Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


in their faith and in what it means to be truly Lutheran. They are eager to help other congregations and circuitsestablish BJS chapters. The women of our circuit are also very active in LWML.The pastors of the circuit meet monthly for study, brotherly discussion, and casuistry. We traditionally work onone of the upcoming pericopes from the Hebrew or Greek. In the past three years, we have also studied anddiscussed Klemmet Preus’ The Fire and the Staff, and are currently working through Scott Murray’s Law, Life,and the Living God. We also get together socially at least twice a year. We host an annual Pre-Lent PreachingWorkshop for pastors throughout the Midwest, and participate in a Circuit Good Friday Tre Ore service each yearthat rotates from congregation to congregation.May God continue to bless our Rock Island Circuit, our Central Illinois District, and our beloved Synod.Shelby Circuit - Rev. Steven Becker, Circuit Counselor“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good for his steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 118:1The workers and congregations of the Shelby Circuit are thankful for the Lord’s “steadfast love”. In this pasttriennium we have had continuous pastoral care in all of our congregations. Though a recent change has come upin Pana, the vacancy will be short, since the congregation has been assigned a candidate.Our thankfulness extends to the blessing of pastors who have served for a number of years:E. Wade Helmkamp 20 years (2007)Glenn Strohschein 35 years (2007)Michael Mohr 10 years (2008)Richard Bremer 25 years (2008)Paul McGhghy 30 years (2008)Steven Becker 30 years (2008)Richard Krenzke 40 years (2008)And those who are not in fulltime ministry, but assist when they can: Roger Eden and Glenn Renken.We give thanks for the regular assembling of our pastors for study of God’s Word and discussion of topicsrelated to our ministry with the brothers from the Effingham Circuit.Once a year we gather with the brothers of the Altamont Circuit for a special day of study with a specialguest.Truly the Shelby Circuit has much to be thankful for.Steven A. BeckerShelby Circuit Counselor7 May 2009Springfield East Circuit – Rev. Michael Koschmann, Circuit CounselorSince the 2006 District Convention, there have been a number of personnel changes in the Springfield EastCircuit.Seminary Candidate Samuel Janssen was ordained and installed as Pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church inRochester on Sunday, August 3, 2008.The Reverend Aaron Schnelle was installed as Associate Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Springfield onSunday, January 11, 2009Betsy Kohl was installed as Director of Christian Education of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Sherman onSunday, January 4, 2009.The Rev. Carl Cross (Emeritus and Assistant to the Pastor, Concordia Lutheran Church in Springfield), wascalled to his eternal home on Wednesday, August 1, 2007. A memorial service was held at Concordia onSaturday, August 4.2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 46

On a historical note, the members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Springfield celebrated the 120 th anniversaryof their congregation on Sunday, November 16, 2008. The parish is being served by the Reverend Robert Jensen(Emeritus), Springfield.The members of Springfield East continue to meet with the members of Springfield West in weekly exegeticalstudies and monthly Winkels.Springfield West Circuit – Rev. Keith Pereira, Circuit CounselorMy second term as circuit counselor has been very enriching. I have learned from my fellow brothers. Withouttheir support, prayers and encouragement the task at hand would be difficult and challenging. Me fellow pastorsgave me support after losing my father in 2005 and my mother in 2007. These were difficult times. But God andmy fellow pastors got me through it. It is an honor to be a part of the Springfield West Circuit.There have been changes in the circuit the last three years. Rev. Martin W. Mably was installed as AssociatePastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Springfield, IL on July 7, 2007. He served as Vicar there beginning inJune of 2006. On January 15, 2008 Rev. Joel T. Dieterichs resigned as Associate Pastor of Trinity LutheranChurch, Auburn, IL. February 1, 2008 was a wonderful day for Trinity Lutheran Church, Auburn, IL Rev. Dr.Harold Woodworth was installed as Assistant Pastor. Rev. Ron Schmidt who helped at Our Savior Springfieldwas called to glory.The Springfield West Circuit continues to meet with the Springfield East Circuit for their monthly PastoralConferences. Each week pastors from both circuits get together for a Bible Study that involves the lectionaryreadings. Different pastors take turns doing an exegetical and practical study of the lessons.One new ministry involves The Lutheran Hour. Congregations from both circuits have pledged money so TheLutheran Hour can be broadcast locally. As of March 1, 2009 the Lutheran Hour can be heard on radio stationWLUJ 89.7 Springfield at 3 P.M. What a wonderful opportunity to have God’s Word broadcast in the Springfieldarea.This will be my final term as Circuit Counselor. If it were not for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I would havebeen unable to complete my term. To Him be all honor and glory world without end. May God go with our newCircuit Counselor. He will give him the strength to do His will as counselor. I will help him in any way possible.It has been an honor and a privilege to serve my fellow pastors.In Christ,Rev. Keith R. PereiraSpringfield West Circuit Counselor2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 47

in their faith and in what it means to be truly <strong>Lutheran</strong>. They are eager to help other congregations and circuitsestablish BJS chapters. The women of our circuit are also very active in LWML.The pastors of the circuit meet monthly for study, brotherly discussion, and casuistry. We traditionally work onone of the upcoming pericopes from the Hebrew or Greek. In the past three years, we have also studied anddiscussed Klemmet Preus’ The Fire and the Staff, and are currently working through Scott Murray’s Law, Life,and the Living God. We also get together socially at least twice a year. We host an annual Pre-Lent PreachingWorkshop for pastors throughout the Midwest, and participate in a Circuit Good Friday Tre Ore service each yearthat rotates from congregation to congregation.May God continue to bless our Rock Island Circuit, our <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>, and our beloved <strong>Synod</strong>.Shelby Circuit - Rev. Steven Becker, Circuit Counselor“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good for his steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 118:1The workers and congregations of the Shelby Circuit are thankful for the Lord’s “steadfast love”. In this pasttriennium we have had continuous pastoral care in all of our congregations. Though a recent change has come upin Pana, the vacancy will be short, since the congregation has been assigned a candidate.Our thankfulness extends to the blessing of pastors who have served for a number of years:E. Wade Helmkamp 20 years (2007)Glenn Strohschein 35 years (2007)Michael Mohr 10 years (2008)Richard Bremer 25 years (2008)Paul McGhghy 30 years (2008)Steven Becker 30 years (2008)Richard Krenzke 40 years (2008)And those who are not in fulltime ministry, but assist when they can: Roger Eden and Glenn Renken.We give thanks for the regular assembling of our pastors for study of God’s Word and discussion of topicsrelated to our ministry with the brothers from the Effingham Circuit.Once a year we gather with the brothers of the Altamont Circuit for a special day of study with a specialguest.Truly the Shelby Circuit has much to be thankful for.Steven A. BeckerShelby Circuit Counselor7 May 2009Springfield East Circuit – Rev. Michael Koschmann, Circuit CounselorSince the 2006 <strong>District</strong> Convention, there have been a number of personnel changes in the Springfield EastCircuit.Seminary Candidate Samuel Janssen was ordained and installed as Pastor of Good Shepherd <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> inRochester on Sunday, August 3, 2008.The Reverend Aaron Schnelle was installed as Associate Pastor of Trinity <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in Springfield onSunday, January 11, 2009Betsy Kohl was installed as Director of Christian Education of Good Shepherd <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in Sherman onSunday, January 4, 2009.The Rev. Carl Cross (Emeritus and Assistant to the Pastor, Concordia <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in Springfield), wascalled to his eternal home on Wednesday, August 1, 2007. A memorial service was held at Concordia onSaturday, August 4.2009 Convention Section B – <strong>Reports</strong> Page 46

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