CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts

CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts
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★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★10035 Good News Jail & Prison Ministry (804)553-4090 www.goodnewsjail.orgEIN#540703077 Every day we provide chaplaincy/pastoral care, counseling,aftercare, and human support services to inmates, inmate families,correctional staff/families. No tax funding accepted. 22.5% X,P,W11519 Government Accountability Project (202)457-0034 EIN#521343924 Promotes accountability through defendinggovernment, corporate and international whistleblowers and substantiatingtheir concerns about drug and food safety, the environment, nuclearpower/weapons and homeland security. 21.3% W,R,C10248 Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Inc. (914)245-4024 www.guidingeyes.orgEIN#131854606 Provides professionally trained Guiding Eyes’ dogs toenrich visually impaired individual’s lives with new horizons of opportunityby freedom to travel safely, confidently and independently. 31.8% P,D,E10042 Gun Owners Foundation (703)321-8585 EIN#521297380 Defending America’s unique constitutional right to keep and beararms, through education and legal assistance in important firearms cases.8.1% W,I,M34091 Heart and Stroke Research Fund (480)686-9991 EIN#262498876 Supporting research programs, medicalequipment to hospitals for heart, stroke and other diseases. Humanitarianaid, supplies, education, and funding to programs. Giving from the heart.1.4% H,G,P10199 Heart of America Foundation, The (202)347-6278 EIN#522034127 Provides children in poverty with the tools to read,succeed and make a difference. Promotes volunteerism and literacy,distributes books to children, revitalizes school libraries. 5.1% B,S,O73832 Heart of the Bride Ministries, Inc (850)678-9008 EIN#742848196 We provide loving homes, education, discipleship, andeconomic opportunities for orphans in Haiti, Kenya, Uganda, Ukraine, andZambia. We send short and long-term missionaries. 12.5% X,O,P93922 Help Them Grow, Inc. (408)997-9992 EIN#223122761Our vision is to ensure that every underprivileged child attains his or herright to education, health and opportunity. 11.2% Z,B,O44370 Helping Children Worldwide (703)793-9521 EIN#760729857 Helping Children Worldwide provides hopeto impoverished children and their communities through programs andpartnerships in Sierra Leone and Northern Virginia. 12.2% P,E,O10155 Heritage Foundation, The (202)546-4400 www.heritage.orgEIN#237327730 We formulate and promote conservative public policiesbased on principles of free enterprise, limited government, individualfreedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. 23.2%B,W,T10233 HHT Foundation International, Inc. (410)357-9932 www.hht.orgEIN#223115041 We provide support to families with HHT, a genetic multisymptomblood vessel disorder, through education, advocacy, and research.HHT affects 1 in 5,000 people. 43.8% G,H,E10182 HIAS, Inc. (212)613-1354 EIN#135633307 HIAS helpsimmigrants and refugees start new lives through rescue, resettlement, familyreunion, advocacy and legal representation, assisting over 4.5 million since1881. 18.2% P,R,S10147 Hispanic College Fund (202)296-5400 www.hispanicfund.orgEIN#521809680 Beginning with the Hispanic Youth Institute, HCF providesscholarships and resources to help underserved Latino students navigate thepathways from high school to professional careers. 19.6% B,O,S10200 Histiocytosis Association of America (856)589-6066 www.histio.orgEIN#222827069 The HAA is dedicated to raising awareness abouthistiocytic disorders, providing educational and emotional support, andfunding research leading to better treatments and a cure. 13.9% G,P,H10188 Homeless Children (949)492-2200 EIN#952499595Rescuing abandoned infants, children and disabled from garbage dumps,streets and prisons of Mexico. Providing daycare, loving homes, Christianeducation, vocational training, and medical treatment. 4.0% P,L,X92995 Honor and Remember, Inc. (757)576-5403 www.honorandremember.orgEIN#412277283 Establishing a national symbol that publicly recognizes allfallen military from all wars and touches the lives of every hurting familywho has sacrificed. 