under a general anaesthetic.Irritation <strong>of</strong> the cornea or almost anyother eye compla<strong>in</strong>t may cause the catto draw the third eyelid across the eye.On the other hand, this condition canbe re.rr <strong>in</strong> 5tlme cases <strong>of</strong> anaemia, starr a-tion or <strong>in</strong>fections. I th<strong>in</strong>k you mighttry the effect <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>stall<strong>in</strong>g an ocularanae.rhetic <strong>in</strong>to rhc orbit, a: if'th"reis irritation or pa<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> any part <strong>of</strong> theeyeball or its appendages, the localanaesthetic would remove this and themembrane rvould return to its normalposition.M,R.C.V,S. replies: I th<strong>in</strong>k itUnnecesrarv an,l e-1 . :' , nr r r nientfor you) to keep ro,-rr ca:: af,arr. \{henkittens arrive horr er tr. il nright beprudent to do so o. 1:.- tr1-c11 uouldquite likely be jealoLr-. anci aggressive.The kittens may be <strong>in</strong>oculared at aboutl2 rveeks old. I do not rh<strong>in</strong>k they standmuch chance <strong>of</strong> contacrir.g "r reritis.Readers who would like'( M.R.C.V.S." to deal with theirveter<strong>in</strong>ary problems should writeto him c/o OUR CATS Magaz<strong>in</strong>e,4 Carlton Mansions, Clapham Roadr.London, S.W.9, enclos<strong>in</strong>g a stampedaddressed envelope when a directreply is preferred.A jealous queenA Staffordshire reader writes;I oun two Seal Po<strong>in</strong>t Siamese Jemales, one6 month.s old, and lhe other 2! 2ears old..At present the last natned is expect<strong>in</strong>g alitter <strong>in</strong> four ueeks time. She i.s ter2 badtempered and alwals fghx the )ounger catif she come.r near. I haae neuer owned norethan one rat be;fore and wonder uhethercats <strong>in</strong> kitten aluals behaue like thi.r ?Ought I to keep thent apart wheneaer possibleand what shall I do uhen the kitteu arrite?Also, how old should kittens be before thel'can haue their <strong>in</strong>oculation? Both n1 catshaae been <strong>in</strong>oculated. I lost one last Junewith contagious enteritis, So uill there bearyt likelihoad oif the new kittens catch<strong>in</strong>gthis as a result?Comfortoble - hy gieni c - portobleThis beautifulll'designed bed is produced bythe makers <strong>of</strong> the famous Safari Camp Bed.Keeps cat free from dirt, damp and grounddraughts Strong canvas on sprung steel framefor comfort and lightness . Folds flat for travell<strong>in</strong>g" Calpreta " cretonne blends rvith roomdecor . Cretonne covered (de luxe) or pla<strong>in</strong> canvas(srandard) Size 19" lb".Also suitable for small dogs : larger sizesfor dogs available.From Stores, Pet, Furnish<strong>in</strong>g. Sports andHardware shops.Sole Manufacturers :SAFARI LTD., 77 Morland Road, Croydon, Surrey,

l-errs <strong>of</strong> oxporlsBl ELLA B. N{AR.'|INURiNG the past trvelvemonths, enquiries have beencom<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> steadil,v for kittens<strong>of</strong> most breeds and it isco|rcct Lu sa)' that rhei havebeen received from all corners <strong>of</strong>the cat r,vorld. English-bredstock srill holds its attlactior:sfor fanciers overseas and it is<strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g to note that many <strong>of</strong>rlv own selections last vear '"veremade for former clients. Theiask <strong>of</strong> gett<strong>in</strong>g a kitten safell'established <strong>in</strong> a ner,v home manvhundreds <strong>of</strong> miles a',vay is alwaysLreset with doubts and anxietiesand therefore it is a specialpleasure r'r'hen an old clientcomes back u'ith a new commission.The ftrllow<strong>in</strong>g cats and kittenshave passed through my hands;some were sent <strong>of</strong>f at the request<strong>of</strong> home breeders to customers<strong>of</strong> their own.America. Honohriu was rre\! territoryfor me and the kitten I sent there wentat the request <strong>of</strong> Miss Evelvn Langston.F{e rvas Malcolm <strong>of</strong> All<strong>in</strong>gton, a veryhandsone boy <strong>in</strong>de ecl. He lvent to\{rs. Mary McGuire. Although thereis no quarant<strong>in</strong>c <strong>in</strong> the States, the samerule does not apply for lir.estock enter<strong>in</strong>gHonolulu. But the accommodation providedthere by the authorities is excellentand Mrs. McQuire u'as able tovisit Malcolm every day, which she did.Malcolm eventually reached home <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>e fettle and the 6rst th<strong>in</strong>g he did tocelebrate his freedon rvas to climb up ahigh tree <strong>in</strong> the garden. lle was eventuallyrescued and I really can't blamehim for this escapade as doubtless heclimbed high to have a good look aroundI.ris Ior.ely nerv surround<strong>in</strong>gs.Mrs. f)orothl' Anderson, <strong>of</strong> C<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>nati,Ohio, hav<strong>in</strong>g already had Blue LonghairPrestwood Onyx, ordered anotherrvith the same prefix and <strong>in</strong>July, Petunia(breeder Mrs. F. .J. Parker) went <strong>of</strong>f to9tijliAn attractive w<strong>in</strong>dowdisplay <strong>in</strong> a domtownstore helped toswell the g te ut ^Portland, Oregon,U.S,A. store. This isan effective form <strong>of</strong>publicity which moreshow organizersmight do well toto consider.

her. S<strong>in</strong>ce then N{rs. :\nclerscirr iras hada great heartbreak lbr she lost srveerOnyx at 15 rnoirths old. I sharc hersorrolv because 1 krrcu'front hcr lettcrstbat On1'x hacl bccome a real pelson irrthe hoLrseholci. It l-as terriblc baclluck. \"Irs. F. Leopolcl, <strong>of</strong> N{alr.erl. Pa.,receivecl a pair o1-'\blss<strong>in</strong>ian kitt.errs.Contcntccl Sanios (bred br' \4'iss \\'iseman)ancl Oid Bon.lish Zot:. breci br,Laclv lli:adlam. Zoe h:rtl ro bt' lburiclat YCrf)'short noLicc- ailcl rras LrnsiiorInhere. but Salitos \vas a show rrirrnct.pfi<strong>of</strong> to departurc ancl a rerr. gooclkitten.N,Irs. Ruth T;'L:r. <strong>of</strong> HorLston. Tcxas,ordered a Blue Po<strong>in</strong>t Siarnesc l'eru:Llr:anci Mrs. Boal's lst ru<strong>in</strong>ner Frcelirikl3lue Fania \\,eltt orrt to her <strong>in</strong> Septcnrber.Fania jo<strong>in</strong>ccl \I:.. i. : .'iir.r irrportsKilldorvn (.a.::':.:i:,. :: :: f iauservavI.'rcietrne. ., lL. i : :L"r, t<strong>in</strong>!'lprevious. Botlr " (.:..:. ancl LucierrhaYe rvort top arrarci: f,:r.l 1tllat a tiirillit \\'as to rcceiYe a calri.i::.ir<strong>in</strong>q " Cassie'\ll Southerr Scal I.'cnraie l'1'lcr."Lucicnne also lvent Br'..t f.ar Specialtl'Shol.. Best Foreign Shonhair a1 St.Petersbrrrsh. Florida, <strong>in</strong> Januan'. 1957.So Fania, the nervconer. Iias sorueth<strong>in</strong>gto live up to <strong>in</strong> this householcl I I hadtltt' plcasrLre <strong>of</strong> u'elcornirrg NIrs. l'yler'sdarrehtcr.Jurlv rlu'<strong>in</strong>g her rrip to Europelast srrnrner. Tbe r-isir rvas all rooshorL..|rrch' ILucky Petti !llrs. .\nnc \\'atl<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>of</strong> Santa BarbarzL,to wiroln I hacl sen t several imports)ordered a ]llue Po<strong>in</strong>t Siamese {'cmalc tobe sircd by Ch. Prcstrvick Blue Crackcrs.So 'I'enser Pe tti-S<strong>in</strong>g. brcd by Mrs.Christensen, flerv out <strong>in</strong> Octobcr just<strong>in</strong> tir-ne to escape olrr t'<strong>in</strong>tcr \veatherIirr the Calilornian surtsh<strong>in</strong>e. I imag'<strong>in</strong>ed m-vself <strong>in</strong> that little blue carrier<strong>in</strong>stead <strong>of</strong> Petti ! \4rs. \\atl<strong>in</strong>g'sarrival cable ran " Petti-S<strong>in</strong>g div<strong>in</strong>e,"*,l.rich doesn't require an.v quali{ication.The next kit for the States werlt tL]Nfrs. Tyler's iriend Nirs. N{cPhee, <strong>of</strong>Houston, Texas. It u.as a Blue Longhairfemale-Ashdown Scilla-and Iwelcomed the cable {rorn N4rs. N{cPlieesay<strong>in</strong>g " Scilla good condition-delighted."Mrs. Headler'. <strong>of</strong> \\'est Peabody,has recentlv reccivccl a ChocolatePoirrt Siamese Killclou n Prasong anclhas s<strong>in</strong>ce placccl an order for a SealPo<strong>in</strong>t. rvhich I har c r et to locate. At thel)resent tirle nrost queens are eithercall<strong>in</strong>g or iu kitten. Soon rhere shouldbc a goocl selection availablc.Mrs. Anne Watl<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>of</strong> Santa Barbara, rvithone o{ her home'bred Siamese. IIer largefel<strong>in</strong>e family, <strong>in</strong>cludiag several English-trredcats, enjoy llappy days under sunny Californianskies.Lasih'. Cambcr Dahiia i lst BiueI-onqhair rv<strong>in</strong>ner bred by \Irs. Denton)haci .1ust arrived safely <strong>in</strong> Clalifornia.I u as specially conccrnr:cl aLorLt heras ho' cleparture co<strong>in</strong>ciclecl rrith oulrrorst ueck <strong>of</strong> fog. Insteacl r,i lcav<strong>in</strong>e at

l0 p.rn. on thr:: Mondav, Iittle Dahliariid not get <strong>of</strong>f till mid-clay on the\\'ednesday. The piane rvas stand<strong>in</strong>gbv ibr nost <strong>of</strong> that lime ready to take<strong>of</strong>f immediately the fog liftcd suficicntlv.'l-here rvere a number <strong>of</strong> other animalsibr this Ilight and n'hat a bless<strong>in</strong>g it isthat there is such an excellent R.S.P.C.A..\nimal Hostel at London .\irport.Dahlia spent most <strong>of</strong> her wair<strong>in</strong>g timrthele arrd reached hrr dest<strong>in</strong>ariorr irrgood condition <strong>in</strong> spite <strong>of</strong> the long delay.\Vill U.S.A. breeders k<strong>in</strong>dly notethat the uszal Certified Pedigrees andExport Certificates, as issued by theCiovern<strong>in</strong>g Council <strong>of</strong> rhe Cat Fancy,are <strong>in</strong> reality lor fotu generations. although<strong>in</strong> G.C. rirles they are refbrred toas three generation forms. They shorvihe parentsr grandparents and greatgrandparents and such a pedigrce is suppliedat a charge <strong>of</strong> 5/-. If a lirrther gencrationis requirecl. the charge is 20/- plusposrage (i.e. $3'20 approx. ilsent by air)"The G.C.C.F" cannot shorv eve colour <strong>in</strong>the pedigrees as these details arc noi kept<strong>in</strong> their records. The onl.v cye colourrecorderl is for Breed No. 2a \{hitc,Orange-e,ved. Furtherrlore. the,\ssistantSecretarv <strong>of</strong> the Council has po<strong>in</strong>tcdout that dur<strong>in</strong>g the busy months lherema; be a delay <strong>of</strong> up to eight rveeks <strong>in</strong>supply<strong>in</strong>g four gencration pedigrees,clue to the many hours ol rvork <strong>in</strong>volr.edir search<strong>in</strong>g the records.Australia. Mrs. Ann Vizc, lvellknorm to our o\\'n Fancv, left us somefcrv 1,ears ago to take up residence <strong>in</strong>Belrose, \ew South \\'ales. Shc placedan order rvith Mrs. Stephcnson for one<strong>of</strong> her Ashdorvn kittens, AshclorvnShanrock. \\hen the kitten rvas readyto go. a bundle o{ blue srveetness, therewas no travell<strong>in</strong>g companion for her.llut it rvas no surprise to learn laterthat she was thoroughly petted and caredibr by the ship's creu'. A groom<strong>in</strong>gderronstration u'as given prior to sail<strong>in</strong>gand the apprentice lvho attended to theclail-v task proved to be a good pupil.Sharnrock lvas <strong>in</strong> bearrtilul coat u'henshe rvas taktr ashore at S_vdney. lt isallvavs a sreat rcliel to me to knou' thatall has gone rrell on the long trips bysea to -\ustralia arrcl \erv Zealand"Mr. Price Cross, <strong>of</strong> Dallas, I.I.", U.S.A,, president <strong>of</strong> A.C.F.A. and doyen <strong>of</strong>the American Siamese wodd, is a busy man, Flere he is seen enioviie thecompany he loves at the home <strong>of</strong> his friend Dr. Melton, well-krown DZItasvef,eflnartan.q

