Fall 2011 - Lancaster Mennonite School

Fall 2011 - Lancaster Mennonite School

Fall 2011 - Lancaster Mennonite School


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BridgesL A N C A S T E R M E N N O N I T ES C H O O L3 Senior rite of passage 8 Alumni news 19<strong>Fall</strong> Festival & HomecomingS U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1

c o n t e n t s3 Senior presentations6 <strong>School</strong> news8 Alumni notes11 Thank you, donors!19 <strong>Fall</strong> Festival andHomecomingBridges is the quarterly magazineof <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>School</strong>,sent to alumni, parents and friends.LMS exists to transform students sothey can change our world throughChristlike love, peacemaking andservice. The school welcomesstudents without regard to sex,race, nationality or ethnic origin.<strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>School</strong>has four campuses:Kraybill, grades PreK–8598 Kraybill Church RoadMount Joy, PA 17552(717) 653-5236<strong>Lancaster</strong>, grades 6–122176 Lincoln Highway East<strong>Lancaster</strong>, PA 17602(717) 299-0436Locust Grove, PreK–82257 Old Philadelphia Pike<strong>Lancaster</strong>, PA 17602(717) 394-7107New Danville, grades PreK–6393 Long Lane<strong>Lancaster</strong>, PA 17603(717) 872-2506Address alumni and school news tosprungerdl@lancastermennonite.orgor call (717) 299-0436, ext. 701.Editor: Fern Clemmerclemmerfe@lancastermennonite.orgVolume 39, No. 1Cover photo: In response to stronginterest, the school has established aChester County bus route that stopsin Oxford, Parkesburg and Cochranville.About 20 students are takingadvantage of the new route. Thevehicle is driven by Ryan King,an LMH ag-tech teacher who livesin Oxford.f ro m t h e s u p e r i n t e n d e n tFourth generation student Matthew Eshleman,center in above photo, is surrounded by grandparentsRobert and Anna Ruth (Neff) Eshlemanon the left, and parents Daryl and CherylEshleman, right. Matthew is a ninth grader at the<strong>Lancaster</strong> Campus.Our school rocksJ. Richard ThomasOn the first day of school in late August we experienced the eastcoast earthquake that was the largest in a century for this area.The next day I visited an elementary classroom and made somestudents chuckle when I said, “Our school rocks,” during somecomments about the quake.In Hebrews chapter 12 we read that things that can be shaken revealwhat cannot be shaken. The writer then reminds us that we are part ofGod’s kingdom that cannot be shaken.Last spring it was rewarding to participate in some Senior Presentationsand to hear students talk about their holistic growth while at <strong>Lancaster</strong><strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>School</strong>. They described the transformation that happened asthey grew deeper in knowing the love of God and living in God’s unshakableKingdom.Educational excellence at LMS results in transformation as reflectedin the Senior Presentations. It also is reflected in the family tradition ofinvesting in an LMS education.This fall we welcomed ninth grader Matthew Eshleman, who spent hiselementary years at Hinkletown <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>School</strong>. Matthew is the sonof Daryl Eshleman, class of 1988. His grandparents, Robert and Anna Ruth(Neff) Eshleman, both graduated from LMS in 1965. His great grandmother,Elizabeth (Betty) Sauder Eshleman, who died in 2003, was a member ofthe first LMS graduating class in 1943. We celebrate alumni (and students!)who are changing our world as they witness to God’s kingdom that cannotbe shaken.Our school “rocks” because of the academic and extracurricular opportunitiesit provides, and also because it forms lives for the Kingdom of Godthat cannot be shaken. www.lancastermennonite.org2 | Bridges SUMMER 2 0 1 0

presentations build communitySenior rite of passageFrom the editor: The Senior Presentation, a requirement for all seniors,gives students a chance to review their K-12 education, reflect on howthey have grown, and discuss career plans. Since the presentationsare shared with family, friends, teachers and pastors—generally in anintimate setting after school—they also are a wonderful opportunityfor loved ones to support and affirm the students. As you read these 10Senior Presentation excerpts, I suspect that you, like me, will experienceafresh a deep thankfulness that our youth have the opportunity to growand flourish at a place like <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>School</strong>.“Attending <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong>High <strong>School</strong> has beenthe greatest decision I haveever made.”- Isaiah Rivera, <strong>2011</strong>Polly Yixin ZhangMaking the decision to come here fromBeijing, China, was really hard for meand my family. Looking back, I’m reallygrateful to the Lord for giving me thisopportunity.I love business so I was in FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America)when I first came to LMH. In the secondyear, I served as treasurer. In FBLAcompetition I advanced to the statelevel both years. FBLA helped me learnmore about business and become morecomfortable being in a leadership role.The faculty is one of the best partsof LMH. I got a lot of help from them,both academically and spiritually. LMHalso helped me find friendships that Iwill hold on to, and taught me aboutdifferent aspects of American cultureas I experienced both the residence halland living with a host family.The greatest thing that happenedduring my years in LMH was I beganbelieving in God. LMH definitelyplayed a key role in my spiritualjourney. Here I first knew aboutGod, had my first Bible class, andgot my first Bible.Dominik BertholdI started attending <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong><strong>School</strong> in sixth grade. Transitioningfrom a primarily Hispanic/AfricanAmerican populated elementary schoolin <strong>Lancaster</strong> City to a mostly white<strong>Mennonite</strong> school was an interestingstep for me. For the most part, Iloved the move, primarily because Icould exercise my faith much easierin a Christian school. One aspect Imissed was the diversity, but as LMHhas progressed, I have seen more andmore ethnicities, races, and culturesjoin the school, and that has been funto witness.Athletics have always played anenormous role in my life; <strong>Lancaster</strong><strong>Mennonite</strong> High <strong>School</strong> has given methe chance to develop my skills in soccerand tennis.Not only have sports kept me activephysically, but also socially and spiritually.Coming into high school the firstyear, I made instant friends on thesoccer team. Also, coach Fred Wineyalways emphasized not only being goodsoccer players but good followers ofChrist, on and off the field.(continued on pg. 4)The Senior Presentation grew out ofthe school’s educational strategic planto become more deliberate in helpingstudents identify God-given gifts,interests and career options.To prepare for this senior activity,students maintain a vocational portfoliofor the duration of their educationat <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong>. Along the way,faculty advisors guide studentsin reflection of their experiences.Below is Dominik Berthold. In bottomphoto is Polly Yixin Zhang, center,with her host parents, Ryan and GailBomgardner.photos: Brenda Bare

In top photo is Caroline Augsburger,center, with friend Lexi Weaver, left, andsister, Emily. Middle photo: Isaiah Riverawith English teacher and mentor, KrisHorst. In bottom photo: Luke Weierbach,flanked by his parents, Kathy and JohnWeierbach.(Senior Presentations, continued from pg. 3)LMH has played a key role in spiritualdevelopment in my life. Chapels,although sometimes boring, have beena nice way to start my day with Godevery morning. I have attended Fridaymorning Bible study throughout highschool, and it has also been a way tostrengthen my faith. This year a friendstarted a guys Thursday morning Biblestudy. This Bible study has given meaccountability and keeps me knowledgeableabout the Bible.I have learned so much these pastfour years in academics, athletics, andspirituality, and I’m so glad that LMHhas prepared me for my future.caroline augsburgerJust like my older brother and sister,I too, have had an awesome experienceat LMH. For me, it came from two distinctareas—the athletic program andtraveling opportunities.I chose to be part of the girls soccerand field hockey teams since my freshmenyear and have never for a momentregretted that decision. Being able tobe in the team huddle after winningthe State Soccer Championship in 2008,and having my name announced overthe loudspeaker at Hershey Stadium inthe field hockey district title game aremoments I hope to always remember.One aspect of the team I will neverforget is the coaches. I’ve played forCoach Dale Stoltzfus for all four yearsof my high school soccer career andfor Cicely Berkey for my last two yearson the field hockey team. Some of thebiggest lessons I’ve learned duringhigh school have come from thesetwo coaches.Having the chance to play for ateam that held a central faith gave mesuch a different experience from whatI could’ve ever received at a publicschool. Praying before games as a teamhas come to be a natural part of thesport for me, and it is something I willalways be thankful for. As I head toBridgewater College to play soccer, Iknow it is going to take a tremendouscoaching staff to replace those I’ve beenable to play for at LMH.Also, I would never trade the fourweeks I spent living with my host familyduring my Argentina mini course.I would certainly say my most “tangible”benefit from the trip is theconfidence I have in my Spanish. Butthe friends I made, two of whom I keepin constant contact with, are by far myfavorite aspect of the trip. And beingable to connect and worship with other<strong>Mennonite</strong>s in a different hemispherewas awesome. I hope I can return toChoele Choel someday.Isaiah RiveraAttending <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong> High<strong>School</strong> has been the greatest decisionI have ever made. I can honestly saythat this is the place where I foundmyself.I got involved in the drama departmentand there I discovered what I lovedoing the most—acting. Some excitingclasses such as Campus Chorale, AdvancedMusic, and Drama Performancehelped me grow in the areas that interestme the most, and I was thrilled tofind that <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong> offeredthat opportunity.One of the greatest blessings of myyears in LMH has been the encouragementand support from my teachers.Teachers like Marcella Hostetler, Dean4 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1

a l u m n i n o t e s2001 CLASS REUNIONTwenty-seven 2001 classmates plus14 spouses and 14 children met inSeptember for their 10-year class reunion.The adults enjoyed catching upin the laid-back atmosphere of <strong>Lancaster</strong>County Park while the childrenenjoyed the nearby playground. Thereunion included a tasty meal cateredby Shady Maple Smorgasboard. Fordetails about this and other classreunions, go to www.lancastrmennonite.organd click on “alumni.”Class NotesArthur Kennel, 1947, Rochester,Minn., has published his autobiography,Life, Love, Llamas and Laughs,My Story. Send inquiries to akennel@usfamily.net.In March, David Shenk, 1955, <strong>Lancaster</strong>,met with Tanzanian PresidentJakaya Mrisho Kikwete and Prime MinisterPinda during which he presentedhis book, A Muslim and a Christianin Dialogue, which is now available inSwahili. The president immediatelyordered 1,000 copies. Also in March,Shenk completed a third book, Teatimein Mogadishu, My Journey as Ambassadorof Peace within the World of Islam(Ahmed Ali Haile as told to Shenk).Shenk is a global consultant with Eastern<strong>Mennonite</strong> Missions.Esther Snader, 1968, Anhui, China,has taught English for the past 12 yearsunder Eastern <strong>Mennonite</strong> Missions and<strong>Mennonite</strong> Partners at Anquing TeachersCollege in Anhui.Last September Christopher Book,1974, and wife Marlys began an assignmentof three plus years in Zambia,Africa. The Books spent 25 years atPaxton Ministries in Harrisburg beforereturning to Zambia. Book is therecipient of the 2009 Messiah CollegeAlumni Christian Service Award.Timothy Buckwalter, 1980, <strong>Lancaster</strong>,has been named assistant news editorcommunitiesfor <strong>Lancaster</strong> Newspapers,Inc. He will oversee a series ofnew MyCommunity websites.Peter Dula, 1988, Harrisonburg, Va.,assistant professor of religion andculture at Eastern <strong>Mennonite</strong> Universityand a former LMH teacher, was theEMU baccalaureate speaker April 30.In June Denison Witmer, 1995,Philadelphia, performed a CD Releaseconcert, “The Ones Who Wait,” atMillersville University’s Prince Streetlocation.Doreen Ebersole, 1996, Bishop, Harrisburg,graduated in June from BiblicalSeminary, Hatfield, with a master ofarts degree in counseling. Loren andDoreen welcomed son, Hudson Zachary,on March 3, <strong>2011</strong>.Daniel Shank Cruz, 1998, Salt LakeCity, Utah, received his Ph.D. in Englishfrom Northern Illinois Universityand is currently a postdoctoral fellow atWestminster College in Salt Lake City.Jessica Smucker, 1994, <strong>Lancaster</strong>,recently performed with her band, theSleeping World, at Hans Herr House aspart of the “Music in the Orchard” series.Smucker moved back to <strong>Lancaster</strong>in 2005 after studying at Goshen Collegeand Western Illinois University, receivingdegrees in English and creativewriting. Jessica works part time for FlyMagazine and helps with the familyfarmer’s market stand in Allentown.Jonathan Shoff, 2003, <strong>Lancaster</strong>, hasbeen named male ensemble director(grades 9-12) for <strong>Mennonite</strong> Children’sChoir of <strong>Lancaster</strong>. Shoff is pursuinghis master’s in music at West ChesterUniversity. He teaches in the <strong>School</strong>District of <strong>Lancaster</strong>, gives piano andvoice lessons, and accompanies anddirects locally.In July Matthew Burkhart, 2009,<strong>Lancaster</strong>, finished second in the 3-dayPa. Golf Association Amateur held at<strong>Lancaster</strong> Country Club (68-70-73).In mid-August Burkhart and brotherMichael Burkhart, 2006, <strong>Lancaster</strong>,won the Lanco Two-Man Scramble atCrossgates in a playoff. The defendingchampions shot a 60. MatthewBurkhart plays golf at Messiah College.David Denlinger, 2009, <strong>Lancaster</strong>, wonthe Lanco Open by four shots at FourSeasons (66-65) in late July. A few dayslater, Denlinger fired rounds of 65-68 atColonial Country Club in Harrisburgto qualify for the U.S. Amateur Championship.There he shot 69-73 and was8 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1

