Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Reports - Central Illinois District - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod


FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Rev. Donald PritchardDuring the last triennium, the Board of Directors took up important work on behalf of the saints of the CentralIllinois District. In addition to its regular oversight and management of resources devoted to the work of theKingdom, the board developed and approved policies including "Reduction in Force," "Evaluation of DistrictExecutives," and pledged to bring the practices of the district into consistency with the CID Constitution and Bylawsregarding the position of Business Manager.The board also made necessary decisions regarding district-owned facilities and their improvement, including theacquisition of the John Deere Credit Union building in Moline for use by our Hispanic Mission efforts in theQuad Cities area. Decisions were made regarding facilities needed by our deaf ministry in Jacksonville, withimprovements and new construction soon to be underway.Overall, it can be said that the CID Board of directors has become very proactive over the past three years, andhas made every effort to control costs while keeping the resources of the district office available to the Pastorsand congregations of our district. Ad hoc committees accepted their assignments and completed them faithfullyand prayerfully. District Executive Assistants regularly sought ways of improving their services. PresidentBueltmann and the praesidium worked closely together in the handling of issues and challenges. Office staffproved their work to be invaluable in day-to-day operations.For the past three years, every CID Board of Directors meeting opened with a thoroughly Lutheran devotion byboard Chaplain, The Reverend Mark Miller, in order to set in perspective the work of the day by means of prayer,message, hymn, and brief liturgy.It has been an honor to serve the district as First Vice-president and Chairman. Deep thanks to each and everyboard member for their faithfulness, willingness to accept additional assignments, and commitment to theproclamation of the Gospel in the Central Illinois District by their voluntary sacrifice of time and various gifts.For those who will continue on as members of the board, keep up the good work! I am properly proud of you all!Blessings from on High!Rev. Don Pritchard, 1st VP and ChairmanSECOND VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Rev. Daniel BishopI was surprised, honored, and humbled to be elected as the Second Vice-President of the District at the 2006convention. The duties of the Vice-Presidents are to advise, assist, or represent the President upon his request.President Bueltmann has been very kind and considerate in keeping his requests reasonable and manageable, sothat this has not been a burdensome office.It has been my privilege this triennium to participate in the meetings of the Praesidium and of the Board ofDirectors, to continue serving on the Evangelism Commission, and to serve in other task force work.I pray that our Lord will continue to bless the congregations and workers of this District by the saving Gospel ofJesus Christ, and to work in them continued faithfulness and diligence in their labors in His kingdom.Respectfully submitted,Pastor Daniel J. Bishop2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 12

TREASURER’S REPORT – Mr. John RodenburgTreasurer’s Report to 2009 ConventionJuly, 2006 to June, 2009 TrienniumI praise the Lord that this triennium has been relatively uneventful from the Treasurer’s perspective. TheTreasurer is a member of the Finance and Management committee and the Board of Directors. The Treasurer alsochairs the Budget Committee and oversees the bookkeeping and financial functions. Some years we spent morethan we received, and other years received more than we spent. On the balance, CID has maintained a strongfinancial position in the face of no growth. We thank all the Churches for their support.The District’s biggest financial struggles have been in how much support to give declining missions or missionsthat are high cost relative to their outreach. Part of the struggle is due to the high cost of maintaining buildings.One location that we struggled with was Jacksonville deaf. The Lord provided the answer by way of flooddamage. As I am sure is reported elsewhere, the parsonage part of this building should be torn down by now, andplans are underway for an easy to maintain, handicap accessible office and meeting area. We give special thanksto the CID Extension Fund for providing the bulk of the financial support needed to carry out this project.In January 2007, the District outsourced its payroll function to ADP. This has simplified life greatly. At about thesame, the District replaced a full-time secretary with a part time bookkeeper – Kim Randall. We are thankful toher for her good work. Also of note, on December 31, 2006, the District switched to a calendar year for financialreporting. Previously it was a January 15 fiscal year. This switch also greatly simplified reporting andbookkeeping. During the triennium, the District switched from Option A to Option B with Concordia Plans. In thefall of 2008 in a “green” move, the District began distributing monthly financial statements to the board and staffvia email. In the fall of 2008, the District put a new roof on the office building. At the end of 2008, we had all thedistrict buildings appraised for replacement cost purposes. Total replacement cost (not fair market value) is justshy of $12 million. The current budget includes funds to increase the insurance coverage on these properties. Thecost of increased coverage has been offset by a cost decrease in workers compensation due to selecting a newcarrier.You should find a copy of the Districts 2008 audited financial statements elsewhere in this package. If not, pleasecall the District office for a copy. To recap the triennium (in round numbers):12/31/06 12/31/07 12/31/08Cash & CD’s $813,000 $867,000 $926,222Surplus / (Deficit) ($212,600) ($5,000) $43,000I have three areas of concern. The first is the amount of property the District owns and the cost of maintaining it.The second is use of District funds to make staff housing loans. The District needs to work with the CEF if staffmembers need mortgages in the future. Lastly, the scholarship funding level for Synodical students is not what itneeds to be. The District adopted a resolution to fund the Endowment Fund with any unspent scholarship money.This has added about $50,000 to the endowment in the last triennium, but we need to do more. We especiallythank the Clara and Spencer Werner Foundation for their generous support.To quote an old-time board member from my congregation, I’m happy to report that this triennium was “businessas usual.” I’m also very happy to report that the 2009 budget as adopted calls for a deficit of less that $100,000compared to over $200,000 budgeted deficits in prior years. We have been blessed. My term limitation has beenreached, and I’ll be happy to assist the new Treasurer if I’m needed.In his service, John Rodenburg2009 Convention Section B – Reports Page 13