D. L. Li1sonCHADHURST SUNSHINE, Cream Litten bred by Miss M. L. Rodda, made the long journeyfron Essex to the Colorado, U.S.A. home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Samy Hirsig, Sunsh<strong>in</strong>e is now an adultand the father o{ a lovely kitten <strong>of</strong> great promise, Rocky Mounta<strong>in</strong> lleydey,Conversrtion piece'-by CLEO and MING, litter brother and sister, These nice Siamesewere bred by Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Venables, <strong>of</strong> London, from their queen Anveley Yelvet andthey were <strong>in</strong> the last litter to be sired by Miss l{ennedy Bell's Peekay Larchwood Lover. InJuly last year they were purchased by Mrs. M. Buckner, <strong>of</strong> Toronto, Canada. Ten days aftertheir arrival they took a 3rd prize at Bufialo, New York. Later, at the Detroit Show, Cleotook two second ribbons and M<strong>in</strong>g was Best Male Kitten. Out photograph n'as taken by" Muzzie " Nelson, Dettoit " petographer."t0

Young kittens seem to enjo-v it. Oldercats are more likcly to {ret and I dislikesend<strong>in</strong>g adults <strong>of</strong>f because the1. ahvaystake longer to re-settle. I th<strong>in</strong>k. too,it is a sad occasion for them urless theyare go<strong>in</strong>g to rejo<strong>in</strong> their orig<strong>in</strong>al orvners<strong>in</strong> a nerv country.Canada. Mrs. C. B. Borrett orderedyet another Colourpo<strong>in</strong>t Longhair fromMr. Brian Stirl<strong>in</strong>g-\\iebb and BriarryFemme Fatale. with blue po<strong>in</strong>ts, wentto Calgary <strong>in</strong> January. Cable said:" Thirsty. pulr<strong>in</strong>g. playfrrl. good condition."The flights to Canadianplaces are not easy ones and I had w-rittenpersonal letters to the airport veter<strong>in</strong>arianat Montreal and also to the airl<strong>in</strong>e torrv lo speecl up the kit's clearance andto ensure that she caught licr connectronro Calgary . . uhich she did. There isno direct flight for livestock from Londonto Canada. \\-hich is a pity !Mrs. E. L. R. Williamson, <strong>of</strong> Ottarva,imported an Ab,vss<strong>in</strong>ian, ColtentedOhristi, and is so delighted rvith himthat I har,'e just sclected a fernale tolear-e shortl.v as a companion. BothN,Ir. and Mrs. \\'illiamson enjoy theirpets greatlv and besides the Abv (bredby Miss \\risenan) they have three" ord<strong>in</strong>ary " cats. Christi is called" Posey " by the family and he hasfigured prom<strong>in</strong>e ntlv <strong>in</strong> the Ottarvapress.(to be cont<strong>in</strong>ued)NOTHING BUT THE BESTHE most exclusive hotel <strong>in</strong>Hollywood, California (says aB.LI.P. nervs itcm) is occupiedcntirely by cats. It is called BlackfordsHotel for (lars and irs purpose is r,,ensure that the pets <strong>of</strong> film stars andother prom<strong>in</strong>ent residents rvill livc <strong>in</strong> thesurround<strong>in</strong>gs u4rich their social statusdemands u'hcr their oivners arc a\\'aylrom home.Mr. and Mrs. .Jarncs lllackford runthe establishme nt and their clients<strong>in</strong>clude Elizabeth Taylor. Kim Novak,Mona Freeman, George Murphy, .JeffHunter, Ira Gershn<strong>in</strong>, Robert Culp andMeredith \{illson. " \\ie lost MissTaylor temporarily rvhen she marricdMike Todd," expla<strong>in</strong>s Mr. Rlackford." He made her get rid <strong>of</strong> her cats andshe cried about it."It is more difficulr lo ger a resen arionat Blackfords than at most other hotels.Reservations are made many monthsahead. Owners have sometimes delayedtheir vacations for months <strong>in</strong> order to gettheir pets <strong>in</strong>to Blackfords.Among the services given are s<strong>in</strong>glerooms (5 ft. wide by 6 ft. deep by B ft.lihigh) or doubles, triples and quadruplesIor cats rvho get lonely. Fresh sheets"pillow cases and carpets are suppliedclaily and there are plush receptionhalls for callers. Outsidc there arelandscaped glounds and gardens forrrrnLath<strong>in</strong>g and orlrer prrrslirs.N{r. Blackford expla<strong>in</strong>s that specialclietetic lbods are availablc Ibr cats u,ho\\iant to be streaml<strong>in</strong>ed. " You mustremember," he savs, " that these animals*,e re born to titc purple and have(lelicate tastes. \Vc haYe one that eatsvogurt and strau'berries, another takescantaloupe mixed rvith Spanish peanuts,another rvill eat only scrambled eggsand another likes shrimp cocktail withripe olives. One cat arrived u'ith hisorvn deep {reeze conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 600 pounds<strong>of</strong> meat and an electric blanket."D<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at Blackfords is always accompaniedby radio music and <strong>of</strong> coursetherc is air condition<strong>in</strong>g. When ownersu'rite to their pets, as they frequently do,the contents are read to the animalsand the stationery left <strong>in</strong> their roomsso that they can get the personal odour,

55Kit-zUmo Tabletshaae trunsforrnodJitntoMRS. D. HUGHES <strong>of</strong> 29Claremont Square, London, N.lwrites:-" I must let you know howyour Kit-zyme Tablets havetransformed Jim, a little alleycat, <strong>in</strong>to the handsome animalhe is to-day." It is eighteen months s<strong>in</strong>cewe found him <strong>in</strong> an empty houseat K<strong>in</strong>g's Cross and he was themost awful sight we ever saw.We've always had cats and whenI say that Jim t\tas th<strong>in</strong> Ireally mean th<strong>in</strong>. Infact, he wasa dissrace to our other c'ats." My son visited a Jiiend who was <strong>in</strong> the R.A.F. <strong>in</strong> S<strong>in</strong>gapore and herecommended Kit-zyme. Now, after six bottles, Jim-as you can seefront the photograph-is just lovely. It is unbelievable. We can't get overthe dffirence <strong>in</strong> him. I've several friends who will vouch.for this; even histail is bushy whereas it had previou,sly been like a pencil." But now he is a credit to u,\-or) perhaps I should say, 1o ),ou-for vlenow have a lovely cat and we are really grateful."KIT.ZYME \^/ILL BENEFIT YOUR CAT TOO . . .It is a natural Tonic and Conditioner-NOT a purgativeKitzvmeVITAMIN. RICH YEAST TABLETSPromotes resistance to : LISTLESSN ESS, FALLI NGCOAT, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN TROUBLES50 (7+ gr.) Tablets 115, 250 for 4l-,-75O for 8l-From Chemists, Corn Chondlers ond Pet ShopsLiterature Free on Reouestlf any difficulty <strong>in</strong> obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g write to:PHlttlPS YEAST PRODUCIS LTD., Park Royal, London, N.W.l0Rel. No. 192Cat owners should keep Zemol handy, Zemol, <strong>in</strong> O<strong>in</strong>tment or Powder form is aneffective remedy for many sk<strong>in</strong> troubles and m<strong>in</strong>or wounds. Booklets FREE onapplication to the makers <strong>of</strong> Kit-zyme.1.)

Correspond,enee CornerReaders are <strong>in</strong>vited to send contributionsto this feature and so tojo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong> the uscful exchange <strong>of</strong> ideasr- exi:eriencesand knowledge. Lettersshould bc concise anddeaf preferablvwith items <strong>of</strong> general <strong>in</strong>terest. 'A L<strong>in</strong>k with FriendsEach month's issue <strong>of</strong> Oun Cers is apleasant experience lor mc. First <strong>of</strong> all,<strong>of</strong> course, because I like and have catsand secondly it's almost like a personallisit among Ilritish people.Many years ago, rvhen I lived <strong>in</strong>Hong Kong and Shanghai, I had manylery rvonderful British fi.iends. Myhusband's naval duties tooh us else\\,here,then came the war and all contact waslo.t rvith those friends o\.rsear.So, reacl<strong>in</strong>g Or,'n C,q.rs almost seemsiike a visit rvith peoplc I once kner.,..I'hen, too, Blanche \{olfram has lvrittensome u,onderful pr<strong>of</strong>iles <strong>of</strong>brecders whonrI knolv here. Her Chrisrrrras messagewas most timely and u-orthy <strong>of</strong> thought.Mrs. Jorix L. Elllorr.San Diego 14, Calif., U.S.-r,.Wild <strong>Cats</strong>Congratulations on the completion <strong>of</strong>a successful decacle <strong>of</strong> publication.Our best wishes for many more.\\'e are nou'engaged <strong>in</strong> the study <strong>of</strong>r.arious species <strong>of</strong> wild cat, hav<strong>in</strong>g atthe moment a puma and a bob-cat.We hope eventually to own a Canadianlynx and others. If any ol' the readers<strong>of</strong> Oun Cars have had first-handexperience with any species <strong>of</strong> wild cat(leopards, jaguars, etc., particularlythe more exotic cats) we would be verypleased if they wrote to us. Care andtra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the animals, eat<strong>in</strong>g habitsand feed<strong>in</strong>g, behaviour, etc., are <strong>of</strong>great <strong>in</strong>terest to us.Mns. Davro Twnnr,Box 31, Signal Mounta<strong>in</strong>,Tennessee, U.S.A.Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla Breed<strong>in</strong>gI have always considered it a sig? <strong>of</strong>lroth rveakness and 5tupidit) ro r.efrrseto admit one's mistakes, but people cloexist who u'ould almost sooner die thanconfess to be<strong>in</strong>g l'rong. I hope I shallnever be guilty <strong>of</strong> such folly and I wish tomake it clear here and nolv that I rvasmis<strong>in</strong>formed r,vhen I stated <strong>in</strong> mybroadcast (reproduced <strong>in</strong> the Novemberissue <strong>of</strong> Oun Cers) that Blue-Ch<strong>in</strong>s areclassified as Shaded Silvers <strong>in</strong> the U.S.A.This rvas an erroneous idea that Ipicked up from a not-very-vell-<strong>in</strong>lbrmedperson at a cat shorv <strong>in</strong> America which Iattended some years ago.I have s<strong>in</strong>ce obta<strong>in</strong>ed confirmationliom the States that Shaded Silvers are<strong>in</strong>deed as Mrs. Turney describes them.I rvill not say " pure bred.', as she does,as this is somewhat mislead<strong>in</strong>g anddepends entirely on rvhat they are purefor.llowever, none <strong>of</strong> this affects myargument that Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas, <strong>in</strong> thiscountry at any rate, are <strong>in</strong> urgent need<strong>of</strong> a good out-cross. I predicted at thetime <strong>of</strong> mak<strong>in</strong>g these remarks that theywould provoke a violent outcry fromCh<strong>in</strong> breeders and I am glad that thisshould be so. The more they arediscussed and thought about, the better,for then some good may result. I amsufficiently sensible, however, to realizethat noth<strong>in</strong>g I can say is likely to haveany effect on the exist<strong>in</strong>g small band <strong>of</strong>Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla breeders u'ho pla<strong>in</strong>ly resentany form <strong>of</strong> criticism, whether constructiveor otheru'ise, and as far as they areconcerned I know I am uast<strong>in</strong>g mytime.IJ

WHICH CAT IS THE GRANDMOTHER?hard to tell-they BOTH look so young !$$$iLij$Daily Kit-E-Kat has kept thesetwo cats so lit and uell, soyoung-look<strong>in</strong>g, that it really ishard to tell that the cat on theleft is the other.one's grandmother.Your cat will stay younger,live longer on dailY Kit-E-Kat<strong>Cats</strong> Iove daily KirE-Kat -and thriveon it ! For there's the f<strong>in</strong>est quality freshfish put <strong>in</strong>to Kit-E-Kat. There's meatand there's fishliver oils. There's thecorrect amount <strong>of</strong> cooked cereals andthere's extra health-giv<strong>in</strong>g vitam<strong>in</strong>s andm<strong>in</strong>erals. In fact, daily KirE-Katsupplies all the nourishment every catneeds for growth and energy, and a long,healthy and happy life. Everyth<strong>in</strong>g acat should have and everyth<strong>in</strong>g a catloves is <strong>in</strong> Kit-E-Kat. That's why yourcat will stay younger, live longer ondaily Kit-E-Kat. HANDY SIZE 9d'KIT.%.KAIYour cat will stay younger, live longer on dailyKIT.E-KAfPetfoods Limitcd drarv -vout attention to the vaiuable q'ork carried out bv theAnimal llealth Trust. Pit on nets and breedcts can help this u ork by senci<strong>in</strong>g asubscrjption to the Trust at 14 Ashley Piace, Vestm<strong>in</strong>ster, S \\'.r'l4