COMING IN FEBRUARYHold the date!February 28, 2012Florida GatheringThanks to our sponsors!Mary Ann and John MartinConnie StaufferThe biennial Florida Gathering onFebruary 28 at Bahia Vista <strong>Mennonite</strong>Church in Sarasota will be a time ofreconnecting with LMS friends andalumni over food and conversation.It will include stories and an update onwhat LMS is doing today. Please RSVPby February 8; reply to sprungerdl@lancastermennonite.org or (717) 299-0436, ext. 701.one of 64 players to advance to matchplay. Denlinger plays golf for CharlestonSouthern University.MARRIAGESKathleen (Cathy) Quinn, 1980, andWilliam Metschulat, May 14, <strong>2011</strong>.They live in Moscow, Pa.Kari Gehman, 2008, and GabrielEipper, January 8, <strong>2011</strong>. They livein <strong>Lancaster</strong>. Kari graduated from<strong>Lancaster</strong> General College of Nursingand Health Sciences with a degree inultrasound.Lowell Brown, 1990, and Lisa White,married May 28, <strong>2011</strong>. They live in<strong>Lancaster</strong> City. Lowell is director ofadvancement at <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong>Historical Society.Tasha Clemmer, 1993, and TravisRobie, April 18, <strong>2011</strong>. They live inNew York.Ted Houser, 1994, and Patricia Leary,April 19, <strong>2011</strong>. They live in <strong>Lancaster</strong>.Timothy Sauder, 1995, and FrancesMiller, 1994, April 9, <strong>2011</strong>. They willmove to Virginia this fall where Francesis in EMU’s conflict transformationgraduate program.Janelle Zook, 2002, and FranklinCunalata, August 7, 2010, in Riobamba,Ecuador, where Janelle is teaching Englishand music in public schools and atthe San Francisco University.Ryan Lapp, 2005, and Christie Kelly,2007, August 28, 2010. A daughter,Gianna Brielle was born June 16, <strong>2011</strong>.They live in <strong>Lancaster</strong>.Shanyn Radtke, 2005, and JordanBlanck, March 26, <strong>2011</strong>. They live inManheim.Elizabeth (Liz) Thanh Rutt, 2005, andBrent Siegrist, December 11, 2010. Lizgraduated from Pa. College of Technologywith a degree in occupationaltherapy and is working at QuarryvillePresbyterian Retirement Community.They live in Peach Bottom.Sara Lefever, 2008, and BradleyJackson, July 3, <strong>2011</strong>. They live in WestChester. Sara works for a pediatricdental practice as a hygienist.BIRTHSAndreas and Jolene Harnish, 1994,Wehner, Enkenbach, Germany, seconddaughter, Joelle Christin, May 11, <strong>2011</strong>.Angel Luis, II and Gievanne Gonzalez,1999, Garcia, a son, Angel Luis III,May 27, <strong>2011</strong>.Kenneth, 2000, and Megan Dehmey,2000, Yost, Quarryville, first child, ason, Ayden Wayne, December 23, 2010.Todd, 2004, and Mandie Denlinger,<strong>Lancaster</strong>, third child, Cailyn Rose,March 20, <strong>2011</strong>.Linford, 2006, and Jennifer Garber,2005, Hershey, Christiana, a son JonathanDavid, May 11, <strong>2011</strong>.DeathsMiriam Boll Metzler, 1958, Newsmanstown,August 14, <strong>2011</strong>.Margaret Martin Harmon, 1958,Waynesboro, October 12, 2008. Thank you!Thank you, alumni—including our388 new donors—who contributed$254,278 during this year’s AlumniPhonathon. Your ongoing investmentis greatly appreciated. Youare making it possible for the schoolto continue offering an excellentChrist-centered education forour youth.Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1 | 9

(Senior Presentations, continued from pg. 5)years of schooling.I ran cross country and track for thepast five years and in the process havemade many of my closest friends. Crosscountry was often very stressful, butmy friends helped and encouraged meall the way through. Some of my bestmemories were made in track whenBelow is Zach Zook, center, between hisgrandparents, Arlene and Norman Leaman.Middle: Sally Wenger with parents,Denise and Jerry Wenger. Bottom: SaierZeng with parents Guangting Sui andJohn Hanlon.my friends and I were able to run a3200 relay under eight minutes and geteighth in the state. For the rest of mylife I will cherish the memories andfriends that I made through running.In basketball, I had the opportunityto get to know people from many differentgrades and friend groups, and Igot to live out a childhood dream whenour team made it to the district championshipgame. In yearbook, I had thechance to develop my leadership skillsas Student Life Section Editor.Campus Chorale took me to Canadaand Oregon for choir festivals—two ofthe best memories from high school.Academically, I have been blessed bymany great teachers—from Mrs. Moyerin AP Literature to Mr. Evans in chemistryto Mr. Reinford in AP Calculus.Sally WengerGrowing up in the <strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong>school system has definitely beenan enriching experience. My years atLocust Grove, kindergarten througheighth grade, gave me a strong foundationof Christian education, andattending LMH these past four yearshas built on that. Through chapels,Friday morning Bible studies, and Bibleclasses, I have felt myself draw closerto God while learning more and moreabout him.LMH also challenged me academically.The many AP classes I have takenhave stretched me and helped me togrow, with the teachers being a hugepart of that. You can tell that theteachers here genuinely care about youpersonally and also about how you aredoing in the class. They want us to bethe best that we can be, and they areglad to help us get there.Coming to LMH has also allowed menumerous opportunities to be involvedin many different things. While hereat LMH I was able to participate inCampus Chorale, yearbook, NationalHonor Society, Student AdvancementCommittee, field hockey, and the musicals.Being involved in all of these hashelped me appreciate the diversity hereand learn how to work with differenttypes of people.saier zengHaving lived in China until my familymoved to America in summer 2009,I found LMH to be God’s blessing forme and one of the best choices I haveever made.My two years at LMH have greatlyshaped my life in attaining a betterunderstanding of American cultureand becoming a world person.During the past two years, LMHhas blessed me with caring and encouragingteachers who challenged meacademically and allowed me to exploremyself through various activities. ...For example, Mr. Dietzel has played animportant role in my development, notonly as a teacher with whom I oftenshared thoughts and asked for advice,but also as a Millstream advisor whotaught me much.I appreciate what LMH has taughtme and look forward to carrying thisknowledge and spirit on to see how Godwill lead me in the exciting future.I plan to enroll at Emory University tofocus on biology and psychology, alongwith the pre-medicine program. 1 0 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1

