Fractured Fairy Tales - Longwood Public Library

Fractured Fairy Tales - Longwood Public Library Fractured Fairy Tales - Longwood Public Library
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Longwood Public Library800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953Fractured Fairy TalesPicture Books/NonfictionAda, Alma Flor. Dear Peter Rabbit.Presents letters between such fairy tale characters as Goldilocks, Baby Bear, PeterRabbit, and the Three Pigs. (Picture Book- ADA)Calmenson, Stephanie. The Principal’s New Clothes.In this version of the Andersen tale the vain principal of P.S. 88 is persuaded by twotailors that they will make him an amazing, one-of-a-kind, suit that will be visible onlyto intelligent people who are good at their jobs. (Picture Book- CAL)Campbell, Anne. Once Upon a Princess and a Pea.In a modern interpretation of the classic fairy tale, the independent-minded PrincessEsmerelda proves her royalty by feeling a pea through twenty mattresses. (PictureBook- Older Reader CAM)Emberley, Erica. Three Cool Kids.This retelling of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" is set in the heart of a city where anenormous rat tries to keep three goats from crossing the street. (398.2948 EMB)Ernst, Christine Campbell. Goldilocks Returns.Thirty years after Goldilocks first met the three bears, she returns to fix up theircottage and soothe her guilty conscience. (Picture Book- ERN)Ernst, Christine Campbell. The Gingerbread Girl.Like her older brother, the Gingerbread Boy, who was eventually devoured by a fox,the Gingerbread Girl eludes the many people who would like to eat her but also hasa plan to escape her sibling's fate. (398.2 GIN)Ernst, Christine Campbell. Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale.An updated version, set on the prairie, of the familiar story about a little girl, hergrandmother, and a not-so-clever wolf. (398.2 RED)Fearnley, Jan. Mr. Wolf and the Three Bears.When Goldilocks invit es herself t o Baby Bear's birt hday part y t henbehaves at rociously, spoiling all of Mr. Wolf's and Grandm a's hard w ork,Grandm a know s just w hat t o do. (Pict ure Book- FEA)

<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953<strong>Fractured</strong> <strong>Fairy</strong> <strong>Tales</strong>Picture Books/NonfictionAda, Alma Flor. Dear Peter Rabbit.Presents letters between such fairy tale characters as Goldilocks, Baby Bear, PeterRabbit, and the Three Pigs. (Picture Book- ADA)Calmenson, Stephanie. The Principal’s New Clothes.In this version of the Andersen tale the vain principal of P.S. 88 is persuaded by twotailors that they will make him an amazing, one-of-a-kind, suit that will be visible onlyto intelligent people who are good at their jobs. (Picture Book- CAL)Campbell, Anne. Once Upon a Princess and a Pea.In a modern interpretation of the classic fairy tale, the independent-minded PrincessEsmerelda proves her royalty by feeling a pea through twenty mattresses. (PictureBook- Older Reader CAM)Emberley, Erica. Three Cool Kids.This retelling of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" is set in the heart of a city where anenormous rat tries to keep three goats from crossing the street. (398.2948 EMB)Ernst, Christine Campbell. Goldilocks Returns.Thirty years after Goldilocks first met the three bears, she returns to fix up theircottage and soothe her guilty conscience. (Picture Book- ERN)Ernst, Christine Campbell. The Gingerbread Girl.Like her older brother, the Gingerbread Boy, who was eventually devoured by a fox,the Gingerbread Girl eludes the many people who would like to eat her but also hasa plan to escape her sibling's fate. (398.2 GIN)Ernst, Christine Campbell. Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale.An updated version, set on the prairie, of the familiar story about a little girl, hergrandmother, and a not-so-clever wolf. (398.2 RED)Fearnley, Jan. Mr. Wolf and the Three Bears.When Goldilocks invit es herself t o Baby Bear's birt hday part y t henbehaves at rociously, spoiling all of Mr. Wolf's and Grandm a's hard w ork,Grandm a know s just w hat t o do. (Pict ure Book- FEA)

