CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts

CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts
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★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★45653 Seeds of Learning (707)939-0471 EIN#680254397 Thousands of children in Nicaragua and El-Salvador have no accessto education or schools. We build schools, provide scholarships, books,pens, pencils, and more. 8.2% S,T,O96619 Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children (212) EIN#131834590 Millions of orphans need homesand love. We find loving homes for children needing families, and provideessential care for those remaining in institutions overseas. 63.9% P,O,W35749 ThinkFirst Foundation (630)961-1400 EIN#363730822 Injuries are the leading cause of death and disability for children andteens; presentations and programs teach safe choices: safe driving, sportssafety, violence prevention. 18.2% E,M,B47838 Wide Horizons for Children (781)894-5330 EIN#042564960 All children deserve loving families, food, clothing, healthcare,education. We find homes for orphans and help with basic necessities for theworld’s most vulnerable kids. 12.1% P,Q,S73309 Worldfund (World Education and Development Fund) (212) EIN#030483824 In the war against poverty, educationis the key weapon. We support high-quality, results driven education inLatin America -the key to transforming lives. 17.2% B,O,SChristian Service Charities Federationand Member Organizations10171 Christian Service Charities (888)728-2762 EIN#943193374 Christian charities you know and trust, working toovercome poverty, hunger, hopelessness, religious persecution, abuse,disease, illiteracy, homelessness, addiction, broken families and separationfrom God. 3.6% X,W,T11731 700 Club, The (Christian Broadcasting Network Inc) (800) EIN#540678752 CBN proclaims the Gospel of Jesus to over200 countries through television programming, Internet programming/resources, medical missions, humanitarian outreaches, discipleship and cellchurchdevelopment. 15.2% X,P,B10978 A Child’s Hope Fund (888)291-6018 www.achildshopefund.orgEIN#953976258 Fight cancer, diabetes, disease and hunger through medicaland food outreaches, health education, prevention and hospice, protectingchildren worldwide from illness, poverty, fear and abuse. 0.7% E,K,M10525 Advocates International (703)894-1084 www.advocatesinternational.orgEIN#541646669 A global network linking advocates in 150 nationspromoting religious freedom and human rights, conflict resolution, and lifeand family while integrating faith and profession. 12.7% R,X,W15522 Africa New Life Ministry (Africa New Life Ministries International)(866)979-0393 EIN#481291935 Africa New Lifeexists to break the cycle of poverty in Rwanda by providing education, basicnecessities, and spiritual insight to poor children and families. 21.9% X,B,O11290 Aid to Children, Youth and Families (New Hope International) (800)297-9591 EIN#237398878 Provides Christiantraining, orphan care, education (AIDS, STD’s, Alcohol and Drugs) andother aid to children, youth and families in orphanages, schools, camps, andconferences. 15.7% X,B,O10980 AIDS Care Fund (909)793-2009 EIN#330206443Helping people living with HIV/AIDS overcome their loneliness anddespair. Providing counseling, support groups, literature, toll-free hotline,and Christian homes for children dying of AIDS. 0.4% E,B,P12172 Alcohol & Drug Recovery Fund (909)793-2009 EIN#330858092 An effective, compassionate ministry savinglives, renewing hope through intervention and faith-based recoverytreatment that provides healing to those affected by alcoholism and drugaddictions. 0.9% F,O,P11726 Alliance Defense Fund (800)835-5233 EIN#541660459 Alegal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth in the areas ofreligious liberty, family values and sanctity of life. 21.0% R,X,Z50678 Amen Foundation, The (202)832-5168 www.amenfoundation.orgEIN#521837798 Supports Catholic vocations/ministries, especially inchurches of Sub-Saharan Africa. Funds education; trains seminarians,sisters, lay ministers, missionaries who serve people’s spiritual, social,economic needs. 