Thank you for impacting students’ lives!With deepest appreciation, we acknowledge you, alumni and friends of <strong>Lancaster</strong><strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>School</strong>, for your investment in a Christ-centered education. You, alongwith many other individuals, businesses and congregations gave $3,158,000 during2010-11, making a huge difference in students’ lives. Every dollar counts!Ryan Gehman was one of 182 seniors to graduate from LMH on June 4. Celebrating with him(in photo) are mentor Joe Shelly, far left, and his parents, Jennifer and Daniel Gehman. BarbaraMoses, principal of Philadelphia <strong>Mennonite</strong> High <strong>School</strong>, gave the commencement address.LEADERAgri-BasicsCrels FoundationJoshua ’93 & Andrea Leaman ’99J. Melvin ’75 & Marilyn NissleySylvia ArnoldAuntie Anne’s Inc.B & G Lumber Co.B. K. Campbell Enterprises Inc.Rose Ann & Gerald Baer ’72Donald & Brenda BareRobert & Elva BareBCF GroupSam ’83 & Melody BeilerBossler <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchLena ’52 & Michael BrownColleen ’81 & Andrew BrubakerDynamic Aviation Group Inc.EGStoltzfus Homes & ConstructionCharles & Kathy EngleEphrata National BankH. Glenn & Rachael EsbenshadeCharles F. & Beulah FreySusan ’61 & Stanley GodshallI. Merle ’64 & Phyllis Good ‘66Goodville Mutual Casualty Co.Dale & Joyce GraybillHaller Enterprises Inc.Dong Min Han & Du Soon NamDavid & Renee HernleyGlenn Hershey ‘70David ’70 & Deborah HollingerCharles & Sally HooberHoober Inc.Gerald ’65 & Linda HorstGrace E. HorstJ. B. Hostetter Sons Inc.John N. Sauder Buick-PontiacChevroletLamar ’78 & Cheryl KanagyTodd ’83 & Anne Kaufman WeaverEric ‘99 & Beth KennelKing JeffersonVan & Lisa KnoxKraybill Site CouncilRodney ’84 & Lauri Lefever ‘88Locust Grove Site CouncilEunice ’57 & Burnell LuckenbaughRobert & Nancy MartinMast ElectricElmer & Barbara MastHarold ’65 & Ruth Angstadt Mast ‘66Max E. & Martha E. BingamanCharitable FoundationMessiah CollegeMiller’s GreenhousesNeffsville <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchGerald & Mary NissleyWilliam ’79 & Diane Poole ‘80Carl ’62 & Lovina RuttClarence ’49 & Helen RuttJohn ’67 & Bonita SauderSharp ShopperSimon Lever & Co.Stoltzfus Meats Inc.The Angela FoundationJ. Richard & Joyce Thomas ‘69Union National Community BankWeaver MarketsWillow Street <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchWitmer RestorationJohn H. & Thelma WolgemuthLorie & Calvin YoderTerry and Joan YoderLoren ’65 & Helen Zimmerman ‘65PARTNERAccu-Aire Mechanical ServicesAkron <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchBonnie ’80 & Eugene HooverEdward B. Nyce ‘79Edwin ’79 & Karen Miller ‘79Arbor Gate Ltd.B. G. Mellinger & Son Inc.Beam Leasing Inc.Benuel ’60 & Janet BeilerGalen ‘52 & Eileen Benner ’55Best Western/Intercourse Vill. InnBlainsport <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchBlossom Hill <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchBowmansville <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchKenneth & Pamela BrubakerRobert ’65 & Lois Brubaker ‘64Mary & Glenn BucherByerland <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchEdward M. & Mindy M. CarrerasCharles Studio of PhotographyChestnut Hill <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchDonald & Lisa ClarkClark Inc.Fern & Dennis ClemmerJ. Paul ’57 & Esther Clymer ’57Conestoga Country Kitchens Inc.Conestoga <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchDavid & Jennifer DickinsonDinse Dental CareDonegal Mutual Insurance Co.Dutch Valley DistributorsE. Chestnut St. Menn. ChurchEastern <strong>Mennonite</strong> UniversityElizabethtown Menn. ChurchElm Tree Properties LLCEngle Printing & PublishingErb Transport Inc.Erisman <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchShunzeng Fan & Min LinFlintrock FarmsForest Hills <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchGary Neff Inc.Trula N. Gingrich ‘75Joel ’81 & Ellanna GishMartin S. & Robin GishGlenn Lapp Memorial V-ball FriendsGoods <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchGoshen CollegeGretna View FarmsFlorence Beiler Groff ‘53Marlin ’74 & Sue GroffMary Ellen ’65 & Harold Groff ‘62Gwendolyn HartzlerMatthew ’91 & Andrea HartzlerW. Michael & Sonja HaughtMark S. HeiseyHershey Advisors P. C.John E. & Patricia B. HerwehMichael & Marcy HessHinkletown <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchPaul R. & Caroline HofferCharles ’82 & Diane HooberJeffrey ’91 & Alicia Horst ‘92Ronald and LuAnn HorstChad ’91 & Coleen Hurst ‘92Hutt Leasing Inc.J. Steven Burkhart Excavating Inc.James Street <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchDiane Janney & William F. SchallRick & Debra JonesChung-Hee KimLaurence ’49 & Shirley KingKing Painting & WallpaperKreider FarmsKen and Violet KreiderJohn Sr. ’47 & Betty Kreider ‘52Paul ’64 & Marie Kurtz<strong>Lancaster</strong> General College ofNursing & HealthLanco Properties Inc.Sara ’62 & Charles LandisKevin ’81 & Sherry LappLloyd & Anna Mae LappLaurel Ridge Pig CompanyCarolyn J. LeamanJoel ’96 & Shelley LeamanJoseph Leaman ‘98Justin ’91 & Dawn LeamanPhilip ’81 & Ruth LeamanLGH Construction Inc.Locust Grove Site CouncilNelson ’75 & Danielle LongeneckerMarietta Community ChapelEsther ‘66 & Lewis MartinMartin Paving Inc.Cindy & Daniel Mast ‘77Mellinger <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchJonathan ’91 & Ann MetzlerMetzler <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchEdward & Twila MillerMillersville <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchElecta K. MohlerPatrick T. & Brenda MoranMount Joy <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchMountville <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchLamar M. & Sally MoyerMusser & Associates CPANational Penn BankE. Glenn & Vera NaumanDonald & Faye NycePellman Foods Inc.Rachel’s of GreenfieldDorothy ’57 & Harry RanckMerle & Ruth Ann Reinford ‘68Ridgeview <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchRisser <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchMarcia & Jeffrey RittenhouseRiver Corner <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchRobert H. Ranck Inc.Dwight E. & Jennifer RohrerRobert H. & Lorraine RohrerJohn & Lisa Marie SandsR. Clair ’60 & Doris SauderScenic Ridge Contruction Co.Gary W. & Christina SeldomridgeJanice W. Sensenig ‘55Miriam E. ShenkDaniel T. & Carol SiegfriedMary Jane & David SmithCarol ’77 & James SpicherConnie H. Stauffer ‘55Andrew ’90 & Joy SteckbeckBrent ’80 & Theresa StoltzfusHeidi ’89 & Rodney StoltzfusRichard ’54 & Elaine StoltzfusBarry ’74 & Pam StonerStony Brook <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchStrasburg Capital Mgt. Ltd.Sunnyside <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchSusquehanna Bancshares Inc.Susquehanna Garden ConceptsDr. Mitsuo & Rev. Yukako SuzukiThe Furniture Doctor Inc.The McCauley GroupThe Village ChapelCurtis D. & Janet UmbleWarfel Construction Co.Martin H. & Vera WeaverMatthew ’03 & Lindsay Weaver ‘05Weaver Reckner Reinhart DentalWeaverland <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchJohn S. & Janet WeberJohn A. & Kathy WeierbachWeierbach Prosthodonist P. C.Clifford ’79 & Carol WengerJerry & Denise WengerRoy ’55 & Esther Wert ‘56West End <strong>Mennonite</strong> FellowshipClyde B. & Nancy L. WisslerWitmer Heights Menn. ChurchJames and Cathy WitterYuefeng Xie & Janet X. AiBeth ’75 & Gary YoderJesse S. YoderMiles E. & Dawnell YoderRodney L. YoderTimothy L. & Brenda YoderFRIENDKristine & E. Scott Augsburger ‘81Autohaus <strong>Lancaster</strong> Inc.B. R. Kreider and Son Inc.Suzanne ’79 & John M. BakerLoren and Judith BenderMax & Martha BingamanMartha BombergerBarbara ’60 & Luke F. BrubakerJ. Lester & Lois BrubakerBurnell and Carol BuchenCargas SystemsCarl Wingard Inc.Jonathan ’70 & Rhoda Charles ‘72Clark Associates Inc.Class Of 1980Coaching ConnectionCommunity Menn. Ch. of Lanc.Cornerstone Design-ArchitectsDeryl ’76 & Joan DenlingerAnna Louise Detweiler ‘69Abram ’69 & Karen DiffenbachJay ’70 & Elma Ebersole ‘70John ’58 & Joyce Eby ‘59Melba ‘64 & J. Leon EshlemanEd & Bobbi FearnowDonald ’53 & Elnora Frank ‘53Kere J. Frey ‘79Hanshen FuFulton BankCarmen J. Garber ‘03Loretta ’74 & Jerry H. GehmanGehman <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchGibbel Kraybill & Hess LLCGroff’s Home Comfort TeamDebra HatfieldDaryl ’88 & Charlene HellerLauren HernleyHernley <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchDean ’71 & Helen Hertzler ‘71Hess Brothers Fruit Co.J. Larry & Janet J. HessJoseph ’71 & Linda HessHostetter & Hostetter CPAJoy & Raymond IdeEsther ’77 & Richard D. JacksonJanney Montgomery Scott LLCJack & Joan KelleyElvin ’79 & Wendy KennelDavid A. & Debra KingKendall ’86 & Heather KingSusanne J. King ‘52Kinsey’s Archery Products Inc.D. J. ‘75 & Gerald KlingBrent ’91 & Kristin Kreider ‘92John Jr. ’82 & Carolyn KreiderBarry George & Amy KriskoKrisko Financial Services Co.<strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong> ConferenceLandis HomesAlice & John A. LappLoretta ’53 & Jacob R. LappDavid ’53 & Jean LeamanJ. David & Jewel A. LeamanNancy ’68 & John M. LeamanDale E. LongKevin ’87 & Shelby LongeneckerJay & Connie LoweLyndon <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchElvin L. & Esther MartinLaverne ’54 & J. Elvin MartinMerv Miller Builder LLCFred ’62 & Lynn MillerGlen & Linda MoffettJudi & Peter MollenkofDonald ’63 & Erla Nauman ‘63New Holland Church FurnitureNew Holland <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchLarry ’58 & Janet Newswanger ‘58Oregon Dairy Farm MarketEmerson & Sandy PeacheySpencer R. & Melissa PhillipsQuality Stone Veneer Inc.R. D. Hackman & SonsNeil & Donna Reinford ’89Michael ’75 & Karen RheinheimerAnne ’75 & Jay L. RothJohn ’55 & Rebecca RuttSam S. Smucker & Sons Inc.Rhoda Sanders ‘61Daniel L. & Lois SauderJ. Donald ’81 & Twila Sauder ‘81Elvin ’80 & Jonelle Shenk ‘81Warren ’49 & Arlene ShenkJames ’67 & Mary E. ShreinerSlate Hill <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchAndrew C. & Kristina SloyerElma SmuckerLinda ’79 & David L. SnaderLois J. SnookBridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1 | 1 1

