Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...


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AMERICAN NEWSLETTERPaws a,eross aa The Pond, teFrom BILLIE BANCROFT(American Associate Editor)OST <strong>of</strong> the Federation andAssociation members are preparingfor the two big showsthat are first up-meaning the pennState Cat Club in Philadelphia and theGarden State Cat Club who will havetheir show in Newark, New Jersey, justacross the river from New York. Alreadythere is much excitement regarding thejudging visit <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Mrs</strong>. A. Vize fromBanstead, Surrey. Yesterday two airmailletters arrived lrom Wisconsin-almostas far away from New York City asLondon*asking ifJudge Vize is as goodas charming Judge Yorke. This, <strong>of</strong>course, is hard for me to answer but I'Ilbet dollars to dough-nuts that Miss ElsieG. Hydon. herself a rvorld-famous judge,would not har.e invited <strong>Mrs</strong>. Vize if shehad not been outsrandinglv good. M1.answer to those ts'o letters is : " Br.allmeans come on to Garden State. "***I have been talking with Judge Nack<strong>of</strong> Phiiadelphia. She tells me that thelvee kit sent to her from England wasabsolutely tops and if she herself hadpicked this particular kit lrom the iitter,she could not have been better pleased.I understand that she did have a difficulttrme getting it away from the plane<strong>of</strong>ficials. They a1l wanted to adopt itand during the journey our ir was veryspoiled as to feeding and personalattention. When " Nick - Nack " ispleased over anything she tells the world,***Two <strong>of</strong> the big problems that seem tobe bothering breeders is getting theFrost Point Siamese accepted as a classand more stringent rules regarding theAbyssinians. Last season there wasquite a bit <strong>of</strong> acid criticism regarding2sthe markings. I talked with a very rvellknownbreeder who has had years <strong>of</strong>experience with the Abys. and she tellsme some truths that all breeders shouldknow. America is gaining quire afollowing in Abyssinians. There arethree <strong>of</strong> our top-bracket breeders whohave made a reputation r,vith them herein the eastern part <strong>of</strong> America. Theyare <strong>Mrs</strong>. Jane Stackhouse, Judge DorisO'Connell and <strong>Mrs</strong>. Judy Smith. In theextreme western section there are quite afew r,vho have specialized in this particularbreed. I hope to tell you more <strong>of</strong>them later.**Another moot point that is disturbing afew breeders-and I do mean a few-isthe Blue-Smokes. I interviewed a Smokebreeder as to her opinion and reactionregarding this class. She sc<strong>of</strong>fed andhooted at the verv idea, emphaticallyinforming me that there is no suchanimal. As I've never been interestedin Smokes I can't agree or contradict.Only thing I can think <strong>of</strong> is-it wouldseem rather curious to find a Blue-Smokelisted in our shows. Surely they shouldgo in the A.O.C. class ?r**Several letters have reached me lromour English cousins regarding ourSilvers. No, very definitely no, we donot prefer the dark Silvers. They mustmeasure up to our show rules and ciassifications.We do have some very finespecimens over here. The various Associationsand Federation differ a bit inclassification but the objective seems tobe the same. I have seldom seen alarger than small average Silver. Theirbone structure does not measure up rothe Blues, for instance, and I'm one <strong>of</strong>

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