4.6% X,B,P12037 American Family Association (800)326-4543 EIN#640607275 Educates and motivates Christians through radio, television, onlineand print to act on issues affecting families. Examples: media indecency,pornography, abortion, entertainment, education, parenting. 7.5% R,X,B45107 American Missionary Fellowship (610)527-4439 www.amfmission.orgEIN#231381400 AMF creates vibrant communities of faith in the US byevangelizing the unchurched who are overlooked and living in rural places,inner-city and high-risk communities. 13.7% X,R,B12038 Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching & Service (ACCTS)(800)487-8108 EIN#237230892 Improves and changesmilitary families’ lives world wide through means of Biblically basedteaching, coaching, mentoring and coordinating disaster reliefs efforts.Changed lives change nations. 5.6% X,Q,B10524 Association of Christian Schools International (866) EIN#956072567 Empowering Christian schools and educatorsworldwide to provide Christ centered schooling, Pre-K through College, toeffectively prepare students for life through transformed thinking and living.21.0% B,X,Q10981 Association of Gospel Rescue Missions (800)473-7832 www.agrm.orgEIN#550479715 Proclaim the passion of Jesus toward the hungry, homeless,abused and addicted; and accelerate quality and effectiveness in membermissions through education, training, and resources. 22.3% L,X,P12039 Awana Clubs International (800)222-9262 EIN#362428692 Training and equipping Christian leaders in over 100 countries toconduct programs that create hope by building an enduring biblical faith intheir nation’s children. 15.6% X,O,P10527 Baptist World Alliance (703)790-8980 EIN#530204667Cares for the hungry and homeless of the world by providing food,medicine, encouragement, hope. Defends the oppressed/persecuted bypromoting human rights/religious freedom. 12.7% M,Q,K10982 Bible League International (Bible League) (866)825-4636 EIN#362037761 Resourcing churches worldwide byproviding Bibles, study materials, and training for national believers to leadBible studies, share and grow in faith, establish new churches. 26.1% X,S,W12137 Biblica (Formerly International Bible Society) (Biblica US Inc) (888)286-6682 EIN#841194554 Formerly International BibleSociety, we strive to transform lives through God’s Word. We translate theBible and globally distribute it to those seeking its hope. 24.6% X,P,O11727 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (877)247-2426 EIN#410692230 Spreads the message of God’s love throughevangelistic outreaches and youth training, crisis counseling, andinternational projects by means of print, TV, radio, and Internet. 18.0%X,M,W11864 Blessings International (877)250-8101 EIN#731130590Giving hope to destitute children and adults by providing life-savingpharmaceuticals, vitamins, medical supplies for treating needy patients indeveloping nations and U.S. clinics. 0.3% E,M,G10528 Cadence International (800)396-6680 EIN#846027655A Christian ministry transforming US military communities throughevangelism, Bible studies, counseling, retreats and hospitality to singles,families, youth and children. 17.3% X,O,P12040 Campus Crusade for Christ’s Great Commission Foundation (GreatCommision Foundation of Campus Crusade for Christ Inc) (800) EIN#952814920 Military ministry provides“Faith in the Foxhole and Hope on the Home Front.” Christian embassyencourages and equips our country’s leaders and decision-makers. 2.5%X,P,Q10983 Care Net (800)518-7909 EIN#541382723 Saving lives,healing hearts, and ministering compassion through evangelistic ministry towomen and men facing unplanned pregnancies and related sexual issues.15.9% X,F,P11086 Child Abuse Intervention Fund (909)793-2009 www.childabuseintervention \ EIN#330457856 Helping abused children by bringingthem hope and healing through crisis intervention, personal counseling,support groups, legal aid, medical referrals, education, and a nationalhotline. 