29.4% P,W,Z67307 Honor Flight, Inc (937)521-2400 EIN#202751460 Tofly America’s Veterans to Washington, DC to visit those memorialsdedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of themselves and their friends.12.2% W,P,T15213 Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (818)851-3190 www.hoby.orgEIN#956082886 For 53 years, HOBY has impacted 375,000 young leadersin all 50 states. Help us empower youth to lead, serve and positively changetheir communities. 21.4% Z10253 Human Life International (540)635-7884 EIN#521241765Human Life International defends human life from conception to naturaldeath by training, organizing, equipping pro-life leaders in more than 100countries around the world. 19.6% R,X,P10066 Hydrocephalus Association (415)732-7040 www.hydroassoc.orgEIN#943000301 The Hydrocephalus Association seeks to eliminate thechallenges of hydrocephalus by stimulating innovative research andproviding support and education for individuals, families and professionals.28.3% G,E,P31046 Hydrogen Education Foundation (202)223-5547 EIN#205020384 HEF promotes zero-emission hydrogenenergy technologies through student scholarships, innovative nationalcompetitions, and education to encourage environmental stewardship,improve energy security, and create green jobs. 13.6% B,C,O12543 Impact Movement, The (888)672-2896 www.impactmovement.comEIN#810596936 The Impact Movement produces Black Christian leaderswho are spiritually focused, financially responsible and morally fit oncampus, in the community and around the world. 16.8% X,O,W10109 Indian Land Tenure Foundation (651)766-8999 www.iltf.orgEIN#412014273 Community foundation created to educate Indian and non-Indian people on Indian land ownership, development and preservation: 100percent of all donations support direct program initiatives. -124.6% S,R,W12301 International Children’s Fund (920)729-5721 EIN#391303430 ICF ministers to the physical and the spiritual needs of desperatelypoor children and their families, worldwide. Just as Jesus ministered to themultitudes. 2.0% P,Q,X42549 International Disaster Emergency Service, Inc. (765) EIN#237348277 IDES exists to offer immediate help andeternal hope to a hurting world. Our two most active project areas aredisaster assistance and hunger relief. 18.6% M,K,X85320 International Justice Mission (IJM) (703)465-5495 www.ijm.orgEIN#541722887 IJM rescues victims of violent oppression, includingslavery and sex trafficking, provides aftercare services, pursues perpetratorconviction in local courts, and promotes sustainable structuraltransformation. 22.5% R,P,I81349 International Partnership for Microbicides (301)608-2221 EIN#010741733 Developing HIV prevention products forwomen. Developing HIV prevention tools to prevent death among women15-44 worldwide; prevention products could save millions of lives. 11.9%H,E,U10142 International Union for Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources(202)387-4827 EIN#521443147 Your contribution to thisunion of governments, NGOs and scientists will help save endangeredspecies, support national parks, protect the oceans and fight povertyglobally. 2.3% C,S,U10194 Islamic Relief USA (888)479-4968 EIN#954453134 IRUSA alleviates suffering, hunger, illiteracy, and diseasesworldwide regardless of color, race, religion, or creed; provides rapiddisaster relief; and establishes sustainable local development projects. 6.1%M,K,S10163 Janey Foundation, Inc. (301)963-7270 EIN#521389615 Operatesoccupational training centers for 100 persons with physical/emotionaldisabilities in Kochi, India; supports similar schools elsewhere, together withawareness programs in the U.S. 26.3% F,P,E10889 JCAHPO Education & Research Foundation, Inc. (651) EIN#411681301 Scholarships: students in trainingprograms for ophthalmic medical personnel (OMP); continuingeducation/certification fees for OMP. Funds special JCAHPO projects(distance learning, computerized testing, etc.) 27.0% E,B,Z11531 Jed Foundation, The (212)647-7544 EIN#134131139 The Jed Foundation works nationally to promote emotional healthand prevent suicide by providing support, resources and training tocampuses, students, parents and communities. 