For those who are <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong>progress, however, here are a fewsuggestions. If vou <strong>in</strong>rend ro cxperimerrtrvith a vierv to improv<strong>in</strong>g Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas donot expect to achieve the desired results<strong>in</strong> the first or second generations. Cultivatepatience. Pr<strong>of</strong>it by the experience<strong>of</strong>'others. The blue outcross has beentried, we know, rvith the result that thebeauriful eye-colour has been los1.But has it been <strong>in</strong>telligently tried andhave the results been sumciently follorvedup to their f<strong>in</strong>a1 conclusions ? I doubtit. Two Blue-Ch<strong>in</strong>s mated togethercan and <strong>of</strong>ten do produce mixed litters.NIrs. Turney f<strong>in</strong>ds this odd and callsit " not breed<strong>in</strong>g true." Has she ner.erl."ard <strong>of</strong> dom<strong>in</strong>ant and recersire genes?I have not experimented rvith Ch<strong>in</strong>cirillasbut I should imag<strong>in</strong>e that thereason {br their " breed<strong>in</strong>g true " isbecause their dist<strong>in</strong>ctive colour<strong>in</strong>g isdue to a recessive gene. If this is sothen they cannot help produc<strong>in</strong>g kittenslike themselves. 'Ihis <strong>of</strong> course is thecase with <strong>Blues</strong> (blue <strong>in</strong> cats be<strong>in</strong>grecessive) for no matter horv these arebred, rvhen both parents are blue onlyblue <strong>of</strong>fspr<strong>in</strong>g rvill result.Obr iously rhen. it is unwise lo crosst\\'o Blue-Ch<strong>in</strong>s together and the bettercourse would be to mate tu'o unrelatedlllue-Ch<strong>in</strong>s to two Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas and thencross the result<strong>in</strong>g kittens to each other.This should give a proportion <strong>of</strong> youngwith better bone and type as well assome <strong>of</strong> the desired features <strong>of</strong> theCh<strong>in</strong>chilla. Ey. colour is a moredifficult matter and furlher experimenlsmight be necessary to get it. It isprobably affected by a number <strong>of</strong> vary<strong>in</strong>gfactors, but if only Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas withcorrect eye colour are used for thisexperiment it is pretty certa<strong>in</strong> thatsome <strong>in</strong>dividuals rvith similar eyes u'illcrop up.Recessive genes need to be carried byboth parents to reproduce themselves, soit would be useless to attempt only oneout-cross.Introduc<strong>in</strong>g the Blue outcross must<strong>in</strong>evitably improve type, but had we <strong>in</strong>l5this country a stra<strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong> Biue-eyecl \\ihitessuch as exists on the Cont<strong>in</strong>ent I rvouldsuggest this as a better outcross. Someyears ago I produced a White with vividgreen eyes <strong>of</strong> the desired Ch<strong>in</strong>chillashade (from a Blue-eyed White queenand a Colourpo<strong>in</strong>t stud) and it is wellknou'n that Whites do <strong>of</strong>ten producegreen eyed kittens lvhen mated to cats<strong>of</strong> other colours. Hou'ever, progresstorvards better type would not be madebv us<strong>in</strong>g any Blue-eyed White <strong>in</strong> thiscountry and such a cross must regrettablybe ruled out.In my op<strong>in</strong>ion the present policy n'ithregard to the breed<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>in</strong>chillasmust end <strong>in</strong> disaster iI' substantialqrrantities o[ new blood are nol <strong>in</strong>rroduced.The occasional import<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> aReaders' contributions to this featureafe always welcomed, . . . Wecould do with many more ! Editor.cat from the Cont<strong>in</strong>ent or America isnot -nough. for tbe txist<strong>in</strong>g strairr isbecom<strong>in</strong>g more than a little <strong>in</strong>bred.Many er.ils may result from this, butI will mention only one, namely monorchidism,u'hich, I am sorry to say,is already more prevalent <strong>in</strong> this varietythan <strong>in</strong> any other, It is, <strong>of</strong> course, an<strong>in</strong>herited fau1t.In any case, British Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas as arvhole are $'ant<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> type and bone.Lovely as they are, how much lovelierthey would be if only they possessedbroader heads, smaller and betterplaced ears, shorter noses, strongerch<strong>in</strong>s and shorter tails. Al1 theseproperties could be obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> timervith <strong>in</strong>telligent breed<strong>in</strong>g but halfmeasures, which as far as I know are ali.that anyone has so lar attempted, arelvorse than useless and results from themare no criterion.I do not advocate the breed<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>elephant<strong>in</strong>e Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas, as I considerhalf the attraction rvould be lost if we(cont<strong>in</strong>ued on page tr7j

A page for" Cfue pr"oletal.i:ul prrSS-to. S'{w b4ftirisfiiffiwl'?I{ITCHEN XAPERS'[he caption has been suggested tJy the photographer, Mr. A, Farquharson, <strong>of</strong> Glasqow. Ilewrites: ' I took this picture <strong>of</strong> a mother and her l(itten at a function at which the <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>gshots should have been people, but trelieve me I couid have watched this pair all night rath€rthan the humans. I ha.:e never seer! a mother cat take so nuch <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> her kitren <strong>in</strong> my life.Sht must have piayecl no!-Etop {or over an hour. The shot was aaken <strong>in</strong> the kitchen x'herethey u,ere play<strong>in</strong>g hide'and-seek round a baker's breadLoard."Iil

BOOK REVItr,WSfr'or n ectdy refarerteeEFORE I openecl A Lo .( o/ <strong>Cats</strong>,Lhe nane on the cor.er <strong>of</strong> Kit\\'ilson as the author made meconfident that the contents tvould besound and commonsense advice basedon a lil'et<strong>in</strong>e's experience, lvrilten <strong>in</strong>pla<strong>in</strong> English rvith a rn<strong>in</strong>imum <strong>of</strong> thefanci{ul jargon <strong>in</strong>to rvhich it is so easy forexperts to fall. My confidence lvas {ullyjustified whcn I rcad the book.Its 100 plus pages give the answersto all the questions a cat-lover is likelyto ask. Ii I rvere giv<strong>in</strong>g a kitten tosomeone rvl:ro had never kept one before,I could rh<strong>in</strong>k ol no belrel rray <strong>of</strong>en"ur<strong>in</strong>ethe kitten's rvell-be<strong>in</strong>g than mak<strong>in</strong>g apresent <strong>of</strong> this book n'ith it. At rhe sametime, there is <strong>in</strong>ibrmation tiat may bcncw c\-cn to experienced cat-orvners andbreeders, for <strong>in</strong>stancc. on the dargers oipoison<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> cr:rta<strong>in</strong> circunst:r:ce s ii onlornamcntrl g:rd, r. 1,o;rd. arrd ;n l s<strong>in</strong>qturpent<strong>in</strong>e to remove u'et pa<strong>in</strong>t lrom acat's Iur.The questioris are arranged alphabeticall,vibr easlr rc{erence fron" '\bcesses '! to {' X-ra;.s " and at afirst reacl<strong>in</strong>g, t\ere is only one thatoccurs to me as frcquently asked which isnriss<strong>in</strong>g-"Cough<strong>in</strong>g." Crrriouslv thisis a head<strong>in</strong>g I have found miss<strong>in</strong>g frommany previous practical books on cats.There are a dozen rvell-posed photo---""-CAT BOOKSforCAT LOYERSolwoys obto<strong>in</strong>oble fromTHE LITTLE BOOKSHOPFarnham Common, Bucks.Enquiries welcome, Lists free.1attgi:.phs illustrat<strong>in</strong>g thc met.hocls <strong>of</strong>grnum<strong>in</strong>q. lifi<strong>in</strong>g a:r,l m, dicar<strong>in</strong>g a car.In addition to practical advice aboutrire care <strong>of</strong> cats <strong>in</strong> health and sicl<strong>in</strong>ess,the book conta<strong>in</strong>s all the basic <strong>in</strong>{brmationthat the beg<strong>in</strong>ner needs 1br breed<strong>in</strong>gand sholv<strong>in</strong>g cats ancl an appendix giv<strong>in</strong>gthe Standard <strong>of</strong> Po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>of</strong> all breeds.,4 to I<strong>of</strong> Cax is bound <strong>in</strong> what appearsto be a w'ater- and sta<strong>in</strong>-pro<strong>of</strong> coverrvhich is as practical as its contents.It is published by Max Parrish at7s. 6d. (U.S. $1.25).S.D"Another book for cat lovers 1tl rcachrrs hot {rom thc press 'ts Tabbl Magic,prrblished by Hutch<strong>in</strong>sons at l0s. 6d.iU.S. $1.75). Thc author is Cecile deBanke and some capable illustrationsoi the ttvo cat friends N4ary-Ann andSandy by Nora L<strong>in</strong>lv<strong>in</strong> contributelargely to one's enjoyment <strong>of</strong> the book.'Ihe <strong>in</strong>separable pair f<strong>in</strong>d themselves<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> some amus<strong>in</strong>g scrapes andaclventures. Mary-Ann really is norragic cat but jusr a sly, adorable andhome-lov<strong>in</strong>g cat.CORR.ESPONDENCE CORNER(.concludedfrom page 1 5;had outsize specimens. On the otherhand. I am rrnablc to agr(e rrirh rhcchampions <strong>of</strong> the variety u'ho defendtheir obvious faults by tell<strong>in</strong>g us rhatthel shorrld be " fairy-like '' <strong>in</strong> appearance.I have ne\.er personally encountereda fairy, for there are none atthe bottom <strong>of</strong> my garden, but I am quiteconv<strong>in</strong>ced that if such little people existthev are certa<strong>in</strong>ly not characterizedby long noses, reced<strong>in</strong>g ch<strong>in</strong>s and <strong>of</strong>fu'iritecomplexions. The simile wouldseem to me therefore to be not very apt"Mn. BnraN Srrnr-rNc-Wnse.Richmond, Surrey.

TIB$ICAL TRIOTibby the rrns reporter discoveredthese three beauties<strong>in</strong> Mrs. Price's DevoranCattery at Bushey, llerts.They're the magnificentdescendants <strong>of</strong> that famous12]sI NESTA 2 NAOMI 3 OTWENSiamese Stud 'Prestwick Prithie Pal', the pride <strong>of</strong> thehousehold for many years. They each have a ttgstablet every day."I have found rrss most valuable <strong>in</strong> the Cattery," saysMrs. Price, "as it provides all the necessary vitam<strong>in</strong>sand m<strong>in</strong>erals a cat diet needs." Daily rrns encouragegood bone development, good teeth, sh<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g coats andbright eyes. rIBS keep cats Tibsical.TIffiffiFamous breeders say:KEEP GATS TIBSIGALIB

ISeprod,uetion (No. E 4)By A. C. JUDEThis populor series <strong>of</strong> monogrophs hos brought odded <strong>in</strong>terest tobreed<strong>in</strong>g operqtions throughout the cot world qnd has helped fanciersby supply<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formatian concern<strong>in</strong>g both <strong>in</strong>herited ond oll otherfoctors. Each orticle has s direct bear<strong>in</strong>g on the genetic basis for thelikenesses ond differences between cots. Reoders who have problemsthey would like to subrnit to Mr. Jude should oddress them to him clothis Mogoz<strong>in</strong>e.TN course <strong>of</strong> correspondenceI aborrt matters aris<strong>in</strong>g out <strong>of</strong>I.^ this series, questions havebeen asked about the capability<strong>of</strong> the female <strong>of</strong> certa<strong>in</strong> speciesto reproduce <strong>in</strong> the absence <strong>of</strong>normal form o[ mat<strong>in</strong>g, i.e.<strong>in</strong>dependently <strong>of</strong> the male. Thiscerta<strong>in</strong>ly does occur, and is notuncommon <strong>in</strong> nature even withthe mammals.The stick <strong>in</strong>sect <strong>of</strong> S. Europe is agood example. The male is practicallvunknown, and generations <strong>of</strong> femalesfollow each other. As soon as theYmature they iay eggs, and these hatch<strong>in</strong>to more females. And it goes on forgenerations.The common green-fly is anotherexample. The Spr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dividuals hatchfrom eggs and are all females. After avery short time, without mat<strong>in</strong>g, theybeg<strong>in</strong> to give birth to iiv<strong>in</strong>g younq.which are all females. In this way they<strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> numbers rapidly, and whenover-crowd<strong>in</strong>g threatens, w<strong>in</strong>ged <strong>in</strong>sectsare produced, and the pest is spreadfrom plant to plant. As the summerseason draws to an end, both males andfemales are born. Then, pair<strong>in</strong>g takesplace and the fertilized females 1ay eggsrvhich hatch <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g Spr<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>to a new generation <strong>of</strong> so-calledviviparous females, i.e. females capableo[ produc<strong>in</strong>g liv<strong>in</strong>q young as jrrst.described.l9The same th<strong>in</strong>g also happens amongstbees. Now and then a worker bee maystart to lay eggs if the queen has died,These eggs, be<strong>in</strong>g unfertilized, all hatch<strong>in</strong>to drones and the colony <strong>of</strong> bees isdoomed to die out very soon. Aqueen bee can lay fertilized or unfertilizedeggs at will, and thus producesboth workers and drones. The drone,<strong>in</strong> other words, has- no father IIn these cases there are not the usual<strong>in</strong>herited near-likenesses and small differenceswhich are to be expected when twoparents are <strong>in</strong>volved. It is rather likethe tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> cutt<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> plants. Insuch cases the result<strong>in</strong>g plants are similarto the one parent plant. In that way <strong>of</strong>course, " purity " <strong>of</strong> flower colour orfruit characteristic <strong>of</strong> thc parent isreta<strong>in</strong>ed.Eye colourOne other matter about whichquestions have been asked is the <strong>in</strong>heritance<strong>of</strong> eye colour. Only little research<strong>in</strong>to the particular <strong>in</strong>heritance <strong>of</strong> eyecolour <strong>in</strong> cats has been undertaken,but what has been done, seems to runmore or less parallel with that whichapplies <strong>in</strong> the case <strong>of</strong> humans, and <strong>in</strong> thatfield it was only natural that earlyresearch was made.Hurst. and others, clearly demonstratedthe existence <strong>of</strong> one Mendelianfactor <strong>in</strong> operation here. Eyes may be