0.3% F,R,P82907 Child Evangelism Fellowship (800)748-7710 www.cefonline.comEIN#386091187 Our purpose is to evangelize children with the Gospel ofthe Lord Jesus Christ through various classes and programs. 35.8% X,Z11728 Childcare Worldwide (800)553-2328 www.childcareworldwide.orgEIN#953619910 Childcare Worldwide transforms lives, empoweringchildren to survive and succeed through feeding programs and education thatleads to employment. 3.1% B,K,Q10529 Children’s Christian Hunger Network (800)234-3903 EIN#431348499 Providing hurting and underprivilegedchildren in third world countries and America with life-saving food,clothing, housing, and Christian education. Restoring children’s lives withlove. 1.3% K,G,L10984 Children’s Food Fund/World Emergency Relief (World EmergencyRelief) (888)484-4543 EIN#954014743Give children a living chance through emergency relief, food, medical care,schools, orphanages, and micro economic assistance in 24 countries,including Native Americans. 6.4% K,E,P11729 Children’s HopeChest (800)648-9575 EIN#330430285 Provides holistic care to over 10000 orphans and vulnerable childrenin nine countries with food, clean water, education, discipleship, job skills,medical and other needs. 20.9% X,O,P★40

★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★11730 Children’s Hunger Relief Fund (888)781-1585 EIN#510168428 Nine million innocent children needlessly die before age five! Helpus provide millions of meals, healthcare, clean water, housing, education,God’s love and stop starvation. 1.8% K,P,M12136 Christian Blind Mission International (800)937-2264 www.cbmus.orgEIN#362959883 Highly trusted international Christian developmentorganizations with over 100 years of expertise serving 17 million peoplewith disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. 0.5% E,P,Q12041 Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (800) EIN#431243999 Utilizes 100% of yourcontribution for scholarship assistance in developing countries. Througheducation, students create pathways out of poverty and give hope to theirfamilies. 5.8% O,B,P12042 Christian Legal Society (703)642-1070 EIN#366101090CLS defends religious freedom and the sanctity of life, provides legalassistance to the poor, and promotes conflict resolution through biblicalcounseling, mediation and arbitration. 1.2% X,R,I10538 Christian Military Fellowship (800)798-7875 EIN#840780545 Supports America’s military and their families by helping them togrow in their Christian faith by providing prayer, Bible studies, linkups,conferences, training and resources 5.9% X,B,P11862 Christian Relief Fund (800)858-4038 www.christianrelieffund.orgEIN#510183054 Fighting hunger and poverty internationally by providingfood, medicine, educational support, Christian disaster relief andhumanitarian aid to children and families in developing countries. 8.0%Q,O,P10536 Club Beyond/Military Community Youth Ministries (MilitaryCommunity Youth Ministries) (800)832-9098 www.mcym.orgEIN#742238462 Relational ministry to military teens worldwide. Partnerswith Young Life, Youth for Christ, Life Teen and the local chapel. Wherefriends, fun and faith connect. 15.9% O,R,X10522 Compassion International (877)838-8603 Exists as an advocate for children, releasing them fromspiritual, economic, social, physical poverty in Jesus’ name through holisticchild development in 25 developing countries. 16.1% X,O,P10526 Emergency Relief Response Fund (World-Wide Missions) (909) EIN#952109095 Moving quickly toalleviate human suffering in times of great crisis by providing food, clothing,medical care, temporary shelter, and other emergency efforts sustaining life.5.1% M,K,P10985 Engineering Ministries International (719)633-2078 www.emiworld.orgEIN#742213629 “Designing a World of Hope” - mobilizing technicalprofessionals to design hospitals, orphanages, schools, water projects for thepoor. With volunteers overhead is 5.1%. 17.6% S,Q,X10523 Family Research Council (800)225-4008 EIN#521792772FRC communicates to the public the importance of Judeo-Christiantraditional family values to the health and well-being of our children,country and society. 