Speedwell ConstructionEdgar StoeszClarence ’60 & Rodica StoltzfusClark ’96 & Kara StoltzfusGary Lake & Lorna StoltzfusJeffrey ‘89 & Julie StutzmanCalvin ’92 & Michelle SwartzentruberEvelyn Sweigart ‘52Jeremy ’92 & Carey TempleDonald & Cheryl ThomasDonald ’61 & Charmaine Thomas ‘61Sylvia M. & Glenn WeaverShawle & Mary WehibeWendy C. & Richard J. WeinsteinPatrick D. & Christine F. WhalenEugene & Darlene WingertThelma B. Wolgemuth ‘47Michael K. YoderMargaret YuLarry ’80 & Dawn Zook ‘79ASSOCIATEDale & Mary AdamsHenry & Janet AlbrychtDorothy Allgyer ‘60Allouette Cheese USA LLCMelinda AlvaMark & Judy AshleyMeredith I. AulRuth ’49 & John BareRichard M. & Diane BarkerWayne ’73 & Debbie BechtoldLeon ’82 & Christina J. BeilerBeiler-Campbell RealtorsBender Dental Group PCDavid & Deborah BenditCharles ’65 & Rebecca Benner ‘65John ’59 & Barbara Benner ‘59John S. & Loine F. BertBingaman & Son LumberHeidi BingamanGerald & Loretta BinkleyLester ’47 & Mary Lou BlankRosemary Siegrist Blessing ‘97William & Keri BloomGladys ’68 & Michael R. BoettcherE. Douglas & Teresa BombergerLeon ‘77 & Deborah Bowman ‘78R. Todd & Maria B. Bowman ‘94Charles & Mary Ann BozymKenneth ’73 & Jean E. BrenemanPaul ’65 & Janice BrenemanBetty Ann BrubakerBrubaker FarmsDean & Nancy BrubakerLoretta J. BrubakerPeter M. Brubaker ‘01Roy ’59 & Hope BrubakerA. David & Marian BuckwalterAaron ’97 & Kristen Buckwalter ‘97John ’56 & Miriam Buckwalter ‘55Ronald E. & Elizabeth BugnerNancy M. BullCynthia ’83 & Steven Burkhart ‘83Doris ’54 & Frank R. BurkhartBurkwood AssociatiesCarpenter Community ChurchGail G. CarsonCentral Penn Nursing Care Inc.Carl L. & Mary CharlesLevi ’65 & Eileen Charles ‘65Miriam ’44 & D. Arthur CharlesPaul K. & Fannie CharlesClark Inc.Class of 1948Elizabeth J. & Peter CollinsMarie CornellIsrael & Elizabeth A. CrespoCarolyn Cyms & Kenneth DyerDavCo Advertising Inc.Paul & Carol DavisDwayne ’78 & Charlene DenlingerJay R. & Marilyn DenlingerHoward ’59 & Judy DetweilerBeulah DiffenbachDaniel & Sau-Ling DinseLarry C. & Marilyn DombachMary Ellen ’51 & Mamo DulaEastern <strong>Mennonite</strong> MissionsDaryl ’81 & Brenda EbersoleDustin ’03 & Katie J. Ebersole ‘03John ’69 & Carol Ebersole ‘69Dennis ’70 & Ellen K. Eby ‘70H. Laverne ’60 & Susan Eby ‘61J. Harold & Kathryn EbyJ. Michael ’90 & Lynette Eby ‘91J. Wilmer ’58 & Anna EbyEsbenshade FarmsRandall ’80 & Tracy EschDaryl ’88 & Cheryl EshlemanExelonFarmer Boy AgDouglas & Nancy FisherGena & Edward FisherNancy D. FisherFloradale <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchJanita ’83 & Bradford ForneyTimothy ForryBetty J. FreyJ. Richard ’64 & Janet FreyMiriam ’72 & Nicholas B. FreyTina ’91 & Doug FriesenCarolyn M. FritzJoanne FungaroliA. Edith Funk ‘60Jo Anne Funk ’76 & Paul SchlitzFred ’66 & Linda Garber ‘66M. Gregory GehmanMargaret A. Gehman ‘58Seth ’97 & Rosalyn Gehman ‘97Gene Wenger’s Meats & Fine FoodsGeneral Mills Box TopsFrancesco J. & Maryellen GenoeseGeorge Hutt Inc.Giant Food Stores Inc.Thomas GingerichJames ’51 & Joan GingrichNelson ’73 & Yvonne GingrichArlene ’63 & Ronald G. GipeDexter & Heather GirdharryDaniel S. & Sarah B. GlickSue ’76 & Kevin GlickRikki R. & Lynn GodshallLeon ‘60 Elaine Good ’62John W. & Phoebe GoodLee ’88 & Rosemary GoodLois ’59 & Carl GoodMilton ’50 & Ann GoodRichard & Marcia GoodGoodville <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchLois ’58 & Grayfred B. GrayJanice & Matthew GreenleafNorene GreenleafShirley Groff ‘65Joyce ‘78 & Richard HallerDavid ’49 & Florence HarnishRobert E. Harnish ‘62Bruce & Linda HartshorneNelson E. & Joyce HeiseyDale R. & Lois HernleyPaul HernleyAnna Mae Herr ‘60H. Eileen HerrH. Eugene & Terri Herr ‘75Hershey AgJ. Wilson ’68 & Donna HersheyMarlin ’67 & Barbara Hershey ‘67Hershey <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchKaren Hertzler ’91 & Brady CristDaniel ’66 & Evanna Hess ‘66Denise ’84 & Michael HessErnest ’60 & Lois Hess ‘60Eunice HessKathryn N. HessLarry A. Hess ‘60Mervin W. & Nora HessPaul ’60 & Nancy Hess ‘61Calvin G. & Janet C. HighMartha ’59 and J. Curvin HighMarcy and Rick HighHighland Car WashAlanna R. Hiller ‘08David L. & Theia HofstetterHarold E. & Ruth H. HollingerJoseph ’78 & Cheryl Hollinger ‘78Kenneth ’68 & Rosene Hollinger ‘67Ruth L. HollingerCarl ’61 & Janet Hoover ‘61Donald & Carol HorningElton W. & Sherlyn K. HorstKyle ’98 & Marta Horst ‘98Stanley ’79 & Wilma Horst ‘76J. Glen & Patricia HostetlerAbram ’47 & Pat HostetterCharles HowardJ. Larry ‘69 & Carol HuberGlenn C. HummerRay ’70 & Brenda Hurst ‘74Adrian & Monica IzquietaAnna ’45 & Donald JacobsLeanne ’56 & Lynn JamisonJemison Family ChiropracticAllen S. JenkinsRoger M. & Barbara JosephianDennis W. & Rose KauffmanDaniel ’75 & Althea KeenerMarci ’68 & Michael KeenerRonald S & Fern KeenerNaomi Beiler Keiper ‘56Christian ’70 & Rose KennelArthur ’47 & Lois Kennel ‘50J. Craig & Kristine KimbarkHarold ’56 & Marti KingJessica King ’92 & Chad MartinKyle ’82 & Lynda S. KingNathan ’56 & Melba King ‘57Harry & Linda KirkKitchen Kettle FoodsFred ’74 & Rosalyn KnissAlexandra KnoxSteve ’89 & Fran Kratz ‘93Donald ’63 & Frances KraybillErnest ’51 & Eunice KraybillJames ’53 & Rozetta KreiderEric ’85 & Kimberly KurtzWayne ’60 & Kathleen KurtzDoris ’76 & David R. KyleRuth LambGail & Raymond Lanas<strong>Lancaster</strong> Co. Internal MedicineBenjamin ’70 & Cheryl Landis ‘70Ira ’48 & Ruth LandisJohn ’55 & Eileen Landis ‘55Mark ’53 & Alma LandisMary Jane LandisOdessa C. LandisScott ‘84 & Wendy LandisSteven V. Lantz ‘84Larry Dombach BuildersAlice & David J. LauverJanet M. LazowskiDavid Leaman ’81 & Marva WilliamsIvan ’50 & Mary Ellen Leaman ‘54William ’57 & Mary LeathermanMonica ’96 & Joel LedermanAbram T. & Ruth LefeverAdam ’92 & Eunessa Lehman ‘92W. G. & Kay LehmanLorraine ’78 & Victor G. LeiningerConnie L. LeinsterRuth ’71 & Emerson L. LesherKenton ’83 & Shelly LongeneckerRandall ’71 & Marla LongeneckerLaurie ’79 & Samuel LundquistVelma ’62 & Jack MagillSarah J. & John P. MahalaAva Lee Martin ’64Delmar ’72 & Kathy Martin ‘75Gerald ’66 & Carolyn Martin ‘67J. Nevin ’68 & Ruth Martin ‘70Mary Ann ’56 & John W. MartinMelvin J. & Geneva MartinNelson ’63 & Mary Martin ‘63Nelson ’63 & Anna Mae MartinPhillip ’69 & Joyce MartinRobert A. & Sarah Jane MartinTimothy ’91 & Dawn MartinYvonne ’64 & Kenneth M. MartinAnthony ’71 & Karen MastClair ’66 & Pamela MastDean ’84 & Jan Mast ’85Ernest ’59 & Esther Mast ‘59John & Melissa MattilioElsie M. MatzJan McDowellDoris ’67 & Daniel J. MeehanDale ‘61 & Carolyn Mellinger ‘63William G. MellingerAlta ’65 & Lehman MetzlerDonald ’77 & Marilyn Miller ‘77Helen L. MillerJ. Martin ’69 & Ferne Miller ‘71Jennifer L. & Brett MillerJoyce H. MillerLewis & Helen G. MillerMary Ann ’70 & Lloyd MillerMillport <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchGerald & Sharon MohlerRebecca & Hugo MoralesDorcas Morrow ‘51David & Eleanor MumawCornelius H. MusserMabel & Norman MyersMary Jane Myers ‘63Rodney D. & Miriam NafzigerNorma ‘63 & J. Larry NeffDortha Wise Neil ‘63Mary Ellen ’54 & Daniel NessDwane ’83 & Karen Newswanger ‘88Orpha A. Newswanger ‘55Diane L. NicklausMary Jane Nissley ‘60Darlene ’70 & C. Robert NollJames M. NollRebecca ‘72 & Herbert NollNolt Electric Inc.North Group ConsultantsDonovan & Carol OberholtzerCheryl A. OeschgerRichard J. & Lynne PalazzoBrenda ’76 & Tony PascottiRichard L. & Betty PellmanRobert ’73 & Cindy PetersheimRichard & Julianne PoffParke ’80 & Sheila RanckRed Run <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchHerbert ’69 & Vera ReedAnna ’61 & Ron H. ReimerPaul D. & Margaret ReitzStephen T. & Melissa ReynoldsDonn ’04 & Terri L. RidleyMary ’77 & Dennis RittenhouseSylvia M. RobertsonRockville <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchEloy & Becky L. RodriguezBonnie ’74 & John RohrerEarl ’45 & Marian RohrerRyan Rohrer 95J. Wilson Roth ‘07Ruth & Carl RudyRodney A. & Fern RuthSusan ’74 & Thomas RuthG. Roger & Pamela RuttGlenn ’49 & Pauline RuttMartha & Charles SangreeClair ’69 & Nancy Sauder ‘69John ’79 & Rose A. Sauder ‘84Colette J. & John L. SaufleyChester ’47 & Naomi SensenigDonald ’56 & Doris Sensenig ‘56Karen ’72 & Kenneth L. SensenigHenry ’70 & Joan ShellenbergerPatricia A. Shelly ‘82Alice Herr Shenk ‘55Audrey J. Shenk ‘82David ’55 & Grace Shenk ‘55James ’71 & Donna Shenk ‘71John ’48 & Myrtle ShenkKelly & David ShenkBenjamin & Rhoda ShenkJohn ’62 & Teresa ShreinerAlma ’57 & Harold ShultzReba ’78 & John ShumanDonald ’63 & Joanne Siegrist ‘64Rashi Majithia & Harjit SinghCarole ’64 & Douglas SmithMadeline ’57 & Will SollenbergerRachel ’51 & Jacob A. StahlJohn ’76 & Milonica StahlWertHerbert & Beverly SteffyJason J. & Maribelle SteffyAdrienne ’03 & Michael SteinerMatthew & Stacy SteinkampDaniel S & Marjorie StoltzfusMartha ’66 & Lester StoltzfusMiriam E. Stoltzfus ‘50Stumptown <strong>Mennonite</strong> ChurchKenneth L. & Marlene StutzmanShelby ’81 & J. David SwartleyTargetScott & Gail TaylorThe Clark Associates CharitableFoundationSamuel ’68 & Marian ThomasDoris ’74 & Marvin TollIvan ’71 & Connie TroxelChristine & Tommi TurkkiArt ’76 & Jennifer UmbleDale ’60 & Ruth UmbleDiane & Ronald N. Umble ‘68Gerald ’64 & Darlene UmbleUniversal Racquet & Fitness Ctr.Katherine E. VandermarkClifford & Mary Beth WagnerJohn C. & Joyce WagnerJohn S. & Darlene WalkerNancy WaltzE. Eugene Weaver ‘75J. Clyde ’52 & Edna Weaver ‘52Jeffrey ‘79 & Louann ‘77 WeaverNaomi ’64 & James WeaverRichard ’52 & Marilyn J. WeaverRonald ’71 & Erma WeaverFloyd & Salinda WeberElizabeth A. Wenger ‘51Glen WengerHugh E. & Kathy WengerLora M. & Todd WengerWenger’s Feed Mill Inc.Daniel ’56 & Miriam C. Wert ‘59J. Lloyd ’59 & Beverly Wert ‘59Wheatland Federal Credit UnionWilliam J. WheelerWhite Oak MillsMary Beth & Steve WillPatsy WilliamsDerek ’93 & Melissa Wissler ‘93Witmer Automotive Serv.Evelyn ’53 & John WitmerTodd ’87 & Deborah WitmerBeth E. WrayElvin & Jestena YeagleyHarold & Luella M. YoderJulia M. Yoder ‘47Sylvia ‘76 & Darrell E. YoderRichard ‘75 & Janine YungingerMary & Michael ZehrAnn ‘61 & Clayton ZimmermanJoyce Zimmerman ‘67Keith & Katrina A ZimmermanMark ‘66 & Lucille ZimmermanMark ‘59 & Karene ZimmermanAbraham ‘75 & Mary Zuniga ’58CONTRIBUTORRichard Z. AbelBrenda C. AbramsRichard H. & Jennifer AchenbachDaniel S. AckleyEileen AckleyJoseph AdamsLisa AdamsMary Eileen AdamsMichelle L. AdamsSuzanne S. AdamsDavid P. AdcockAegis Retirement Strategies LLCJerry W. & Joyce AikenTim AikenBritta M. AlamScott E. AlbertCharles ’82 & Nancy AlbrechtDiann M. AlbrightNichole M. AlbrightAlfred AlderDawn ’87 & Troy AlderferRodney D. AlderferDiane Allen ‘83Lorraine ’68 & George AllenShirley Altizer1 2 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1