27.0% F,B,O10744 Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, Inc., The (212) EIN#133807016 The JFR provides monthly financial assistanceto 900 needy Christians who saved Jews during the Holocaust and educatesteachers and their students about the Holocaust. 26.3% B,P,Z10876 Jews for Jesus (415)864-2600 EIN#942222464Making the messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to Jewish peopleworldwide. Ministering the gospel through direct evangelism anddiscipleship through personal Bible study. 18.8% X,O,B69988 Joni and Friends (818)707-5664 EIN#953402002A Christian ministry outreach to people and families affected by disability;with programs that offer practical help and the hope of Christ. 13.4% X,P,W12256 Jubilee Campaign USA Inc. (703)503-0791 www.jubileecampaign.orgEIN#521645262 Promotes human rights and liberty of religious minorities;advocates for prisoners of conscience and refugees; combats trafficking forprotection of children; and litigates for life. 8.5% R,Q,W29164 Keystone Center, The (970)513-5800 EIN#840688506Keystone Center brings together public, private and civic sector leaders aswell as the next generation to deal with issues in energy, environment, andhealth. 16.1% W,B,C★46

★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★10183 KRS Education & Rural Development Foundation, Inc. (601) EIN#581927990 Focused on impoverished villagesin India, KRS provides access to quality education, health services andeconomic empowerment programs for women and children. 0.6% W,B,E10886 LAM Foundation, The (513)777-6889 www.thelamfoundation.orgEIN#311438001 The LAM Foundation funds medical research and offerseducation and support to women with a rare and frequently fatal lung diseasecalled LAM (lymphangioleiomyomatosis). 22.2% G,H,E62269 Latter-day Saint Charities (801)422-1940 www.ldscharities.orgEIN#870555261 Provides life-sustaining resources to people in emergenciesand helps families become self-reliant regardless of religious affiliation.Helps with food production, health, clean water, wheelchairs. 2.5% M,K,P11563 League of American Bicyclists (202)822-1333 www.bikeleague.orgEIN#366206225 The League of American Bicyclists (Wheelmen) promotescycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy andeducation for a bicycle-friendly America. 7.1% Y,R,N50669 Learning Ally, Inc. (609)452-0606 EIN#131659345 Recordseducational textbooks. Provides free access to 60,000 audiobooks forstudents who cannot read standard print due to visual, learning and/or otherphysical disabilities. 28.4% B,O,P10309 Lions World Services for the Blind (501)664-7100 www.lwsb.orgEIN#710208511 A comprehensive rehabilitation center for blind adultsproviding counseling, training in independent living and mobility skills,vocational evaluation and high quality marketable job skills training. 46.7%E,J,B78012 Living Beyond Breast Cancer (610)645-4567 EIN#232734689 A national non-profit dedicated to empowering all women affectedby breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of life.12.2% G,E,P81092 Living Lands & Waters (309)496-9848 www.livinglandsandwaters.orgEIN#364244353 Coordinates cleanups, educational workshops, RiverbottomRestoration, Million Trees and Adopt-A-River Mile projects involvingthousands of volunteers in cleaning, restoring and beautifying our nation’smajor waterways. 21.6% C,W,Z48534 Love146 (203)772-4420 EIN#201168284 Love146 workstoward the abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation through Preventionand Aftercare solutions while contributing to a growing abolition movement.29.4% P,R,E48891 Lupus Research Institute (212)812-9881 www.lupusresearchinstitute.orgEIN#061565950 The world’s leading private supporter of innovative lupusresearch, LRI champions scientific risk-taking in the hunt for solutions tothis complex and dangerous autoimmune disease. 4.9% H,G,E78594 Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (410)230-2786 www.lirs.orgEIN#132574854 We help those uprooted by war or facing persecution intheir home countries. We resettle refugees, protect vulnerable children andadvocate for justice for migrants. 9.2% P,R,Z11508 Lutherans for Life (515)382-2077 EIN#411374293 Lutherans For Life is a powerful, Biblical, For life Gospel voice andresource to Lutherans and equips them to transform society. 