CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts

CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts CFC - Combined Federal Campaign of Eastern Massachusetts
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★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★10864 International Association for Human Values (202)558-0231 EIN#522178069 Help us promote common humanity, respect,compassion and social service while celebrating cultural and religiousdiversity. Safe schools, trauma relief for veterans, and disaster relief. 4.7%P,S,O11707 International Fellowship of Christians & Jews (800) EIN#363256096 Promotes understanding between Jews andChristians. Provides relief in Israel and the former Soviet Union. AirliftsJews to Israel through “On Wings of Eagles.” 20.1% P,Q,X60725 International Social Service-United States of America Branch, Inc.(443)451-1201 EIN#132720500 Brings resolution acrossborders when children/ families are separated. Assists family courts toreunite families, provides intercountry home studies for child welfare andcustody cases. 10.2% P,Q,V10434 Jobs! (I C A Group Incorporated) (617)232-8765 www.ica-group.orgEIN#042628399 Help create jobs! We fight poverty in America by startingnew businesses in poor communities, saving struggling companies fromclosure, and investing in community-based projects. 10.2% J,S,W10676 Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Inc. (202) EIN#521069070 One of the nation’s leading research/policy institutions and the only such institution focusing primarily onconcerns of African Americans and other people of color. 14.2% V,R,W55090 Jubilee USA Network (202)783-3566 EIN#030582216Fifty million more live in extreme poverty since the economic crisis. Fightthis injustice through poor country debt cancellation and restoring rightrelationships between nations. 20.6% R,S,Q12109 Kiwanis International Foundation, Inc. (800)549-2647 EIN#366072039 Global organization of volunteers dedicated to changingthe world one child and one community at a time by providing grants andscholarships. 69.6% T,O,Y10741 Leadership Conference Education Fund (202)466-3311 EIN#237026895 Educates for nation’s civil and human rightscoalition, representing people of color, women, children, older Americans,people with disabilities, gay rights, workers rights, etc. 14.9% R,V,Y12103 Malaria - Nothing But Nets (United Nations Foundation) (202) EIN#582368165 Every 45 seconds a child in Africadies from malaria. Its preventable- only $10 provides an insecticide-treatedbed net. Send a net. Save a life. 10.4% G,E,W63345 Marijuana Policy Project Foundation (202)905-2018 www.mpp.orgEIN#521975211 Someone is arrested for a marijuana offense every 36seconds in the U.S. Help us tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol. 36.8%R,W,I12489 Media Research Center (800)672-1423 www.mediaresearch.orgEIN#541429009 The premier media watchdog whose mission is to exposebias and to ensure Americans receive fair, balanced, and accurate reportingfrom the media. 29.0% B,P,V11194 Mercy Flight Southeast (888)744-8263 www.mercyflightse.orgEIN#592697223 Coordinating free air transportation for children and adultswith medical or compelling humanitarian needs. Assisting cancer patients,organ transplant recipients/ donors, abuse victims, and veterans. 13.2%E,P,M10329 Minority Media & Telecommunications Council (202) EIN#521880677 Promote minority employment andownership in media and telecom. We represent civil rights organizationsbefore the FCC and train students to practice communications law. 9.9%R,B,J10690 National Center for Policy Analysis (972)386-6272 www.ncpa.orgEIN#751804932 Innovative ideas. Encouraging small business growth.Lowering taxes. Entrepreneurial solutions for public policy problems. Helpus create a strong economy and a stronger America. 11.0% W,B,R10110 National Congress of American Indians (202)466-7767 www.ncai.orgEIN#536017907 The principal organization of American Indian/AlaskaNative tribes and individuals, works to advance the rights of Native peoplethrough outreach, advocacy, research and education. 19.5% R,S,P12155 National Organization for Victim Assistance (703) EIN#591669254 Help those devastated by crime anddisaster. We specialize in crisis intervention and victim advocacy. CrisisResponse Teams; special direct service projects; 24-hour helpline. 12.5%F,P,I11708 National Peace Corps Association (202)293-7728 EIN#581431113 Build a more peaceful world. Promote globaleducation. Advocate for principled, cooperative foreign policy. Serve yourlocal and global family. 