Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


CONCLUSIONA congregation needs to see that there are lost people around them and ask themselves howcan they reach them. If that means planting a new church, then we pray for God’s blessings onthe endeavor.A roadblock to starting a new church may be protecting our own turf. We may be fearful ofhaving another sister church in our community. Instead, let us have a passion for the lost! Letus recognize that there may be many lost people in our community who need to be won toJesus Christ our Savior!Unchurched people will try something new. It is difficult for unchurched people to startcoming to an established church where groups, cliques, and activities are established. Mostpeople find it hard to break into an established group.Christianity has always grown through the adding of churches. The book of Acts records howthe churches were added. To this day, throughout every generation, Christianity growsthrough the birth of new churches. There is power in the Gospel, and a new church can be awonderful blessing from God. You and I are Christians today because those who preceded usfaithfully added churches.Romans 10:14 & 1514 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe inthe one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching tothem? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are thefeet of those who bring good news!"2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 26

MR. GLENN W. GOERESADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT – EDUCATIONChristian education is a serious undertaking in the Central Illinois District. Certainly, most ofour congregations operate various volunteer education programs including Sunday School,VBS, midweek schools, confirmation instruction, Bible classes for various ages, and the like.In addition to these, fifty-four congregations are involved in the operation of twenty-four fulltimeelementary schools and three high schools. Finally, another twenty-nine congregationsare operating early childhood programs – preschools and child care centers – are operated byCID congregations. Sharing Christ with the children is and should be a high priority.STATISTICSSome general statistics of interest include:2006 2009Schools: Early Childhood Centers (E.C.C.) 33 30Elementary + E.C.C. 19 20Elementary Only 4 3Elementary + High School 1 1High School 2 2Total Educational Agencies 59 56Enrollment: Early Childhood Centers 1510 1328Elementary 4187 3514High School 344 357Total Children Served 6041 5199The following pages provide more specific statistics for education programs. The statistics arepresented in two categories – 1) Early Childhood Programs and 2) Elementary and HighSchools.In addition to enrollment numbers, statistics will provide information related to: Percentage of LCMS rostered teachers and lay teachers. Financial support information. Outreach Benefits: the number of children and adults that entered the LCMSthrough baptism and or confirmation as a result of first coming into contactwith the congregation through enrollment in a Lutheran education program.2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 27

CONCLUSIONA congregation needs to see that there are lost people around them and ask themselves howcan they reach them. If that means planting a new church, then we pray for God’s blessings onthe endeavor.A roadblock to starting a new church may be protecting our own turf. We may be fearful ofhaving another sister church in our community. Instead, let us have a passion for the lost! Letus recognize that there may be many lost people in our community who need to be won toJesus Christ our Savior!Unchurched people will try something new. It is difficult for unchurched people to startcoming to an established church where groups, cliques, and activities are established. Mostpeople find it hard to break into an established group.Christianity has always grown through the adding of churches. The book of Acts records howthe churches were added. To this day, throughout every generation, Christianity growsthrough the birth of new churches. There is power in the Gospel, and a new church can be awonderful blessing from God. You and I are Christians today because those who preceded usfaithfully added churches.Romans 10:14 & 1514 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe inthe one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching tothem? 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are thefeet of those who bring good news!"2009 Convention Section B – <strong>Reports</strong> Page 26

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