Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...


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eats with rne. I am f,ying out byCornet and wonder whether it wouldbe kind to take my cats also by air.There is no cruelty involved in takingcats by air, for if they are in suitableboxes they will not be affected by heightbecause airliner cabins are pressurised.\\hether you will be able to take yourcats on the same plane as _vou travelyourself is a matter you wili have to settlewith the airline. They are accustomedto dealing rvith the transport <strong>of</strong> animalsand will tell vou how to arrange things.There are several firms which specialisein the transport <strong>of</strong> animals both by iand,sea and air, but, as a first step, approachB.O.A.C. Your cats mav find the PersianGulf as difficult to tolerate at first as youwill yoursell, but if thev can find shadethey lvill soon become used to the heat.Popular Inn SignWhat association can a cat havewith a ffddle ? I have several tirnescome acfoss an inn called " The Catand the Fiddle," but I cannot ffndany reasonable explanation <strong>of</strong> thetitle, Is there one ?There is a simple explanation which isbased on the aptitude <strong>of</strong> the English forcorrupting foreign expressions to theirown uses. The inn name really means" The Faithful Cat," a name which iseasily understood. In French this rvouldbe " Le Chat Fiddle." The French wordfor " faithful " easily became " fiddle "and there you are. It's a case <strong>of</strong> believeit or not.Troubled by FleasParticularly during the sumrnerrnonths I find that rny Black cat actcas host to a great rnany fleas. Welive on a farrn and she can wanderabout where she likes. Is there anysafe powder which can be used ?All cats have fleas from time to timeand these little pests are at their worstduring the summer. When a cat liveson a farm there are so many more chances<strong>of</strong> picking up fleas that during thesummer the cat should be carefullygroomed every day and a safe powdershould then be rubbed into the coat atleast once a week. This will not makecertain that there will be no fleas at all,but it u'ill ensure that they do not becornelegion. If you buy an insecticide rvhichis prepared specially for cats, your catwill come to no harm. There are severalfirms <strong>of</strong> repute which market suchpou'ders.On Starting a StudI arn thinking <strong>of</strong> keeping a studcat, a Siarnese. As I am a novice Ishould be glad if you would tell mehow many times the stud should beallowed to rnate a visiting queen.If vou are really a novice I shouldfirst get in touch with any well-knownbreeder <strong>of</strong> Siamese who lives near you.Before you embark upon stud work, domake sure that your male is good enoughfor the job. OnIy an expert can tell you.It would also be rvise to go to a studowner who has a number <strong>of</strong> visitingqueens so that you can see what studwork entails. You may not be so keenafter that, but you will see how theexperienced breeder sets about the task.Only' one mating is necessarv, but moststud ow'ners like to allorv two abouttwentv-four hours apart as this <strong>of</strong>tenmakes sure that the queen does not haveto be sent back again. It must beemphasised that stud work is not easvand the " know-how " only comes fromexperience.Frederick James Gallagher, a 17 -yearoldyouth <strong>of</strong> Hayes, Middlesex, wasjailed for two weeks and ordered to paycosts for cruelty to a cat. Police evidencerevealed that Gallagher said that he" thought the kitten looked thin " as itran after him. So he put it down adrain !32

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