5.7% Y,S,B11699 New Ways Ministry (301)277-5674 www.newwaysministry.orgEIN#521122608 Addresses discrimination against lesbian/ gay persons inthe Catholic Church. Combats homophobia and promotes attitudinal changeand acceptance within the larger Christian and civil communities. 9.8%X,R,W11535 Oxford House (301)587-2916 EIN#521582231Recovering alcoholics and drug addicts throughout the country establish andmaintain self-run, self-supported recovery homes to achieve lifelong sobrietywith the help of Oxford House. 11.3% L,P,F12110 Partnership for Public Service (202)775-9111 www.ourpublicservice.orgEIN#061540513 The Partnership for Public Service works to revitalize ourfederal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and bytransforming the way government works. 42.5% W,J,B10681 Patient Advocate Foundation (800)532-5274 www.patientadvocate.orgEIN#541806317 Ensuring access to care for patients with chronic, lifethreateningor debilitating illnesses through education, empowerment andmediation utilizing case managers and a national resource network. 6.8%P,E,R10683 Results Educational Fund (202)783-4800 EIN#953747267 Hunger and poverty cost effective solutions promoted throughpublic education and advocacy in the US and around the world. 10.2%S,R,K11539 Security Through Science (Federation of American Scientists) (202)546-3300 EIN#237185827 Provides policy-makers and the publicwith scientific analysis and policy recommendations on issues concerningnuclear weapons, biosecurity, arms trade, government secrecy, education,and energy security. 26.5% Q,U,M63249 Sentinels of Freedom Scholarship Foundation (925) EIN#208139201 Honor the sacrifice ofseverely injured veterans’ and their commitment to guarding America’sfreedoms. Our life-changing “scholarships” provide independence viahousing, job placement, transportation, education. 59.1% J,L,P90733 Silver Star Families of America (417)743-2508 silverstarfamilies.orgEIN#203940415 We will never forget the sacrifice. Help honor wounded, ill,injured and dying service members from all wars. Donate and let them knowyou care. 18.6% W,P,F10685 Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP (312) EIN#364154398 Children should never be sexuallyabused. Sexual predators should never lead religious institutions. Help usheal victims and protect individuals from sexual abuse by clergy. 2.5%W,R,I11711 Travelers Aid International (202)546-1127 www.travelersaid.orgEIN#592506390 Working poor who become stranded. Women with childrenfleeing domestic violence. Seniors and travelers with physical and mentalchallenges needing protection. Help us help them. 9.1% P,F,S56337 Trevor Project (310)271-8845 EIN#954681287Crisis and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth. We provide life-saving andlife-affirming resources that create a safe, supportive and positiveenvironment for all; 24/7 lifeline. 29.8% F,O,P11187 United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc. (215) EIN#231360863 UUARC provides humanitarian aid toUkrainians throughout the world, distributing medical supplies, clothing,educational materials, and establishing educational and immigrant programsin Ukraine and USA. 8.8% P,M,W27426 Vets 4 Vets (Deep Democracy) (520)319-5500 EIN#201398650 Provides peer support for Iraq and Afghanistan-era veterans throughfree residential weekend workshops, local support groups, and one-on-onenetworking. 12.3% Y,B,W12314 Whirlwind Wheelchair International (The University Corporation SanFrancisco State) (415)338-6277 www.whirlwindwheelchair.orgEIN#941384645 Whirlwind designs wheelchairs for active use that are builtand used in developing countries. Promotes wheelchair standards, smallbusiness development, and disability advocacy. 16.0% E,S,R10321 Winn Feline Foundation, Inc. (908)359-1184 www.winnfelinehealth.orgEIN#237138699 Dedicated to the health and welfare of all cats. We fundhealth research which helps your veterinarian to improve treatment andprevent many feline diseases. 23.7% D,W,H11049 World Federation for Mental Health (703)494-6515 www.wfmh.orgEIN#541308953 Support our work to advance mental health awareness.Help prevent mental illness. And improve the care, treatment and recoveryof people who suffer from it. 21.7% F,B,W37190 Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation (540)373-2766 EIN#208618412 Supporting Wounded EOD Warriors andfamilies who are injured while serving their country and conducting theirduties of removing deadly unexploded ordnance and terrorist devices. 8.0%E,P,Z★30