<strong>of</strong> many " colours." The colours dependon the pigment <strong>in</strong> the iris. In pedigreecats the number <strong>of</strong>variations is restrictedwhile comb<strong>in</strong>ations are more extensir-ewhere cross-breed<strong>in</strong>g occurs. Some eyeshave pigment on both sides <strong>of</strong> the iris,others have pigment on the ret<strong>in</strong>al sideonly. To this class belongs the blues andclear greys, while the eyes *'ith pigment<strong>in</strong> front <strong>of</strong> the iris also are browns,hazels, and greens <strong>in</strong> various shadesaccord<strong>in</strong>g to the amount <strong>of</strong> pigmentpresent.66Red-eyed " Siarneseln alb<strong>in</strong>o animals. the pigm"nt isentirely absent, and as the little bloodvesselsare not obscured, the iris takes onits characteristic p<strong>in</strong>kish-red appearance.In Siamese cats the amount <strong>of</strong> pigmentpresent is not great, and that accounts lbrthe p<strong>in</strong>kish-red colour seen <strong>in</strong> cerla<strong>in</strong>Iights.Generally, it may be taken that thecondition <strong>in</strong> uhich pigmenr is present <strong>in</strong>front <strong>of</strong> the iris is dom<strong>in</strong>ant to that <strong>in</strong>which it is absent. The greens, browns orhaz-ls mated togcther may. if heterozlgous,give the recessive blue, but no<strong>in</strong>dividuals <strong>of</strong> the brorvn class are to belooked for among the <strong>of</strong>fspr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> bluesmated together; but the blues may carryfactors rvhich are capable <strong>of</strong> modify<strong>in</strong>gthe brown. The brown may becone<strong>in</strong>tensified.There are doubtless other factorsrvhich modify the brown when present,but we do not yet know enough <strong>of</strong> the<strong>in</strong>heritance <strong>of</strong> the various shades tojustify any statement other than theheredity <strong>of</strong> the pigment <strong>in</strong> front <strong>of</strong> theiris behaves as though it were due to aMendelian factor. Intensity <strong>of</strong> colouric rhe crirerion at present <strong>in</strong> vogue.and it is customary to arrange the eyecolours<strong>in</strong> a scale <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g depth <strong>of</strong>shade, start<strong>in</strong>g with pale greys and end<strong>in</strong>glvith deepest brorvns.On this system, the lighter greens areplaced among the blues. But we knowthat blues may differ from the deepbrowns <strong>in</strong> the absence <strong>of</strong> only a s<strong>in</strong>glefactor, lvhile on the other hand, thedifference between a blue and a greenmay be a difference dependent uponmore than one factor.The question <strong>of</strong> eye-colour suggestsreflections <strong>of</strong> another k<strong>in</strong>d. It may bedifficult to believe that the markedlydifferent states <strong>of</strong> pigmentation whichoccrrr <strong>in</strong> the same sfecies ar'. lrotassociated rvith deep-seated chemicaldifferences <strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>g the characterand bent o1 an <strong>in</strong>dividual. May notthese differences <strong>in</strong> pigmentation becoupled with. and so become <strong>in</strong> somemeasure a guide to temperamental andmental characteristics ?Mental <strong>in</strong>heritanceThe <strong>in</strong>heritance <strong>of</strong> mental charactersis olicn elrrsive. for it is frequentlydifficult to appraise the effects <strong>of</strong> earlyenvironmerrt. 'I'hat ability can be transmittedthere is no doubt. Ibr this is borneout by general experience, as well as bythe numerous cases <strong>of</strong> able lamiliesbrought together by various students.Llut rvhcrr \\'e comc to enquire moreprecisel;' rvhat it is that is transmitted,u'e are baffled. A dist<strong>in</strong>guished son{bllows <strong>in</strong> the footsteps <strong>of</strong> a dist<strong>in</strong>guishedfather. Is this due to the <strong>in</strong>heritance <strong>of</strong> aparLicular mental aptirude. or is it an<strong>in</strong>stance o1' general mental ability <strong>in</strong> afield rendered attractive by early association?We have at present only a little def<strong>in</strong>iteevidence for suppos<strong>in</strong>g that what appearto be special forms <strong>of</strong> ability may be dueto specific factors. Hurst brought forwardsome facts which suggest I hatmusical sense sometimes behaves as arecessive character, and it is likely that thestudy <strong>of</strong> some clean-cut faculty, such asthe mathematical one, rvould yield<strong>in</strong>feresf<strong>in</strong>o reqrrlfsThis latter patt is rather beside thepo<strong>in</strong>t, but it is nevertheless <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g.The facts are suggestive, and it is not(,cont<strong>in</strong>ued on page 22)20

,1 reBular newsJ t'eaturewith a selection <strong>of</strong> the bestircms {rom home and oYerseas17-year-oid Frcnch girl won afel<strong>in</strong>e beauty competition <strong>in</strong> Francewith her trio <strong>of</strong>cats. She suggestedalier the rv<strong>in</strong> that cat os'ners should studynusic to enable them to understand whattheir cats are try<strong>in</strong>g to tell them. " Whennv cats are bored," she expla<strong>in</strong>ed, " theyairvavs miaow on the musical note D."'fhe Second Annual Congress <strong>of</strong> theBritish Small Animal Veter<strong>in</strong>ary Associationlvas held <strong>in</strong> London last month. Inhis address. the President (Mr. C. E.\\'oodrow, M.R.C.V.S.) referred to thefact that, as so <strong>of</strong>ten happens <strong>in</strong> humanmedic<strong>in</strong>e, the disappearance <strong>of</strong> onedisease <strong>in</strong> the veter<strong>in</strong>ary field br<strong>in</strong>gs tothe fore some new disease or at leastemphasizes the importance <strong>of</strong> some otherdisease hitherto overshadorved by therrore serious epidemics. The results <strong>of</strong>some recent research work on the feed<strong>in</strong>g<strong>of</strong> Siamese cats showed that a diet <strong>of</strong>heart is most <strong>in</strong>jurious and if fed exclusivelycan lead to paralysis <strong>in</strong> a matter <strong>of</strong>rleeks.\ial Gielgud. the B B C producer andaulhor. r"r ealed <strong>in</strong> a queslionnairesubmitted by a popular rvoman's periodicalthat his drean house varies betweena Sicilian villa with a vierv <strong>of</strong> the\,Iediterranean and a Sussex cottage rvitha vierv <strong>of</strong> the South Downs. Each conta<strong>in</strong>scats--<strong>in</strong> quantity. He depiored theiact that his London flat conta<strong>in</strong>s onlych<strong>in</strong>a cats.after\Vith the arrir.al ol autumn. the.\uslralirn Fancv is 'tirr<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>ln artir itr2lits summer " hibernation," ri'hichmay a1l sound a trifle puzzl<strong>in</strong>g to readerslvho live " on top " and not " dox'nunder ! " The big event this month is,<strong>of</strong> course, the Royal Easter Show <strong>in</strong>Sydney. The Federal Cat Club <strong>of</strong>Australasia is also hold<strong>in</strong>g its KittenShow at Manly <strong>in</strong> aid <strong>of</strong> the Far WestHealth Scheme Fund. Judges appo<strong>in</strong>tedfor this event are Mrs. Ann Vize, Mrs' L"Whyte and Mrs. D. Murph<strong>in</strong>. Mrs.Helen Scognamillo is the Club's newHon. Secretary and Editor <strong>of</strong> the monthlyjoutnal <strong>Cats</strong> Digest, ller address is133 Arthur Street, North Sydney'The Australian Fancy, particularly theLonghair breeders, have suffered a greatblow by the death <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Ann Vize'sCh. Astra <strong>of</strong> Pensford at I I years. Bredby Mrs. Joan Thompson from ValleYEnd Blue Pr<strong>in</strong>cc cx Babette <strong>of</strong> Pensford.Astra became one <strong>of</strong> the best known <strong>Blues</strong>tuds <strong>in</strong> this countrv before he left threeyears ago to live near Sydney rvithMrs. \,'ize. His progeny are scattered allover the cat u'orld and perhaps the bestknow"n is Myolvne Gallant llomme, rvhowas sold to a French fancier as a kitten forthe big price <strong>of</strong> dl50 and is norv anInternational Champion. Astra's cleath isall the more tragic because his son\4you'ne Biggasboy. a young stud oigreat promise, died a short time previouslv.Mrs. Margaret Kemp, a lvidou' aged85 lr.ho died <strong>in</strong> Fcbmar,v at the selectcoast rc'sort <strong>of</strong> Fr<strong>in</strong>ton-on-Sea, Essex, leftd303.870, dutv paici L179.137 " She

was known to many <strong>in</strong> the district as" the Cat Lady " because she helpedpoor people to feed their pets. Herweekly food bill for fish and meat ranto a high figure and she would never letany animal go hungry. At one time sheran a cattery which was a home for everystray cat brought to her. Mrs. Kemp wassecretary to the lounder <strong>of</strong>the well-knownbiscuit firm, eventually marry<strong>in</strong>g " theboss's son." After many legacies t<strong>of</strong>riends and animal societies, she left theresidue <strong>of</strong> her estate to St. Dunstan's.There were no children <strong>of</strong> the marriage.llomes were found for her three cats.The state <strong>of</strong> emergency which exists <strong>in</strong>the country is prevent<strong>in</strong>g the RhodesiaCat Club from fix<strong>in</strong>g a def<strong>in</strong>ite date forits next show. I am <strong>in</strong>terested to learnthat experiments <strong>in</strong> the breed<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>Colourpo<strong>in</strong>t Longhairs are tak<strong>in</strong>g place<strong>in</strong> that disturbed part <strong>of</strong> the world.Safari Dog Beds (widely used by catorvners and advertised <strong>in</strong> our pages) havebeen shown on commercial TV dur<strong>in</strong>gthe past few weeks. This is the first timeSafari Ltd., have used this medium and itis part <strong>of</strong>an extensive national advertis<strong>in</strong>gprogramme.The Western Prov<strong>in</strong>ce Cat Club(South Africa) has concluded uhat is rvelldescribed by the Chairman (Rev.Herbert N. Lovemore) as " an active.pleasant and successful year." Membershiphas been doubled and is nowapproach<strong>in</strong>g the 100 mark. Float<strong>in</strong>gtrophies for the two shows <strong>in</strong> April andOctober have <strong>in</strong>creased from 13 to 33and the Club has been accepted as amember <strong>of</strong> the Associated Cat Clubs <strong>of</strong>South Africa. The current issue <strong>of</strong> theClub's quarterly journal Cax Call<strong>in</strong>g, alively and <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g 2B-pager, commentsthat cats imported from theUnited K<strong>in</strong>gdom have had a pr<strong>of</strong>oundeffect <strong>in</strong> rais<strong>in</strong>g the local standard.The Three Counties Cat Society reporta satisfactory year <strong>of</strong> progress with meet<strong>in</strong>gsheld at six centres <strong>in</strong> the area covered.by their activities. The Hon. SecretaryMrs. M. A. Wilson told members at therecent A.G.M. that permission had beengranted for an Exemption Show to beheld on 20th June at the new VerwoodMemorial Hall. Mrs. C. F. Cade has.been returned Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Societyfor another term and the follow<strong>in</strong>g willserve on the Committee '-Mrs. P. Lane,Miss L. Noblett, Mrs. R. Sayers, Mrs.M. A. Wilson, Mr. C. F. Cade, Capt.\\r. Pearce, Mr. J. R. Ruston, W<strong>in</strong>gCommander T. Sayers. Rer. M. SpencerUnderhill and Mr. D. Wilson. Tributervas paid to the support given by thePresident Mrs. K. R. \Villiams.That netsy little item about cats youhave read <strong>in</strong> your local ne*spaper orit the magaq<strong>in</strong>e you have just put down. . , vill you be k<strong>in</strong>d enough to clip itout and Post ;t to me <strong>in</strong> an unsealedentclope? Catt<strong>in</strong>gsfrom otetseas publicationsare particularly velcome. Isend best thanks to all vho hare helled<strong>in</strong> this connection.MrcxsvREPRODUCTIONpage 20)(roncluded fromimpossible that future research mayreveal an <strong>in</strong>timate connection betweenpeculiarities <strong>of</strong> pigmentation and peculiarities<strong>of</strong> the m<strong>in</strong>d.It will be recalled that <strong>in</strong> a recentarticle f rnentioned that sorne cases<strong>of</strong> osteogenesis irnperfecta had beenreported <strong>in</strong> the Siamese breed. Andbecause <strong>of</strong> the possibility that thedisease rnight spread, it was suggestedthat very careful enquiryshould be rnade by fanciers about theperformance <strong>of</strong> any stud they contemplateus<strong>in</strong>g, The matter <strong>in</strong> noway should be ignored at the presenttirne.22

Presented by JOAN THOMPSONRS. JOAN THOMPSONand active-popularfigure <strong>in</strong> the Cat Fancyfor rnany yearsr breeder andInternational judge turns -the pages <strong>of</strong> her diary toreveal the rnost <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>gentries concern<strong>in</strong>g Personalities.both hurnan and fel<strong>in</strong>e'Show season ends/-flHF, Iast Clrampion.hip Shox <strong>of</strong>I tl'. ,"a.en. thar <strong>of</strong> th" Lancashir"^ and -\ortlr \\ rjlern Cuunl jes CatClub on tr'ebruary 7th at Stockport,attracted 190 exhibits. N{r. and Mls.\Vatson stepped <strong>in</strong>to the breach lvhcnMrs. Brittlebank {brmer Hon. Secrctaryand Shorv Manager decided 10 go toAmerica last December and I hcar liomsone <strong>of</strong> those lvho attended that it s'asa very enjoyable fixttue.Mr. \{atson, k<strong>in</strong>dly giv<strong>in</strong>g his impressionsto me after his first \renture<strong>in</strong>to show management, rvrites: " Itdoes, as you sayJ <strong>in</strong>voh'e a great deal<strong>of</strong> rvork, especially s<strong>in</strong>ce start<strong>in</strong>g fromscratch one has to n'ork out a system,but lve never had any illusions abouthow much work there reallY n'as\\'hat did surprisc us was the hiqh percentage<strong>of</strong> entry forms which u'ere<strong>in</strong>correct <strong>in</strong> one or more particularsand which had to be referred back toexhibitors.oa" A pleasant stirprise \\'as the helpflllan(l encurrrag<strong>in</strong>g attiLrrde 6l'1[e jrrdger.J.t wasn't that we cxpected to llnd themunhelpful but rve thought they mightbe critical <strong>of</strong> any mistakes ue made and<strong>in</strong> fact they ger( mosl co-opctatite.Altogether ne had the very salisly<strong>in</strong>gfcel<strong>in</strong>g on the day <strong>of</strong> the Show thateveryone was rvork<strong>in</strong>g together as a teamto make it a success and rve are veryappreciative <strong>of</strong> the help rve received."N{a<strong>in</strong> arvards \\'ere as follow : BestLc<strong>in</strong>ghair Cat-Miss Marjorie Bull'sWhite Ch. Deebank Orange Blossomby her Cream male Ch. BeamsleYSunbcaml Best L.H. Kitten-Mr.Lcv<strong>in</strong>g's Smoke Beaui'ale Conquest byBarrorvdale Mit.zvah; Best L.H. NeuterI3usbriclge's Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla SeaproudJill by Ch. Mark <strong>of</strong> All<strong>in</strong>gton;-Mrs.Besr Shorthair Cat Mrs. Crolvther'sBurnese Helsby Pitou b.v Ch. DarshanKhudiram; tsest S.H. Kittt--n- Mrs.Nicholas's S.P. Siamese Ryecr<strong>of</strong>t Bendigoby Piere Pita; Bcst S.H. Neuter-Mrs. Braclbury's S.P. Siamese SilversealJuno by Summerlleld Saturn.Any Varietv Shorthair Litter classwas won by Mrs. Appleby rvith fiveS.P. Siamese males and tlvo females bvCh. Milori Oberon. Mrs. Taylor'sBlue male Boy Blue <strong>of</strong> Kenton (bY Ch.Baralan Boy Blue) rryas arvarded hissecond Challenge Certificate and therv<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Blue female rvas Miss Bull'sDeebank Fiona by Laird o' Lendal.'fwo Longhair cats to complete theirChampionships rvere Mrs. Ross's ShapurAntonius by Cb. Hathan'aY AntonY