18.2% R,W,X10534 Focus on the Family (800)232-6459 www.focusonthefamily.comEIN#953188150 Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrivethrough faith-based resources, multimedia outreaches and counselingservices that support a variety of marriage, parenting and life needs. 16.9%P,O,F11732 Food for the Hungry (800)248-6437 EIN#952680390 AChristian organization, committed to working with poor people affected bynatural disasters, war, poverty and hunger to overcome through selfdevelopmentand relief programs. 5.1% B,G,K63203 Global Recordings Network (Gospel Recordings) (888) EIN#956539977 Almost 6,000 languages recorded withBible stories, Gospel messages, health and AID/HIV messages. For 70 yearswe have recorded and distributed our messages worldwide. 5.4% X,E,Z39488 Hagar USA, Inc (715)514-2294 EIN#201507669Hagar’s ministry provides holistic long-term recovery services to womenand children survivors of domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and humantrafficking, in Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. 21.9% P,F,X11738 Healing Waters International (866)913-8522 www.healingwaters.orgEIN#460472149 Reducing water-related illness and death in developingcountries by building self-sustaining projects in local churches that makeclean drinking water accessible to the poor. 22.9% E,S,X10535 Home School Foundation (540)338-8645 www.homeschoolfoundation.orgEIN#521354365 Provide assistance to homeschooling families in need,assist families in cases of emergency, preserve parental freedoms, promotehomeschooling, and support like-minded organizations. 6.7% P,B,Z10988 International Christian Concern (800)422-5441 www.persecution.orgEIN#521942990 Serves overseas persecuted Christians by providingAdvocacy, Awareness, and Assistance (Bibles, supplies, pastor support,community rebuilding, support for families of imprisoned or murderedpastors, etc). 14.6% X,R,Q11739 JAARS (888)773-1178 EIN#560818833 Throughpartnerships worldwide, JAARS provides quality technical support servicesand resources to speed Bible translation for all people. 20.0% X,S,W32629 Kids Around the World (815)229-8731 www.kidsaroundtheworld.comEIN#364007250 Builds safe playgrounds and distributes food for childrenaround the world. Trains and provides special materials for teachers to sharethe Bible with children. 21.2% S,O,Z11733 Kids for the Kingdom (800)214-2005 www.kidsforthekingdom.orgEIN#680421846 Transforming living conditions and spiritual lives ofchildren overseas through feeding, orphanages, schools, aid, evangelism,Bible studies, so they can transform their nation for Christ. 3.5% P,O,X93403 MAMA Project, Inc. (215)527-7741 EIN#232993647 MAMA Project’s programs help malnourished children inHonduras, Haiti, and Africa. Our goal is to help children survive and thrivewhen their resources are limited. 5.2% E,P,K27809 MANNA Worldwide, Inc. (817)346-3641 www.mannaworldwide.comEIN#752931604 MANNA Worldwide is committed to addressing thenutritional, educational, and spiritual needs of children and their familiesworldwide regardless of gender, nationality or religion. 5.6% W,X,K13334 Mephibosheth: Transforming Lives Through Vocational Training(Mephibosheth Foundation) (410)552-1424 www.mephibo.orgEIN#522308536 Furnishes vocational training for neglected young adultsenabling them to find meaningful work. This training encourages personnelto launch new businesses that transforms their communities. 7.8% J,B,O94744 Mercy Ships (800)772-7447 EIN#262414132Following the model of Jesus, Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to deliverfree world-class healthcare to the poor and trains local surgeons andhealthcare workers. 16.6% E,S,G12045 Mexican Medical (619)463-4777 EIN#956196019 Providing hope for the poor—sharing God’s love through medical,dental, hospital care, community health programs utilizing Christian medicalteams and other volunteers. 6.5% E,G,X10989 Mission Aviation Fellowship (800)359-7623 EIN#951920983 MAF is a Christian organization that uses aviation, communications,and learning technologies to bring the Gospel and life-sustaining services toisolated areas of the world. 