E x c h a n g e N a t i o n a l B a n k «i O L E A N ...

E x c h a n g e N a t i o n a l B a n k «i O L E A N ... E x c h a n g e N a t i o n a l B a n k «i O L E A N ...


We Knock the Spots Jl& E. Sullivan St, Olean, N. Y. Dry Cleaners and Dyers • American Palace Laundry Q >• U) 218 OLEAN ALPHABETICAL DUPLEX DIRECTORY < Z DC Heck Carl L cutlery grinder, res 124 Seventh S >. - Ld Heck Emma K ironer, res 124 Seventh S a < Ld Heck Henry (Florence) conductor, h 1006>4 State AA' {£bj £Q Heck Margaret, clerk 174 Union N, res 124 Seventh S BQ q Heck Margaret wid Henry, h 124 Seventh S . : «*J Heckman Samuel (Addie) driver, h Dugan road 5 OT ~ Hedlund Anna (wid Andrew) res 676 Hoop O tj) &E Hedlund Emil (Anna) ice cream and confectionery 657 uj 2 LlJ State E- h 676 Hoop O lj**J» Heenan John Y. Kathryn) (Quigly & Fleenan) h 130 £ a O First S Og •: Heeney Harriet book keeper, 323 State W, res 211 Forest UJ Av *^m _ Heeney Maria (wid Patrick) h 211 Forest Av __ J-Heeney P Henry tank builder, res 211 Forest Av AA' 4_ OHeher Mary domestic, 120 S Clinton ^ |—Heherton Lewis H bartender, 321 Union N, bds do ^** 3 Hehis Edward ship clerk, 414 N Union LJL QHEILMAN JOHN (Florence) Olean Livery Co, 238 q— - Union N, h 127 Tenth N ^* Q Heins John porter, Empire House 0 | Heinz Jacob (Rose) horseshoer, 550 State E, h 118 Fulton tS Q Helb Julia E, res 845 Crown Helb Selma T book keeper, h 845 Crown Q Heller Anna wid AA'illiam, res 422 First N 0-*»« Heller Irene clerk, 225 Union N res 422 First N fj Heller Laura C, res 422 First N Z ^ Heller Margaret A opr Bell Telephone Co, res 422 First N Q Hellwege Fredrick L (Caroline) clerk- h 119 Sixth S JJ~* „J Hellwege Henry (Anna) laborer, h 1106 Anderson Av ^ O Hellwege Henry Jr tanneryman, res 1106 Anderson Av •**** >£ Hellwege John F (Anrilla J) driller, h 116 Ninth N U ^Helmer Addie wid Halburton, h 117 Eleventh S -y* Z-Helwic Alfred B (Ada) barber, 719 State AAr, h 136 LL — Seventh N fll ZL Helwic Ida Mrs, 231 Union N, h 225 Green W •J- Henders Ethel M supt Higgins Memorial Hospital, ,^ LL res do 2 if) Henderson Glenn firman, PRR, bds 30 Spindler blk ^ J»»HennemanClarance D bartender, City Exchange Hotel "^ *~ Henneman Edward manager, City Exchange Hotel (jj O Henneman John bartenter, City Exchange Hotel I §• Henneman Joseph E (Mae) bar clerk, 309-11 Union N h T* ^ 309^ do \J L. Henneman F. H. Josephine OAKLEAF waitress, & City CExchange O M P A NHotel Y BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS OFFICE OUTFITTERS OLEAN, NEW YORK

FIRST NATIONAL B A N K of OLEAN CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $300,000 E. G. DUSENBURY, Pres" W. A. DUSENBURY. Vice-Pres A. T. EATON, Cashier OLEAN ALPHABETICAL DUPLEX DIRECTORY 219 Q *Ij HENNEMAN MAGDALENA wid John, prop City Ex- & o # change Hotel, 1324 Union N ,_- Henneman AA'm boilermaker- bds City Exchange Hotel »yj q HENNESSY MARTIN J (Teresa) ice cream and con- i-*


CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $300,000<br />

E. G. DUSENBURY, Pres" W. A. DUSENBURY. Vice-Pres A. T. EATON, Cashier<br />


HENNEMAN MAGDALENA wid John, prop City Ex-<br />

&<br />

o<br />

#<br />

change Hotel, 1324 Union N ,_-<br />

Henneman AA'm boilermaker- bds City Exchange Hotel »yj q<br />

HENNESSY MARTIN J (Teresa) ice cream and con- i-*

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