Rowley and Miss Sheppard's lVidd<strong>in</strong>gtonStardust by Ch. Widd<strong>in</strong>gton W<strong>in</strong>terstar,both Creams.As usual at prov<strong>in</strong>cial shows, theentry <strong>of</strong> 190 exhibits rvas considerablyless than those at the London fixtures.At the latter about 400 exhibits appearsto be about the average nowadays.There were over 500 at the NationalShow <strong>in</strong> December when our ca$ areat their best and there are still a number<strong>of</strong> kittens about. Only one Ch<strong>in</strong>chillaadult appeared at Stockport-Mrs.Emslie's male Mario <strong>of</strong> All<strong>in</strong>gton. Anotable absentee was Mrs. Turney,sand the lIon. Mrs. Haden-Guest'sCh<strong>in</strong>chilla female Bonavia Mariettarvho completed her Championship <strong>in</strong>London <strong>in</strong>January. Mrs. Br<strong>in</strong>d's Blue-Crearn Brynwood Aurora, rvho becamea Champion at the samc shorv, n'asalso absent for the same reason. Wiseowners not to subject queens to longJourneys once they became Champions !All too <strong>of</strong>ten <strong>in</strong> the past queens rrhichhave had brilliant and repeated successesat shows have failed to be satisfactorybrood queens and these <strong>of</strong> course are thevery cats whom we want to reproducethemseh'es.Burrnese strorrgThe Burmese entry was excellent,<strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g the steady progress <strong>of</strong> thisvariety. The w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g female was Mrs.Jackson's Sealcoat Lhotse. The Best <strong>in</strong>Show S.H. adult, Mrs. Crowther,sHelsby Pitou and the first three w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gkittens <strong>in</strong> a class <strong>of</strong> twelve, were all siredby Mrs. Watson's Burmese males Ch.Casa Gatos Darkee and Ch. DarshanI{hudiram, both U.S.A. imports whohave accomplished so much for thislovely variety <strong>in</strong> England.Mrs. Dunn's B.P. Siamese kittenlienham Tarkas by Ch. Bluehayes Foxyrvho has been so consistent this seasonrvon her Open Class aga<strong>in</strong> and severalfirsts <strong>in</strong> side classes. The w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g S.P.male <strong>in</strong> an Open Class <strong>of</strong> twelve wasMr. Flello's Qu<strong>in</strong>ton Pita by Ch. CausewayPita and the rv<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g S.P. I'ema1eMrs. Hood's Kutz<strong>in</strong>g I-<strong>in</strong>apuluh b;'Ch. Nlilori Oberon.H.ppy queens\Vith the term<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> the ChampionshipShows we will be engaged onthe most pleasurable time <strong>of</strong> the year,the breed<strong>in</strong>g season. Although somedisappo<strong>in</strong>tments are <strong>in</strong>evitable theyrvill be ferver if breeders live <strong>in</strong> surround<strong>in</strong>gsrvhere their queens can haveliberty. After the first careless rapture<strong>of</strong> youth I har.e ne,,.er found queens g<strong>of</strong>ar alvay from their orvn-doma<strong>in</strong>;especially when they are <strong>in</strong> kitten, andthe slight hazards <strong>of</strong> liberty are farbe t'uer for their happ<strong>in</strong>ess and healththan keep<strong>in</strong>g them cooped up, rvhich issuch an unnatural life for active and<strong>in</strong>relligenr animals like cars.Californian visitorMrs. Lucille Davies, <strong>of</strong> Chalfont St.Peter and her husband have a u'onderfulholiday <strong>in</strong> prospect when they leaveEngland on April 2nd to travel on theQueen Maryt and return by the LlnitedStates T<strong>in</strong>er about mid-May. They havechanged their plans about fly<strong>in</strong>g and<strong>in</strong>tend to have a rest to prepare for sightsee<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> America.Mrs. Davies is also keen ro see some<strong>of</strong> the famous cats especially <strong>in</strong> Californiawhere they <strong>in</strong>tencl to make their headquarters.They hope to see Mrs.Moore's Cream male kitten CreamCracker <strong>of</strong> Dunesk, who after his triumphat the N,C.C. Ch. Show <strong>in</strong> December wasflown to Pacific Palisades ju,r afrerChristmas and repeated his success bybe<strong>in</strong>g Best Solid Colour Kitten at theCalifornia Cat Club Ch. Show <strong>in</strong>January. They are naturally especially<strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> him as he is by their ownmale Ch. Oscar <strong>of</strong> Pensford. They willalso be visit<strong>in</strong>g Mrs. Zoe McEachern <strong>of</strong>San Francisco who owns full brother toCh. Oscar-Zoda Frivolous <strong>of</strong> Pensford.

At the same Show the w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Creamadult female was Milford Lady Gayle<strong>of</strong> Red Top bred by Mrs. Alberta Paris <strong>of</strong>Hau'thorne California from Ch. Widd<strong>in</strong>gtonWonderboy. Best Opposite SexSolid Colour kitten was imported BlueMayflower <strong>of</strong> Dunesk by Gwynn <strong>of</strong>All<strong>in</strong>gton and Gaydene Wildrose.The w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla male Ch.Gray Ivf i\ladd<strong>in</strong> was by Fanfare <strong>of</strong>All<strong>in</strong>gton and the Ch<strong>in</strong>chilla, Gray IvyOh Joy first <strong>in</strong> a class <strong>of</strong> eight novicefemale adults was also by Fanfare andthe novice male Gray Ivy Gallant <strong>of</strong>Shado Vali.Not overlookedThe Secretary <strong>of</strong> the California CatClub Mrs. Mabel Fischer tells me over100 entries were refused becatLse <strong>of</strong> lack<strong>of</strong> space. In the prelace to the Showcatalogue it is <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g to see all<strong>of</strong>ficials are given a crcdit mentionshow manager, assistant manager, sholvsecretary and entry clerk, r<strong>in</strong>g stervards,elc., doun to the door commiltee.sales and feed<strong>in</strong>g committee, and fourshow hostesses. A nice thought this, <strong>in</strong>the cause <strong>of</strong> team spirit !CroydonThe four London Championship ShowsNational, the Southern Counties,-theand Hertfordshire and Middlesex-providean excellent <strong>in</strong>dication <strong>of</strong>the popularity <strong>of</strong> the various breeds andgive fair average for the country. BluePersians still ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> their lead withCreams for the first time be<strong>in</strong>g secondto the m and show<strong>in</strong>g a substantial<strong>in</strong>crease. rhe only Longhair variery todo so except L.H, Colourpo<strong>in</strong>ts.The figures <strong>in</strong> the Open Adult andKitten Classes at the four Shows wereBlue adults 72, kittens 71, Creamadults 40, kittens 57; Ch<strong>in</strong>chillas 26and 39 respectively; Blue-Crearns 24 and14; Colourpo<strong>in</strong>t Longhairs 13 and 19;Blacks l4 and 15, Whites (Orange-eyedand Blue-eyed) l6 and 6; Tortoiseshelladults 13, Tortoiseshell and Whites i3.(In these tu'o last-named varieties thekitten classes were usually amalgamatedow'<strong>in</strong>g to lack <strong>of</strong> entries and only numberedB at the lour shows) ; llrownTabby adults B, Red Tabby adults 7 withBrorvn and Red Tabby kitten classesamalgamated with thirteen exhibits,Silver Tabbies 8 adults. No Smokeadults rvere shown <strong>in</strong> London and thekitten classes were amalgamated rvithSilver Tabbies with l0 exhibits.In Shorthairs, S.P. Siamese far exceedany other variety with 130 adults andl85 kittens exhibited at the lbur Shows.ga-va.ilt'g(\plJ Jl gl'g1\!r.ru(J rr&rry!#r&r*sJ,isJ{r#r#rqr#les#rrd^rF ^rs ''F ^rT,To all true Cat Loyers <strong>of</strong> the Worldi fiDedicated to cats <strong>of</strong> all degree, it is proposed that an *TNTBRNATIONAL OAT WBBI( frbe established. We solicit your ideas and suggestions Uas one <strong>of</strong> the orig<strong>in</strong>ators <strong>of</strong> the first American fiNationai Cat Week.Correspondence <strong>in</strong>uitet{:TRUMAN T. PIERSON (President),ALLIED CAT I,OVERS INTERNATIONAL, INC.5747 NICOLLET A\/E., MINNEAPCLIS 19, 8MINNESOTA, U.S.A. g *tff rrorff rff !ff !ff rff tff tff trotff rfr rff tff trutff trutro tff t*tff tff trotff tt' :2Jil gng xfr

Mrs. D. Brice-Webb, well-known Nott<strong>in</strong>gham breeder<strong>of</strong> Longhairs, has done well with her Cream femaleCH. DONNACHAIDH KIRSTY, She was Best LonghairExhibit at the Glasgow Show <strong>of</strong> the Scottish Cat Club<strong>in</strong> January.How many oJ' them will you rear ?Normaily -all <strong>of</strong> them. But suppose jtst one ol yourcats contracted Fel<strong>in</strong>e Infectious Enteritis ? You miehr iosethe lot <strong>in</strong> a few days.Be safe-have your kittens <strong>in</strong>iected before thelt are three ffionthso/d with Vacc<strong>in</strong>e manuf'aciured by Dr. Graeub <strong>of</strong> Berne. Consultlour veter<strong>in</strong>ary adviser who will be able to give you full advice.GIIAEUB FIIINB INFECTIOUS INTERITIS VATCINESoIe distributors <strong>in</strong> Great Brira<strong>in</strong> and lreland :INTERNATIONAL SERUM CO. LTD.. MILL HILL. LONDON. N.w.t26

Blue-Po<strong>in</strong>t Siamese totalled 60 adultsand 6l kittens; Chocolate-Po<strong>in</strong>t 3l and35; Burmese 44 and .[6; Abyss<strong>in</strong>ians27 and 42; British <strong>Blues</strong> 29 and 19;<strong>Russian</strong> <strong>Blues</strong> 38 and 14: Silver Tabbies1i and 15.Cream Shorthairs totalled 1 I adultsand it would need re.earch to estimatethe number <strong>of</strong> kittens as they rveresometimes <strong>in</strong> amalgamated classes, alsothe Black and \\'hite kittens.The on11, Black S.H. adult rvas MissHardman's Ch. Kill<strong>in</strong>ghall BlackPanther. !\thites totalled 4 adults. Attwo ol the shorvs the Blue-Cream adultclass lvas cancelled and there were onlytwo at each <strong>of</strong> the other fixtures.After Siamese, Burmese appear to bethe favourite Shorthairs and for a comparativelynew variety they have madeconv<strong>in</strong>c<strong>in</strong>g progress.Vou'd never knowshe's been sickBrand's Essencekept her strength up/When a cat is ill or "<strong>of</strong>f colour," Brand'sEssence is the ideal strengthener. No salt orpreservatives. Every bite conta<strong>in</strong>s pure nourish<strong>in</strong>gprote<strong>in</strong> "predigested" so it'srapidly absorbed without any stra<strong>in</strong>.<strong>Cats</strong> love the flavour. They'll <strong>of</strong>ten take aspoonfui when they refuse everyth<strong>in</strong>g else.Befole show-time; to build up a mother-cat;or starb kittens on addltionalfeed<strong>in</strong>gs. there's noth<strong>in</strong>g morenaNurally good -thanBrand'sEssence.Btand'3 boolclet " S<strong>of</strong>e-Brand's Essence T-!ii:i!-r;i*t::BEEF.cHTcKEN"ll;,{!1.'!l'*Yu?'r''frIl:L GENERAL INFORMATION I The address for all commuications relat<strong>in</strong>g to editoriale- and advertisenents <strong>in</strong> OUR CATS is 4 CARLTON MANSIONS, CLAPHAM ROAD,LONDON, S,W.9, (Macaulay 1462).OUR CATS is published monthly md clos<strong>in</strong>g date is the 25th day <strong>of</strong> the monthpreced<strong>in</strong>g the month <strong>of</strong> publication. MSS. ud photogtaphs submitted will oaly be retutned ifaccompanied by fully stamped aad addressed envelopes. Photographs should pteferably be<strong>of</strong> the glossy type with sharp details, A stamped addressed envelope should also be enclosedwhere a reply is required to some general <strong>in</strong>quiry.No responsibility is taken for MSS. ud photographs dur<strong>in</strong>g transmission or <strong>in</strong> our keep<strong>in</strong>g'lr thc absenee <strong>of</strong> agreement, copyright <strong>of</strong> alt articles belongs to OUR CATS Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, whichholds the right to teproduce <strong>in</strong> any form.Views and op<strong>in</strong>ions expressed <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual articles are not necessarily those held by thcEditor.Yearly Subscription Rate is 20s. for 12 issues post ftee (U.S.A. md Crnadr three dollers?5 cents). S<strong>in</strong>gle copies ls. 8d. post frec,27

