Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...

Mrs. Norah Andrews - Kyina & Talisker Cats Breeders of Russian ...


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pity the poor cat with no claws withwhich to defend himself !I also think it is a great source <strong>of</strong>enjoyment, if not only instructive, fora cat to be able to climb a tree or scramblcover a fence in play and while I amcertainly in accord with the spaying andneutering <strong>of</strong> pets, I would never depriveanv cat <strong>of</strong> mine <strong>of</strong> her clalvs<strong>Mrs</strong>. Victor,Peterboro, Ontario, Canada.THEY KNEW THE TIME<strong>Mrs</strong>. Bentley's letter in your Septemberissue about her Champion MockbridgeBlue Moon knowing when to expect herm jsrre.s home is most inreresr ing.Only a few weeks ago a fe11ow breedertold me the following anecdote : Thislady lives in London and for some weeksshe attended a series <strong>of</strong> concerts abouttwenty minutes walk from her flat. Herhusband \r'as in the habit <strong>of</strong> meeting hiswife at the hall to escort her home. Thetwo pet cats, undisturbed by the husband'sexit. became reslless lwenl)'minutes after his cleparture and took upa position near the front door. Theirbehaviour was rvatched and timed by amutual friend on sereral uccasions.I need hardly add that these two catsare much loved and are themselvesdevoted to their breeder and ou'ners.<strong>Mrs</strong>. J. M. Nervton,Moulsford Grange. Berks.YOUR HELP IS NEEDEDI have just seen the September issue<strong>of</strong> your wonderful Magazine in rvhichyou har.e published a most excellent andtruthful article concerning Miss Dransfield'sfine rvork lor the numerous strayanimals, particularly cats, and also sickand injured ones, in this great industrialarea (Newcastle-on-Tyne). I was mostimpressed.I must emphatically confirm that theposition lor cats here is absolutely desperateand our present large and powerfu1animal society seems unable to extendits work to a shelter {br these unhappycreatures. whose numbers are everincreasing in our city and surrounds.I2I do hope that bv some means \IissDransfield will be able to run rh.' kincl<strong>of</strong> sanctuary she wants. There is nobodr'more capable. more sell-sacri6.ilg andmore efficient. A great deal <strong>of</strong>harm uasdone to hcr work by an article in anational newspaper, rvhich indicated heras a woman <strong>of</strong> wealth living in luxury andkeeping under her rool'numerous cats atone time.Holvever, rve can only hope that thistragic position *.ill er.entuallv come tothe ears <strong>of</strong> animal lor-ers lvho u'ill set thedesired project going. C)nce it is started,this good ladv and her circie <strong>of</strong> helpersand friends. rrould. I am sure, " keepthe ball rolling " to thc desired end.We are hoping that one day the Tyncsidecats will find that lif'e. even if they arelost or injured. has not come completelyto an end.N{iss Renee Minski,Gosforth. \ervcastle-on-Tyne 3.This is one <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> letterswe have received from readers whohave come in contact with MissDransfi.eld's fine work in Newcastleamong the army <strong>of</strong> unwanted anduncared for cats. This district is ablack spot where substantial helpis urgently needed. The Newcastle" Evening Chronicle " recently publishedan article pointing out thatwell over 20,(X)0 stray cats living inderelict buildings and on bombedsites were endangering the city'shygiene. Gifts, however small, willbe gratefully received, acknowledgedand put to practical use by MissDransfield. Her address is 21Queents Road, Jesrnond, Newcastleon-Tyne2. Will you please see whatyou can do to help this really worthwhilecause ?-Europ.The amusing little sketches which alarn tltt heading<strong>of</strong> the fletious hage are repfoluced b.t l:inl t;nnission<strong>of</strong> Marguerite Chapnan <strong>of</strong> San Frantisto. a.h,tse anitnaldrau,ings are so uell-hnau,n thrlLtghout t]:e .lntricos.

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