17.4% X,P,S11922 Mission To Children (877)766-2400 www.missiontochildren.orgEIN#952649274 Caring for and cultivating Christlike character in at-riskchildren. Help children overcome life’s obstacles by providing food, shelter,education, healthcare, and Bible-based character training. 20.7% P,O,X21917 Missionary Athletes International (704)841-8644 www.maisoccer.comEIN#330017152 Conducts Biblically-based soccer camps, clinics, teams andinternational tours to meet the spiritual, physical and emotional needs ofyouth around the world. 18.5% X,N,W11734 Moody Bible Institute (Moody Bible Institute of Chicago) (800) EIN#362167792 Provides graduate and tuitionpaidundergraduate Christian education via three campuses and online.Commercial-free broadcasting, missionary aviation training, and publishingare services your donations help provide. 15.4% B,X,Z10990 MOPS International (800)706-7419 EIN#840925251Better moms make a better world! Your gift will help teen, military, single,working moms, stay at home moms and moms in prison. 28.5% X,P,O26099 National Day of Prayer Task Force (National Prayer Committee Inc)(800)444-8828 EIN#751914068 Educating,equipping and mobilizing Christians around the nation to pray for Americaand her leaders, defend our godly heritage and exercise our religiousfreedoms. 27.1% X,P,W11087 Navigators, The (866)568-7827 EIN#846007896Strengthening the personal and spiritual lives of military men and women,and their families, through discipleship, Bible studies, leader development,conferences, counseling, and group activities. 18.1% X,P,O11735 Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. (800)214-4999 www.ncmi.orgEIN#431550318 Challenged by faith to end poverty. Promotes long termsolutions through training, Gifts in kind, economic and communitydevelopment, and micro enterprise projects. 3.0% K,M,P10531 Officers’ Christian Fellowship (The Officers Christian Fellowship of theUnited States of America) (800)424-1984 EIN#381415401Supports military leaders who serve their country. Provides retreats,fellowship, counseling, and other resources to help members and theirfamilies grow together and serve others. 15.2% X,N,O10530 Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corp.(800)730-2537 EIN#541382657 Dedicated to alleviatinghuman need and suffering throughout the world through hunger relief, cleanwater, medical aid, disaster relief and community development programssince 1978. 0.6% P,Q,F11421 Orphan’s Assistance & Rescue Inc. (665)370-2954 EIN#753023308 Rescuing orphans from a life ofdestitution - potential drug and prostitution abuse. Providing qualitylifestyles and training children in music ministry and community outreach.18.9% B,O,W★41

★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★45653 Seeds <strong>of</strong> Learning (707)939-0471 www.seeds<strong>of</strong> EIN#680254397 Thousands <strong>of</strong> children in Nicaragua and El-Salvador have no accessto education or schools. We build schools, provide scholarships, books,pens, pencils, and more. 8.2% S,T,O96619 Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children (212) EIN#131834590 Millions <strong>of</strong> orphans need homesand love. We find loving homes for children needing families, and provideessential care for those remaining in institutions overseas. 63.9% P,O,W35749 ThinkFirst Foundation (630)961-1400 EIN#363730822 Injuries are the leading cause <strong>of</strong> death and disability for children andteens; presentations and programs teach safe choices: safe driving, sportssafety, violence prevention. 18.2% E,M,B47838 Wide Horizons for Children (781)894-5330 EIN#042564960 All children deserve loving families, food, clothing, healthcare,education. We find homes for orphans and help with basic necessities for theworld’s most vulnerable kids. 12.1% P,Q,S73309 Worldfund (World Education and Development Fund) (212) EIN#030483824 In the war against poverty, educationis the key weapon. We support high-quality, results driven education inLatin America -the key to transforming lives. 