James and Gloria HeiseyJohn M. & Linda HeiseyLorraine J. HeiseyStuart L. HeiseyC J. HeistandCynthia L. HeistandJanet Heistand ‘49Larry & Linda HelleinDaniel ’96 & Jennifer Heller ‘95Janet ’70 & Roger HellerEric & Terri HellmanSylvia ’73 & Leslie N HelmuthShirley A. HendershottGregory K. HendersonLarry HendersonR. Victor HendricksonJames & Jill HenkeJanet L. HenryHarold E. HermanHiram E. HernandezLouis HernandezElizabeth A. HernleyAmy ’67 & M. Dale HerrJ. Glenn Herr ‘63Jansen M. Herr ‘93John and Jane HerrMary E. HerrMary Ella HerrNicole R. & Matthew HerrNorma Jane Herr ‘61Henry HerrmannEdna ’58 & Dwight HershbergerAnn M. & Joseph HersheyBethany N. HersheyBrian ’85 & Kay HersheyCleo ’61 & Mary HersheyClifford ’78 & Mary HersheyDale ’79 & Martha HersheyDale ’81 & Debbie HersheyDonald ’55 & Geraldine HersheyDot & Dale HersheyErma HersheyEthel M. HersheyGlenn ’65 & Helen Hershey ‘65Heidi N. Hershey ‘75J. Marc HersheyJ. A. ’66 & Cynthia A. HersheyJohn F. & Carolyn HersheyJohn H. & Mabel HersheyLawrence ’81 & Barbara HersheyMary & Floyd HersheyMary Ann HersheyNelson ’54 & Thelma HersheyPatricia A. HersheyRobert L. HersheySteve & Heidi HersheyJames N. & Mildred HertzlerRuth Harnish Hertzler ‘60Amy HessAndrew ’51 & Dorothy HessCheryl ’73 & Dwight L. HessCynthia P. Hess ‘76Dale ’72 & Ursula HessDonald & Patricia HessEric P. Hess ‘95Gerald F. HessGerald L. & Carol HessHelen ’50 & James R. HessHomer G. & Dorothy Mae HessJ. Daniel ’55 & Joy Hess ‘57James ’70 & Carolyn HessJames ’96 & JoAnna Hess ‘97John & Bonnie HessJoseph D. & Lois W. HessJudith M. Hess ‘68Luke ’66 & Dorothy HessMarshall E. & Karen HessMervin ’53 & Reba Hess ‘53Michael Hess ‘98Miriam G. Hess ‘58Nancy HessP. Bruce ’72 & Christine HessRonald D. HessSharon ’85 & Robert L. HessJanice ‘61 & Thomas HessWendy Jo Hess ‘95William ’61 & Connie HessCandance HibshmanCarey HiestandDale & Lucy HiestandDelbert W. HiestandKevin HiestandJohn J. HigginsRebecca ’67 & David F. HighTimothy HighKrista ’88 & Franklin D HighamCecilia HileElissa A. HillJana L. HillDonald F. HilsherJohn HilsherSteven S. & Joyce HilsherRuth ’57 & John R. HimmelreichLinda K. HippleRobert G. HippleCaroline E. HodsonDeborah HodsonHenry HofferAngela R. HoffmanHoffman Health PartnersKendra L. HoffmanRichard C. HoffmanRonald HoffmanOren & Naomi HofstetterFannie S. HokeArlan & Diane HollingerClyde ’64 & Elaine Hollinger ‘64Daniel ’92 & Kelly N. HollingerI. W. ’51 & Ruth Hollinger ‘51J. D. Hollinger ’75 & Dawn Martin ‘75Jeffrey & June HollingerKay HollingerLaurene R. HollingerLois ’47 & J. Clair HollingerPaul E. HollingerJames R. & Joan HolmanSusan B. HolmbergRebekah ’85 & Derek HolmesMary S. HomseyRuth ’50 & Mervin S. HooberScott ’85 & Karen Hoober ‘88Eileen ’70 & Nevin HooverFaith R. Hoover ‘69Harold & Jane HooverHerbert & Jane HooverMarie ’66 & Levi F. HooverNelson ’69 & Elaine Hoover ‘70Paul R. & Janet HooverTroy ’95 & Stacy HooverVirginia HooverRichard B. HopfKenneth K. HornbergerLandis E. & Lisa HornbergerDenise ’88 & Nevin HorningDonna J. HorningErma ’59 & Carl HorningHenry ’48 & Lela HorningIvan & Lillian HorningJoyce A. HorningSean & Allison HorningApril HorstClifford ’89 & Roberta HorstClifford ’95 & Roselle HorstDonna ’78 & Timothy Horst ‘78Lorene ’65 & Earl HorstSteven ’86 & Brenda HorstJulia ’80 & Jeffrey S. HorstKendall ’95 & Alicia HorstKriston T. & Christy HorstLauren B. & Betty HorstLowell W. & Carolyn HorstLuanne ’72 & Vernon D. HorstMatthew F. Horst ‘97Paul ’81 & Cindy HorstRodney ’92 & Faith HorstRoy R. & Doris HorstJean ’68 & James HorstYvonne L. HorstAudrey ’83 & Loren HosslerMaynard ’68 & Mary Hostetler ‘69Andrew ’03 & Jodie Hostetter ‘03Dale ’73 & Dorothea Hostetter ‘76Elvin & Sharon HostetterJeanette Hostetter ‘49Pluma King Hostetter ‘48Robert ’99 & Mindy HostetterSharon ’78 & Elvin Hostetter ’74Marlin HouckJoseph F. & Nicolina M. HoustonLois E. HowanecShane & Shannon HowellBeverly A. HowesDaria ’80 & Frank J. HuberEarl E. & Charlote HuberJoyce A. Huber ‘65Ray ’83 & Lynette Huber ‘84Dennis HumeLoraine R. HunterC. Glenn ’66 & Helen HurstChad ’00 & Nicole HurstArlene HurstJ. Nevin ’91 & Melissa Hurst ‘93Louis G. & Sharon HurstJanet ’53 & Gerald H. IhleNancy ’81 & Earl IllyesMarie D. ImhoffCatherine IncollingoAndy InhofDaniel G. InhofGeorge & Jessica InhofInteriors Inc.Clarence J. IntrieriRyan IntrieriSarah M. IrianaDawn ’83 & Geoffrey IsleySharyn L. IwaniecAna M. JackmanSandra M. JacksonGary & Keri JacobsPaul E. & Tammy JacobsGwenn JamesCeclia L. JamisonLois ’75 & John D. JantziCarala JellemaDavid & Doreen JemisonRalph E. & Shirley JemisonPatricia JenkingsEsther A. JenkinsJohn N. JenkinsKathleen M. JenkinsAnn M. Jenkins-FrisonJennie’s DinerJacqueline JensenAbraham Jeto & Hirut AmanteJohn Black D.D.S.Sherrie ‘95 & Matt JohndrowJudith A. JohnsonRobert E. JohnsonCharles C. JonesCheryl D. JonesEva JonesMiriam ’61 & David JonesMolly E. JonesRichard C. & Colleen J. JonesMichael & MaLisa JordanRobin S. JostRuth ’67 & Timothy S. JostJacqueline M. JudgeJames D. JuliaCarol A. KaltreiderHelen ‘64 & Ronald KasemeyerEdward C. Kassab D.M.D.Barbara ’60 & Titus F. KauffmanBarbara L. KauffmanBen ’86 & Sylvia KauffmanJames ’65 & Doris KauffmanJoan C. KauffmanJohn ’51 & Marie KauffmanLee ’86 & Kris Kauffman ‘87Ryan ’93 & Christy KauffmanSharon M. KauffmanGerald & Marlene KaufmanNaomi M. KaufmanMary Beth ’73 & Donald L. KautzSally C. KeaneyChet KearneyJames and Regina KearneyDeb KeaysNicole S. KeaysBerhanu Kebede & Yenwork ZelekeHeidi H. KecskemethyNancy Keefer ‘72Richard & Shirley KeeneDale & Thelma KeenerEugene ’62 & Ravae KeenerGladys ’49 & Carl KeenerH. Stephen & Marilyn KeenerHerbert ’68 & Barbara KeenerKathleen ’79 & Arlen KeenerLois ’59 & Wilmer KeenerRobert ’68 & Rhoda KeenerShawn & Pam KeenerRobert W. Keens ‘82Byron & Lauren KehrMildred M. KehrAlan R. KeimMarlin & Sandra KeimHelen ’45 & Richard KeiperDebra KeithMichael KellamLois ’53 & Harold H. KellerMabel KellerTerry M. KelleyHomer C. KendrickDr. Lawrence KennedyMichelle KennedyRebecca J. KennedyWilliam KennedyDavid ’57 & Anna KennelJohn D. Kennel ‘71Timothy ’77 & Kathryn KennelMary A. KernRichard & Phyllis KernKeystone Trailers Inc.John H. & Mary KilhefferMarlene E. KilhefferSharon ’70 & Kenneth KilhefferEileen R. Kinch ‘00Michael and Marie KinchBetty J. & Timothy KindelbergerJoann A. KindelbergerAlvin ’65 & Mary KingBruce ’81 & Patricia KingEsther ’53 & Elmer E. King ‘52Dale ‘53 & Faye KingKevin ’76 & Karen KingMargaret ’56 & Harry KingMary J. KingMerle ’59 & Jeanette King ’57Paul ’53 & Dorothy King ‘53Walter L. KingAnn ’71 & Jerold King-GroshJoleone KinneyRobert H. KinneyJames V. KinseyHarry & Kathleen KipeLarry & Laniesh KippJoyce ’58 & Kenneth E. KisamoreCindy A. KissingerLinda K. KleinThomas & Hope KleinTheda ’69 & Ulrich H. KlemmDorrene S. KlineKenneth A. Kline ‘93Kenneth D. Kline Jr.Sandra E. KnaubCarl ’83 & Rochelle Kniss ‘83David ’53 & Esther Kniss ‘53Mark & Betty KnissJoan A. KnospBarbara S. KochBonnie & Doug KochelJeffrey S. & Denise KocherLinda M. KodashLiselotte & David KoenigTeresa D. KoenigWilliam H. & Susan KohrRuth ’60 & Elvin S. KolbBrad KopchaMarie KopfGene & Karen KoppJay R. & Lucille KoppRuth Ann ’56 & Donald KoppPaula D. KowalBrent KradyDan Krady ‘46James ’50 & Madeleine KradyEwald J. KraenbringMark & Naomi KraenbringMichael & Joan KrakLeah KramerMichele L. KrampitzCurt & Eva KratzRay & Mary KratzRonald & Laurel KratzBen & Miriam KraybillDavid ’69 & Mary KraybillJohn ’49 & Thelma KraybillJoy L. Kraybill ‘91Leon ’77 & Audrey KraybillSimon P. & Mary Jean KraybillAmy ’47 & Ellis D. KreiderArlene ’62 & Wilmer H. KreiderBarry ’76 & Erika KreiderBeverly ‘84 & Bruce KreiderDonald KreiderFrank and Barbara KreiderGerald ’82 & Audrey Kreider ‘82Helen F. KreiderLloyd ’63 & Mary Lois Kreider ‘64Janet C & James KreiderJanet H. Kreider ‘46John ’58 & Margaret KreiderJoyce ’55 & Lloyd E. Kreider ‘53June ’76 & Donald C. KreiderKaren Q. KreiderKirby Lynn ’91 & Cassie Kreider ‘91Laura Mae ’59 and Lester KreiderLois M. KreiderMary Alice Kreider ‘50Noah W. Kreider Jr.Ronald E. & Hollee A. KreiderStephanie and Joseph KreiderSteven W. & Diane KreiderThelma ’50 & Elvin L. KreiderJoanne KreiserRichard KreiserDiana L. KretzingAmy KreutelLisa A. KriegKurt H. KrissingerWilma KuhnClyde ’62 & Jane KuhnsRay ’64 & Sharon Kuhns ‘67Ruth ’72 & John KulpJohn C. KunesRhoda Kunkel ‘61Gregory D. KuppCalvin ’59 & Esther Kurtz ‘59Floyd ’73 and Beth KurtzIra ’59 & Evelyn KurtzMaynard ’54 & Hilda KurtzPaul ’47 & Lydia H. Kurtz ‘48Phillip D. Kurtz ‘73Martha Kurtz-Gascho ‘46Phyllis M. KuykendallElva LackeyCharles LacquementWalter and Marian LadsonJanet S. LamarcoRaymond & Audrey Lanas<strong>Lancaster</strong> Ice RinkRichard L. & Janis LandesBrendon J. Landis ‘95Douglas L. LandisDwight ’86 & Gwendolyn LandisEdwin ’50 & Almeda Landis ‘50James K. & Elaine LandisJay ’50 & Peggy LandisMarvin ’92 & Dorcas Landis ‘93Mary Ann LandisMary ’65 & James C. LandisMelvin C. Landis ‘72Nancy J. LandisPaul ’50 & Ann Marie LandisRuth ’60 & Martin C. LandisSteven & Judith K. LandisSteven ’73 & Rosemary K. LandisStuart ’79 & Starla J. LandisThomas & Lois LandisTimothy ’75 & Cheryl LandisTimothy N. Landis ‘74Michael & Laura LanePaula LaneAda Ruth Lapp ‘48Alvin A. & Jean LappDaniel ’69 & Orpha LappDouglas LappGregory L. Lapp ‘87Helen ’54 & Samuel J. LappBridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1 | 1 5