19.2% X,W11424 Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (888)366-6611 EIN#223123551 LDA, all-volunteer, funds research,medical expenses for uninsured children; conducts conferences for doctors,public, schools; provides referrals, free literature; produces books, DVDs,prevention projects, infoline. 2.4% H,G,E19821 Marine Corps Association Foundation (703)640-0169 www.mcafdn.orgEIN#800340923 We focus on active duty Marines and wounded warriors byproviding professional development programs that help them grow asleaders and recognize individual excellence. 31.2% B,Q,W92068 Marine Graduation Foundation (816)232-8762 EIN#202932679 We help financially-challenged families attend Marine Corps BootCamp Graduations, giving new Marines due recognition and increasingmorale as they enter their military career. 17.4% T,P,W63375 Marymount University (703)284-1647 EIN#540573801 As a comprehensive Catholic University, we provide studentcenteredlearning that fosters scholarship, leadership, service, and ethics.32.1% B,A11041 MedicAlert Foundation International (Medic Alert Foundation UnitedStates Inc) (209)669-2422 EIN#941494446 MedicAlertprotects and helps save lives of children and adults in emergency situationsby providing identification and medical information through the MedicAlert24-hour Call Center. 26.4% E,G,F10825 Men’s Health Network (202)543-6461 www.menshealthnetwork.orgEIN#521855419 Improving the physical and mental health of men so theycan live fuller, happier lives. Building healthy families through screening,education, and outreach efforts. 10.6% E,F,G34043 Messengers of Love (832)647-7233 EIN#113730103 Help Vietnam’s orphans: MoL provides physical, emotional andeducational assistance to thousands of orphans each year, bringing themhappiness, hope, security and achieving lasting improvements. 3.1% P,L,O10230 Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) (210)732-2156 EIN#741712528 Nationally recognized college empowering andeducating leaders for culturally diverse communities: Focus: Hispanicleadership, diversity training, family, youth, farmworkers, Catholic Faith,Spanish and English languages. 9.8% B,X,O60643 Migrant Health Promotion, Inc. (800)461-8394 www.migranthealth.orgEIN#383092194 Using the Promotor(a) model, Migrant Health Promotionprovides culturally-appropriate health education, outreach, and communitydevelopment to farmworker, migrant, border, and/or other underservedcommunities. 21.1% S,E,P10186 Migrant Legal Action Program, Inc. (202)775-7780 www.mlap.orgEIN#520913158 Aids impoverished, exploited migrant farmworkers whosuffer from daily exposure to toxic pesticides, discrimination, intimidation,and inhumane living and working conditions, through free legal services.24.7% R,P,J46324 Mission Continues, The (Center for Citizen Leadership) (314) EIN#208742553 The Mission Continuesprovides paid service fellowships to post-9/11 disabled veterans andempowers veterans and civilians to serve as citizen leaders in theircommunities. 7.7% J,W,S38370 Mission to North America (PRJC) (678)825-1251 www.prjc.netEIN#640541857 Chaplain Ministries MNA/PRJC recruits, trains, endorses,and cares for chaplains who provide constitutionally-approved religioussupport (biblical preaching, teaching and counseling) for America’s MilitaryPersonnel. 65.8% X,F,P10074 Missions to Military, Inc. (757)479-2288 www.missionstomilitary.orgEIN#540734786 Christian missionary organization ministering to ArmedForces personnel. Homelike facilities and services are provided withoutcharge. Recreation, meals, bunkroom, transportation, Bible studies etc.24.6% X,P,W20396 Missoula Children’s Theatre (406)728-1911 www.mctinc.orgEIN#810332120 Through participation in performing arts with the MissoulaChildren’s Theatre, children gain self confidence while learning theimportance of commitment, teamwork, trust and acceptance. 55.0% O,A,B74167 Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union (703)799-8695 EIN#540564701 Preserves George Washington’s homeand tomb; provides numerous educational, cultural and distance learningprograms in schools across America on Washington’s legacy of characterand leadership. 