DIRECTORY OF LONGHAIR BREEDERSFOR RELIABLE STUDS AND STOCK (Arranged alphabetically)BOURNESIDE CATTERYBleckr Crotm 1nd 8lu.-Crarm PcruirnrAt Stud I BOURNESIDE ELACK ONYX (Unprovcd)Fce for all MYOWI{E CAESAR (Blue)rtuds 2| gns. BRoUGHTON I'IARVO (Cream)anq ex0cn5c5Pcdigrcc kittcns utuolly for soleMRS. E. G. AITKEN, 2 COMMONFIELD ROADBANSTEAD, SURREY. Tel. : Burgheoth 2751BAYHORNE PERSIANS<strong>Blues</strong> and CreamsAt Stud rCHAMPION BAYHORNE AJAX(Btuc)MRS. DULCIE BENBOW,TYDERSTONE, ANGEL BANK, LUDLOW.SALOP. Phone: Cleehillstone 206DEEBANK BLUE, GREAM& WHITE PERSIANSAt Stud iCH. SHERRY OF PEI{IFORD (Cream)YlGltAl{T MARK (Blue)Lovely kittens by obovc studs usuolly for saleMISS BULL. ELM COTTAGE. THORNTONHOUGH, CHESHIRE. Thornton Hough 211BROGTON'S CATSCHINCHILLAS & BLACKPERSIANSStrong, well bred kittcns with .xc.ll.nt temD.romcntrsomctimes for soreMRS. M. M. CALDER, 81 EPSOM ROAD,GUILDFORD, SURREY" cuild{ord 6,2046PERIYALE-KALA PERSIANS<strong>Blues</strong>, Smokes, Silver Tabbies & Colourpo<strong>in</strong>tsStuds I CH. KALA NEPETA (Smoke)PERIVAI,E MISCHIEF (AtuelKALA KISMET (S.P.) & KALA KARIM (B.P.)Colourp r <strong>in</strong>tsKittens from my Blue. Chamrion Smoke andw<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g Colourpo<strong>in</strong>t queens sometimes for saleMISS D. M. COLLINS, PIXIEWOOD. HIGHFIELDROAD, WEST MOORS, DORSET.Tel. Ferndown 41i2PRIORY BLUE & CREAMPERSIAhIS AtStud: Ch. osCARoF PENSFoRD- -- Lovely son <strong>of</strong> Ch. FoxburrowFrivolous. Dam : Ch. Dawn <strong>of</strong> Pensford.Queenl met at Gerrards Cross SrationLovely kittens usually for saleMRS. L. DAVIES, " THE JOLLY FARMER."GOLD HILL, CHALFONT ST, PETER, BUCKS.Geilo.dt Crcss 2464HARPUR BLUE PERSIANSAt Stud iCHAMPION HARPUR ROMEOSire <strong>of</strong> Ch. Lisblens Azalea" Ch. LisblancAdonis and many othcr lovely cats.Pedigree Kirtenr usually for saleG. C. OUGDALE, 48 NEVERN SQUARE,LONDON. S.W.5. Frobisher 3366BARWELL CREAM,BLUE.CREAM and BLUEKittens excell<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> stam<strong>in</strong>a, type and sweet temperament.Bred from f<strong>in</strong>est Champion stock. All<strong>in</strong>oculated F,l.E. W<strong>in</strong>ners <strong>of</strong> 7 First PrizesKens<strong>in</strong>gton Kitten and Neuter Show 1958.MRS. DENYS FAWELLSUMMERLEY, BURTONS WAYCHALFONT St. GILES, BUCKSTelephone Little Chalfont. 2295SPLENDEt'R CATTERYBLUE PERSIANSCH. WINSOME OF DUNESKTwice Best <strong>in</strong> ShowKittens sometirnes ovoilableMme. GUIDON, 35 RUE MASSUE, VINCENNES,SEINE, FRANCETHE ALLTNGTON BLUEPERSIANS & GHINGHILTASRcnowned throughout th€ world for typc,colour, coat and wide-awakc syesEnquiri* for CATS AT STUD orYOUN6 SIOCK FOR sAl-E toMISS EVELYN LANGSTON8 CRAUFURD RISE, MAIDENHEAD, BERKSTel. : Moidenhead 81iTHAME GHTNGHILLASAt Stud; JAMIE OF THAMEExcels <strong>in</strong> colour, type & Slorious cyesQuccnsr LINNET OF THAI'IE, PERI OF THAME,DIMPLE OF THAI.IE- Kittens usually availableMrs. HELEN McLEOD, MILESTONES, STEYNING,SUSSEX. fel.: Stcyn<strong>in</strong>g 2338POTDENHILI.SGt{t0{.€HtLLASCarefully reared kittens usually available <strong>in</strong> theSpr<strong>in</strong>g to very good homes.Queens: POLDTNHIILS MIKELMAS DAISYFRONIGE OF ALLINGTONMRS. EMILIE F. M. POLDEN,THE POLDEN HILLS, FRENSHAM ROAD,CROWTHORNE, BERKS. (Crowthorne 2939)Please mention Oun Cars when repj<strong>in</strong>g to aduertisements <strong>in</strong> the Director2

SHAPUR PERSIANSCraam, Blue & Blua-Crrem KittensAt Stud iCH. HATHAWAY ANTONY ROLY(Cream grandson <strong>of</strong> Ch. Mischief <strong>of</strong> Bredon)CH, SHAPUR ANTONIUS(Ch. Hathaway Antony Roly and Bayhorne Sheena)MR5. ROWENA ROSS,PALE5" LONGFfELD, KENT Tel. : Longfield 2023BONAVIA CI{INCHILLASPrize w<strong>in</strong>ners eYery time sholYnLotest out; CH. BONAVIA CONTENTA, Best L.H.Exhibit 5,C.C. 1958. sire <strong>of</strong> BonaviaMemento, Best Ch<strong>in</strong> Kitten S"C.C.| 958. Cl{. B0NAVIA CAMPANELLO, EestL,H. Exhibit, Best L.H. import fromEngland, Auckland, New Zealand, | 958.MRS. MOLLIE TURNEY. OLD BEAMS.HOLYPORT. BERKS. fel. : MaidenheadlSl2waysl Sometimes for sale.- MISS IRENE STAIMAN, II WESIHENDON, N.W.4. Sunnyhill 289iASHDO\'WN BLUE, CREAM-& BLUE-€REAM PERSIANSPedigree kittens, house bred, for pets orAr stud :show'WOBURN SUNSHINE( BLUE PERSIAN )MRS. F. H STEPHENSON, 9 EARL'S ROAD,TUNBF(IDGE WELLS. Iei.: T. WELLS 21360CLEADON BIUE PERSIANSExcel <strong>in</strong> TypeQueen : BAYHORNE KARENDaughter <strong>of</strong> Ch, Brralan 8oy Blue and Upiands BlueFreda and litter sister to Bayhorne Decima.Kittens sometimes ovoi106leMISS MABEL WALKER, FALLOW CORNER,SOUTH RIDGE, ST. GEORGE'S HILL,WEYBRIDGE, SURREY. Byfleet 2874.GALLAHAD CATTERYBlue Eyed White PersiansBlue PersiansBLANCHE WOLFRAM20 HIGHLAND AVE.,RR3., FINLEYVILLE, PA., U,S.A"Gallahad breeds to Better thc BestIRRITATION OF CATS' EARScoused by the ear-monge rnite con be def<strong>in</strong>itely cured by three orfour applicotions <strong>of</strong> the wonder-drug. 6r6nEXwhieh camb<strong>in</strong>es on onti-parositic, ontiseptic ond locol on;estheticSOOTHING, SAFE AND CERTAINBottles 2l- and 7/5 (post 6d. and 9d,)SKIN DISEASEaf o non-parositic noture, so rife ond <strong>of</strong>ten seosonol <strong>in</strong> cots, conbe ropidly cured bySTRENOLECZEHA CREAIIIon outstond<strong>in</strong>g and well-tested remedy. Quite sdfe ,f licked,Pots 2l- (post 7jd.)Both products are obta<strong>in</strong>able at Boots'branchesStrenol Prod ucts Ltd. 54 st. Gabriel's Road, London, N.w.2

DIRECTORY OFFOR R.ELIABLE STUDSTHE ANTOINES & TUDORYATEB.P. SIAMESESturdy, typey Kittens usually available. All stockregistcred G.C.C.F. Photographs <strong>of</strong> litters on request.Kittens grandchildren <strong>of</strong> PENRODDOCKE EMILEand AYREDALE JUPITER.Enquiries for Kittens ond Studs :THE ANTOINES & TUDORVALE B.P. SIAMESELITTLEMOOR LANE. BALBY. DCNCASTER.YORKS.REVET B.P. SIAMESE(Generations <strong>of</strong> B.P. x B.P. Breed<strong>in</strong>g)At Stud: REVEL WILD HONEYSame breed<strong>in</strong>g as lNT. CH. REVEL BLUEBABBEE.Also breed<strong>in</strong>g3rd. generation PURE CHEST-NUT BRO\^/NSMRS. D. L. CLAVIER, F,Z.S., MILLIN MANSE,THE RHOS. Nr. HAVFRFORDWESTTHE u/ATERMILTSSiamese and British S.H. WhiteKittens from prizew<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g stocksometimes for sale.CH. MILADY (dam <strong>of</strong>CH. Watermill Ladywite,Best S.H, Kitten K€nr<strong>in</strong>gton C,C. Show andC.C. w<strong>in</strong>ner).ANN CODRINGTON, ,I2 KEERE STREET,LEWES, SUSSEX. Lewes 1437SABIJKTA SIAMESEAt Stud i CH. SABUKIA SIR GALAHADBest Exhibit Siamese Cat Club Show 1955.1st Stud Cat Kcns<strong>in</strong>gton Show 1956 and 1957.Sirc <strong>of</strong> Best M. Kit. Siamese Cat Club Show 1957.o/so CH. KILLDOWN KERRY (S.P.)W<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 3 Challenge Certs. and40 First Prizes, Sir<strong>in</strong>g Chocolate Po<strong>in</strong>tsMrs. H. Dadd, Yard Cottage, CoppedHall, Epp<strong>in</strong>g, Essex. fel. : Epp<strong>in</strong>g 2939SHORTHAIR BREEDERSAND STOCK (Arranged alphabeticallv)SUMFUN SIAMESEQucensr SUMFUN SHIKARISirc: Ch. Pr€stwick Pcnglima PcrtamlSUMFUN TITANIASire: Ch. Prestwick Blqe CrackcrsSUMFUN EMMELINA FLYCATCHERBlu6-ayed WhiteKittcns for soieMRS. MARY DUNNILL, THE GARTH, HIGHIANE, HASLEMERE, SURREY.Tel. Haslemere 1701HEATHERPINE ABYSSINIANSAt Stud: ALBYN JASONwho rire! prizew<strong>in</strong>nerrHEATHERPINE HORODOTUS(W<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> two C.C's.)MRS. I. A. EARNSHAW, HEATHERPINE,CURRIDGE, Nr. NEWBURY, BERKS.Tel. : Hermitage 240Brcedcr <strong>of</strong> Ch. Hcatherp<strong>in</strong>. Juanita andCh. Heatherp<strong>in</strong>c lrisTAURENTIDE GATSBlue Po<strong>in</strong>t, Lilac Po<strong>in</strong>t and Seal Po<strong>in</strong>tSiamese and Self LavendersExcel as petsBred for.tam<strong>in</strong>a from prizow<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g rtockEnquirics for litters ond cots ot stud to iMRS A. HARGREAVES. F.Z.S., CHURCH STYLE.BOVEY TRACEY, NEWTON ABBOT, DEVON.Phone : Bovey fraccy 2291BROUGHTON BRITISH BLUESBritish <strong>Blues</strong>, Short.hair Blue-Creams,Blue Persians, Cream Persians for sale.Heolthy, house-trd<strong>in</strong>ed for breed<strong>in</strong>gPufPoses, show<strong>in</strong>g or Pets.MRS. PHYLLIS HUGHES, CAEN WOOD LODGE.ASHTEAD WOODS ROAD, ASHTEAD. SURREY.Tel : Ashtead 4645.WENVOE SIAMESE CATTERYKittens from }1/ENVOE CHANTHRA.(Sire:Inwood Willow, Dam Ch. Fa-Y<strong>in</strong>g) are prcv<strong>in</strong>gexcellent for shows or breed<strong>in</strong>g. They havelovely eye-colour, lighr coats and are very typey.Are good show specimens and breeders. Petsimmunized, neutered, house tra<strong>in</strong>ed and lovable.Mrs. D. J. DAVIES, THE OEANERY, 18a HILL ST.,WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND Phone 40.395PRESTWICK SIAMESENoted for type and brilliant eye colourAt Stud: CH. PRESTWICK PENGLIMA PERTAMA (S.P.)cH. StLKEN FAUil (S.p.) StLKEi{ SULTAN (S.p.icH. PRESTWTCK BLUE CRACKERS (B.p.)'Brccder <strong>of</strong> Ch. Prestwick Meta-Biru, Ch. Prc:twickPcrtana, Ch. Prestwick Perl<strong>in</strong>g, Ch. P'twick PcrakMRS. DUNCAN HINDLEYHIGH PRESTWICK, CHIDDINGFOLD. SURREYChidd<strong>in</strong>gfold 60Stotion - HosicmcreCROSSWAYS CHESTNUT BROWI{S(HAVANAS)The lovely new breed <strong>of</strong> dist<strong>in</strong>ction andcharacter, also SIAMESE,Country bred under modern conditionswhere-every att€ntion is giyen to rear<strong>in</strong>gsound kitrens,<strong>of</strong> lovely dispositionr and type.From prrze-wtnntng stock.hRS JOAN JUDD, LITTLE CLOSE, OLD DOWN.TOCKINGTON, NR. BRISTOL. THORNBURY 3337GARDOLE SIAMESEAt Stud:PROUD MANDARIN (S. P. Sirmcrc ,t65,t5)Sire: CH. SLADES CROSS SHAHTDDam: THE TSCHUDI NUNlndoor conditions- Quccnr mct at Eost CroydonStotion by oilongementEnquiriet for Stud and Kittens I M rr. D. M. KApp..'GARDOLE,'' STANHOPE ROAD, EAST'CROYDON. Tel. CROvdon 6711Plcoss mtntion Oun Cars when replr<strong>in</strong>g to adacrtiscments <strong>in</strong> thc Dircetory30

