February 2012 Newsletter - 1st Marine Division

February 2012 Newsletter - 1st Marine Division

February 2012 Newsletter - 1st Marine Division


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INSIDE THISISSUE:CO and<strong>1st</strong>Sgt1Headquarters 2V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2C Co. <strong>1st</strong> PltISO 1/8B Co. 2nd PltISO 3/7B Co. 3rd PltISO 2/4345Company CommanderCaptain Joshua S. EdwardsFamily and Friends of Charlie Company; I just wanted to drop an initial note to let you knowthings are going well out here. We have hit the ground running and for us that have been herefor awhile, it is you back home that make our job worthwhile. So let me start with saying thankyou for your support and prayers. The rest of Charlie Company is inbound and Bravo Company,3 rd CEB platoons are wrapping up a successful tour. Just know that your <strong>Marine</strong>s that are herecurrently have worked their tails off and you should be proud of them. For those who have <strong>Marine</strong>sheading our way know that the task ahead of them is a challenging one and they should beready to go to work. Look forward to talking to you soon. So again, we are thankful for thosewho are at home supporting us and will keep you updated as much as possible on what is goingon here.Semper Fidelis.Captain Joshua Edwards, “Colossus 6”Company First Sergeant<strong>1st</strong>Sgt John J. Pettinato JrFamily and Friends and support groups ; we are here. I’d like to extend a special thank to Capt. Baliko& <strong>1st</strong>Sgt Walters for making the transition from garrison to combat seamless. This week the two companycommanders flew over the AO where the 3 Engineer Plts work and live. I can tell you first hand,everything I’ve seen on paper and power points dose not come close to how the battle field looks tothose living in it everyday. Lord Bless our <strong>Marine</strong>s and Sailors for the dedication and commitmentthey give freely day after day. I know less TV news is better out here, because even the smallest distractionstake away from the combat mindset. I want to save this space to wish A Co. (4th CEB) a safetrip home and job well done, your efforts and sacrifice will not be forgotten. For the family and friendsof Charlie Company we miss you and send our love. To my dog Sirius “Listen to your mother, daddyloves you both”Always faithfulFirst Sergeant Pettinato, “Colossus 8”

PAGE 2Charlie Co. Headquarters Camp Delaram IIRCT-6 SgtMaj visits the New C Co Headquarters Team.“One not like the other”It is a long flight so let’s share a pillowHerzog, Crisitobal, Esparza and Sleeply.CHARLIE COMPANY

PAGE 3C Co. <strong>1st</strong> Platoon 1/8I can’t see you guys in those Green digitalsSSgt McCleandon “holding the wall up”2nd Sqd going down the river.LCpl Ford with his “stogies'”<strong>1st</strong> Sqd living it up. “Always room for one more”CHARLIE COMPANY

PAGE 4B Co. <strong>1st</strong> Platoon 3/7Engineer Team Lovato, Reyes, Aquilar at your service.HESCO’s “go every where we go”B1 ISO 3/7 Hard at work at local “Tractor Pulls”CHARLIE COMPANY

PAGE 5B Co. 2nd Platoon 2/4Self Service...I’m not a goat..Scene from “STAR WARS” “Luke bring in some goat milk”CHARLIE COMPANY

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