James A. OberLori OberFaith OberholtzerFrederick D. & Phyllis OberholtzerThomas ’92 & Denise Oberholtzer ’92Matthew A. O’ConnellDianne O’ConnorMary Rose OmastaStephanie S. OngukaRichard OpferSusan B. OrthMr. & Mrs. Carlos OrtizMarjorie L. OsmanAnn ’68 & Thomas OverlyGayle OwensCatherine L. PaglowRick PaglowVirgil & Lousie PaglowKarren E. PalermoLorna PalmerPhyllis PappThomas H. PardueParkside Dentistry P. C.Nelson & Barbara PaulsEugene & Mary PautlerMark & Cynthia PautlerBarbara A. PayneCharles PayneCarol ’73 & B. Frank PeacheyEsther ’54 & Leonard R. PeacheyHelen Ann Peachey ‘54Jonathan Ray Peachey ‘04Gwendolyn W. & Urbane PeachyPaul A. PearceDaryl & Jane PeiferM. Dean ’86 & Jennifer Peifer ‘86Margaret A. PelenPenelope A. PellegriniDavid PelletierMary C. Peltzer ‘94Heidi ‘93 & Bryan PenceRuth PennayCathryn L. PenningtonRobert D. & Elsie PenningtonJanet L. Pepper ’69Martha Pepper ‘58Doris ’57 & Cecil PerkinsArlene PerrettElla ’53 & Galen R. PetersJohn and Arlene PetersLeona ’52 & Jesse F. PetersFreda ‘76 & Jerald PetersheimRob PhilippaJohn & Christine PhillipsJohn & Debra A PhillipsLarry W. PhillipsNancy M. PhillipsElizabeth Phipps ‘10Kimberly & David M. PhippsAaron J. & Tiffany M. PhySusan L. PiccirilliMabel I. Pickel ’51Virginia ’65 & Donald PickellCathy J. PickettErnest PinckneyStella PittsGrace M. PlaterNelson M. PoliteKimberly PoschenStephanie R. PoulosSadie C. PounderLinda K. PressleyElvena F. PriceRichard W. PridayPrince Street CafeDenise ProulxJ. Gregory PurnellJohn W. PurnellMichaela PurnellNorma W. QueenQuilt Expressions of Lanc. Co.Carol & Arthur F. QuinnDennis RaberRainbow Dinner TheatreWilliam RainwaterCrystal N. RamirezVirginia RamirezJudith RamosPriday RanchCarl ’85 & Mary Beth Ranck ‘84Donald & Virginia RanckJames ’61 & Judith RanckJoseph ’69 & Ann Ranck ‘69Parke H. & Emma RanckReba ’60 & J. Ray RanckTrevor R. Ranck ‘03Nancy M. ReamJim & Louise ReardonCynthia ’76 & Robert L. RedcayJohn ’57 & Carolyn ReedMildred ReedKay L. ReeverScott N. & Sharon L. RehmRebecca ReidenbachDarlene ‘61 & Ronald ReighardEileen Y. ReimelDaniel & Cleta ReinfordDarrel ‘92 & Kirsten E. ReinfordCharles & Erna ReinhartWilliam & Carol ReisingerDavid A. & Pamela A. ReistJennie ReistSandra Reist ‘83Michael & Mary Ellen ReitmeyerMelvin ’62 & Pauline ReitzBlanche Renshaw ‘61Anna M. ResslerDavid L. & Sherry ResslerGerald & Mary Alice ResslerHazel E. ResslerMarlin ’66 & Catherine M. ResslerRon & Marlene ResslerValerie ’82 & Doug RheinheimerBobbi RhodesStella M. RhynesShawn ’98 & Melanie RiceVerna R. RiceRichard H. & Kristin Albright D.D.S.Clemmie ’64 & George RichardsAnita L. RidgleyThelma ’59 & Ron RileyRuth E. RineerDan C. RingEric & Jennifer RisserNancy F. RisserSharon ’70 & J. Douglas RisserJason ’92 & Heather RisslerHarold & Karin RittenhouseKendra ’80 & James RittenhouseVirginia RittenhouseCheri M. RittnerKatherine RittnerRuth Ann ’66 & Ronald RobenoltMelvina RobinsonNatalie RobinsonShango & Lisa A. RobinsonSharon D. RobinsonBrenda & Russell RockwellJudy G. RogersLinda RogersRonald J. & Janet RoggieAda M. RohrerAudrey ’69 & Richard D. RohrerClara RohrerDaniel & Susana RohrerDonald M. & Lois RohrerJanet RohrerJason B. Rohrer ‘00Jason ’96 & Sarah E. Rohrer ‘99Judy ‘84 & Joe RohrerP. Kenneth & Carolyn RohrerRohrer TransportWilliam G. Rohrer ‘80Al & Donna RomeroPatricia J. RonningenRichard RonsonClyde and Laverne RootCandance L. & Rob L. RosenberryFaye E. RosenberryJohn L. & Nancy RosenberryDr. George RosenwasserAstrid L. RossJessica RossRobert P. RourkeDr. Bonny F. RowellDeborah L. RozetteElizabeth ‘81 & Daniel RudyFrederick W. RuheMary E. & Jonathan RuhlMiriam ’61 & Harvey RuhlKaren ’66 & Lawrence T. RushJoyce ‘75 & Jerome RusinHarvey & Donna RuthNaomi ’81 & Craig RuthRichard E. RuthJ. Steven Rutt ’81Julia RuttMervin S. & Gladys RuttPhillip ’71 & Marian H. Rutt ‘71Carolyn L. RyanSusan E. SadyPhyllis J. SalamoneRhoda ’53 & Ali A. SalimRichard J. & Carolyn SalisburyBonita L. SalmDavid SamplePatrick & Bethany SampsellJason ’88 & Jeanette SamuelYvonne SandsVirginia ’59 and John SanerG. Scott Sangrey ‘89Gordon ’67 & Bonnie SangreyJ. Nelson ’64 & Jane Sangrey ‘65Cindy L. SantosRobert L. SatterfieldAnna Mary Sauder ‘67Cindy SauderDonald ’66 & Linda Sauder ‘69Esther SauderEvelyn ’56 & Laurence SauderEvelyn M. Sauder ‘68Twila ‘82 & Galen SauderGlenn ‘65 & Joyce Sauder ‘64Anthony ’78 & Kathleen Sauder ‘78Rich ’80 & Bonnie Sauder ‘81James ’53 & Rhoda Sauder ‘53Kevin J. SauderLois J. Sauder ’59M. Dean & Doris SauderMary Jane ’61 and R. Earl SauderMatthew ’96 & Jennifer SauderMona M. SauderRhonda L. Sauder ‘87Virginia K. SauderLeon & Jean SaufleyMike & Alice SaufleyLee SaundersMegan R. SavageMary Ann SayreRobert & Gayle SayreR. Donald ScanlinNancy M. & Robert ScanlonCarl D. SchaeferAndrew T. & Melanie B. ScheidTerry A. Scheidell-AumentJane SchenckCynthia E. SchierlJoan SchierlMark 92 & Susan K. SchildtMichael & Lori SchmidPaul SchnaithmannJeffrey L. & Susan SchnuppGladys Schofield ‘59Suzanne N. SchottTara SchramCarol A. SchreyerTimothy & Stephanie SchreyerPatricia King Schrock 72Sarah ’99 & Ryan D. SchrockLisa A. SchultzPatricia A. SchwabeErma Peifer ’45 & WernerSchwebbachLinda B. SchwindAndrew H. ScottGary & JoAnne ScottJames SeatsMiriam ’58 & Walter D. SeigfriedDorothy B. SeitzDouglas D. SeitzKristine SekelyEthel ’54 & Glen M. SellLeon ’79 & Diane SellIvan W. SellersEldon SelzerDorothy Mae Sensenich ‘57Grace ’70 & Noah SensenigJoanne ’60 & Gary G. SensenigJulia ’72 & J. Carl SensenigN. Elaine SensenigNancy SensenigShady Maple Farm Mkt & Smorg.Connie L. ShaffnerRuth Anna ShaieblyBarbara A. ShankCarl Shank Jr.Carolyn L. Shank ‘60Lois L. ShankKathleen ‘80 & Stanley ShantzDarlene M. Sharp ‘65Loretta ’70 & Donald D. SharpCynthia ShaubThomas ShaubF. Barry & Barbara ShawMary L. ShawTony E. ShawMichelle J. SheafferGladys ’53 & Robert ShearerCharlene A. SheetsDonald ’66 & Ann Shellenberger ‘66Harold ’75 & Cindy Shellenberger ‘75Shirley Shellenberger LindeShelley & Mildred ShellenbergerEthel Mae ShellyAaron M. ShenckBarbara A. ShenigoCraig S. ShenigoDenice ShenigoMichael A. ShenigoBrianna N. Shenk ‘06Charles ’49 & Marian ShenkDorothy A. Shenk ‘56Mae ’55 & Kenneth ShenkHarold ’58 & Mary Grace ShenkHarry ’54 & Rosene J. ShenkHelen ’50 & Glenn ShenkMiriam ’60 & Ray ShenkNaomi A. Shenk ‘61Norman ’50 & Jean Shenk ‘50Timothy Shenk ’88 & ChristineKaufmanIsabel B. SherdonJoseph & MaryLou ShererDaniel ’55 & Mary Ellen Shertzer ‘55John ’61 & Henrietta Shertzer ‘61James ShifflettElena G. ShipmanAllan ’60 & Ruth Ann Shirk ‘60Lois J. & Robert G. ShirkLorraine ’59 and Walter ShirkMaynard ’65 & Alice Shirk ‘65Michelle ShirkMary ‘71 & Kirk ShislerLillian A. ShoemakerDavid E. & Donna ShoffEugene C. & Nellie ShoffJoan ShoffstallJean Shonk ‘60Leroy & Darlene ShonkLois G. ShonkMarcia W. ShoreDelores H. ShortEsther ’67 & Roland N. ShorterCarolyn F. Showalter ‘72Donald Showalter ‘66Linden ‘77 & Ruth ShowalterRichard H. & Bertha ShowalterSusan ’68 & Earl D. ShowalterRobert ’60 & Mary Ann Shreiner ’61Joyce ’62 & Glenn ShultzJames R. ShumanJohn A. & Karen ShumanAnne ’51 & Elmer D. SiegristDaniel ’70 & Laurie SiegristJ. Marvin ’66 & Donna SiegristWilbur P. & Rachel SiegristJared SiglinJeremy SiglinMimi C. SigworthFerne SilbermanJohn and Barbara SimkinsRichard G. Simms Jr.Richard & Janet Simms Sr.Ann ’64 & Louis SimonettiMary SineRick T. SineGregory M. SipeMichael L. SipeSherry SkorenkiKathleen L. SleezerRobert SloyerWilliam SloyerSmart Mini Mart IncSmith Chiropractic CenterDoris ’57 & Donald SmithJack H. SmithJacquelyn SmithLois Jean Smith ‘84Mary ’59 & Charles SmithMary M. SmithPaul F. & Patricia SmithRuth Y. SmithSusan F. SmithSuzanne SmithTheodore D. & Claudia J. SmithTimothy J. SmithTodd & Stacey SmithTrudy ’83 & Scott SmithWalter L. SmithWarren W. SmithAda N. Smoker ‘50Charlotte ’73 & Ronald L. SmokerDarlene SmokerDiana SmokerNatalie L. SmokerBurnell Smucker ‘98Fanny ’79 & Carl G. SmuckerJohn E. & Myrna SmuckerLloyd ’81 & Cynthia SmuckerMervin ’83 & Kathy Smucker ‘83Sadie A. SmuckerMatthew ’89 & Janine SnavelyEsther R. SnookShirley SnookWilbur & Bondia SnookJyl H. SnyderDina A. SolitoMelanie J. SollenbergerElsie Mae SomersScott Weaver & Lynn SommerMary ‘81 & Martin SommerfeldDenver L. & Rose SommersNancy SotoRyan R. SoutherPhyllis SpanglerGregory S. SpeeceNikelle W. SpeersRoberta SpeersJohn M. SpellmanAnthony J. SpicklerLinda L. SpicklerKevin St. CyrSusan ’57 & John D. StahlStephen G. & Doreen D. StaikosErin M. StanleyIra P. StarksAmy M. StaufferChad ’92 & Judy Stauffer ‘92Faye ’71 & Steven B. StaufferGary G. StaufferJean ‘69 & J. Richard StaufferJay ’69 & Jan StaufferJay D. StaufferJeffrey ’76 & Sandra StaufferMarlene StaufferNancy ‘62 & Leon StaufferNorma ’70 & Bruce A. StaufferRobin ‘81 & Robert StaufferSherri L. StaufferWanda ’94 & Brian Stauffer ‘87Stauffers of Kissel HillBrent A. StebbinsMillard L. & Fern SteckbeckIrvin J. SteeleHeidi & Scott SteffenRita ’90 & Anthony SteffenJ. Scott ’75 & Susan Steffy ‘76Mary L. SteffyRandall ’72 & Sara SteffyCedric D. SteinerBridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1 | 1 7

