Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


Report to the 55 th Regular ConventionCentral Illinois DistrictGift Planning CounselorThe work of the Gift Planning Counselor is work that will be quite valuable to thefunding of the church in the future. As time goes on, testamentary gifts (gifts made at deaththrough our estates) will become more and more critical. Gift planning is a job which I shareon a 25% basis with that of Executive Director of the Central Illinois district Church ExtensionFund. I enjoy both positions and it is a privilege to serve the District in both capacities.During the past triennium, gifts have been completed totaling nearly $16,500,000.00.In each individual case, the donor’s congregation is remembered for a portion of the gift. Alsoremembered were various ministries of the LCMS in St. Louis, as well as other ministries inthe CID including various schools, Camp CILCA.These gifts usually begin with a presentation by me in the congregation, followed byprivate, confidential work with the individual donor family in their home. It can be a long andtedious process, but we take whatever time is necessary for the donor to be comfortable withthe fact that he or she has made the best possible gift to the work of the Lord. There are nocommission paid for this work, it is a service of the Central Illinois District. It is a service thatis grossly underutilized.It has been said that the Lord has placed a special “ultimate” gift on the heart of allbelievers. It is the work of the Gift Planning Counselor to assist the donor in realizing whatthat gift is and finding a way to make it happen.This work is quite rewarding for me as well as for the donor. There is much more to bedone and I see many more generous gifts in the future from the members of the Central IllinoisDistrict.Respectfully Submitted,David H. Rohe, Gift Planning Counselor2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 38

CIRCUIT COUNSELOR REPORTSBloomington North Circuit – Rev. Bruce Scarbeary, Circuit CounselorBy God’s grace, as of this writing, the Bloomington North Circuit has no vacancies in the pastoral office. For thiswe are thankful to the Lord.During the last these years we said fond farewells to Rev. Michael Kolesar (St. John Secor, IL), who accepted acall in March of 08 March 30 to St. James – Victor. IowaThankfully, the Lord heard the prayers of His people and sent a new worker into the harvest field. On June 29,2008 Candidate Scott Adel (Ft. Wayne) was ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry and installed St. JohnSecor. On February 1, 2008 Trinity – Roanoke, IL., also welcomed and installed The Rev. Ronald Wagner aworker priest/assistant pastor.On Thursday October 6, 2007 our circuit held a meeting in Princeton, Illinois to discuss the possibility of openingLCMS Mission congregation in the city of Princeton. The request for a mission congregation in this area cameabout through some personal contacts both at the District level and Pastor Peter Glock of Zion - Wenoa, Illinoisand St. Paul Varna, Illinois.. There were about 12 family groups in attendance. The Pastor’s represented at thismeeting were Rev. Peter Glock, Rev. Bruce Scarbeary, Rev. Bryan Hopfensperger, Rev. Michael Kolesar, Rev.Pres. David Bueltmann, Rev. Joel Cluver, and Rev. David Menet of NID (Walnut, IL).Soon after this initial meeting Rev. David Menet of NID began hosting a catechetical class for all the familiesinterested in starting a mission in Princeton. After about a years time, many hours of meetings, Bible Studies andcatechetical classes it was decided that that starting a mission in Princeton was not feasible at this time. Thus thisjoint project of the CID and NID came to a close in April of 2008.During this last triennium, the Bloomington North Circuit of the Central Illinois District continued hostingspeakers as part of their study group entitled - The Lutheran Catechetical Society of the Bloomington NorthCircuit. (The main purpose of The Lutheran Catechetical Society is to bring together both the pastors and the laityof the entire circuit and any guests who wish to attend, to study the Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions.)During this past three years the circuit was host to five (5) different speakers on a variety of topics - Pastor DanielPreus, Sept. 17, 2006, Topic: “Worship, Christ and Salvation”; Pastor Rev. Peter Glock, February 28, 2007Topic: “The Office of the Holy Ministry”; Rev. Dr. Voss, Sept. 16, 2007, Topic: “The Future of Medicine;Human Stem Cell Research”; Professor Dr. Adam Francisco, April 20, 2008, Topic: “Islam” and Rev. Dr. KenSchurb, February 8, 2009 Topic: “Synodical Structure and Governance Recommendations of the BRTFSSG tothe 2009 District Conventions.”Respectfully Yours in Christ,Rev. Bruce Scarbeary – Trinity – RoanokeBloomington North Circuit CounselorBloomington South Circuit – Rev. Thomas Wirsing, Circuit CounselorThe Bloomington South Circuit is composed of the following congregations: Good Shepherd, Bloomington; OurRedeemer, Bloomington; Trinity, Bloomington; Zion, Danvers; St. Paul, Lexington; Good Shepherd, Minier, andChrist, Normal. In addition, we are privileged to count Wittenberg Lutheran Center, Normal, as one of ourministries.Additionally, our area is blessed with the presence of a wonderful Christian school, Trinity, Bloomington. Aswell, we have a Lutheran Child and Family Services office that meets a special need in the community.Two of God’s shepherds were called home to heaven since our last CID convention. The Rev. Dymann Jirovecdied on June 16, 2008; Pastor Jirovec was serving Wittenberg Lutheran Center, Normal, at the time of his death.On February 19, 2009, Emeritus pastor Carl Korte died. Pastor Korte had served in the Central Illinois Districtfor a number of years before his retirement.2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 39

Report to the 55 th Regular Convention<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>Gift Planning CounselorThe work of the Gift Planning Counselor is work that will be quite valuable to thefunding of the church in the future. As time goes on, testamentary gifts (gifts made at deaththrough our estates) will become more and more critical. Gift planning is a job which I shareon a 25% basis with that of Executive Director of the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> district <strong>Church</strong> ExtensionFund. I enjoy both positions and it is a privilege to serve the <strong>District</strong> in both capacities.During the past triennium, gifts have been completed totaling nearly $16,500,000.00.In each individual case, the donor’s congregation is remembered for a portion of the gift. Alsoremembered were various ministries of the LCMS in St. Louis, as well as other ministries inthe CID including various schools, Camp CILCA.These gifts usually begin with a presentation by me in the congregation, followed byprivate, confidential work with the individual donor family in their home. It can be a long andtedious process, but we take whatever time is necessary for the donor to be comfortable withthe fact that he or she has made the best possible gift to the work of the Lord. There are nocommission paid for this work, it is a service of the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong>. It is a service thatis grossly underutilized.It has been said that the Lord has placed a special “ultimate” gift on the heart of allbelievers. It is the work of the Gift Planning Counselor to assist the donor in realizing whatthat gift is and finding a way to make it happen.This work is quite rewarding for me as well as for the donor. There is much more to bedone and I see many more generous gifts in the future from the members of the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong><strong>District</strong>.Respectfully Submitted,David H. Rohe, Gift Planning Counselor2009 Convention Section B – <strong>Reports</strong> Page 38

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