Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


was adopted at our district convention 21 years ago. We are actively involved in ministry to the deaf,the developmentally challenged, college and university students, and those in our prisons.Not only do we share our financial resources with the Synod to help educate future church workers, butalso to support our Synod’s mission work throughout the world. In addition to this, we have developeda partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (ELCL). We usually visit in Latvia atleast once a year and invite them to come and share what is happening in their world with us.At our last District Convention, Archbishop Janis Vanags was with us. July 28-30, 2006, my son Keithand I attended the “Church Days” in Latvia. It was a great experience to participate in workshops andworship with our fellow Lutherans. Our District and LCMS World Relief/Human Care assisted ourcircuit councilors and a few others in visiting Latvia November 1-10, 2006. December 8-18 our districthosted the Archbishop, his wife, and Rev. Eglitis for a visit.I was invited to participate in the consecration of two bishops for the ELCL on October 13, 2007. Mywife and I and our son Kris were impressed with the festivities. We also took the opportunity to visitthe work of the diaconal center (relief efforts) in the three Baltic States. My last visit was in March of2008. My wife and I plan to attend “Church Days” at the end of July.Camp CILCACamp CILCA, which is owned by the CID and operated by the Central Illinois Lutheran CampAssociation has undergone some recent changes. The CID and the district Lutheran Layman’s League(LLL) each appoint 6 people to serve on the Camp CILCA board. A new executive director has comeon board – Rev. Chuck Johnson. We wish him and the board God’s richest blessings as they begin anew chapter in the life of the camp. We thank former director Rich Harkins for his past 18 years ofservice. Rich followed me as Camp Director when I accepted the call to St. James, Quincy. I hadserved as camp director from 1978-1990. There is an annual Camp CILCA meeting at the CID officethe second Saturday of January at 2:00 pm.The camp offers excellent camping opportunities for all ages. There are winterized facilities so retreatscan be held throughout the year. There are challenge courses and a wide variety of activities on the200+ acres. If you have never been to camp or if you have not been there for some time, I wouldsuggest you visit and find out what is available. There is a very Christ-centered program throughoutthe summer for children with very qualified future church workers serving as counselors.StaffI am very happy to report that the district has a very capable staff. Our Administrative assistants: Rev.Joel Cluver, Mr. Glenn Goeres, Rev. Wesley Reimnitz, and Mr. David Rohe (part-time in Giftplanning) bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in a variety of areas. Each excels in their area ofexpertise and I thank them for their fine work. I am also very grateful for the faithful services of Mrs.Marsha Shown who has served the District for over ten years as our Administrative Secretary andReceptionist. We also very much appreciate our part-time bookkeeper Kim Randall. Both are sohelpful to all of us in the office and those contact the office.Special ThanksI am grateful for our District Praesidium that includes first vice president Rev. Donald Pritchard andsecond vice president Rev. Daniel Bishop. They have given me much advice and assistance in the pastthree years. I am also thankful for the sixteen Circuit Counselors who have contributed much effort in2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 2

