Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...


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havc bccn in onc <strong>of</strong> thc {irst thrcc places<strong>of</strong> their Open class at a Championshipsholr', or have won a first in their breedclass at a non-championship sholv. AIsoa cat could be eligible ibr this section ifthree <strong>of</strong> his progeny by different quccnswon under similar conditions in theirkitten classes.In the second section would be risted allthose cats who do not qualily lbr thcscconditions. The argunent u'ill naturall;-be that breeclers can't be forced to usecertain cats, but at least a number <strong>of</strong>keen novices lvould be helped, and theSiamese Cat Club itsclf rvould be showingdiscrimination.Stricter JudgingAnother idea is that at thc Siamesi:Cat Club Shol' the Open \falc classshoulcl be restr;'cted to those rvinnersfrom other shorrs n'ho lvould be eliqiblcfor the Approved Section <strong>of</strong> thc Stud list.This lvould kecp out the exceptionallr'had .n'..imcns and "ii ' a lrallrnark Lothc shou'. The committee might issuca dircctivc to all club.judges asking themto be more strict in arvarding prizes, andalso not to sprinkle r.h.c.s and h.c.'sunless thc exhibits realll narranted thecards.\\ie thcn get the grading scheme. usedin urh-r breeds uf lir estocl

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