24.4% A15063 Moving Picture Institute (323)650-3850 EIN#203237801The Moving Picture Institute supports freedom-oriented filmmakers throughgrants, fellowships, internships, promotion and production assistance, fiscalsponsorship, and networking opportunities. 4.9% A,B18454 Moyer Foundation, The (206)298-1217 www.moyerfoundation.orgEIN#912065051 Camp Erin is a free, bereavement camp designed forchildren and teens ages 6-17 who are grieving the death of someone close tothem. 12.5% O,T,P11526 Myositis Association, The (703)299-4850 www.myositis.orgEIN#541660976 TMA is a health nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whosepurpose is to find a cure for myositis, a rare neuromuscular disease, thatdestroys muscle cells. 45.1% H,E,P11929 National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (914) EIN#521190664 NACME provides engineeringscholarships and pre-engineering educational programs to increase therepresentation of African American, American Indian and Latino womenand men in engineering/STEM careers. 32.8% B,O,J30612 National American Indian Housing Council (202)789-1754 EIN#222096315 Since 1974, NAIHC has been the only nationalorganization devoted to promoting and advancing culturally relevant andquality affordable housing for Native American communities. 30.8% L,S,W10107 National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders(630)577-1333 EIN#362938021 A non-profit corporationthat seeks to prevent and alleviate the problems of eating disorders,including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.21.8% F,O,P99612 National Association of Elementary School Principals Foundation, The(703)684-3345 EIN#541223334 Founded in 1921, NAESPis a professional organization serving 25,000 elementary and middle schoolprincipals and millions of children throughout the United States. 37.2%B,O,Z11428 National Association of Parents of Children with Visual Impairments(617)972-7441 EIN#742095442 NAPVI helps families ofchildren who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multipledisabilities, by providing education, support, advocacy and resources. 5.6%G,P,R10777 National Association of SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere),Inc. (919)661-7800 EIN#562242334 SAVE strives todecrease violence in schools and communities by promoting studentinvolvement, education and service opportunities in efforts to provide saferenvironments for learning. 22.6% B,O,W★47

★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★10183 KRS Education & Rural Development Foundation, Inc. (601) EIN#581927990 Focused on impoverished villagesin India, KRS provides access to quality education, health services andeconomic empowerment programs for women and children. 0.6% W,B,E10886 LAM Foundation, The (513)777-6889 www.thelamfoundation.orgEIN#311438001 The LAM Foundation funds medical research and <strong>of</strong>ferseducation and support to women with a rare and frequently fatal lung diseasecalled LAM (lymphangioleiomyomatosis). 22.2% G,H,E62269 Latter-day Saint Charities (801)422-1940 www.ldscharities.orgEIN#870555261 Provides life-sustaining resources to people in emergenciesand helps families become self-reliant regardless <strong>of</strong> religious affiliation.Helps with food production, health, clean water, wheelchairs. 2.5% M,K,P11563 League <strong>of</strong> American Bicyclists (202)822-1333 www.bikeleague.orgEIN#366206225 The League <strong>of</strong> American Bicyclists (Wheelmen) promotescycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy andeducation for a bicycle-friendly America. 7.1% Y,R,N50669 Learning Ally, Inc. (609)452-0606 EIN#131659345 Recordseducational textbooks. Provides free access to 60,000 audiobooks forstudents who cannot read standard print due to visual, learning and/or otherphysical disabilities. 28.4% B,O,P10309 Lions World Services for the Blind (501)664-7100 www.lwsb.orgEIN#710208511 A comprehensive rehabilitation center for blind adultsproviding counseling, training in independent living and mobility skills,vocational evaluation and high quality marketable job skills training. 