★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★Children’s Charities of AmericaFederation and Member Organizations11804 Children’s Charities of America (800)374-1578 EIN#943148588 All children are our future. They all deserve our love.Join us to feed, teach, protect, and nurture children in America and aroundthe world. 2.4% P,O,Z12410 1-800-RUNAWAY (National Runaway Switchboard) (800) EIN#362726331 Millions of youth run away eachyear. Help keep our runaway and at-risk youth safe and off the streets.Providing support 24/7, whenever needed. 18.4% F,O,P11119 4-H: National 4-H Council (National 4-H Council) (301)961-2800 EIN#362862206 4-H prepares young people to become confident,passionate leaders ready for success in our rapidly changing world throughclubs, camps, and after-school experiences. 22.7% O,B,K11198 A Child is Adopted (Americans for International Aid and Adoption)(248)362-1207 EIN#382058290 Bringingorphaned or abandoned children and adoptive parents together throughinternational adoption while providing humanitarian aid to children in needin the US and overseas. 2.1% P,O,Q30836 Abandoned Children’s Fund (888)884-0567 EIN#205967513 Thousands of innocent orphans, cruellyabandoned: alone, hungry, desperate, terrified victims of disease, war,extreme poverty. Please help us house, feed, love and rehabilitate them.3.0% P,W,L12462 Abandoned Little Angels Nhom Tinh Thuong (281)531-8267 EIN#030432991 Shares gift of love by ways ofdistributing physical and monetary gifts to the needy children of Vietnam,especially those who are handicapped and orphaned. 0.5% O,P,L11138 Abandoned, Orphaned and Disadvantaged Children’s ServicesWorldwide - Pearl S. Buck International (Pearl S Buck International Inc)(800)220-BUCK EIN#231637212 Child biracialdiscrimination is devastating! Help us turn the tide, by advancing the legacyof our founder through adoption, humanitarian and cross-culturaleducational programs. 11.7% A,S,Q12128 Adopt All Orphans (National Council for Adoption) (703) EIN#751721671 Children orphaned through warand disease are waiting for new forever families. Help provide lovingparents and permanent homes for these desperate children. 20.8% P,W,O12014 Adopt America’s Children (Spaulding for Children) (248) EIN#381871660 Children: sexually abused, battered,abandoned. These children need loving adoptive families the most. Webelieve every child deserves a loving family. Help us, help them! 10.1%O,P,F11805 Adoptable Children (North American Council) (North American Councilon Adoptable Children Inc DBA Adoptable) (651)644-3036 www.nacac.orgEIN#510188951 More than 114,000 foster children need adoptive families.Your donation helps find loving parents for these children, support adoptivefamilies, and raise adoption awareness. 15.2% P,O,S12218 Adopting Children Worldwide (Family Adoption Consultants) (269)343-3316 EIN#382686142 Our goal; get children off thestreets and into safe homes. Providing ethical adoption services as well asaid to homeless children. 10.1% O,P,Z10365 Adoption and Humanitarian Aid - MAPS (MAPS) (207)775-4101 EIN#010348849 Too many children are parentless,homeless, abused, neglected, abandoned. Help children through adoption,foster care, aid, family counseling, unplanned pregnancy counseling, andhomeless shelter services. 10.9% F,P,L11347 Adoption Center (National Adoption Center) (800)TO-ADOPT EIN#231966667 There are no unwanted children, just unfoundfamilies. Expanding adoption opportunities for children with special needsand sibling groups who want to stay together. 13.0% O,P,W10364 Adoption Exchange (800)451-5246 EIN#840793576There are 114,500 abused children in foster care WAITING for permanent,adoptive families. Don’t make them wait! Help us find families for neglectedchildren. 21.6% O,P,W11806 Adoption Links Worldwide (402)556-2367 EIN#470766741 Every child, in foster care and orphanages abroad, is entitled to asafe and loving family. Help us find adoptive families for children who wait.11.6% P,F,O10366 Adoptions International - JCICS (Joint Council on International ChildrensServices) (703)535-8045 EIN#911171174 Millions ofchildren desperately need loving, permanent families. We promote higherchild welfare standards, collaborate with governments and service providers,and educate adoptive parents. 