<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953French, Fiona. Snow White in New York.This zany version of the classic fairy tale puts Snow White in a jazz-age NewYork where the seven dwarfs are musicians and the handsome prince is anewspaper reporter. (Picture Book- FRE)Geist, Ken. The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark.In this spoof of The Three Little Pigs, Mama tells her three little fish that it's timeto seek their fortunes. Jim builds a house of seaweed and Tim builds a house ofsand, but it's up to Kim to find the house that will stop the big bad shark'smunching and crunching. (Picture Book-GEI)Goode, Diane. Cinderella, t he Dog and Her Lit t le Glass Slipper.In t his ret elling of t he classic fairy t ale, an at t ract ive m ut t w ins t heheart of a prince w it h t he help of her canine grandm ot her. (398.2 GOO)Grey, Mini. The Very Sm art Pea and t he Princess-to-Be.The pea gives it s ow n version of w hat happened in t he fairy t ale, "ThePrincess and t he Pea," from t he t im e of it s birt h in t he Palace Gardenunt il it helps arrange a royal m arriage. (398.2 PEA)Hale, Bruce. Snoring Beaut y.An adapt at ion of t he t radit ional t ale, feat uring a sleeping, snoringprincess w ho is rescued by a prince aft er being cursed by a bad fairy.(398.2 SLE)Hart m an, Bob. The Wolf Who Cried Boy.Lit t le Wolf is t ired of eat ing lam burgers and sloppy does, but w hen het ricks his parent s int o t hinking t here is a boy in t he w oods, t hey couldall m iss a chance for a real feast . A variat ion of AThe Boy Who CriedWolf.@ (Pict ure Book- HAR)Hasset t , John. The Three Silly Girls Grubb .In t his revision of t he fam iliar t ale "The Three Billy Goat s Gruff @, t hreesist ers m anage t o out w it Ugly-Boy Bobby w ho spends his t im e undert he bridge t hey m ust cross on t heir w ay t o school. (398.2949 HAS)Haw kins, Colin. <strong>Fairy</strong>t ale New s.The event s of several fam iliar fairy t ales get m ixed up in t he st ory ofJack, w ho t akes a job delivering new spapers, unt il he finds his fort uneat t he t op of a m agic beanst alk. (Pict ure Book- HAW)

<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953Hooks, William H. The Three Lit t le Pigs and t he Fox. In t hisAppalachian version of t he classic t ale, Ham let , t he youngest pig,rescues her t w o greedy brot hers from t he clut ches of t he "m ean,t ricky old droo ly-m out h fox. (398.2 PIG)Hopkins, Jackie. The Horned Toad Prince.In t his ret elling of "The Frog Prince," a spunky cow girl loses her newsom brero and is helped by a horned t oad o n t he underst anding t hatshe w ill do t hree sm all favors for him . (398.2943 HOP)Jackson, Ellen B. Cinder Edna.Cinderella and Cinder Edna, w ho live w it h cruel st epm ot hers andst epsist ers, have different approaches t o life; and, alt hough each endsup w it h t he prince of her dream s, one is a great deal happier t han t heot her. (Pict ure Book- JAC)Johnst on, Tony. Bigfoot Cinderrrrrella.This version of t he fam iliar st ory in w hich a m ist reat ed st ep -child findshappiness w it h t he "m an" of her dream s is set in t he old -grow t h forestand feat ures Bigfoot charact ers. (398.2 CIN)Johnst on, Tony. The Cow boy and t he Black-Eyed Pea.In t his adapt at ion of "The Princess and t he Pea," t he w ealt hy daught erof a Texas rancher devises a plan t o find a real cow boy am ong herm any suit ors. (Pict ure Book- JOH)Kellogg, St even. The Three Lit t le Pigs.In t his ret elling of a w ell-know n t ale, Serafina Sow st art s her ow nw affle-selling business in order t o enable her t hree offspring t oprepare for t he fut ure, w hich includes an encount er w it h a surly w olf.(398.2 PIG)Ket t em an, Helen. Bubba t he Cow boy Prince: A Fract ured Texas Tale.Loosely based on "Cinderella," t his st ory is set is Texas, t he fairygodm ot her is a cow , and t he hero, nam ed Bubba, is t he st epson of aw icked rancher. (Pict ure Book- KET)Ket t em an, Helen. The Three Lit t le Gat ors.In t his adapt at ion of t he t radit ional folkt ale, t hree lit t le gat ors eachbuild t heir house in an east Texas sw am p, hoping for prot ect ion fromt he Big-bot t om ed Boar. (Pict ure Book- KET)