Steve & Claudia SteinkampJolynn SteinmanS. Kathryn SteinmetzJason StetlerWilliam F. & Sylvia StevensCarol StewartJohn B. & Joan StipeJeffrey R. StokesNora J. StollerDavid W. StolterAndrew ’59 & Lucille Stoltzfus ‘59Chad ’87 & Brenda Stoltzfus ‘87Dale ’55 & Doris StoltzfusGary & Sharon StoltzfusGeorge ’63 & Mae Stoltzfus ‘63Grant ’79 & Susan StoltzfusHarvey Z. & Lillian StoltzfusJ. Wilmer StoltzfusJay ’74 & Nancy StoltzfusJonathan 95 & Tricia Stoltzfus ‘94Kenneth ’58 & Elaine Stoltzfus ‘59Kimberly R. StoltzfusMerle ’46 & Esther Stoltzfus ‘49Ralph D. & Carol StoltzfusRandy J. Stoltzfus ‘77Robert T. & Joyce StoltzfusRuth ’55 & Daniel B. StoltzfusVirgil ’50 & Doris StoltzfusEileen Buckwalter Stone ‘60Donald ’69 & Clara StonerJames ’66 & Sharon StonerJanet M. Stoner ‘64Titus B. & Erma StonerJill StonerookCatherine StoverDonald & Jessie StoverJoseph W. StrangarityRonald StricklandLarry ’56 & Carrie Strickler ’56Lowell ’81 & Jennifer StricklerNicolina R. StrmacCarolyn Strong ‘87David R. & Glenda B. StrongMichael T. StrothersMary Jane StudenrothJoy ‘81 & David Stutzman ‘76Michael A. SuchanickDoris ’63 & James J. SullivanMarie B. SummyAlbin SundbergScott & Wendy SundbergDoris M. SuppleMary B. SuppleMary F. SuppleSusquehanna BankSusquehanna Dental LtdDawn SuterLinnhe K. SvenssonWillard ’54 & Mary SwartleyRuth ’48 & Robert SwartzCarol ’50 & Earl SwartzentruberDuane ’59 & Florence SwartzentruberGlenn SweigartNancy J. SweigartTodd and Vickie SwiontekBrian & Mechele SwopeSharon L. SwopeWarren & Joye L. SykesT & N RentalsHenry TaitJoseph & Carol TattaBonnie L. TaylorBetty R. TempleBarbara TetiThe Country StoreThe Hess AgencyThe Ripple FoundationThe Smile Care Group LtdThe WorksBrittany ’04 & Spencer ThiesenDaniel ’68 & Rachel ThomasCarolyn M. ThomasE. H. & R. A. ThomasFannie ’61 & Richard M. ThomasHarold & Karen ThomasJames L. ThomasJohn H. & Eileen ThomasMarlin ’61 & Doris ThomasMelvin Thomas ’61 & GenevaRufenachtMiriam Thomas ‘63Elizabeth ThompsonMarcia ThompsonPeter ThompsonRichard B. & Jennifer ThompsonVolletta E. ThompsonJames & Elizabeth TippettMary Todd ’43Ruth ’65 & Jay L. ToddVera ’59 and Ralph ToddBrenda A. TolbertCraig P. TomkoRuth ’60 & Charles TorielliLeon ’95 & Della TragerMathaus ’97 & Lori TragerKen & Tamara TravisCora V. TrisslerHarvey TrotmanAmanda & Brian TroutElizabeth M. TroutAmy ’87 & Gregory L. TroyerRoger & Verda TroyerBrenda L. TrumpCindy TuckerTurkey Hillside FarmDelbert L. TurmanTyco Elec. Matching Gift ProgramLinda ’66 & Warren L. TysonPat UlishneyC. Douglas ‘90 & Karen UmbleHarold & Lena UmbleKeith ‘90 & Linda UmbleLawrence ‘57 & Margaret UmbleMarian L. Umble ‘63Michelle L. Umble ‘88Clair & Miriam UmbleSharon ’84 & Fred S. UmbleWilliam ’77 & Diane Umble ‘79Arthur R. UmsteadRuth UngerBrent D. UrbanIsabelle UrbineDonna UrdzikUtility/Keystone Trailer Sales Inc.Jacquelyn E. Van Der NootLisa A. Van LiewPatricia VandermarkTeresa VandermarkElizabeth VanderwallMargaret ’67 & Timothy VarnerChelsy VelascoJohn E. & M. Suzanne ViselliV J Sales IncLaurie VogtEmily VolpeVortex Environmental Inc.Brad & Natalie WagnerLinda M. WagnerMark C. WagnerRobert D. & Mary WagnerElizabeth WalkerMr. and Mrs. WalkerNancy ‘64 & Bob WalkerPatricia WallRobert WallaceJeffrey & Karolyn WallerBarbara WallettPatricia K. WallettKenneth ’64 & Susan WalterMarvin WaltersDiane WaltmanEmory & Doris WaltonStarr WaltzDawn ‘85 & David WamplerAudrey J. WandelFay I. WarfelCarrie ’99 & Phil WarnerDerek ’91 & Renee WarnickDonald L. & Mary Ann WarnickDwight & Mary WarnickElizabeth WarrenMichael WashingtonDiane & Jay S. WassallRobert & Norma WassallSusan ’68 & Raymond E. WatkinsDarlene H. WayRichard ’56 & Ruth WeaverAlbert S. Weaver ‘66Allen S. Weaver ‘52Alma ’47 & John WeaverClair ’67 & Betsy Weaver ‘69Dale ’65 & Deborah WeaverDavid ’67 & Dawn WeaverDeborah ’72 & Lester E. WeaverDiana L. WeaverDonald ‘73 & Lucy WeaverEileen Weaver ‘61Elvin M. & Lois WeaverFred ‘75 & Dixi WeaverHeidi J. WeaverIrvin ‘56 & Dorothy WeaverJ. Michael ’80 & Valerie Weaver ‘81Jay N. ‘73 & Joyce WeaverJean ’53 & Robert E. WeaverJeffrey ’86 & Deanna WeaverJerle B. Weaver ‘75Jessica ’98 & Derrick S. WeaverJohn ‘61 & Jane H. WeaverJoy ‘75 & Nelson WeaverJoyce ’70 & Nelson E. WeaverJustin ’03 & Andrea WeaverKevin & Diane WeaverKevin & Bernadette WeaverKim & Daryl WeaverMarvin & Margaret WeaverMarvin ’55 & Lois Weaver ‘55Melvin ’50 & Marian WeaverMervin L. & Leora WeaverMichael L. WeaverDavid W. Weaver ‘69Rebecca S. WeaverRobert ’56 & Anna Mae Weaver ‘56Rodella ’62 & Luke L. WeaverRuth E. Weaver ‘50Stephen ’72 & Cynthia WeaverTrisha N. Weaver ‘04Wendy J. Weaver ‘80Valerie ’90 & David Weaver-ZercherCharles L. WebbConstance R. WebberWilliam & Nora WebberArlene ’48 & John L. WeberBarbara A. WeberHelen A. WeberIrene Stoltzfus Weber ‘49Linford ’76 & Florence Weber ‘76Nelson ’74 & Grace WeberNorma WeberJay ’79 & Cheryl Weber-Keener ‘76Monroe ’80 & Juanita Weber-Shirk ‘80Barbara A. WeidmanGeorge E. & Susan WeigelJane M. WeigelEli H. & Ellen WeilerKaren ‘75 & John W. WeilerWeinhold Chiropractic ClinicSteven & Marsha WeisfeldAmy J. WengerAndre & Susan WengerCarol ’88 & Sherwin WengerDavid ’65 & Ruth WengerErma ’50 & John C. WengerGlenda ‘85 & Kevin WengerJ. Douglas WengerJames B. WengerJanette WengerJeffrey ’87 & Lynelle Wenger ‘88Larry ’53 & RaeDella WengerLloyd D. ’54 & Pauline WengerMartha G. WengerRobert ’53 & Lena WengerRonald ’71 & Tina WengerSheri & Gordon L. Wenger ‘81Gary WerkheiserSharon M. WerstCharles & Millie WertMelvin ’59 & Dorothy Wert ‘60Petrina ’96 & Paul WestfallPamela WestonRebecca S. WeybrightWhalen Insur. Assoc. Inc.Lewis B. WheelerMary P. WheelerAnn L. White ‘76David ’48 & Betty Mae WhiteEileen ’81 & Dale WhiteGriffin W. & Mary WhiteJames ’62 & Evelyn WhiteMarilyn ’79 & Dennis WhiteBecky and Peter WhiteRaynea E. WhiteheadJoe & Lois WhitmoreDeborah K. WhitselJeri WiddowsonJeannie K. WidenerDonna G. WidrickJoe & Shirley WidrickSteven WidrickJane ’77 & Bradley WiensLisa A. WilbergMary ’55 & Dharl L. WilfongBeth WilkinsonNorman & Elaine WillBrenda WilliamsDarl WilliamsLois E. WilliamsJudith WilliamsonAnn WilligMichael and Christine WilligThomas & Joan WilligWillow Valley Retirem. Comm.Billy WilsonHeather WilsonLaverne WilsonMary O. WilsonVerlin J. WilsonLinda ’76 & Thomas WingardJennifer L. WinslowDalina WinterDonald ’59 & Pauline Winters ‘59Daniel Allen ’89 & Carrie WiseGeorge R. WismerJay E. & Phyllis WisslerTheodore W. & Judith WitasKristin M. & John R. WitmanLois B. WitmanPaula A. WitmanCynthia B. Witmer ‘77David and Joanna WitmerDavid L. ‘03 & Rebecca WitmerDuane ’79 & Hope WitmerE. Ray ’55 & Meredyth WitmerFlorence ’61 & Samuel WitmerJ. Richard ’64 & Nancy Witmer ‘63Jay WitmerLeslie K. & Marian WitmerLester L. & Margaret L. WitmerLois A. WitmerNyla ’49 & Harold WitmerRachel ‘94 & Jonathon WitmerRodney ’85 & Wendy WitmerCarolyn M. WohlfeilJ. Leonard ’77 & Kathleen WolfDavid ’65 & Donna WolgemuthJ. Dallas & Diane WolgemuthJoseph & Ellen M. WolgemuthLester & Madge WolgemuthLois B. Wolgemuth ‘53Randall ’83 & Betsy WolgemuthReba WolgemuthRebecca ’93 & Jason WolgemuthRichard and Elena WolmanJon-Mikel & Chelsea G. WoodyBenjamin F. WoolridgeShirley A. WorkDeborah WorleyJudith WrayDenise L. WrenM. Lonnie Wu ‘59Glenn ’65 & Janice WybleRobert ’61 & Naomi WybleJudy WyseSusan YackanechSandra A. YeagerKim YocumWarren & Alida J. YocumArlene ’73 & Mahlon C. YoderAudrey J. & Dale YoderCarol YoderCurt & Carolyn YoderDoris A. Yoder ‘67Dorothy ’52 & Roland B. YoderGladys ’50 & Jesse L. YoderHarvey M. & Shirley YoderJanet ’81 & Denton YoderJared ’03 & Meredith YoderJonathan Yoder ‘03Joy ’62 & Allen YoderJulie ’83 & J. Dwight YoderLouise ’78 & Howard YoderMarian ’66 & Keith YoderNancy ’65 & J. David YoderNelson & Patricia YoderPercy S. & Lois YoderRobert ’52 & Faith YoderSharon ’80 & Kevin L. YoderJean ‘71 & Wallace YordyElizabeth A. Young ‘00Jerry YoungRuth ’49 & William YovanovichHelen M. YuThomas R. YuTheresa YungerJane ’66 and Lavern YutzyRuth ’65 & Buddy ZaleMichael P. ZanolliLester ‘76 & Eunice Zeager ‘77Frank and Rhoda ZeagerJohn A. ZeagerNorman & Helene ZeagerJeffrey H. ZechmanBetty ’55 & Ralph D. ZehrBonnie M. & Gerald ZehrCarolyn ’52 & Paul S. ZeisetGladys ’64 & Henry ZeisetLois ’63 & Sam ZeisetRobert E. ZellGlenn ’62 & Kathleen ZendtDereje & Tsega ZewduLeonard A. ZigmentNancy A. ZigmentAlma N. ZimmermanAnne ZimmermanDaniel J. ZimmermanEarl ’55 & JoAnn Zimmerman ‘53Harry ’52 & Waneta ZimmermanJay ’70 & Ruth Zimmerman ‘70John M. ZimmermanLois ’56 & Leon R. ZimmermanM. Craig ’76 & Grace Zimmerman ‘76Mary ’64 & Marlin R. ZimmermanPaul ’64 and Janet ZimmermanRanee C. Zimmerman ‘77Betty ‘69 & Richard ZimmermanRichard L. & Kathryn ZimmermanRuth ’64 & H. Lamar ZimmermanSusan ’75 & Darrell L. ZimmermanVera N. ZimmermanDavid O. ZookDuane ’70 & Genie ZookJ. Harold Zook ‘55Robert ’82 & Ethel ZookRonald ’74 & Judith Zook ‘73Ruth ZuschlagAs part of the school’sthank you program, theLMS board of trusteesadopted the followinggiving categories:Contributor.....Up to $149Associate............$150–499Friend..............$500–$999Partner.......$1,000–$4,999Leader.......$5,000 or moreIf your name is not listed oris listed incorrectly, pleaseaccept our sincere apologiesand contact us at sprungerdl@lancastermennonite.org or 717-299-0436, ext.701, so we may correct ourrecords.1 8 | Bridges S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 1