46.7%E,J,B78012 Living Beyond Breast Cancer (610)645-4567 EIN#232734689 A national non-pr<strong>of</strong>it dedicated to empowering all women affectedby breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality <strong>of</strong> life.12.2% G,E,P81092 Living Lands & Waters (309)496-9848 www.livinglandsandwaters.orgEIN#364244353 Coordinates cleanups, educational workshops, RiverbottomRestoration, Million Trees and Adopt-A-River Mile projects involvingthousands <strong>of</strong> volunteers in cleaning, restoring and beautifying our nation’smajor waterways. 21.6% C,W,Z48534 Love146 (203)772-4420 EIN#201168284 Love146 workstoward the abolition <strong>of</strong> child sex slavery and exploitation through Preventionand Aftercare solutions while contributing to a growing abolition movement.29.4% P,R,E48891 Lupus Research Institute (212)812-9881 www.lupusresearchinstitute.orgEIN#061565950 The world’s leading private supporter <strong>of</strong> innovative lupusresearch, LRI champions scientific risk-taking in the hunt for solutions tothis complex and dangerous autoimmune disease. 4.9% H,G,E78594 Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (410)230-2786 www.lirs.orgEIN#132574854 We help those uprooted by war or facing persecution intheir home countries. We resettle refugees, protect vulnerable children andadvocate for justice for migrants. 9.2% P,R,Z11508 Lutherans for Life (515)382-2077 EIN#411374293 Lutherans For Life is a powerful, Biblical, For life Gospel voice andresource to Lutherans and equips them to transform society. 19.2% X,W11424 Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (888)366-6611 EIN#223123551 LDA, all-volunteer, funds research,medical expenses for uninsured children; conducts conferences for doctors,public, schools; provides referrals, free literature; produces books, DVDs,prevention projects, infoline. 2.4% H,G,E19821 Marine Corps Association Foundation (703)640-0169 www.mcafdn.orgEIN#800340923 We focus on active duty Marines and wounded warriors byproviding pr<strong>of</strong>essional development programs that help them grow asleaders and recognize individual excellence. 31.2% B,Q,W92068 Marine Graduation Foundation (816)232-8762 EIN#202932679 We help financially-challenged families attend Marine Corps BootCamp Graduations, giving new Marines due recognition and increasingmorale as they enter their military career. 17.4% T,P,W63375 Marymount University (703)284-1647 EIN#540573801 As a comprehensive Catholic University, we provide studentcenteredlearning that fosters scholarship, leadership, service, and ethics.32.1% B,A11041 MedicAlert Foundation International (Medic Alert Foundation UnitedStates Inc) (209)669-2422 EIN#941494446 MedicAlertprotects and helps save lives <strong>of</strong> children and adults in emergency situationsby providing identification and medical information through the MedicAlert24-hour Call Center. 26.4% E,G,F10825 Men’s Health Network (202)543-6461 www.menshealthnetwork.orgEIN#521855419 Improving the physical and mental health <strong>of</strong> men so theycan live fuller, happier lives. Building healthy families through screening,education, and outreach efforts. 10.6% E,F,G34043 Messengers <strong>of</strong> Love (832)647-7233 www.messengers<strong>of</strong> EIN#113730103 Help Vietnam’s orphans: MoL provides physical, emotional andeducational assistance to thousands <strong>of</strong> orphans each year, bringing themhappiness, hope, security and achieving lasting improvements. 3.1% P,L,O10230 Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) (210)732-2156 EIN#741712528 Nationally recognized college empowering andeducating leaders for culturally diverse communities: Focus: Hispanicleadership, diversity training, family, youth, farmworkers, Catholic Faith,Spanish and English languages. 9.8% B,X,O60643 Migrant Health Promotion, Inc. (800)461-8394 www.migranthealth.orgEIN#383092194 Using the Promotor(a) model, Migrant Health Promotionprovides culturally-appropriate health education, outreach, and communitydevelopment to farmworker, migrant, border, and/or other underservedcommunities. 