BRADGATESIAMESEAt Stud :TrANE TATANFU (S.P.)Sire <strong>of</strong> Ch. Bradgate Blue Vision (S.P)PETERSOGAT (S.P.)cH. CAMLEY FUDGE (C.P.)Seal and Chocolate Po<strong>in</strong>t Kittensusually for saleOwner : MRS. IRENE LAPPER3 ALBERT PLACE, LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICSTelePhone: 2775THE MTSSELFOREBLUE POINTED SIAMESEAT STUD: MISSELFORE FLAXYoung grandson <strong>of</strong> ChampionMisselfore RykenQueens met at BROCKENHURST, whichis a MAIN LINE station serv<strong>in</strong>g London,the Midlands and the r6/est.Major & Mrs. J. C. S. REN DALL,SEDGE COPSE,BURLEY,RING\MOOD, HANTS,(Tel. Burley 2160)WHITEOAKS SIAMESELANCY-PALL,AD-IN, 9rf. S!lr.n-e_s,e Stud (Sire: Hiilcross Cymbat. Dam : Lancy Aketa)w<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> stud cat clasr K.K' & !.-!?5q. sir<strong>in</strong>g kittens <strong>of</strong> excellent'type with wonderful eye cotouiand pal€ coats.._ -Sire<strong>of</strong>_WHITEOAK.SADELINE, Best S.H. Ex. Kentish-i9Sg ; wH|TEOAKS GEMEL,Best S.H. Ex. K.li, & l!, I e58 ; P_est Siamese Bournemouth 1 958 ; WHITEOAKS ARCHER, Best SiameseMale Kitten Kentish 1058; Best S.P. Siamese Kitten Ra;ekatten, Copenhagen i958.Fee €2 . 12 . 6 plus carriage. Queens met by arrangement.Kittens for sale from WHITEOAKS PHEASANT (Best S.P. Femate Kitten S.C.C. t956). WHITEOAKSADELINE--.(se_e_..aqoyg)r.-Wtll_TlOAKs ELYIRA and GATNSBOROUGH BELLE (piize-w<strong>in</strong>ners),NONPAREILLE MIRABELLE (Best S.H. Ex. S. & S. 1956, Best Siamese Adult H. & M. t956).Enquiries for Stud and Kirtens to : HELEN MARTIN,WHITEOAKS, COOMBE HILL ROAD, EAST GRTNSTEAD. SUSSEX. Tet. East Gr<strong>in</strong>stead 302KII'GSPLAY BURMESEare bred with care and lov<strong>in</strong>gly prepared forappreciative homes.At Stud i KINGSPLAY FEI-FOSire I Ch. Casa Gatos DarkeeDdmi Kyneton Chweta(lst and Ch. National C.C. Show, 1958. Only timeshown as adult. Best Burmese Kitten K.K. andN.C.S. and Croydon C.C. Shows, 1958.MRS. JOAN I.1ERRY, HEDDINGTON,CALNE. WILTS. Tel. Bromham 214PUSSII{BOOTS BURMESE & SIAMESEAt Stud I LAMONT BLUE BURMABOY (Blue Burmese)Queens : CH. SABLESILK MOUSE, Best Burmese Catwhenever shown dur<strong>in</strong>g first season as adult, AlsoSPOTLIGHT SLYNX, nice type S.P. SiameseEnauiries for Kittens ond Stud to lMRS. R. M. POCOCK, 20 THE LANDWAY, KEM-SING. SEVENOAKS. KENT. Sevenoaks 6'1032Breeder <strong>of</strong>Best Kitten Siomese Show 19J7, Eest 5.P.Litter, Siomese Show 1958. Eurmese Ch. Puss<strong>in</strong>bootsFudge (Sweden) ond other prizew<strong>in</strong>ners.DEVORAN SIAMESE CATSI EXCEL IN TYPEAr Stud rI DEVORAN ARISTOCRATIree tJ-J-uIfittens usually for salelPorticulors from - MRS. PRICE, THE GABLESHEATHFIELD ROAD, BUSHEY, HERTS.I Phone - Watford 5624MORRIS SIAMESEAt Stud : MORRIS PADISHAHFee 2 gu<strong>in</strong>easOne <strong>of</strong> many w<strong>in</strong>ners, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g fourChampions, bred from Morris Una byMRS. M. W. RICHARDSON,GRINSTEAD OTTWAYS AVENUE, ASHTEAD,Ashteod 3521SURREYCARSON SIAMESECATTERY(Mrss DAPI.tNE J. \^/ELLS)At Stud i CH. KILLDOWN SULTAN (S.P.)CH. SAYAM ZAR PRAK (C.P.)Kittens for so/e.. MONTEVIOT, 356 BARKHAM ROAD,WOKINGHAM, BERKSHIRE Tel: Wok<strong>in</strong>gham ll47PEDIGREE FORMSPedigree Forms <strong>of</strong> excellent quolitywitfi spoce for four generotions oreobto<strong>in</strong>oble ot 2s.6d. per dozen, postfree rfomOUR CATS MAGAZINE4 CARLTON MANSIONSCLAPHAM ROAD,LONDON, S,W.9

MTTORI SIAMESESEATCOAT BURMESES,P. SIAMESE STUDS : MILORI LINKO and CH. MILOR| OBERON. Both sir<strong>in</strong>.kittens <strong>of</strong> gentle disposition with good type, eye colour and coat texture. BotFhava sired many prizew<strong>in</strong>ners <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Best <strong>in</strong> Show awards at Championrhip show5,BURMESE STUDS : CH. CASA GATOS DARKEE, sire <strong>of</strong> Champions, one <strong>of</strong> theimported males on which the British breed has so far been baied. He has nowbeen io<strong>in</strong>ed by Ch. DARSHAN KHUDIRAM, alsa imDorted from America.Kittens somerimes available from Ch. MILORI LlLl (sister <strong>of</strong> L<strong>in</strong>ko).Queens' who are-carefully looked <strong>of</strong>ter, met ot ony N. Midlond stotion. Drrect tro<strong>in</strong>s from London,Boumemouth, Bristol, Glasgow, Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh, Newccst/e and Exeter.MRS. C. F. WATSON, THE OLD NURSERY HOUSE, TANSLEY, MATLOCK, DERBYSHIRETel.: MotlockTTTDONERAILE SIAMESEHave a world-wide reputation for Gentle Temperament, Eye Colour and TypeAtStud: CHAMPION BLUEHAYES FOXYF<strong>in</strong>e boned male, lovely eye colour, pale coat. Best S,H. atCoronation and Herts and Middx. Showi 1953, \A/<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> tZ FirstPrizes and over 20Queens metSpecials,atLondon Tcrm<strong>in</strong>i Also SALEWHEEL SIMKINby arrangement Sire <strong>of</strong> Best Male S.C.C.C. t953, Bst Litter t950, Best S,H. KittenScottish C,C, 1952 and Best Exhibit Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh <strong>in</strong>d E. <strong>of</strong> Scotlandc.c. 1954.lNeUlRlES FOR STUDS and Kittens to IMrs, Kathleen R. Williams, 53 Grange Road, Sutton, Surrey. Tel. : VlGilant j 3g9To fanci,ers ooeraeas . . .Panel advertisernents <strong>in</strong> our DIRECTORY OF BREEDERS (Longhair andShorthoir sections) o?c not conftned to members <strong>of</strong> the English Foncy. Indeed, wethall be only too pleosed to see the Direaory develop along truly <strong>in</strong>ternotion<strong>of</strong>l<strong>in</strong>es. Thc lorgest bookable sPoce is o double ponel (either down or ocross the poge)and all announcemcnts must conform to our usuol typeset style. Full details <strong>of</strong> ratet,ctc., will be glodly suPPlied on regucrt to ony <strong>of</strong> our friends oyerreos. For over tenyears our DTRECTORy OF BREEDERS hos been on economical ond efficient mediumfor fanciers <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternationol repute who hove stock to sell ond services to <strong>of</strong>fer.When A.A. Patrolman Robert Rulewent out on duty <strong>in</strong> Surrey at Eastertime,he carried some unusual " rescue equipment" with him-some t<strong>in</strong>s <strong>of</strong> cat foodand a bottle <strong>of</strong> milk. He had spotted onthe gate <strong>of</strong> a house on his route a noticewhich read : " Will the A.A. patrolplease feed my cats for Easter ? " Fortunateiyfor a forsaken tabby and tortoiseshell,Mr, Rule was able to answerthe appeal, which strikes us as be<strong>in</strong>grather a slap-happy way <strong>of</strong> arrang<strong>in</strong>g forone's pets to be cared for while one isaway for the week-end.Mrs.J. M. Newton, Moulsford Grange,Moulsford, Berks, is the newiy-appo<strong>in</strong>tedHon. Secretary <strong>of</strong> the Blue-Po<strong>in</strong>tedSiamese Cat Club foilow<strong>in</strong>g the resignation<strong>of</strong> Mr. Hugh Smith from this <strong>of</strong>fice.A handsome g<strong>in</strong>ger tomrwas loundmiaow<strong>in</strong>g piteously <strong>in</strong> a Blackpool streetby a local resident. Round his neck wasa ribbon with the tag : '( My name isBrandy, St. Giles House, Wadebridge,Cornwall." Brandy's luck was <strong>in</strong> as thef<strong>in</strong>der k<strong>in</strong>dly took him to her home andreported the details to the local policestation. Enquiries were set afoot 400miles away and it transpired that Brandybelonged to a school teacher who wasdevoted to him, She had taken him awaywith her on holiday for Easter andapparently they had become separated <strong>in</strong>Blackpool after the longjourney north.32

FRED W. PEARCE-Australia's lead<strong>in</strong>g judge-sendsNeuss frorn 5'I)own llnderteE are still hav<strong>in</strong>g rery hor.humid weather and it u,asnoticeable at the Southern CrossClub Shorv on March 7th that quite afeu, appe:Lred m<strong>in</strong>us their coats andtrousers (cats, I mean !) and althoughthey did not share <strong>in</strong> the award tickets,they looked more comfortable than some<strong>of</strong> the opposition. A nice entry laced thethree senior and two probationer judgesat Chatswood Ha1l. This was the firstshorv <strong>of</strong> the year as Katoomba A.H. & I.have discont<strong>in</strong>ued their January shou'cat section, due to <strong>in</strong>sufficient space untilnew pavilions are built.Major awards were as follon': Longhair,Section: Best Male Mrs. Taylor's St.Chads Dannv Boy; Best Female-Miss Rapley's Mayfield Leone; BestMalc Kit-N{r. Freeman's MayfieldAristocrat; Be st Female Kit Mrs.McPherson's Mayfield C<strong>in</strong>derella; l3estNeuter-Miss Rapley's Mayfield Barry;Best Brood Queen-Ntliss Rapley's Calictrts<strong>of</strong> Ch<strong>in</strong>cee. Siatnese ,9eclian: BestMale-Mrs. Carlisle's Rama Liberace;Best Female-N4rs. O'Donoghue's KayleePandoral Rcst Male Kit-Mrs. Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham'sKaylee Solomon; Best FerrraleKit Mrs. O'Dorroghue'. L,a.-sandra I Best Neuter-Mrs. Young'sTarantel Su-Fong; Best Brood Queen-\Irs. O'Donoghue's Kaylee Pandora.***The n-rrlv-formed clul' NorthernFel<strong>in</strong>e Fanciers have had their constitutionappror.ed by the R.A.S. Counciland are to hold their first regularquarterlv meet<strong>in</strong>g to discuss a comprehensiveagenda.+**Mrs, \fillians <strong>of</strong> the well-knol,nSiamese catterv Bluemeacle, has takena trip to England and will surely visitsome <strong>of</strong> the late shows. As I did not seeher prior to sail<strong>in</strong>g I do not knorv herprogramme. The Secretary <strong>of</strong> theAdelaide Cat Club, Don Gebhardt,tells me that he and his u'ife and Mrs,Crowe visited Mrs. \\rilliams whilst theship was <strong>in</strong> port therc for two hours andhad a ch<strong>in</strong>uag. l3y rhe uay. I uas alittle previous re Mrs. Helsham's departurelor England. I now f<strong>in</strong>d shedoes nor go til) .\pril and i\ to relrrrn <strong>in</strong>Nor.ember.Ir is <strong>of</strong> sreat <strong>in</strong>tclc.t to oul locaispecialist breeders that the BurmeseAutumn Haze has been auardedChampionship honours.The Queensland Cat Club is hold<strong>in</strong>g aChampionship Shorv <strong>in</strong> the BrisbaneCit)' Hall this rnonth (March) and Ihave no doubt it *'ill bc a great fixtureas iL is Brisbanc s ccnrrnar) r'ear andthere arc a great number <strong>of</strong> visitors.Pr<strong>in</strong>cess Alexander has been <strong>in</strong>vitedand is to visit the Roval NationalShow <strong>in</strong> ,\ugr-Lst. It rcotrld be a greatthrill for Queensland cat lovers if thePr<strong>in</strong>cess visits the cat section. TheToowoomba AgricultrLral Sholv hasaga<strong>in</strong> decided to hold a car section attheir April fixture and pussy is to be onshow on the ma<strong>in</strong> day. I understandtherc is trry gen( ror l\ pr ize moneyamount<strong>in</strong>g to d5 <strong>in</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the sixma<strong>in</strong> awards. The cat secljon is verypopular and the shorv <strong>of</strong>ficials mostco-operative. I also learn that IpswichCity rvill <strong>in</strong>clude a cat section at theirnext fixture. More details later.JJ