17.2% B,O,SChristian Service Charities Federationand Member Organizations10171 Christian Service Charities (888)728-2762 EIN#943193374 Christian charities you know and trust, working toovercome poverty, hunger, hopelessness, religious persecution, abuse,disease, illiteracy, homelessness, addiction, broken families and separationfrom God. 3.6% X,W,T11731 700 Club, The (Christian Broadcasting Network Inc) (800) EIN#540678752 CBN proclaims the Gospel <strong>of</strong> Jesus to over200 countries through television programming, Internet programming/resources, medical missions, humanitarian outreaches, discipleship and cellchurchdevelopment. 15.2% X,P,B10978 A Child’s Hope Fund (888)291-6018 www.achildshopefund.orgEIN#953976258 Fight cancer, diabetes, disease and hunger through medicaland food outreaches, health education, prevention and hospice, protectingchildren worldwide from illness, poverty, fear and abuse. 0.7% E,K,M10525 Advocates International (703)894-1084 www.advocatesinternational.orgEIN#541646669 A global network linking advocates in 150 nationspromoting religious freedom and human rights, conflict resolution, and lifeand family while integrating faith and pr<strong>of</strong>ession. 12.7% R,X,W15522 Africa New Life Ministry (Africa New Life Ministries International)(866)979-0393 EIN#481291935 Africa New Lifeexists to break the cycle <strong>of</strong> poverty in Rwanda by providing education, basicnecessities, and spiritual insight to poor children and families. 21.9% X,B,O11290 Aid to Children, Youth and Families (New Hope International) (800)297-9591 EIN#237398878 Provides Christiantraining, orphan care, education (AIDS, STD’s, Alcohol and Drugs) andother aid to children, youth and families in orphanages, schools, camps, andconferences. 15.7% X,B,O10980 AIDS Care Fund (909)793-2009 EIN#330206443Helping people living with HIV/AIDS overcome their loneliness anddespair. Providing counseling, support groups, literature, toll-free hotline,and Christian homes for children dying <strong>of</strong> AIDS. 0.4% E,B,P12172 Alcohol & Drug Recovery Fund (909)793-2009 EIN#330858092 An effective, compassionate ministry savinglives, renewing hope through intervention and faith-based recoverytreatment that provides healing to those affected by alcoholism and drugaddictions. 0.9% F,O,P11726 Alliance Defense Fund (800)835-5233 EIN#541660459 Alegal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth in the areas <strong>of</strong>religious liberty, family values and sanctity <strong>of</strong> life. 21.0% R,X,Z50678 Amen Foundation, The (202)832-5168 www.amenfoundation.orgEIN#521837798 Supports Catholic vocations/ministries, especially inchurches <strong>of</strong> Sub-Saharan Africa. Funds education; trains seminarians,sisters, lay ministers, missionaries who serve people’s spiritual, social,economic needs. 4.6% X,B,P12037 American Family Association (800)326-4543 EIN#640607275 Educates and motivates Christians through radio, television, onlineand print to act on issues affecting families. Examples: media indecency,pornography, abortion, entertainment, education, parenting. 7.5% R,X,B45107 American Missionary Fellowship (610)527-4439 www.amfmission.orgEIN#231381400 AMF creates vibrant communities <strong>of</strong> faith in the US byevangelizing the unchurched who are overlooked and living in rural places,inner-city and high-risk communities. 13.7% X,R,B12038 Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching & Service (ACCTS)(800)487-8108 EIN#237230892 Improves and changesmilitary families’ lives world wide through means <strong>of</strong> Biblically basedteaching, coaching, mentoring and coordinating disaster reliefs efforts.Changed lives change nations. 5.6% X,Q,B10524 Association <strong>of</strong> Christian Schools International (866) EIN#956072567 Empowering Christian schools and educatorsworldwide to provide Christ centered schooling, Pre-K through College, toeffectively prepare students for life through transformed thinking and living.21.0% B,X,Q10981 Association <strong>of</strong> Gospel Rescue Missions (800)473-7832 www.agrm.orgEIN#550479715 Proclaim the passion <strong>of</strong> Jesus toward the hungry, homeless,abused and addicted; and accelerate quality and effectiveness in membermissions through education, training, and resources. 