21.1% S,E,P10186 Migrant Legal Action Program, Inc. (202)775-7780 www.mlap.orgEIN#520913158 Aids impoverished, exploited migrant farmworkers whosuffer from daily exposure to toxic pesticides, discrimination, intimidation,and inhumane living and working conditions, through free legal services.24.7% R,P,J46324 Mission Continues, The (Center for Citizen Leadership) (314) EIN#208742553 The Mission Continuesprovides paid service fellowships to post-9/11 disabled veterans andempowers veterans and civilians to serve as citizen leaders in theircommunities. 7.7% J,W,S38370 Mission to North America (PRJC) (678)825-1251 www.prjc.netEIN#640541857 Chaplain Ministries MNA/PRJC recruits, trains, endorses,and cares for chaplains who provide constitutionally-approved religioussupport (biblical preaching, teaching and counseling) for America’s MilitaryPersonnel. 65.8% X,F,P10074 Missions to Military, Inc. (757)479-2288 www.missionstomilitary.orgEIN#540734786 Christian missionary organization ministering to ArmedForces personnel. Homelike facilities and services are provided withoutcharge. Recreation, meals, bunkroom, transportation, Bible studies etc.24.6% X,P,W20396 Missoula Children’s Theatre (406)728-1911 www.mctinc.orgEIN#810332120 Through participation in performing arts with the MissoulaChildren’s Theatre, children gain self confidence while learning theimportance <strong>of</strong> commitment, teamwork, trust and acceptance. 55.0% O,A,B74167 Mount Vernon Ladies Association <strong>of</strong> the Union (703)799-8695 EIN#540564701 Preserves George Washington’s homeand tomb; provides numerous educational, cultural and distance learningprograms in schools across America on Washington’s legacy <strong>of</strong> characterand leadership. 24.4% A15063 Moving Picture Institute (323)650-3850 EIN#203237801The Moving Picture Institute supports freedom-oriented filmmakers throughgrants, fellowships, internships, promotion and production assistance, fiscalsponsorship, and networking opportunities. 4.9% A,B18454 Moyer Foundation, The (206)298-1217 www.moyerfoundation.orgEIN#912065051 Camp Erin is a free, bereavement camp designed forchildren and teens ages 6-17 who are grieving the death <strong>of</strong> someone close tothem. 12.5% O,T,P11526 Myositis Association, The (703)299-4850 www.myositis.orgEIN#541660976 TMA is a health nonpr<strong>of</strong>it 501(c)(3) organization whosepurpose is to find a cure for myositis, a rare neuromuscular disease, thatdestroys muscle cells. 45.1% H,E,P11929 National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (914) EIN#521190664 NACME provides engineeringscholarships and pre-engineering educational programs to increase therepresentation <strong>of</strong> African American, American Indian and Latino womenand men in engineering/STEM careers. 32.8% B,O,J30612 National American Indian Housing Council (202)789-1754 EIN#222096315 Since 1974, NAIHC has been the only nationalorganization devoted to promoting and advancing culturally relevant andquality affordable housing for Native American communities. 30.8% L,S,W10107 National Association <strong>of</strong> Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders(630)577-1333 EIN#362938021 A non-pr<strong>of</strong>it corporationthat seeks to prevent and alleviate the problems <strong>of</strong> eating disorders,including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.21.8% F,O,P99612 National Association <strong>of</strong> Elementary School Principals Foundation, The(703)684-3345 EIN#541223334 Founded in 1921, NAESPis a pr<strong>of</strong>essional organization serving 25,000 elementary and middle schoolprincipals and millions <strong>of</strong> children throughout the United States. 37.2%B,O,Z11428 National Association <strong>of</strong> Parents <strong>of</strong> Children with Visual Impairments(617)972-7441 EIN#742095442 NAPVI helps families <strong>of</strong>children who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multipledisabilities, by providing education, support, advocacy and resources. 5.6%G,P,R10777 National Association <strong>of</strong> SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere),Inc. (919)661-7800 EIN#562242334 SAVE strives todecrease violence in schools and communities by promoting studentinvolvement, education and service opportunities in efforts to provide saferenvironments for learning. 22.6% B,O,W★47

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