14.4% O,R,Q12025 After A Child Dies-The Compassionate Friends (Compassionate FriendsInc) (877)969-0010 EIN#362968329 Achild’s death is devastating. Parents are inconsolable. Siblings experience arollercoaster of emotions. Devastated grandparents are in shocked disbelief.We help families to cope. 16.5% P,Y,W21312 Aid for Abused Children, Inc. (707)318-9400 EIN#593254371 Thousands of innocent children, tragically hurtevery day by emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Help protect and restorethrough prevention, rehabilitation and God’s love. 1.5% P,L,K31139 Alliance for Youth Achievement, Inc. (865)983-5863 www.allforyouth.orgEIN#841503406 Hungry. Alone. Hopeless. Help us provide food, homes,education, and medical care to orphans and impoverished children. Yoursupport can change a child’s life. 6.2% O,K,B12216 American Indian Children’s Hunger Fund (602)568-0414 EIN#860450338 Healing forgotten and hurting Indianchildren by providing intelligent, compassionate programs. Lifesaving food,clothing, counseling and Christian education to impoverished families.Restoring lives with love! 2.4% G,K,P11876 American Indian Youth Running Strong (888)491-9859 www.indianyouth.orgEIN#541594578 Raising self-esteem of Native American children.Providing relief and development assistance to Indian Reservations.Teaching traditional life skills, healthy lifestyles and respect for theenvironment. 4.4% O,K,S43627 Americans Away From Home (916)688-1574 EIN#352209337 Reachingout to Americans in foreign lands. Helping American youth in othercountries abandoned by US parents. Transporting them to and providinghomes in USA. 4.2% P,R,T66272 America’s Unwanted Children (915)317-5527 EIN#270153927 Thousands of unwanted, unloved, hurtingchildren: help us provide a future with belonging, love, identity and purpose;shelter, food, medical care, education and vocational training. 0.2% K,L,P12404 Assisting Children with Disabilities (Loving Hands Outreach) (909)844-0950 EIN#954812737 Assisting children withmental and physical disabilities. Our primary goal is to improve the qualityof life for these special children. 4.7% O,E,Z11808 Autism Society of America (800)3-AUTISM www.autism-society.orgEIN#521020149 The Autism Society improves lives by funding therapeuticresearch, advocating for appropriate services across the lifespan, and byproviding information regarding treatment, education, research, advocacy.27.3% G,H,F12016 Best Buddies for Children and Adults with Intellectual andDevelopmental Disabilities (Best Buddies International Inc) (800)89-BUDDY EIN#521614576 Children with intellectualdisabilities often experience loneliness and isolation. Change their futures bymatching them with volunteers and creating extraordinary friendships (“BestBuddies”) for life! 15.0% P,O,W11348 Bethany Christian Services International (Bethany Christian Services)(800)BETHANY EIN#383291546 Bethany finds lovingfamilies for homeless children, many of whom are living in orphanages; andbrings the joy of parenthood to families through international adoption.11.1% P,F,O11189 Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) (215)567-7000 EIN#231365190 Helps children reach their fullpotential through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoringrelationships with measurable impact. 17.2% O,P,W11122 Blind Children and Adults Action Fund of America (AmericanBrotherhood for the Blind DBA Blind Children and Adults) (410) EIN#521192529 Reducing the 90% illiteracy rateamong the blind by helping blind children learn Braille through readingclubs, summer programs, free Braille books, assistance to parents. 18.7%B,R,W11809 Blind Children’s Fund (989)779-9966 www.blindchildrensfund.orgEIN#382226033 Giving parents and professionals the tools they need tosuccessfully teach and nurture blind, visually and multi-impaired children togrow into independent, self-sufficient adults. 21.4% E,O,P30074 Boys & Girls Clubs of America (404)487-5700 EIN#135562976 Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who needus most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsiblecitizens. 19.1% O,N,A10376 Boys Hope Girls Hope (877)878-HOPE www.boyshopegirlshope.orgEIN#510182614 We help academically capable and motivated children-inneedmeet their full potential by providing value-centered, family-likehomes, opportunities and education. All children deserve guidance andsupport. -144.0% O,B,W11076 Camp Courageous (Camp Courageous of Iowa) (319)465-5916 EIN#237210932 Thousands of campers withdisabilities attend Courageous’ recreational and respite facilities annually.Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Run entirely on donations. 9.6%N,P,E★31