November 17 to 19—See schedule on back page<strong>2011</strong> FALL FESTIVALand HOMECOMINGA fun way to support LMS students<strong>Lancaster</strong> <strong>Mennonite</strong> <strong>School</strong> again offers a fun variety of events at itsannual <strong>Fall</strong> Festival & Homecoming—for alumni and LMS friends alike.Cruizin’ ... anything with engines!New this year will be a Cruizin’ eventshowcasing old and not-so-old cars,tractors, planes and more. Come outand see these unique items, startingat 11 a.m. Saturday. Consider enteringyour own set of wheels! A prize willbe given to the most popular vehicle.Iron Bridge 5K Run/WalkThe sixth annual Iron Bridge 5K Run/Walk is set for Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Toregister for the event go to www.ironbridgerun.org.Benefit Dinner and Specialty AuctionSaturday evening, registered guests willenjoy fine dining and a specialty auctionin the Alumni Dining Hall. The auctionwill include items such as art by VelmaMagill, student apple pies, a Chinesedinner experience by LMS teacher XiaodongFan, and a one-week vacation ata bay home in North East, Maryland.Up the Down StaircaseThis fast moving, heartwarming highschool production about a young teacher’schallenges in the New York Cityschool system runs Thursday throughSaturday at 7:30 p.m. in the Calvin andJanet High Fine Arts Center.3v3 TournamentSupport our student athletes throughthe Brent Nauman Memorial Endowmentby participating in the 3v3 tournamentSaturday morning. Withouta trainer, athletes would be far morevulnerable to injuries and to lastingeffects from injuries.Delicious Hess’s BarbecueBring your family out to the barbecueFriday and take in the school play afterward.Barbecue is $9.50 for adults and$5.00 for children 3–12. Take outs are2–8 p.m. and eat in is 4:30–8:00.Thank you!FALL FESTIVAL SPONSORSDynamic AviationWeaver MarketsHess’s BarbecueGerry and Linda HorstFor more information contact Matt Weaver at (717) 299-0436, ext. 706, orweaverm@lancastermennonite.org. Or, go to www.lancastermennonite.org.Bridges S U M M E R 2 0 1 1 | 1 9

2176 Lincoln Highway East<strong>Lancaster</strong>, PA 17602POSTMASTER:Time Sensitive Material.Requested in Home Dates Oct. 3-4Non-ProfitU.S. PostagePAID<strong>Lancaster</strong>, PAPermit No. 280Parents: Each LMH alum receives a personal copyof Bridges. If this is addressed to a son or daughterwho has established a separate residence, pleasegive us the new address. Contact Matt Weaver atweaverm@lancastermennonite.org or (717) 299-0436, ext. 706. Thank you.Centered in Christ • Transforming Lives • Changing our World<strong>Fall</strong> Festival and Homecoming <strong>2011</strong> details on page 19Thursday, November 17Up the Down Staircase................... 7:30 p.m.Friday, November 18Hess’s Barbecue.................................2–8 p.m.Up the Down Staircase................... 7:30 p.m.Saturday, November 19FFA Country Breakfast........... 8–11:30 a.m.3v3 Basketball Tournament.......8:30 a.m.Iron Bridge Run/Walk..................9:30 a.m.Cruizin’ Car Show/food......11 a.m.–4 p.m.Benefit Dinner & Auction................. 5 p.m.Up the Down Staircase................... 7:30 p.m.<strong>2011</strong> CLASS REUNIONSFriday, November 181951 .................Rutt Community Room, 10 a.m.–4 p.m.1961 ..................................... Alumni Dining Hall 3/6 p.m.1971 ........................ Room 115, Classroom Bldg., 6 p.m.1976 .........................................Media Center, 4/5:30 p.m.1981 ............ Rutt Community Room/Atrium, 6:30 p.m.1986 .................................................. Gym A Lobby, 6 p.m.1996 ......... Room 202, Classroom Bldg., 5:30/6:30 p.m.Saturday, November 192006 .................................................. Gym A Lobby, 6 p.m.1961 .............Campus Tour, 3 p.m./Willow Valley 5 p.m.For more details go to www.lancastermennonite.orgor call Matt Weaver at (717) 299-0436, ext. 706.www.lancastermennonite.org

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