TREASURER’S REPORT – Mr. John RodenburgTreasurer’s Report to 2009 ConventionJuly, 2006 to June, 2009 TrienniumI praise the Lord that this triennium has been relatively uneventful from the Treasurer’s perspective. TheTreasurer is a member of the Finance and Management committee and the Board of Directors. The Treasurer alsochairs the Budget Committee and oversees the bookkeeping and financial functions. Some years we spent morethan we received, and other years received more than we spent. On the balance, CID has maintained a strongfinancial position in the face of no growth. We thank all the <strong>Church</strong>es for their support.The <strong>District</strong>’s biggest financial struggles have been in how much support to give declining missions or missionsthat are high cost relative to their outreach. Part of the struggle is due to the high cost of maintaining buildings.One location that we struggled with was Jacksonville deaf. The Lord provided the answer by way of flooddamage. As I am sure is reported elsewhere, the parsonage part of this building should be torn down by now, andplans are underway for an easy to maintain, handicap accessible office and meeting area. We give special thanksto the CID Extension Fund for providing the bulk of the financial support needed to carry out this project.In January 2007, the <strong>District</strong> outsourced its payroll function to ADP. This has simplified life greatly. At about thesame, the <strong>District</strong> replaced a full-time secretary with a part time bookkeeper – Kim Randall. We are thankful toher for her good work. Also of note, on December 31, 2006, the <strong>District</strong> switched to a calendar year for financialreporting. Previously it was a January 15 fiscal year. This switch also greatly simplified reporting andbookkeeping. During the triennium, the <strong>District</strong> switched from Option A to Option B with Concordia Plans. In thefall of 2008 in a “green” move, the <strong>District</strong> began distributing monthly financial statements to the board and staffvia email. In the fall of 2008, the <strong>District</strong> put a new roof on the office building. At the end of 2008, we had all thedistrict buildings appraised for replacement cost purposes. Total replacement cost (not fair market value) is justshy of $12 million. The current budget includes funds to increase the insurance coverage on these properties. Thecost of increased coverage has been offset by a cost decrease in workers compensation due to selecting a newcarrier.You should find a copy of the <strong>District</strong>s 2008 audited financial statements elsewhere in this package. If not, pleasecall the <strong>District</strong> office for a copy. To recap the triennium (in round numbers):12/31/06 12/31/07 12/31/08Cash & CD’s $813,000 $867,000 $926,222Surplus / (Deficit) ($212,600) ($5,000) $43,000I have three areas of concern. The first is the amount of property the <strong>District</strong> owns and the cost of maintaining it.The second is use of <strong>District</strong> funds to make staff housing loans. The <strong>District</strong> needs to work with the CEF if staffmembers need mortgages in the future. Lastly, the scholarship funding level for <strong>Synod</strong>ical students is not what itneeds to be. The <strong>District</strong> adopted a resolution to fund the Endowment Fund with any unspent scholarship money.This has added about $50,000 to the endowment in the last triennium, but we need to do more. We especiallythank the Clara and Spencer Werner Foundation for their generous support.To quote an old-time board member from my congregation, I’m happy to report that this triennium was “businessas usual.” I’m also very happy to report that the 2009 budget as adopted calls for a deficit of less that $100,000compared to over $200,000 budgeted deficits in prior years. We have been blessed. My term limitation has beenreached, and I’ll be happy to assist the new Treasurer if I’m needed.In his service, John Rodenburg2009 Convention Section B – <strong>Reports</strong> Page 13

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