★ ★ ★ NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ★ ★ ★10864 International Association for Human Values (202)558-0231 EIN#522178069 Help us promote common humanity, respect,compassion and social service while celebrating cultural and religiousdiversity. Safe schools, trauma relief for veterans, and disaster relief. 4.7%P,S,O11707 International Fellowship <strong>of</strong> Christians & Jews (800) EIN#363256096 Promotes understanding between Jews andChristians. Provides relief in Israel and the former Soviet Union. AirliftsJews to Israel through “On Wings <strong>of</strong> Eagles.” 20.1% P,Q,X60725 International Social Service-United States <strong>of</strong> America Branch, Inc.(443)451-1201 EIN#132720500 Brings resolution acrossborders when children/ families are separated. Assists family courts toreunite families, provides intercountry home studies for child welfare andcustody cases. 10.2% P,Q,V10434 Jobs! (I C A Group Incorporated) (617)232-8765 www.ica-group.orgEIN#042628399 Help create jobs! We fight poverty in America by startingnew businesses in poor communities, saving struggling companies fromclosure, and investing in community-based projects. 10.2% J,S,W10676 Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Inc. (202) EIN#521069070 One <strong>of</strong> the nation’s leading research/policy institutions and the only such institution focusing primarily onconcerns <strong>of</strong> African Americans and other people <strong>of</strong> color. 14.2% V,R,W55090 Jubilee USA Network (202)783-3566 EIN#030582216Fifty million more live in extreme poverty since the economic crisis. Fightthis injustice through poor country debt cancellation and restoring rightrelationships between nations. 20.6% R,S,Q12109 Kiwanis International Foundation, Inc. (800)549-2647 EIN#366072039 Global organization <strong>of</strong> volunteers dedicated to changingthe world one child and one community at a time by providing grants andscholarships. 69.6% T,O,Y10741 Leadership Conference Education Fund (202)466-3311 EIN#237026895 Educates for nation’s civil and human rightscoalition, representing people <strong>of</strong> color, women, children, older Americans,people with disabilities, gay rights, workers rights, etc. 14.9% R,V,Y12103 Malaria - Nothing But Nets (United Nations Foundation) (202) EIN#582368165 Every 45 seconds a child in Africadies from malaria. Its preventable- only $10 provides an insecticide-treatedbed net. Send a net. Save a life. 10.4% G,E,W63345 Marijuana Policy Project Foundation (202)905-2018 www.mpp.orgEIN#521975211 Someone is arrested for a marijuana <strong>of</strong>fense every 36seconds in the U.S. Help us tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol. 36.8%R,W,I12489 Media Research Center (800)672-1423 www.mediaresearch.orgEIN#541429009 The premier media watchdog whose mission is to exposebias and to ensure Americans receive fair, balanced, and accurate reportingfrom the media. 29.0% B,P,V11194 Mercy Flight Southeast (888)744-8263 www.mercyflightse.orgEIN#592697223 Coordinating free air transportation for children and adultswith medical or compelling humanitarian needs. Assisting cancer patients,organ transplant recipients/ donors, abuse victims, and veterans. 13.2%E,P,M10329 Minority Media & Telecommunications Council (202) EIN#521880677 Promote minority employment andownership in media and telecom. We represent civil rights organizationsbefore the FCC and train students to practice communications law. 9.9%R,B,J10690 National Center for Policy Analysis (972)386-6272 www.ncpa.orgEIN#751804932 Innovative ideas. Encouraging small business growth.Lowering taxes. Entrepreneurial solutions for public policy problems. Helpus create a strong economy and a stronger America. 11.0% W,B,R10110 National Congress <strong>of</strong> American Indians (202)466-7767 www.ncai.orgEIN#536017907 The principal organization <strong>of</strong> American Indian/AlaskaNative tribes and individuals, works to advance the rights <strong>of</strong> Native peoplethrough outreach, advocacy, research and education. 19.5% R,S,P12155 National Organization for Victim Assistance (703) EIN#591669254 Help those devastated by crime anddisaster. We specialize in crisis intervention and victim advocacy. CrisisResponse Teams; special direct service projects; 24-hour helpline. 12.5%F,P,I11708 National Peace Corps Association (202)293-7728 EIN#581431113 Build a more peaceful world. Promote globaleducation. Advocate for principled, cooperative foreign policy. Serve yourlocal and global family. 5.7% Y,S,B11699 New Ways Ministry (301)277-5674 www.newwaysministry.orgEIN#521122608 Addresses discrimination against lesbian/ gay persons inthe Catholic Church. Combats homophobia and promotes attitudinal changeand acceptance within the larger Christian and civil communities. 