A very nice Netslelter is to hand {iomTom and Jerr;', <strong>of</strong> Adelaide, u,hich<strong>in</strong>dicates that th<strong>in</strong>gs are mov<strong>in</strong>g alongbriskly after the \erv Year festivities.It seems they have Ieft the electric urnswitched on ready for the after-meet<strong>in</strong>g'" cuppa " as it takes a month to boil.They should <strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong> an atomic one!Mrs. Crorve, <strong>of</strong> the Club executive, had avisitor who had never seen a SiamesecaL**xSo far, no letter from N4rs. Patterson <strong>in</strong>\,/ictoria, sr: I guess th<strong>in</strong>gs are mov<strong>in</strong>galong smoothly. Mrs. R. Smith's Siamesequeen Pr<strong>in</strong>cess \4<strong>in</strong>g at East Murchison,gave birth to a litter <strong>of</strong> n<strong>in</strong>e sired byYonal<strong>in</strong> Patapon. The Sheppartonradio station successfully appealed for afoster mother and the little Seal Po<strong>in</strong>tsare do<strong>in</strong>g u'ell despite a prolonged heatrvavc o{' l13 degrees. The Exhibitors'Shorv rvas cvidently a sreat successenjoved bv all" <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Col. Coles'sSian-r <strong>of</strong> Arden, who did very well.Have not heard I}om Mr. and Mrs. BrucePearce, rvho juciged at Melbourne showsquite a lot after thcir arrival fromEnglancl. I hope that Mr. Bruce, whosei:ealth caused h<strong>in</strong> to give up judg<strong>in</strong>g, isreturn<strong>in</strong>g to full health <strong>in</strong> his beautifulsurround<strong>in</strong>gs.t:3+\-o "Verrslellerhas reached me from MissIlenzies, O.B.E., Hamilton. \ervZealand. It is alrva;'s so <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g that Ilook forward ro it. .\m also rlair<strong>in</strong>g rohear from Miss 'I'asker regard<strong>in</strong>g herproposed L.H. spccialist club andmagaz<strong>in</strong>e at \\rell<strong>in</strong>gton. \\ihen to handuill let you have details. I advisedNtlrs. F<strong>in</strong>ch and Mrs. G. Allen. <strong>of</strong>S,vdney, about the Red Po<strong>in</strong>t Siameseexperimental stock on hand at Co1",-\berdeen's, Duned<strong>in</strong>, and trust someadlantage to both sides may result. Iheard a u'hisper that some Nerv Zealandentries rvill be seen at our Royal Shor'.'?*+F,;,##,.3:::t;"*_J'flere's a i:asketful <strong>of</strong> mischief ! On the left, MIOWERA pATIENCE, byCh. Cheeri Debroyal, w<strong>in</strong>ner <strong>of</strong> 220 Australian show awards and 14 timesBest Male Cat <strong>in</strong> Show. Patience's mother was bred from Kute Kit SilverFlyer (imp.) and Ch. Bonavia Feather (i-p.). The other kitten is MIOWERAKUTE IilT CORNET, sired by Kute Kit Silver Flyer. Bred <strong>in</strong> New SouthWales by Miss Mary flaswell, both kittens are now liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> eueensland..lt

The cat u'orld is verv busy, rlhat rriilrshous. leclule.. i,ictrrre nighr.. .ucralgather<strong>in</strong>gs."tc. Ifir .olrtirrue\. il.eetr " r..'may have to start a rvorkshop rlhelesome <strong>of</strong> the:op exhi'oits can be reconditionedto sec the season through IThe R.A.S. Royal Shol' rr,.ns for 10 darsand the cat section is judged on East.-rSaturday and lvionda,v. Attendance isbetu'een 70-80,000 ircoplr: and a recordentry has been rcceived. S<strong>in</strong>ce 1927this fixture Lras br:en hanclLe d bv onejudge. but this vear Mrs. L. !\''hyte hasbeen appo<strong>in</strong>terd to assist. r\fter tireKitterr Shou' at Manlv next month(-\pril), rr,c have the Cumberland C.C.Shol at Liclcombc on NIay 2nd, theSt. George C.C. Shou. at Arncliffe on\iav l6th, C.F.A. Ch. Shou' at Sirol'-ground on N{a1' 30th and F'ederal Ch.Shorv on June 20th. Furthcr dates irextrnonth,\Irs. \\'ood is Fresident <strong>of</strong> the St.Cieorge District Club. ]Irs. \'{asol didnot seek re-clcctioir at thc -.\.G.N,1" l{rs.\'Iart<strong>in</strong> has no$ settled irr a-s Srcrctarr'." [sLe ol Thantt Caztttr " PlnttOrange-eyed White Longhaits are far too few <strong>in</strong> this country'I'Ve are pleased therefore to be able to present this nice picture<strong>of</strong> a young male who became a Champion aftet appear<strong>in</strong>g atnnly four shows last season. IIe is CH' DALMOND SPARKLER,hred by Mrs. M. Dallison from Ch. Carreg Cracker ex. Ch.Wildwood Rose. Appropriateiy enough, Mr. Sparkes o{Ramsgate became Sparkler's owner-J3

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSThe rate for prepaid advertisements under this head<strong>in</strong>g is 3d. per .worct perirsertion (m<strong>in</strong>imum 12 words) and <strong>in</strong>structions must be received by notlater than the lst da1 <strong>of</strong> the month <strong>of</strong> issue. Please rvrite "copy" clearlv andpost with appropriate remirrance to Oue Cars MecazrNr, 4'Ca.ltorl il,,!r^sions,Ciapham Road, London, S.W.g. Use <strong>of</strong> Box No. costs ls. extra-At StudSIAMESE. CLONROSS KYM. S.P. at 6tud.excellent pedigree, disposition md type.Specialists <strong>in</strong> the care <strong>of</strong> Siamese.-Hopk<strong>in</strong>s,Orchard End, Clewedon 3503.Board<strong>in</strong>gInsuranceMARY'S BOARDING CATTERY providesall a cat can want, with the personal care <strong>of</strong>Mies Mary Stuart Hodgk<strong>in</strong>son ud Mrs.Hodgk<strong>in</strong>son, Grimspound, Oxshott Road.Leatherhead, Surrey rTeI.: Leatherhead2067). Inspection <strong>in</strong>vited without appo<strong>in</strong>tment.INSURE YOUR CAT ! Ful! cover <strong>in</strong>cludesdeath from uy cause. Veter<strong>in</strong>ary expenses!loss by theft, etc. Reasonable premiums.Write for Free Brochure.-CANINE IN-SURANCE ASSOCIATION I-TD., 90 GracechurchStreet, London, E.C.3; 58 Rank<strong>in</strong>Driwe, Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh 9. (Establishecl ower aquarter <strong>of</strong> a century).BooksBOOKS ON CATS for Sale and Wanted.Second-hand ud out <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>t Cat Books andMagaz<strong>in</strong>es.-Albion Bookshop, Broadetairs,I(ent.CATS BETWEEN COVERS, by SidnewDenham, the only complete guide to booksibout cats, with an <strong>in</strong>troduction bv SirCompton Mackenzie, 7s. IU.S.A. $l r- oostfree from_If, Denham, 37 Canonbury Squiare,Loudon" N.l.CAT BOOKS FOR CAT LOVERS. ListsBookehop, Farnhan Common,f;;.i".tt.at"HolidaysSAN REMO, Italy, Bed and breakfast. seaviers, ce_n_tral, flu,ent English spoken by catlover-Write Alqisi, 6 via Asquastiata(3rd Floor), Su Remo.MiscellaneousEXMARID Brand Lotion will free your catsfrom wsightly sk<strong>in</strong> troubles. OLta<strong>in</strong>ablefrom Pet Stores ud Chemists price 3s, 6d.,or direct from Exrid Limited. 44 Whitehors;Street, Baldock,4s.6d. post paid.PED^IGREE FORMS. good quality, provisionlor five generations. 2s. 6d. per dozen. oostfree from OUR CATS, 4 Cailton Maniibns-Clapham Road, London. S.W.9,TIIE TAIL-WAGGER MAGAZINE. themonthly British Dos Maqaz<strong>in</strong>e -andforOther Pets too ! Fully illusirated. comotetewith <strong>in</strong>formatiwe features and <strong>in</strong>stru_ctivearticles.Arnual subsgription 22s. r<strong>in</strong>c. postage for12 issues. Write to the Tail-Wigger-Magaz<strong>in</strong>e,,Dept. OC, 356-360 Grays -<strong>in</strong>n Road,London, W.C.l.WIIO WANTS A CATNIP MOUSE ? ThCherb <strong>in</strong>side this cloth mouse creates sheerecstact ud promotes healthy erercie e.Send ls. 6d. \P.O. or stamps/ to OUR CATSMagaz<strong>in</strong>e. 4 Carlton Mansions, ClaphamRoad, London, S.W.9,CAT HARNESSES, Collars, Leads (astelevised., Special Cat Carry<strong>in</strong>q Baskets.Cosy Adjustable Coats, Cla*boards.-Collier, <strong>Cats</strong>' Valley, Tisbury, Salisbury.For SaleDORSTAN SILVER TABBY LONGHAIRS.Charm<strong>in</strong>g well marked kittens by Ch.Dorstan Darrall, Inoculated, ready June.-9o-"1_"y,, 53 Wood<strong>in</strong>gton'Road,' "SutionColdfield 6884.STEEK SftKy CATS orevyHALEBEEFFEDThe RICH RAW MEAT with theprote<strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong> both meat and fish.Speciol club member termsFull particulars fromDOG FOODS (ED) LTD.5 BLENHEIM PLACE, EDINBURGH, TImporters and meot mail order sbeciolists36

6'G<strong>in</strong>gg adoreshtsllahlets')MRS. J. GROSSER <strong>of</strong> 10a Penn Road, Park Street, St. Albans, Hertfordshire,writes:-" Our cqt G<strong>in</strong>.gy i,t five years old and his condition is perfect" We put his goodhealth tlown to his regular rtose oJ' Kit-zyme and, ns yau can see {rom the photo'graph, G<strong>in</strong>gy cttftires his Tablets." Everyone comments on G<strong>in</strong>gy's appe(trance. He is such a f<strong>in</strong>e healthy cat.Many cr time he's been called on ro do his party piece with Kit-zyme' He'll do iustmyth<strong>in</strong>g us long as he can get his reward-three Kit-zyme Tablets ! He loves ttsI'm sure but the Kit-zyme.iar is nearest to his heart !"KIT-ZYME WILL BENEFIT YOUR CAT TOO...It is a natural Tonic and Conditioner-NOTa purgativeaf..KrIzymeVITAMIN -R'CH YEAST TABLETSPromotes resistance to: LISTLESSN ESS, FALLI NGcoAT, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN TR()UBLES50 (7] gr.) Tablets l16, 250 for 4l-, .750 for 8l-From Chemists, Corn Chandlers ond Pet ShopsLiteroture Free on Recuestlf any difficulty <strong>in</strong> obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gPHITLIPS YEAST PRODUCTS LTD.,write to :Park Royal, London, N.W.l0Ref. Na. 191Cat owners should keep Zemol handy. Zemol, <strong>in</strong> O<strong>in</strong>tment or Powder tbrm, is aneffective remedy for many sk<strong>in</strong> troubles and m<strong>in</strong>or wor.Lnds. Booklets FREE onaPFlication to the makers <strong>of</strong> Kit-zyme.

Yott. eun preserae Aoar eopies <strong>of</strong>OUn C'47S <strong>in</strong> these speeial easesArrangements have been made with the makers <strong>of</strong>the well-known EASIBINDER to supply readers <strong>of</strong>OUR CATS with their self-b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g cases and accessories.Each EASIBINDER-see illustration belowwillhold 24 copies <strong>of</strong> this Magaz<strong>in</strong>e. lt enablessubscribers to keep their copies clean and undamaged.The issues can be <strong>in</strong>serted or removed at will withthe aid <strong>of</strong> steel rods supplied with each B<strong>in</strong>der. Bymeans <strong>of</strong> a special device, the EASIBINDER is just asuseful when only partly filled and the pages willalways open flat, Full <strong>in</strong>structions for use aresupplied with each B<strong>in</strong>der.E AS I B I N D E RSaresuppliedwith the title (OUR CATS)pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> gilt on the 5p<strong>in</strong>e.They are stoutly made andneatly f<strong>in</strong>ished <strong>in</strong> green b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gcloth,Price l4l3 eachu.s.A. s2.25(Prices <strong>in</strong>clude postoge)Orders ond remittonces should be sent to OUR CATS Mosoz<strong>in</strong>e, 4.CorltontVonsions, Claphom Rood, London, 5.W.9. Remittonceishould be modepoyoble to " Our Cots Mogaz<strong>in</strong>e."P<strong>in</strong>kd <strong>in</strong> Gleat Bita;n by F. J. Milner €l Sons Lld,, Commerce Road, Brentford, Middlesex"or the Publisher and Proprietor, Arthu E. Cowlishaw, 4 Carlton Mansions,Clabham Road, London, 5,W.9,

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