22.3% L,X,P12039 Awana Clubs International (800)222-9262 EIN#362428692 Training and equipping Christian leaders in over 100 countries toconduct programs that create hope by building an enduring biblical faith intheir nation’s children. 15.6% X,O,P10527 Baptist World Alliance (703)790-8980 EIN#530204667Cares for the hungry and homeless <strong>of</strong> the world by providing food,medicine, encouragement, hope. Defends the oppressed/persecuted bypromoting human rights/religious freedom. 12.7% M,Q,K10982 Bible League International (Bible League) (866)825-4636 EIN#362037761 Resourcing churches worldwide byproviding Bibles, study materials, and training for national believers to leadBible studies, share and grow in faith, establish new churches. 26.1% X,S,W12137 Biblica (Formerly International Bible Society) (Biblica US Inc) (888)286-6682 EIN#841194554 Formerly International BibleSociety, we strive to transform lives through God’s Word. We translate theBible and globally distribute it to those seeking its hope. 24.6% X,P,O11727 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (877)247-2426 EIN#410692230 Spreads the message <strong>of</strong> God’s love throughevangelistic outreaches and youth training, crisis counseling, andinternational projects by means <strong>of</strong> print, TV, radio, and Internet. 18.0%X,M,W11864 Blessings International (877)250-8101 EIN#731130590Giving hope to destitute children and adults by providing life-savingpharmaceuticals, vitamins, medical supplies for treating needy patients indeveloping nations and U.S. clinics. 0.3% E,M,G10528 Cadence International (800)396-6680 EIN#846027655A Christian ministry transforming US military communities throughevangelism, Bible studies, counseling, retreats and hospitality to singles,families, youth and children. 17.3% X,O,P12040 Campus Crusade for Christ’s Great Commission Foundation (GreatCommision Foundation <strong>of</strong> Campus Crusade for Christ Inc) (800) EIN#952814920 Military ministry provides“Faith in the Foxhole and Hope on the Home Front.” Christian embassyencourages and equips our country’s leaders and decision-makers. 2.5%X,P,Q10983 Care Net (800)518-7909 EIN#541382723 Saving lives,healing hearts, and ministering compassion through evangelistic ministry towomen and men facing unplanned pregnancies and related sexual issues.15.9% X,F,P11086 Child Abuse Intervention Fund (909)793-2009 www.childabuseintervention \ EIN#330457856 Helping abused children by bringingthem hope and healing through crisis intervention, personal counseling,support groups, legal aid, medical referrals, education, and a nationalhotline. 0.3% F,R,P82907 Child Evangelism Fellowship (800)748-7710 www.cefonline.comEIN#386091187 Our purpose is to evangelize children with the Gospel <strong>of</strong>the Lord Jesus Christ through various classes and programs. 35.8% X,Z11728 Childcare Worldwide (800)553-2328 www.childcareworldwide.orgEIN#953619910 Childcare Worldwide transforms lives, empoweringchildren to survive and succeed through feeding programs and education thatleads to employment. 3.1% B,K,Q10529 Children’s Christian Hunger Network (800)234-3903 EIN#431348499 Providing hurting and underprivilegedchildren in third world countries and America with life-saving food,clothing, housing, and Christian education. Restoring children’s lives withlove. 1.3% K,G,L10984 Children’s Food Fund/World Emergency Relief (World EmergencyRelief) (888)484-4543 EIN#954014743Give children a living chance through emergency relief, food, medical care,schools, orphanages, and micro economic assistance in 24 countries,including Native Americans. 6.4% K,E,P11729 Children’s HopeChest (800)648-9575 EIN#330430285 Provides holistic care to over 10000 orphans and vulnerable childrenin nine countries with food, clean water, education, discipleship, job skills,medical and other needs. 20.9% X,O,P★40

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