helping with vacancies and problems in congregations. I thank the congregations that allow theirpastors to serve as Circuit Counselors. I am not sure that all our congregations know how important itis to elect the best men to serve as Circuit Counselors. I certainly appreciate their work and service.Presidential DutiesI have looked over my calendars for the past three years to determine where much of my time is spent.The following does not include the various private consultations with many pastors, but does accountfor some of my basic activities:39 Installations and/or Ordinations in which I participated, preaching at 817 Board of Director’s meetings13 Council of President meetings that average about 4 days in length15 District Lutheran Laymen and Lutheran Women’s Missionary League meetings59 Special services, including church anniversaries, pastor anniversaries, funerals,Dedications, ground breaking ceremonies, and graduations33 Other worship services82 Special meetings (call, voters, circuit, Pre-seminary interviews, elders, ELCAAnd UCC congregations looking into switching, and CID committeesSynodical Convention in Houston – July 14-19, 2007Preaching at Ft. Wayne Seminary Baccalaureate Service – May 16, 2008In addition to my presidential duties, at the close of our convention in 2003, the District Board removedour Business Manager and has not filled the position, but asked me to serve in that capacity on atemporary basis, which I was willing to do. Three years ago we did not replace the President’ssecretary when she sought other employment. With the computer age the need for secretarial help hasdecreased and it also helps our district budget. In early 2006 the Mission Commission asked if I wouldbe willing to supervise a vicar at the mission in Buffalo. The first vicar, Kevin DeHope, began the endof July 2006. Since then we have had Ron Bacic and S. Wade Turner. This was my first experiencewith supervising vicars and it has been interesting and enjoyable experience.ConclusionI am truly grateful to my Lord and Savior Who has given me the abilities and strength to serve in thisoffice. I am very thankful for my very supportive wife of 46 years, Charlotte, and for my whole familywith which the Lord has blessed me. I am thankful for the pastors and members of our congregationswho have remained faithful to God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions.I would respectfully request that each person of the Central Illinois District regularly pray for ourchurch, for our officers, for our ordained and commissioned church workers, and for the lay people thatthe Lord’s work can be accomplished through us. I pray daily for the congregations and pastors of ourdistrict and I really covet your prayers so I that I can do the work the Lord has called me to do. Wewant to ask God to keep us ever faithful and help us in telling the Good News about Jesus. Althoughthe devil constantly tries to lead us astray and causes difficulties to arise, yet we know that Christ hasconcurred all by His sacrifice on the cross. Being strengthened by Word and Sacraments, we can, withGod’s help and direction, keep in mind that we are “Born again to a living hope.”Rev. David Bueltmann2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 3

helping with vacancies and problems in congregations. I thank the congregations that allow theirpastors to serve as Circuit Counselors. I am not sure that all our congregations know how important itis to elect the best men to serve as Circuit Counselors. I certainly appreciate their work and service.Presidential DutiesI have looked over my calendars for the past three years to determine where much of my time is spent.The following does not include the various private consultations with many pastors, but does accountfor some of my basic activities:39 Installations and/or Ordinations in which I participated, preaching at 817 Board of Director’s meetings13 Council of President meetings that average about 4 days in length15 <strong>District</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> Laymen and <strong>Lutheran</strong> Women’s Missionary League meetings59 Special services, including church anniversaries, pastor anniversaries, funerals,Dedications, ground breaking ceremonies, and graduations33 Other worship services82 Special meetings (call, voters, circuit, Pre-seminary interviews, elders, ELCAAnd UCC congregations looking into switching, and CID committees<strong>Synod</strong>ical Convention in Houston – July 14-19, 2007Preaching at Ft. Wayne Seminary Baccalaureate Service – May 16, 2008In addition to my presidential duties, at the close of our convention in 2003, the <strong>District</strong> Board removedour Business Manager and has not filled the position, but asked me to serve in that capacity on atemporary basis, which I was willing to do. Three years ago we did not replace the President’ssecretary when she sought other employment. With the computer age the need for secretarial help hasdecreased and it also helps our district budget. In early 2006 the Mission Commission asked if I wouldbe willing to supervise a vicar at the mission in Buffalo. The first vicar, Kevin DeHope, began the endof July 2006. Since then we have had Ron Bacic and S. Wade Turner. This was my first experiencewith supervising vicars and it has been interesting and enjoyable experience.ConclusionI am truly grateful to my Lord and Savior Who has given me the abilities and strength to serve in thisoffice. I am very thankful for my very supportive wife of 46 years, Charlotte, and for my whole familywith which the Lord has blessed me. I am thankful for the pastors and members of our congregationswho have remained faithful to God’s Word and the <strong>Lutheran</strong> Confessions.I would respectfully request that each person of the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>District</strong> regularly pray for ourchurch, for our officers, for our ordained and commissioned church workers, and for the lay people thatthe Lord’s work can be accomplished through us. I pray daily for the congregations and pastors of ourdistrict and I really covet your prayers so I that I can do the work the Lord has called me to do. Wewant to ask God to keep us ever faithful and help us in telling the Good News about Jesus. Althoughthe devil constantly tries to lead us astray and causes difficulties to arise, yet we know that Christ hasconcurred all by His sacrifice on the cross. Being strengthened by Word and Sacraments, we can, withGod’s help and direction, keep in mind that we are “Born again to a living hope.”Rev. David Bueltmann2009 Convention Section B – <strong>Reports</strong> Page 3

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