<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953Kim m el, Eric A. The Runaw ay Tort illa.In t his Sout hw est ern version of t he Gingerbread Man, a t ort illa runsaw ay from t he w om an w ho is about t o cook him . (398.2 GIN)Lat t im ore, Deborah Nourse. Cinderhazel: The Cinderella of Hallow een.An unt idy w it ch nam ed Cinderhazel discovers t hat Prince Alarm inglikes dirt as m uch as she does. (Pict ure Book- LAT)Low ell, Susan. The Boot m aker and t he Elves.A ret elling, set in t he Old West , of t he t radit ional st ory about t w o elvesw ho help a poor shoem aker, or in t his case a boot m aker, and his w ife.(398.2943 LOW)Low ell, Susan. Cindy Ellen: A Wild West ern Cinderella.Cindy Ellen loses one of her diam ond spurs at t he square dance in t hisw ild w est ern ret elling of t he classic Cinderella st ory. (398.2943 LOW)Low ell, Susan. Dust y Locks and t he Three Bears.A West ern-st yle ret elling of t he t radit ional t ale about a lit t le girl w hofinds t he house of bear fam ily and m akes herself at hom e. (398.2 LOW)Low ell, Susan. Lit t le Red Cow boy Hat .A Sout hw est ern version of "Lit t le Red Riding Hood" in w hich Lit t le Redrides her pony Buck t o Grandm a's ranch w it h a jar of cact us jelly in t hesaddlebag. (398.2 RED)Low ell, Susan. The Three Lit t le Javelinas.A sout hw est ern adapt at ion of “The Three Lit t le Pigs.” (Pict ure Book-LOW)Meddaugh, Susan. Cinderella’s Rat .One of t he rat s t hat w as t urned int o a coachm an by Cinderella's fairygodm ot her t ells his st ory. (Pict ure Book- MED)Mint ers, Frances. Cinder-Elly.In t his rap version of t he t radit ional fairy t ale, t he overw orked youngersist er get s t o go t o a basket ball gam e and m eet s a st ar player, PrinceCharm ing. (398.2 CIN)

<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953Mint ers, Frances. Sleepless Beaut y.In t his updat ed, rhym ing ret elling of t he t radit ional fairy t ale, Beaut yout w it s t he w icked w it ch and arranges for her ow n happy ending.(Pict ure Book- MIN)Osborne, Will. Sleeping Bobby.A ret elling of t he Grim m t ale feat uring a handsom e prince w ho is putint o a deep sleep by a curse unt il he is aw akened by t he kiss of a braveprincess. (398.2 SLE)Palat ini, Margie. The Three Silly Billies.Three billy goat s, unable t o cross a bridge because t hey cannot payt he t oll, form a car pool w it h The Three Bears, Lit t le Red Riding Hood,and Jack of Beanst alk fam e t o get past t he rude Troll. (Pict ure Book-PAL)Paul, Ann Whit ford. Tort uga in Trouble.When Tort uga arrives at Abuela's house t o bring her supper, Abulalooks suspiciously like Coyot e. Includes a glossary of Spanish w ordsused. (Pict ure Book- PAU)Paulsen, Tim . Jack and t he Beanst alk and t he Beanst alk Incident .Aft er reading t he classic t ale of Jack and t he Beanst alk, t he reader isinvit ed t o t urn t he book upside dow n and read an updat ed versiont old from t he giant 's vant age point . (398.2 JAC)Pet ach, Heidi. Goldilocks and t he Three Hares.Present s a cont em porary t akeoff on t he fam iliar folkt ale. (Pict ureBook- PET)Robert s, Lynn. Lit t le Red: A Fizzingly Good Yarn.In t his version of t he Grim m fairy t ale, Thom as--w ho is called Lit t leRed--discovers a w olf in disguise at his grandm ot her's house andingeniously uses ginger ale t o save t he day. (398.2 RED)Robert s, Lynn. Rapunzel: A Groovy <strong>Fairy</strong> Tale.In t his updat ed version of t he Grim m fairy t ale, Rapunzel has flam ingred hair and is kept im prisoned by her Aunt Esm e, a heart less schoolcafet eria w orker, in a t enem ent apart m ent w it h a broken elevat or.(398.2 RAP)

