E x c h a n g e N a t i o n a l B a n k «i O L E A N ...

E x c h a n g e N a t i o n a l B a n k «i O L E A N ... E x c h a n g e N a t i o n a l B a n k «i O L E A N ...


DOTTERWEICH BREWING C O M P A N Y EXTRA FINE BOTTLED BEER, ICE AND ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS BOTH PHONES OLEAN, NEV YORK • 164 OLEAN ALPHABETICAL DUPLEX DIRECTORY U CLARK WILLIAM A (Charlotte M) chief Police City _ Bldg, h 315 S Fourth %> ^ Clark AA'illiam C (Jennie) chauffeur, h 482 Higgins Av P;/ . CLARK WILLIAM P, pres Clark Bros Co, h 223 N First . i £ Clark AA'illiam AA' (Mabel A) optometrist and optician £ a- room 3-4-5 Coast Est. Blk, h 1402 Henley W T3 i! Clarke John H, electrician, rms 115^ Sullivan W {j5 O Clarkson D R, rms 1222 S First "jS +r Clary John, lineman, bds Genesee House [/) J Clayson George R (Esther) painter, h 709 Queen i £ Clyde Esther M, student, res 702 Sullivan AV J; ^ Clyde Mrs. Jennie L, h 702 Sullivan AA' »tv w Coast Gladys M; res 120 S Clinton £ 3 Coates Hazel, clerk 153 Union N, res 927 Griffin w 8* Coates AAralter, laborer, bds 927 Griffin «J—Q' Cobb Alexander D (Matilda) supt school bldgs, h 218V$ | U Third N — Cobb E Alice Mrs, stenog room 2 Coast Est Bldg, res '£ 319 Barry S Cobb Ethel M, student, res 218^4 Third N V* Cobb Grace E, teacher, res 218 Third N W- COBB Cobb Thomas HUGH (Catherine A (Bertha A) E) motorman, lawyer I88y2 h 112 N Union, Fulton h O 211 Henley AA' > Cobb Vera L, clerk 127 Union N, res 3l6y2 Clinton N Insure with W. H. MANDEVILLE CO. Insurance, Real Estat e established ,ir0 163 N, Unipn Street

GENERAL BANKING Olean Trust Company— BUSINESS Specializes in Savings Accounts, Acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian or Trustee for Estates, and other Business Affairs OLEAN ALPHABETICAL DUPLEX DIRECTORY 16 5 Ui Coburn Harry S (Rosa T) foreman P R R round house, h 133 Sixth N j- — Cogswell Llewellyn D (Edna) mech engr, h 693 Garden Ui Cohen Anna, res 612 State W pi f~ Cohen Fannie, res 429 Union N < Cohen Israel, clerk, res 429 Union N 1*1 |^ Cbhen Jacob M (Rose) junk 1003 Henley AV, h do 5 Cohen Meloy, cigar mfr 156 Union N, h 612 State W ^ |T| Cohen Mollie, billing clerk, res 429 Union N ^ Cohen Morris, clerk, res 612 State W — "T\ Cohen Samuel, res 612 State W ^ Cohen Simon, cigar mfr 258^ Union N, h 612 State AV " Cohen Tina, wid Joseph, h 612 State \\r H "T" Colburn Ethelyn, res 210 N Barry O -1- Cole Arthur, switchman, h 322^ N Seventh t| Cole Cenyth Mrs, clerk, h 721 Prince C Cole Chas B (Mary E) brakeman, h 115 Ninth N 3> Cole Claude S (Anna) driver, h 113 Tenth S ? JJ Cole Cora (wid Merritt) res 322y N Seventh Ui Cole Frank, barber, bds Stambaughs Hotel I \J Cole Henry (Susie) teamster, h 671 State E ^ Cole Lawrence, carp, res 113 Tenth S *^ Cole Mary E, student, res 811 Kittanning Road ^ ^ Cole Norman L, com mgr 111 State AA', rms 117 Barry S 2 *|^ Cole Otho R, plumber 608 AV State, rms N Sixth •» »P Cole Sylvester (Anna) policeman, h 811 Kittaning road __ CoLbert Ernest H, cutler, res 643 Garden Av JQ Colebert Frank C, cutler, res 643 Garden Av Colebert Hosea V (Ella) laborer, h 643 Garden Av ^ |T] Colebert Hugh, cutler, res 643 Garden Av fjl Cblegrove Albert L (Katherine) trav salesman, h 123 S 2\ Eighth Cj Q Colegrove Claude (Austa) polisher cutlery works,'h 825 -J N Union Colegrove Edith, teacher, res 123 Eighth S L O W Colegrove James L (Mary) h 128 N Fourteenth *° ^ Coleman Agnes N, res 110 Twelfth N C ^ Coleman Edward M, student, res 135 Thirteenth N 2 Coleman Frederick, res 1415 State Wr O TO Coleman John C (Catharine) driver, h 1415 State AA' 2 Coleman Lawrence, clerk 161 Union N, res 115 First N ,n ^ Coletti Cataldo (Mary) stone cutter, h 451 Union N -1 Collard Elizabeth, wid Henry J, h 137 First S 3 2 Collard Joseph M II, bookkeeper, res 137 First S PI Colligan Joseph, salesman 109 State AA', h Allegany N Y j -^ OLEAN MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND CREDIT REPORTS EVERYWHERE 6 COAST ESTATE BLDQ. BELL PHONE 510 OLEAN, N. Y. m >





U CLARK WILLIAM A (Charlotte M) chief Police City<br />

_ Bldg, h 315 S Fourth<br />

%> ^ Clark AA'illiam C (Jennie) chauffeur, h 482 Higgins Av<br />

P;/ . CLARK WILLIAM P, pres Clark Bros Co, h 223 N First<br />

. i £ Clark AA'illiam AA' (Mabel A) optometrist and optician<br />

£ a- room 3-4-5 Coast Est. Blk, h 1402 Henley W<br />

T3 i! Clarke John H, electrician, rms 115^ Sullivan W<br />

{j5 O Clarkson D R, rms 1222 S First<br />

"jS +r Clary John, lineman, bds Genesee House<br />

[/) J Clayson George R (Esther) painter, h 709 Queen<br />

i £ Clyde Esther M, student, res 702 Sullivan AV<br />

J; ^ Clyde Mrs. Jennie L, h 702 Sullivan AA'<br />

»tv w Coast Gladys M; res 120 S Clinton<br />

£ 3 Coates Hazel, clerk 153 Union N, res 927 Griffin<br />

w 8* Coates AAralter, laborer, bds 927 Griffin<br />

«J—Q' Cobb Alexander D (Matilda) supt school bldgs, h 218V$<br />

| U Third N<br />

— Cobb E Alice Mrs, stenog room 2 Coast Est Bldg, res<br />

'£ 319 Barry S<br />

Cobb Ethel M, student, res 218^4 Third N<br />

V* Cobb Grace E, teacher, res 218 Third N<br />

W- COBB Cobb Thomas HUGH (Catherine A (Bertha A) E) motorman, lawyer I88y2 h 112 N Union, Fulton h<br />

O 211 Henley AA'<br />

> Cobb Vera L, clerk 127 Union N, res 3l6y2 Clinton N<br />

Insure with W. H. MANDEVILLE CO.<br />

Insurance, Real Estat e established ,ir0 163 N, Unipn Street

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