9.8%X,R,W11535 Oxford House (301)587-2916 EIN#521582231Recovering alcoholics and drug addicts throughout the country establish andmaintain self-run, self-supported recovery homes to achieve lifelong sobrietywith the help <strong>of</strong> Oxford House. 11.3% L,P,F12110 Partnership for Public Service (202)775-9111 www.ourpublicservice.orgEIN#061540513 The Partnership for Public Service works to revitalize ourfederal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and bytransforming the way government works. 42.5% W,J,B10681 Patient Advocate Foundation (800)532-5274 www.patientadvocate.orgEIN#541806317 Ensuring access to care for patients with chronic, lifethreateningor debilitating illnesses through education, empowerment andmediation utilizing case managers and a national resource network. 6.8%P,E,R10683 Results Educational Fund (202)783-4800 EIN#953747267 Hunger and poverty cost effective solutions promoted throughpublic education and advocacy in the US and around the world. 10.2%S,R,K11539 Security Through Science (Federation <strong>of</strong> American Scientists) (202)546-3300 EIN#237185827 Provides policy-makers and the publicwith scientific analysis and policy recommendations on issues concerningnuclear weapons, biosecurity, arms trade, government secrecy, education,and energy security. 26.5% Q,U,M63249 Sentinels <strong>of</strong> Freedom Scholarship Foundation (925)353-7100www.sentinels<strong>of</strong> EIN#208139201 Honor the sacrifice <strong>of</strong>severely injured veterans’ and their commitment to guarding America’sfreedoms. Our life-changing “scholarships” provide independence viahousing, job placement, transportation, education. 59.1% J,L,P90733 Silver Star Families <strong>of</strong> America (417)743-2508 silverstarfamilies.orgEIN#203940415 We will never forget the sacrifice. Help honor wounded, ill,injured and dying service members from all wars. Donate and let them knowyou care. 18.6% W,P,F10685 Survivors Network <strong>of</strong> those Abused by Priests, SNAP (312) EIN#364154398 Children should never be sexuallyabused. Sexual predators should never lead religious institutions. Help usheal victims and protect individuals from sexual abuse by clergy. 2.5%W,R,I11711 Travelers Aid International (202)546-1127 www.travelersaid.orgEIN#592506390 Working poor who become stranded. Women with childrenfleeing domestic violence. Seniors and travelers with physical and mentalchallenges needing protection. Help us help them. 9.1% P,F,S56337 Trevor Project (310)271-8845 EIN#954681287Crisis and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth. We provide life-saving andlife-affirming resources that create a safe, supportive and positiveenvironment for all; 24/7 lifeline. 29.8% F,O,P11187 United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc. (215) EIN#231360863 UUARC provides humanitarian aid toUkrainians throughout the world, distributing medical supplies, clothing,educational materials, and establishing educational and immigrant programsin Ukraine and USA. 8.8% P,M,W27426 Vets 4 Vets (Deep Democracy) (520)319-5500 EIN#201398650 Provides peer support for Iraq and Afghanistan-era veterans throughfree residential weekend workshops, local support groups, and one-on-onenetworking. 12.3% Y,B,W12314 Whirlwind Wheelchair International (The University Corporation SanFrancisco State) (415)338-6277 www.whirlwindwheelchair.orgEIN#941384645 Whirlwind designs wheelchairs for active use that are builtand used in developing countries. Promotes wheelchair standards, smallbusiness development, and disability advocacy. 16.0% E,S,R10321 Winn Feline Foundation, Inc. (908)359-1184 www.winnfelinehealth.orgEIN#237138699 Dedicated to the health and welfare <strong>of</strong> all cats. We fundhealth research which helps your veterinarian to improve treatment andprevent many feline diseases. 23.7% D,W,H11049 World Federation for Mental Health (703)494-6515 www.wfmh.orgEIN#541308953 Support our work to advance mental health awareness.Help prevent mental illness. And improve the care, treatment and recovery<strong>of</strong> people who suffer from it. 21.7% F,B,W37190 Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation (540)373-2766 EIN#208618412 Supporting Wounded EOD Warriors andfamilies who are injured while serving their country and conducting theirduties <strong>of</strong> removing deadly unexploded ordnance and terrorist devices. 8.0%E,P,Z★30

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