<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953Scieszka, Jon. The Frog Prince, Cont inued.Aft er t he frog t urns int o a prince, he and t he Princess do not livehappily ever aft er and t he Prince decides t o look for a w it ch t o helphim rem edy t he sit uat ion. (Pict ure Book- SCI)Scieszka, Jon. The St inky Cheese Man and Ot her Fairly St upid <strong>Tales</strong>.Provides m adcap versions of children's favorit e t ales including "Lit t leRed Running Short s," "The Princess and t he Bow ling Ball," and"Cinderum pelst ilt skin." (Pict ure Book- SCI)Scieszka, Jon. The True St ory of t he Three Lit t le Pigs.The w olf gives his ow n out landish version of w hat really happenedw hen he t angled w it h t he t hree lit t le pigs. (Pict ure Book- SCI)Short o, Russell. Cinderella and Cinderella’s St epsist er.Aft er reading t he classic t ale of Cinderella, t he reader is invit ed t o t urnt he book upside dow n and read an updat ed version t old from t he"evil" st epsist er's vant age point . (398.2 CIN)Squires, Janet . The Gingerbread Cow boy.A freshly baked gingerbread cow boy escapes from t he rancher's w ife'skit chen and eludes his pursuers in t his w est ern Unit ed St at es versionof t he "Gingerbread Boy.” (398.2 GIN)St anley, Diane. Rum pelst ilt skin's Daught er.Rum pelst ilt skin's daught er m ay not be able t o spin st raw int o gold,but she is m ore t han a m at ch for a m onarch w hose greed has blight edan ent ire kingdom . (Pict ure Book- STA)St urges, Philem on. The Lit t le Red Hen Makes a Pizza.In t his version of t he t radit ional t ale, t he duck, t he dog, and t he catrefuse t o help t he Lit t le Red Hen m ake a pizza but do get t opart icipat e w hen t he t im e com es t o eat it . (398.2 LIT)Tolhurst , Marilyn. Som ebody and t he Three Blairs.In a reversal of t he Goldilocks st ory, a bear explores t he hom e of t het hree Blairs w hile t hey are out . (Pict ure Book- TOL)Trivizas, Eugene. The Three Lit t le Wolves and t he Big Bad Pig.An alt ered ret elling of t he t radit ional t ale about t he conflict bet w eenpig and w olf--w it h a surprise ending. (398.2 PIG)

Vaes, Alain. The Princess and t he Pea.In t his adapt at ion of "The Princess and t he Pea," t he prince is ready form arriage but t h e Queen is m ore concerned w it h her jew elrycollect ion. (Pict ure Book- Older Reader- VAE)Vozar, David. Yo, Hungry Wolf! : A Nursery Rap.A ret elling in rap verse of "The Three Lit t le Pigs," "Lit t le Red RidingHood," and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” (398.2 VOZ)What ley, Bruce. Wait ! No Paint !The t hree lit t le pigs are in t heir usual t rouble w it h t he big bad w olf,unt il a m yst erious Voice get s involved and m ixes t hings up. (Pict ureBook- WHA)Wilcox, Leah. Falling for Rapunzel. A prince t ries t o get Rapunzel t ot hrow dow n her hair so he can rescue her, but she m ishears him andt hrow s dow n random object s from her room inst ead. (398.2 RAP)Wilcox, Leah. Waking Beaut y.In t his fract ured fairy t ale, Prince Charm ing t ries all sort s of silly w ayst o w ake Sleeping Beaut y before he learns how he is really supposed t ow ake her up. (Pict ure Book- WIL)Fiction<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953Anholt , Laurence. Sham poozel.In t his version of t he classic fairy t ale "Rapunzel," t he daught er of t w ohairdressers is locked in a t ow er by t he Bad Hair Wit ch. (Fict ion - ANH)Dahl, Roald. Roald Dahl’s Revolt ing Rhym es.Present s hum orous ret ellings of six w ell-know n fairy t ales feat uringsurprise endings in place of t he t radit ional happily-ever-aft er.(Fict ion- DAH)Lansky, Bruce. New fangled <strong>Fairy</strong> <strong>Tales</strong> Book #1.Ten fresh, cont em porary fairy t ales play t he changes on old st ories,feat uring a m odern King Midas w it h lit t le t im e for his son's Lit t leLeague gam es and a princess put t o sleep for a cent ury for beingaw fully cranky. (Fict ion - NEW)

<strong>Longwood</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Library</strong>800 Middle Country Road, Middle Island, New York 11953Lansky, Bruce. New fangled <strong>Fairy</strong> <strong>Tales</strong> Book #2.The second book in t he series t hat put s a new spin on t he classic fairyt ales. (Fict ion-NEW)Levine, Gail Carson. For Biddle’s Sake.In t his hum orous ret elling of Andrew Lang's "Puddocky," a youngm aiden w ho has been t ransform ed int o a t oad by a jealous fairy relieson her new ly honed m agical abilit ies t o charm a prince int o m arriage.(Fict ion- PRI)Levine, Gail Carson. Ella Enchant ed.In t his novel based on t he st ory of Cinderella, Ella st ruggles against t hechildhood curse t hat forces her t o obey any order given t o her.(Fict ion- LEV)Levine, Gail Carson. The Princess Test .In t his hum orous ret elling of Hans Christ ian Andersen's "The Princessand t he Pea," Lorelei m ust pass m any difficult t est s in order t o provet hat she is a t rue princess and w in t he hand of Prince Nicholas.(Fict ion- LEV)Yolen, Jane. Sleeping Ugly.When beaut iful Princess Miserella, Plain Jane, and a fairy fall under asleeping spell, a prince undoes t he spell in a surprising w ay. (Fict ion -YOL)GE 5/ 10

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